Light lowered his head, holding the object in his hand as he let those tears flow.
He remembered everything. Absolutely everything, including when he had lost his memories. While the investigation team was looking for information on Kira, Light had started to develop feelings for Lawliet. Feelings that had been reciprocated to his great astonishment. The young man, suspected killer, had ignored his heart for a while until he felt dizzy every time he looked at the other person on the other end of the chain.
It had started with a first kiss by accident because he had fought again out of sight of his father and the rest of the team. The discomfort was present the days after so they started fighting again to forget that their lips had touched before. Unfortunately this had led to a second kiss then a third, a fourth, a fifth... And finally from languorous kisses and tongues that roamed the other's body, it had ended in their bed with their naked body, thrusts, grunts and especially the passion of having found someone in their life.
For days on end, their contact during the investigation was limited to words while in the evening, they both sneaked into their respective rooms with the door locked so that they would not be disturbed. Light had spent every night getting to know the sensitive areas of his beloved while 3 floors below them, there was a blonde frustrated at not having her pseudo boyfriend by her side.
And each time Light took pleasure in torturing his love during the day by whispering very dirty and naughty things in his ears. He had even taken off a t-shirt with the excuse that it was hot in the building while the temperature was just pleasant.
And then their love ended as quickly as it had begun. They had found the 3rd Kira: Kyosuke Higuchi, Light had recovered his memories by touching the notebook and while he was free to walk around without the chains, guilt was eating away at his body. He wanted to stop everything, he wanted to confess everything to his beloved about him, about the Shinigami or about the fact that Rem would protect Misa at all costs.
He had less and less sex with his one and only love who told him that they were close to the end. Light wanted to tell him everything but each time the words stuck in his throat. All he could get out was moans on one side and false words of promise for Misa on the other side.
It was painful the day he saw Lawliet fall from his chair. He knew that this day had to come but he didn't want to believe it. And then in a snap of his fingers, the one he loved was dead in his arms. Lawliet was dead and he was alive. And not once did he let tears fall from his eyes. He didn't want the investigation group to know how much his heart ached for having his beloved killed. His only love.
Light had won... but he had lost at the same time.
Before Lawliet died, they had spent a pleasant and painful moment together on the roof of the building with the only sound being the pounding of the rain falling. Just the rain to drown out their words of desire.
When a few weeks later, he had felt dizzy and nauseous in the early morning, Light had just thought that he had had food indigestion and that it would go away. Alas, the more the days passed, the sicker he felt.
One evening Light had observed his body, something he never did out of habit, under the amused eye of Ryuk. He had turned around in front of the mirror and on his side several times until he noticed that his stomach had slightly swollen while he very rarely ate chips. Light had gently passed his hand over his stomach and he could feel a kind of pocket inside. An abnormal swelling.
Light cried for the first time since the death of his beloved detective. He was only 20 years old but he promised himself that no matter what, he would protect his child from all the bad things in the world, including Him as Kira. He promised himself that his future son or daughter would be like his father. An upright person who knows the meaning of justice.
LLightwant just could only continue to cry with sadness and joy at the same time, still sitting on the toilet. The man he had killed and who had been his equal for months, had left him a magnificent farewell gift.
He clutched the test bar in his hands as he continued to cry as the two small blue bars showed a positive result.