*Disclaimer* - I do not own the copyright to Kingdom Hearts or Honkai: Star Rail. All rights and characters belong to their respective copyright owners.
*A/N* - Hey there, everyone checking this story out. For those familiar with me and my past Genshin Impact works, this has been a long time coming. For everyone else, thanks for checking this story out. It's not every day that the mention of a Kingdom Hearts and Honkai: Star Rail story gets brought up. But now here we are. Ever since Star Rail was released, I've been along the ride and getting accustomed and familiar with the world, or should I say worlds that the game has become. Hence, I figured it would be time to toss my hat in the ring and give this story a shot. So, let's get right to the fun part, shall we?
This story will be taking place after Kingdom Hearts 3 Re: Mind. For those unfamiliar or not caught up with the events that happened in KH3… well, that will be a bit hard to explain. However, for those familiar then you'll have no problem jumping into this story. Moreover, on the Honkai: Star side of things this story will be set after the events of Penacony. There won't be a set timeframe for when this takes place, but it will try to fall in line with what's happening throughout the main story that's currently progressing. Hints and mentions will be key, but a new story not only for the Astral Express but also for the Keyblade's Chosen One, Sora.
Thanks again for checking this story out and I'll leave you here for now. Enjoy!
As far as the eye could see. That was the first thing that Sora could see as he slowly opened his eyes. Along with the sense of feeling coming back to him which forced him to move his head around. It was at this point that he started to notice his surroundings and realized that something was up.
"Huh? What's… where am I?"
Sitting up now, the spiky-haired brunette began to pat himself down while glancing around. The sight before him made no sense at all. Around him were circular pedestals that all connected with bridges leading to the other platforms. And in the center was a large pedestal that had a strange yellow glowing wave-like feature to it. This was something that he'd never seen before. Not only that, but by examining the ceiling above him he could see what appeared to be a glass ceiling with stars in the background.
Pulling himself up, the Keyblade wielder began to give the place another glance while he was about to check his pockets when a random voice rang out across the room.
"Welcome to Herta's Space Station."
The voice sounded like a girl's voice which left the boy even more confused about where he was now.
"Herta? I don't think I've ever met a Herta before… have I?"
Realizing that he should give himself another look around, Sora began checking his clothes and noticed that nothing looked to be damaged. He was still in the attire that he received before the start of the Keyblade War. Not only that, but he also noticed that his arms and legs were bruised… nor did they look like they had been hurt at all.
A sigh of relief left his lips as he now began to check his pockets. With a large grasp, he pulled out several strange-looking items that appeared to be charms. Better yet, these were known as keychains which allowed for his weapon to change drastically. Both appearance-wise and the fundamental nature of the charm. Magic was to thank for that.
"Everything is here… that's good..."
In his hands were several keychains that he relied on greatly.
Hero's Origin.
Shooting Star.
Favorite Deputy.
Happy Gear.
Wheel of Fate.
Nano Gear.
And lastly, Oblivion.
A few of the keychains he had obtained in his most recent adventure were missing but knowing that he still had a wide assortment of powers on hand made him feel much better. Especially the last two he had accounted for.
Oathkeeper and Oblivion. The two keychains held great importance to him. Those two charms were meant to signify the bond between him and his two best friends.
Riku and Kairi.
Just thinking about them caused the brunette to lower his head. So much had happened in the past…
Sora didn't even know how much time had passed. He didn't even know where he was now. The only thing he did know was that…
He died.
Or at the very least… he became a crystal.
The memories of his strange encounter in the Final World and meeting Yozora were a blur to him. Even though it happened, he still couldn't fathom that it was all real. Or was it?
According to Yozora's words, he said that they weren't in the real world nor was that how he actually looked. Nothing of that encounter made sense at all and the more Sora thought about it, the more his head started to hurt.
"Welcome to Herta's Space Station."
The voice echoing across the room repeated once again.
