one - we wanted more

The district rumbled. The streets shook and the street signs spun. Wind kicked up drifts of wispy, smoke-like snow and sent it against the world like paint flicked from brush to canvas. Shouts and cheers rose from huddled over kids squinting for a view of the screens posted at each street corner. Mittens dug into pockets and armpits, the occasional snowball sailing overhead and landing with a lame thud on the smooth pavement. Chilled breath rose from us in foggy bursts, great misty clouds sailing overhead each street corner like a signal of inhabitance.

We giggled and jostled for position, cheeks red and flushed. The little ones held tight to older sibling's hands as we were dragged through a maze-like underworld of snow pants and snow drifts. Others sat atop shoulders, laughing as our wooly mittens reached as tall as we could reach. Gaggles of us wove through long-legged teens to sit cross-legged up front, our eyes transfixed on the flashing images and sounds in front of us.

We wanted more.

More blood, more death. Our fists rose and our feet stomped on the crackling ice beneath us. We watched fountains of red spurt forth and our eyes widened to the size of saucers.

We were wild. We ran laughing and screaming through the streets with stick swords and icicle daggers held high. We tossed pockets full of snow in the air as snowball arrows pierced our chest, stumbling and gurgling and collapsing into banks of snow. We threw down metallic garbage bins and sat victorious in the echoing silence that followed the music of its deep BOOM.

We were bloodthirsty and rabid. We needed more violence, more fighting, more bloodied lips and black eyes. We wanted steel and speed and strength and a hundred cameras all pointed at us. We were insatiable, untamable, always wanting more.

We were Careers.

A/N: Hey there. Long time lurker and reader, first time poster. I got some wonderful advice to start off this year by allowing my hobbies to just be hobbies again, instead of trying to force it into being something more. So I'm shedding off the penny poems and nickel novellas and trying my hand at writing something just for fun and nothing else. This will be a partial syot that follows the story of the Careers. I'm starting off with just a little snippet here because I'm not going to do any subplot stuff, and I want to leave all of the victors fully unmentioned so your submissions can create them around your character as you so like.

If you have any interest in submitting, I have some more info about my world and the form up on my profile. If you have any thoughts, critiques, or questions, feel free to leave them in a review or send me a message!