The tabby cat sat primly on her perch adjacent to the main door, ears pricked to the noises inside. It was ajar. She thought it might be Mrs Norris. When a squashed ginger cat sauntered out, she realised that Mrs Norris would never have bothered. She followed her master, the turncoat.

She squinted and thought about where she'd seen that cat before. It must be a student's cat. She'd come across a few of them in her time.

Crookshanks stopped, sniffed and turned his head. He recognised that tabby. He had met her once in human form. One of the more trustworthy people in the school. She had power. And biscuits. He walked to the end of the corridor and sat. He had a fair idea of what she might be doing there. If she took a long time, she was in human form. If not, she probably had the same idea as him. Either way suited him. He waited. The tabby jumped down silently and strolled through the door.

Minerva wrinkled her nose, immediately guessing the purpose of the other cat's visit. Great minds thought alike. She remembered whose it was now. Hermione Granger's cat. She suspected that he was more than just feline. She jumped up on the desk and inspected the lay of the land. The runner was sickly pink, no good. The other cat had left a gift in the prissy teacup. Easily visible. Minerva cast her gaze around and settled on the chair. That should do it. It was a darker colour. She leapt down and was about to do the deed when she spotted the spare pair of shoes in the corner. She grinned to herself. This would be fun.

She inspected the shoes. Silly mincing things. She squatted over the top and delicately deposited her offering. That should irritate the silly woman to no end. Strolling out, she saw the ginger cat observing. He blinked at her and ran off. She enjoyed a moment of acceptance.

Job well done, Minerva thought. She wished she could be around when Dolores Umbridge would find out that her office held two types of shit. Being a cat really enabled her occasional desire to be unprofessional. With so many felines running around the school, it would never be traced back to her.

She would congratulate herself with a ginger newt or two when she got to her office. Hehehehe.