"Herta… that name… I'm all here. Now, to find out who this Herta is…"
With a sense of conviction in his voice, Sora began walking the platform he had found himself sprawled upon and noticed something moving ahead of him.
Upon closer inspection, he could see that what looked to be a figure clad in strange-looking armor was right in front of them with four small objects hovering around. There also appeared to be a purple flame trailing along the figure's neck. Again, none of this made sense to the Guardian of Light.
Deciding to see what this thing might be, Sora got closer to the figure and spoke up.
"Um… excuse me. Do you know where we are? Or where I am? I'm kind of- "
The armored figure had just hissed at him before summoning two strange floating orbs. The two orbs had a strange design to them along with a glowing purple and yellow sphere in the middle almost giving it a round distorted shape.
"H-Hey! I don't want any- "
Before he could finish speaking, the two orbs immediately flashed before firing a beam of light right at him.
Raising his hand with precision, Sora summoned his Keyblade and easily blocked the attacks. He could now understand that this figure and the strange orbs were not friendly.
"Alright. You asked for it!"
Dashing forward, Sora deflected another blast sent his way from one of the orbs before noticing the armored figure extending its arm and firing a bright blue explosion at him. This caused him to roll to the side before slashing at one of the orbs easily destroying it and watching as it faded into nothing.
"That's… sort of new? Whoa!"
He quickly blocked another beam heading his way and instantly followed it up with a counterattack. Pointing his blade at the other orb, Sora then cast a beam of yellow light to hit the foe causing it to also disappear. His Thunder spell had either done a great deal of damage or… these foes were not as strong as he initially thought.
"What's your deal?!"
The armored figure lunged right at him which he easily blocked and pushed back against. The figure then leaped back and fired another blue beam at him which Sora expected. Hence, once the beam was fired, the Keyblade wielder jumped into the air and cast a Wind spell to knock the figure off balance.
This worked as expected as the figure was slightly dazed leaving Sora enough time to dash forward and strike the strange foe across the chest which also caused its entire body to fade away in a flash of blue light.
Now left alone, Sora could only scan his surroundings and see if there were any more threats to him.
After giving the area a good look over, he then began to revel in the fact that he had just fought against an unknown enemy for the first time.
'That wasn't a Heartless… was it? I've seen Armored Heartless before, but that thing was new. Same with those two weird-looking orbs. This whole place is weird…'
As he was thinking to himself, his blue eyes managed to come across an illuminated screen on what appeared to be wooden décor.
"That's… a map!"
Checking the screen and confirming that he was seeing a map, Sora now had a better idea of this place's layout.
Giving the map a few more looks, the brunette then realized that there was an easier way of going about this. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his Gummiphone and began snapping a few pictures of the map. Ever since he received the device, he had to struggle over the hurdles that were modern technology. Coming from an island, technology was never his thing, and it still wasn't.
However, after spending some time in San Fransokyo with his new friends, Big Hero 6, he had become a lot more accustomed to technology. Granted, he was a fish out of water with it, but his aptitude for learning new things fast was a feat he could proudly claim. Hence, his familiarity with the Gummiphone skyrocketed with now knowing how to use it. Plus, he loved taking photos of every new sight or place he came across. Even taking photos with friends was a new hobby he had grown fond of.
"Alright. That should do it. Now, how do I get out of here…"
Deciding to go back to where he woke up, Sora was now walking up some stairs and past a hologram that had weird writing on it. In addition, it had a strange symbol or rather logo being displayed. The design reminded him of a lance or some kind of tower.
Either way, he continued to move forward and take in his surroundings. Hallways leading in different directions were what lay before him. Knowing that he had no idea where he was going, the blue-eyed hero decided to follow his heart and just go wherever his feet led him.
"Time to get lost…"
The Keyblade wielder's steps echoed along the narrow hallway that he walked through and continued to check everything around him. He was beginning to realize that wherever he was now, it involved highly developed technology. It almost reminded him of Tron's world or the Grid.
