0. Victor's Backstory.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, which is owned by JK Rowling, nor do I own Marvel Comics. I also lay no claim to the characters of Harry Potter, Victor Von Doom, or any other character I have used in my fic, except for the completely OC characters I introduce.

This is a work of fanfiction, not made for earning money, but just to satisfy my hobby of writing. There is also no guarantee that I will finish this work of fanfiction, so keep that in mind before taking a look inside.

Also while I do have a Pat-reon account, it is completely open for the public, with no paywall for any post on it.


Yours faithfully, HelloDarkness07.

A/N: If interested in comics, look up "What if #52" from 1989 for the backstory about Victor Von Doom who is now our Main Character. There are just a few differences, as written in the A/N below this short summary of Victor's life.

Victor Von Doom was born in the small country of Latveria in 1950, to a pair of Latverian-Romani Tribal people, Werner and Cynthia Von Doom. The country was under the strict dictatorship of a Nobleman named The Baron, who had connections with the USSR, and even Hydra, which is what allowed him to stay in power despite being surrounded by powerful nations.

Where Werner was the Tribe leader, a Medic, Cynthia Von Doom was a Witch, who had lost her life to a spell gone wrong when Victor was all but a child.

Victor's dad, Werner, was forced to flee when he failed to heal The Baron's wife, and the Baron put the blame on Werner. After a few days of hiding out in the cold, Werner made a deal with the Baron, and gave himself up just so Victor and their tribe would be left alone.

Victor was enraged, hungry for revenge. In his father's belongings, he found some of his mother's old belongings, and realized that she was a Witch, who died because she made a deal with a Demon Lord called Mephisto.

Victor became even more enraged, and decided to kill the Baron, having only one of the targets close to him. He began using his genius intellect to create devices capable of killing a lot of people, keeping the Baron's men at bay, and waged a one man war against the Baron by combining Science, with Magic.

Victor was not succeeding, but his actions were having a needed side effect. People were rallying in support for him, for the dismantling of the Baron's dictatorship. One of them.. was his love, his Valeria. Just teenagers, Victor and Valeria had the mentality of 'Us against the World', which proved to be their driving force.

However, his deeds were not unnoticed, and an American General came to Victor, fearful that he would die at the ripe old age of 14 or be found by enemies of the US. Not wanting to waste such talent in a backwards nation like Latveria, the General offered Victor a position in the Empire State University.

Victor was ecstatic, knowing that such an opportunity wouldn't come again, and hopeful that he might find a way to contact his mother's soul, wherever it is. Reluctantly, he left Valeria behind, he left Latveria behind, to go to the United States of America.

There, Victor met with fellow genius, Reed Richards, whom he had to share the spotlight with. Victor was annoyed that Reed was smarter than him, but he was also annoyed by another thing. Reed's mentality.

Reed Richards was a genius, but he felt science was very rigid, that there is nothing but the Laws of Science. But Victor knew, from his mother's books, that the world isn't just Science, it is Magic as well. He believed Science to be an art form, something you needed to master to be able to bend the laws of.

During college, Victor created a machine to contact the dead, using complex codes, and even some of the Witchcraft knowledge of his mother's. He didn't use Witchcraft yet, not believing himself ready to go down that path yet, but he did use some facets of it.

Like the Symbols of the Runic Language, symbols of Witchcraft.

But, one of his calculations was.. off, despite him checking multiple times. When Reed Richards dared to correct him, Victor turned the machine on, now enraged at the boy. The Machine blew up in his face, sending both him and Richards flying through walls.

But, the experiment had one benefit. Victor had seen his mother, on the computer screen, held by chains, as she whispered a single name. Mephisto.

This incident caused Victor to be expelled, and deported to Latveria, as soon as he was healed. Victor, now ashamed of himself for having failed, decided to try and do one thing to redeem himself. Rescue his mother's soul from the hands of Mephisto.

But, his Witchcraft knowledge wasn't going to be enough, he knew. If it was, his mother would have escaped on her own. So, he travelled east, through Europe, and Asia, and ended up in Tibet.

There, he met with a man named The Ancient One, and begged him to be taught Magic. The Ancient One heard his pleas, and asked why he wanted to learn. And Victor told him about his mother, about Mephisto.

The Ancient One agreed to teach him, and teach he did. For two years Victor Von Doom learned Sorcery under the watchful eyes of his Master and another Sorcerer, Karl Mordo.

When another man came to ask for Healing, for help restoring his hands by Magic, Victor cut them off, replacing them with his Robotic hands. He had not abandoned Science, even if he was learning to become a Sorcerer. He was a man of both Science, and Magic. And he was proud of it.

And then, after deeming themselves ready, the Master and Pupil pair infiltrated Mephisto's Realm, Hell.

They rescued Cynthia's soul from Mephisto's clutches, and sent it on towards the Heavens, to a better fate. But, Mephisto was the Master of Hell, the Supreme Hell Lord. He proved stronger than Victor had expected, and alas, his Master lost his life. Master Yao's spirit distracted Mephisto long enough for Victor to escape back to Earth, and then rose up to go to Heaven, where it belongs.

Victor came back to Earth, now knowing that he rescued his mother's soul, only for it to be replaced by his Master's. (He did not know Yao went to heaven). But, he didn't get enough time to rest.

Dormammu had sensed the death of the Sorcerer Supreme, and rose to the opportunity to attack Earth.

Victor was forced to take over the mantle of the Sorcerer Supreme, and battled Dormammu. He sent Dormammu back to his Realm with much effort, but was injured in turn, his body cursed by Dormammu's Magic.

His Doom Bots, ones made in the Tibetian Monestry where he was learning Sorcery, took him to Doctor Stephen Strange, the man whom he had gifted robotic hands for extra precision. But even he was unable to heal him, and in the end, Victor gave one last order to his Bots.

Take over the mind of Doctor Stephen Strange. Which they did, using the robotic arms as an In.

And then, he died.

His dreams of liberating Latveria were destroyed, laid bare by his own desire to learn, and then, to rescue his mother. His lover Valeria left in the harsh reality he left behind.

Victor had expected to stay dead, to meet with either his Master Yao in Hell, or his mother in Heaven.

But, when he next opened his eyes, he was.. somewhere else. He was.. a baby once again.


Why he kept his memories, and why HE was the one to be given this chance, Victor didn't know, and he didn't care. He just cared, that he had a second chance.

A second chance to right his wrongs. A second chance to actually do some good in his life. And who knows? Maybe he'll get to rescue Yao's soul from Mephisto's clutches just like they did with his mother.

A/N: The only changes to the actual What if #52 storyline, is the fact that Victor fought Dormammu alone. He did not have help from the Avengers, the X-Men, Spiderman, nor even the Fantastic Four. He did it all alone. These all teams and superheroes didn't exist in his world yet, not as Superheroes at least. So don't be surprised if he doesn't recognise anyone save for Captain America.

Also! Don't know if I'm really back to writing or not, this idea was just begging to be written. My Diploma's placement program is a bit slow, and I haven't received any calls yet, which is the only reason I'm writing this. SO DON'T PUT TOO MANY HOPES ON ME!!! I might quit and keep this story open.
