On a pleasant afternoon in the year 2400, when magic already ceased to be a novelty and people dared to hope and to be content, Arthur Potter, eldest of his family, was called upon Gringotts to close an overlooked dormant vault of his I-don't-know-how-many-greats-grandmother: one Katie Potter (or was it Catherine, or Katarina, or Katherine perhaps? There was a bit of confusion with the name). He came back with two texts, that he passed around his family's most secretive. But it seemed one of those Potters had married into the Patils, which is probably why I—and about a third of the wizarding world really—can tell you all this story now. I present you an excerpt of the first text and the book which he shared with the family:

Excerpt of 'Durnonnian Thaumaturgy and applied Vector-Beasley chains to change the nature of the Limerick Spell: a case report' published in the Oxonian Journal of Magical Maladies of the Mind:

Loweland III, O. V., Longbottom N. F. R., Longbottom, D. O., Potter K. C. et al

Accepted in December 14th 2023

Published in January 12th 2024

"[…] was the main theory behind that type of magic, specially of that contained in 'The Sonnets of a Sorcerer', that made the readers not being able to speak naught but limericks for the rest of their lives (Perkins and Weasley, 1988, p. 10). Our approach rendered the patient unable to speak in the first stage, with rapid recovery after compulsion-guided speech therapy. Speech has improved four weeks after the procedure, but rhyming — in a peculiar and poor form — remained still: in text, however. The patient wrote a short book on the story of one of his friends from school. We hesitate to study it still, given the novel Lovegood's Magical Permanence and Transference Theory, but those who'd read it before we had knowledge of the book's existence are yet to show any symptoms […]'"

He brought, too, an old and dusty book, apparently belonging to a Katie Potter:

by beyondmightffn


There might be some Welsh words/expressions I use (incorrectly, at times, I guess) throughout the fic. At first I though about putting a list of the words and expression and what I - at least - intended with them when I finished the story. As of 20 January 2024, while I am a 30% of the way through writing the 14th chapter, I decided to put them in the 'Author's Note' of each chapter.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate any and all feedback.