This train of thought made him ponder one crucial question.
Would he find any more trouble?
Sitting comfortably in a chair while staring blankly at many screens, a woman in a black, white, and purple outfit could be seen. She had hair that fell long past her shoulders and had a black hat sitting comfortably on her head. Moreover, another distinct characteristic of her was that her arms and knees seemed uneven. Almost… robotic.
"Hey! Herta number 234. You've been watching the monitors for eight minutes and fifty-two seconds now. That report was due nine minutes and thirty seconds ago."
The voice who had said this came from another individual standing behind the girl in the chair. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that it was another girl who looked the exact same as the one in the chair.
"Herta number 345. Aren't you supposed to be monitoring the star cluster currently being mined for a system- "
"That star cluster is being recorded. No point in watching something boring. Besides, something else has come up in the data log" Herta #234 replied.
"Oh? Something was caught in the data log. Is it another experiment gone rogue by one of the scientists? I've told Asta a thousand times- "
"Three thousand seven hundred and eighty times to be exact" commented Herta #234.
"That it is her responsibility to- "
"No. It's not an experiment that has been sighted. It's something else. Or rather it's someone else."
Tilting her puppet head to the side, Herta #345 raised her eyebrow slightly.
"Do tell. Is it Ruan Mei performing another one of her not-so-secretive experiments in the lower levels? Or is it Ratio once being a- "
"Nope. Neither of those two. Nor is it anyone identified in the log-in base terminal. Rather it's someone new?"
"Someone new? And you haven't performed a system protocol for taking this individual into- "
"Custody? No. I haven't."
"Hmm. Herta #234. Your quick-witted remarks and decision to not activate system protocol are highly suspicious. A quick assumption based on my perception is that you've become dysfunctional. Or… you're displaying clear behavioral aptitude decisions that the real Herta would choose."
The two Herta's looked at one another blank stares that turned into looks of agreement.
"Very well. Tell me, who is this suspicious individual you've seen through the data log?"
Typing away at an incredible rate, Herta #234 pointed to a screen that now showcased a boy with spiky hair wielding what appeared to be a giant skeleton key. Moreover, the boy was caught up in a fight with an Antimatter Legion Voidranger. Specifically, a Distorter class foe. A dangerous foe that could easily harm any unarmed civilian.
However, the boy dismissed that idea easily as he set forth to defeat the ranger with such ease that the fight ended within seconds.
"Hm. And you checked the database for any information on this boy?" Herta #345 asked the other Herta.
"Yes. Nothing was found. Not even a prior image captured him entering the space station. Much less a visual of him an hour prior. An error in the system's programming. Asta is going to have much to answer for."
"Agreed. So many system errors showing up. Not to mention, all the issues the space station has encountered. From the Antimatter Legion still roaming around the station to Genius members doing what they please under the scope of presented details."
"Error after error" Herta #234 chimed in.
"Thankfully, all Herta puppets are cleaning up after everyone's mess" Herta #345 answered back.
The two Hertas then watched on the monitor as the boy took a photo of a map located on one of the walls before walking toward the access hallway leading to another subzone of the Storage Zone.
"Poor boy. He'll soon find himself walking in circles" Herta #345 commented. "He appears to be an experienced fighter based on his quick movement and reaction time. However, that weapon of his… "
"Records indicate that no weapon in the Herta database has ever described or analyzed a weapon of this degree" Herta #234 responded while watching as the boy continued to move on the monitor. "Shall we implement lockdown protocols?"
With a nod, Herta #345 gave the order. Following this, she raised her head and began giving out an order.
"This is Herta #345. Request lockdown of Storage Zone due to suspicious individuals being sighted. Maintain order and omit any concerns with the staff. The situation is being observed and actions will be taken in place. I repeat- "
As the other Herta gave the order, the Herta still sitting down typed away at her keyboard before activating a self-defense system that locked all the doors in the Storage Zone. The boy on the monitor began to panic at seeing everything go down.
Things were going according to plan.
That is… until they weren't.
Back with Sora
"Due to safety protocol activation, the Storage Zone will now be going into lockdown. I repeat, due to safety protocol activation, the Storage Zone will now be going into lockdown."
With red lights flashing and all the doors seemingly closing, Sora was left feeling anxiety rush through his body. It would seem that whoever operated this place was now acting against him.
"Great. How am I getting out of here… wait. If these doors are locking, then…"
Summoning his Keyblade, the brunette then spun it around before pointing it at one of the locked doors in front of him expecting it to do the unthinkable.
With a flash of light appearing at the end of his blade, the once-sealed door was now beginning to open. This caused Sora to smirk while also lunging through the open door before it immediately shut again.
Whoever was in control of this place must have been watching him closely, and when they saw him open the door, they instantly shut it again. Using the Keyblade in that manner might bite him in the butt later, but that didn't matter. Right now, he needed to find a way out of here.
'This looks… right? Doesn't matter. I need to just get out of here.'
Sprinting forward, Sora came across another sealed door and immediately opened it with the Keyblade. After sliding through it and to the other side, he now found himself staring at a familiar sight. It was the same room that he found himself in after he woke up.
"I went in a circle?! That…" As he said this, his eyes spotted something in the center platform. An elevator. "That'll do!"
Rushing forward, he jumped across the large gap and rolled across the ground before slamming his hand on the control panel. Not knowing what he was doing, Sora began to tap away the panel trying to make it do something.
"Come on! Do! Something!"
An elevator platform came down right in front of him which was exactly what he was hoping for.
Stepping inside, he activated the panel right before him and watched as he and the platform began moving up several levels at an incredible speed. Before he knew it, he was now standing in a whole new area that he'd never been in before. Taking in the new area, Sora stepped off the elevator platform and was now left perplexed about what he should do next.
However, before he could decide what his next plan of action was…
"I must say, I'm very impressed with you."
Spinning around, Sora was now staring at a small girl with a white, purple, and black-themed dress with a black hat resting on her head. Her hair reached far past her shoulders and her fingers and knees looked almost like a robot. He wasn't sure who she was, so his hand had summoned the Keyblade and kept it by his side in case of anything.
"Relax. I wouldn't do anything drastic."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Well, if you tried physically hitting me, then I'd go flying. But you'd soon be swarmed by this station's defense systems. And let me tell you, the best defense is also a great offense" the girl answered back while having a calm expression on her face.
Realizing that he was dealing with a strategic person, Sora let out a stressed sigh before nodding slowly.
"Ok… then mind explaining where I am right now? And who are you?"
Widening her eyes slightly, the girl before him smirked for a moment before speaking.
"You don't know who I am… huh. That's the second time this has happened. I must say, things are getting interesting."
"What? What are you talking about?" Sora asked, feeling confused about this conversation.
"Never mind that. As for your first question, you are currently standing on Herta's Space Station."
"Herta's Space Station… I should've known that already. That voice was repeating itself."
"The intercom to be exact. Now then, I have some questions I'd like answered. For starters, who are you? And how did you get to be on my space station?"
Left momentarily stunned by the sudden admission, Sora stammered to give a response.
"Wait… you're Herta?"
A simple yet smug nod was gestured to him.
"Correct. Now if you'd be so kind as to answer my first and second questions."
Rubbing the back of his hair with his free hand, Sora wasn't sure what to say. Would this Herta believe what he had to say? Or would she write him off as crazy? A sense of worry began to settle in his chest. But… he would not let it consume him.
"Well, my name is Sora. And as to how I got here…I don't know."
"Oh? That's a very telling sign that you're hiding- "
"No, I mean it. I don't know how I came to be on your space station. I just… woke up."
Herta, keeping a close eye on the boy, listened to him and began to scan him up and down. Based on a thorough investigation of his face, she concluded that he wasn't lying… entirely. It seemed a hint of contemplation could be seen through the nerves on his face.
"…I see… well, you also wouldn't be the first person to tell me that they did not know how they came to be on my space station. A sense of amnesia, perhaps? Or something else. Would you mind explaining more? You clearly realize that you're in over your head here, right?"
Keeping his blue eyes on her, Sora wanted to keep things calm and peaceful. But he would not give up. He was tired of being strayed by my master manipulators. The events of the Keyblade War and the aftermath had taken a toll on himself and his heart. It had even cost him to pay the ultimate price…
One that he did not regret in the slightest. Alas, that did not mean he would learn from his past mistakes.
"…I don't want to cause any trouble. I don't even want to fight. I'm just… lost."
"Another lost individual…Very well. Come. We have much to discuss."
As Herta said this, she began to walk away leaving the spiky-haired boy to watch as the small robotic girl got further away from him.
"H-Hey! Wait up."
"Move along. I don't have all day. Granted, there are a few hundred of me keeping to their tasks, but that doesn't mean I can chit-chat for too long."
Running up to her so that he was walking next to Herta, Sora began to scratch his cheek as he realized what he had done after he woke up.
"Er… How long have you been monitoring me?"
"As soon as the security system identified an individual in the Storage Zone. I was then alerted to you once you began engaging in combat against that ranger."
"Ranger… that… must be one of your security guards or something. I'm sorry about- "
"Oh. Don't worry. That wasn't one of mine."
"In fact, you did me a favor by killing that Voidranger. Thank you for that."
Feeling his head do a little spin, Sora wasn't sure what to say to that.
"Um… then who did I fight?"
"That was an Antimatter Legion foe. A Voidranger in the Distorter class to be exact. They've been roaming this station for months now. The station has gone to great lengths to get rid of them, but… the person overseeing this issue needs to have actions taken against her for letting it still be an issue" Herta bluntly explained.
"Antimatter Legion… Voidranger…"
Herta couldn't help but notice the tone in which the boy repeated those titles.
"You sound like you are completely unaware of who the Antimatter Legion are. Perhaps you are familiar with their other known title as the Legion? Or that they are the faction led by the Aeon Nanook, based in the Warforge?"
Another perplexed look appeared on Sora's face as he had absolutely no idea what she was even talking about. It was quite evident that everything Herta said flew right over the boy's head.
"…You didn't understand a single thing I just said, did you?"
"…Not a clue…"
Putting on an annoyed expression, Herta frowned while realizing that the boy next to her was going to become quite the issue.
"*sigh* Sora, you're turning into a real problem for me."
"O-Oh… Uh… I'm- "
"Don't be sorry. I meant it in the context of you becoming a problem that is evolving from what I or the Herta system expected. Tell me, you wouldn't happen to know what a Stellaron is? And if you did, would you happen to have one in your chest?"
The Guardian of Light was once again left speechless by what Herta was asking him.
"N-No! I don't have a Stellaron in me. I don't even know what a Stellaron is!" the brunette exclaimed aloud.
"Hmph. Shame. I was almost betting on having that happen to me twice in a row. Could you imagine if you did? I'd be able to boast to all my peers for years. Oh well."
Seeing that Herta was quite literally something else, Sora decided to throw a curveball at her.
"Herta- "
"Usually, I'd have anyone talking to me refer to me as Madam Herta. However, given your unique circumstances I'll let it slide for now."
"Yes, Sora?"
"…Do you… You said we are in space, right? You know, space station" Sora said while gesturing to his surroundings with his hands.
"Yes. Why? Admiring the stars found in this quadrant of space? This galaxy is better known as- "
"No. I didn't mean it like that. I meant… you're aware of other worlds, right?"
The question that Sora was asking had to do with his familiarity with the World Order that Donald had countlessly drilled into his head. The responsibility to hold knowledge of other worlds and keep it a secret. The reasons for such an order were… unclear to him. However, he figured that it had to do with confusing and leaving the people of a world confused and scared of what could lie beyond their world. Not to mention, the revelation that the Heartless were a dangerous foe that could also traverse across worlds was something to be aware of. Darkness was not a force to underestimate.
"…Is that a real question?"
"Huh? I-I… I wasn't…"
Herta couldn't help but shake her head and look at the boy like he had grown a second head… minus having two brains.
"You're a very interesting person, Sora. There's a ton of questions I have now based on what you just said. For now, I'd like a shortened version if you will. A recount of all that you know. Unless of course, you're also suffering from amnesia. In that case, I'll need to have the space station checked for any chemicals or experiments causing dilutions of amnesia" Herta replied while recalling another certain someone having that same problem.
"A… short version?"
"For starters, why ask such a question regarding the knowledge of other worlds? Also, you make sound as if it's supposed to be kept a secret. That other worlds remain closed from one another or any interactivity" Herta said while keeping her pace at walking.
"It's complicated to put in simple words."
"Really? Try me. I dare you."
Seeing that he was dealing with a highly intelligent girl, Sora decided to come clean. Something that was sure to ruffle Donald's feathers and have him going off on the Keyblade wielder.
"Well, I guess I should start from the beginning and give you a short recap of my story."
"That would be tremendous. Enough beating around the bushes. Spill it" Herta demanded.
Letting out a sigh, Sora gave her one last look before closing his eyes and coming up with the best way possible to provide a short explanation for how and why he appeared in her space station.
"Alright… well… the first thing to talk about is that I'm technically supposed to be dead…"
A few minutes later…
Sora and Herta were now walking down another long corridor before coming into a large spacious room with holograms of various-looking individuals. One of the holograms showed what looked to be a girl who had an uncanny resemblance to Herta.
"So, let me get this straight, you're considered a Guardian of Light and there's a dark force out there that has such power to destroy worlds and even take people's hearts. Not the actual organ but something that's made up of feelings and light and darkness inside a person, and this dark force is known as the Heartless and there have been many events with these Heartless at the center of it all. Not to mention, these Heartless are such a threat that only special weapons called Keyblades can completely destroy a Heartless otherwise it'll come back later. In addition to this, there aren't that many Keyblades or Keyblade wielders anymore due to a war that happened many years ago leaving things on the verge of falling apart. Following this, Keyblades are such a rare and powerful weapon that only people with strong hearts can wield this kind of magic power and you happen to have a strong heart. Additionally, you just went through a war between light and darkness and lost your first go around, but you managed to survive death and come back while working to bring your friends back from the dead and win the war. However, one of your friends was killed which caused you to go on some sort of quest to bring the dead back to life. But you had to go back in time and relive the war you just went through to find a way to save your friend. Furthermore, you managed to save your friend but committed what's considered a taboo in your world…or rather your reality, and seemingly vanished. Alas, right after that you woke up in a strange place and met someone that's a mystery to you and fought him but ended up losing and getting crystalized and seemingly died… only to wake up and appear in my space station. Is that a good enough summary?"
Giving a little chuckle at Herta's thorough yet accurate description of everything he was able to tell her, Sora nodded with a smile on his face.
"Yep. You've pretty much got it all down. At least, the brief explanation I gave you. There's still… a lot to cover."
"Ha! Do you really think that was too much to cover?" Herta sarcastically asked. "I've dealt with haustorium projects that have taken months to explain. Granted, botany is not my specialty, but it is a field that I can work on learning in a heartbeat."
Just as Sora was about to say something, he now noticed two figures currently in the room with him and Herta. One of the individuals turned out to be another Herta who was currently talking to the other figure. This figure appeared to be wearing white boots with white pants and a fancy brown-looking suit. A stylish red tie of sorts was wrapped around their neck while wearing a black fedora hat. However, the figure's face was what struck the Keyblade wielder's mind. This figure was a robot.
Instead of a human-like face, there stood a robotic face with two bright cyan eyes with an eyeglass over his right eye. The figure looked to be in deep discussion with the other Herta before shifting its gaze and looking over at the spiky-haired boy.
"Ah. It would seem we have company."
"Just on time. You may leave, Herta #123."
Giving a thumbs up, the Herta that was accompanying Sora gave him a nod before leaving the room. Sora was left somewhat bewildered but realized that he would still be talking with Herta and this new figure.
"Well now, it's a pleasure to meet you again, Sora."
"Err… Hi?"
"So, this is the young man you mentioned…" the robotic figure questioned.
"Yep. And let me tell you, his story is quite interesting."
"Truly? Well now, it's a pleasure to meet you, young man. My name is Mechanical Aristocrat Screwllum I or for simplicity, you may refer to me as Screwllum. Number 76 of the Genius Society" the robot now known as Screwllum announced.
"Screwllum… It's nice to meet you!"
"And you already know who I am. But to give you a better idea of who I am, my name is Herta. Member 83 of the Genius Society. Additionally, this appearance you are seeing now is not my real form. It's a puppet form I took to model after my younger self" Herta explained while gesturing to herself.
"That's… really cool!" Sora exclaimed. "So, you can practically be everywhere all at once."
"That's the gist of it. There's not enough time in a day to solve one problem. Hence, I decided to solve that issue tenfold."
With this said, Screwllum couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
"Another way you could've phrased that is by explaining that you just wanted to spend more time on the Simulated Universe."
"Is that so wrong?" Herta sarcastically replied.
Interested in what Screwllum just said, Sora couldn't help but prod at this topic.
"Um, you said Simulated Universe, right?"
"Why, yes. I did. It's a project that Herta, I, and two other members helped create. The basis of this project is to further research the mysterious nature of Aeons and how they affect an individual's mental and physical body" the robotic man explained.
Shaking her head, Herta placed one hand on her hip while using her other hand to point at Sora.
"You do realize that Sora has no idea what we're talking about in the slightest. His circumstances are bizarre, to say the least."
"Oh? You didn't mention that as we discussed his eventual arrival" Screwllum added.
"Now, hang on, I might not know anything about an Aeon as you said, but I do know a bit about a simulated universe" Sora interjected with a stern look on his face.
"Oh? You do? Color me surprised" Herta stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Yeah. I've been sent inside a computer where a whole world resided with people and machines and technology that's hard to believe. I've been there twice now, but the second time was quite- "
"Hold on. You said you went inside a computer?" Herta repeated while having her eyes focused solely on the spiky-haired brunette. "Inside… as in you were put within the computer? Through a digital headset or- "
"No, no. I mean actually sent inside a computer. Well, first my friends and I were hit with a strange laser that caused our bodies to be stunned. Then we were hit and our bodies began to be digitally erased before being sent inside the computer" Sora clarified while making sure to recall his encounter before being sent to Tron's world inside the computer.
Processing this new bit of information, Herta and Screwllum shared a long stare down amongst one another before Screwllum tipped his hat and let out a quiet sigh.
"It would seem that we are not the only ones creating a world with our very hands."
"Indeed. Honestly, while I am a bit bummed out that we're not the first when it comes to the idea of a Simulated Universe, it does pique my interest to know it has been done before" Herta proclaimed while having a smug grin on her face. "Sora. How far along was this universe inside the computer you were sent into?"
Not sure how he should answer this question, the brunette simply stared at the small girl like a deer in headlights. He wasn't sure what to say. He understood what she was asking for, however, he wasn't sure it would suit her desire for knowledge.
"Well… that's kind of hard to explain. You see, it wasn't as big as say a universe. It was more like a world inside the computer where programs were acting as a military force. But the main program was connected to an outside security system thing that helped the town it was placed in."
"Interesting. Based on this assessment, it seems that the town where the computer resided had a security system with sentient A.I. to the point that a military occupation had taken over. Tell me, Sora, did this sentient A.I. manage to breach the border between the real and the computer world?" Screwllum asked, donning a thinking pose.
It was clear, based on the robotic man's body language, that he was heavily interested in this topic. The same could be said for Herta who had folded her arms across her chest and was looking at Sora.
"Yeah. The creations from the computer world managed to break into the real world where my friends and I fought back. After we cleared things up, we went into the computer world to solve things out."
"How very interesting… a sentient A.I. able to cross the bridge between simulation and reality."
"Screwllum. Your brain is showing" Herta commented with what appeared to be a friendly smirk.
"I'm only speaking my mind. After all, our Simulated Universe has the power to send someone inside and have them interact with the world we've created and let evolve. That much is clear with our dear friend who so happily ventures into the Simulated Universe. Hmm. Such fascinating news you have brought, Sora."
"Uh… you're welcome?" Sora mumbled, not so sure how to take the man's words. However, it was also at that point he forgot to mention a crucial part of the story with Tron's world. "Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention that the Heartless were also at the center of the computer world being affected and manipulated."
"The… Heartless? I don't believe I've heard of them before" Screwllum admitted while his eyes seemed to glow as he searched his internal memory bank for any prior mention of an antagonistic force with that name.
"It's a topic that I'll need to fill you in on, Screwllum. However, putting these fascinating discussions to the side, I'd like to discuss what happens next" Herta stated while looking right at Sora.
Knowing that things were about to get serious, the Keyblade wielder simply nodded and made sure to pay attention to everything about to be discussed.
"After listening to your story and having the Herta database look into everything you've mentioned, there are two options I've agreed on. First, you're a storyteller who's a good liar who has managed to fabricate an intricate and complex story that you've come to fully believe in. Or the other option is that what you're saying is all real and that I'm about to be the head on a whole new scientific project that no one else has ever come across" Herta explained while making that last part sound like she was very excited.
"I think you know the answer already, Herta" Sora said, staring right back at her. "My story doesn't check it because it's all true. Everything I've mentioned is all true."
A sly grin appeared on the small girl's face.
"Yes indeed. And now that you've caused my interest in you and what you know to an all-time high, I have to ask… what is it that you want, Sora?"
Left with his mouth slightly ajar, the Guardian of Light wasn't sure how he should respond. It was also quite evident to the two Genius members how perplexed he was. This must have been a loaded topic.
"I… I'm not sure. I don't think that I can go home anymore… if what was told to me was true, then… I don't think I'll be going back home anytime soon. Besides, I don't even know where I am in terms of space. World travel is a tricky thing that I'm used to and… right now I'm lost."
Even though Screwllum was a robot, his body language spoke significantly about how he sympathized with the young man. Lost and alone with no clear path to take. This was a turning point in his life, and he'd be damned to not lend a helping hand to someone as interesting as Sora.
"Hmm… Sora. If I may, while I'm not as up-to-speed with your current occupation or how you managed to appear in Herta's Space Station, I would like to know a bit more about you and your circumstances."
"Huh? What do you want to know?"
Sliding his hand across his other hand, Screwllum had just activated a recording device on his person to make sure to keep what was about to be said. Such crucial information would be prevalent to store and learn from.
"What is your role? Or rather what was your role before appearing in Herta's Space Station?"
Taking a second to gather his thoughts, Sora decided to be honest and say what his heart wanted him to say.
"Well, at first, I was just a boy on a small island out in the middle of the ocean. I lived there with my mom… my friends… my best friends… and we wanted to go out and explore the world. See if there were other worlds for us to explore… a dream a kid could have. But then one day the Heartless came and destroyed my world… separating my friends and me from one another. And then, that's when I received a strange power… the Keyblade."
As Sora said this, he stopped himself and stared right at his hands and was tempted to summon the Kingdom Key to admire the blade. However, he decided that to keep explainin his situation to the two before him and reflect on his journey some more. Taking in all that he has experienced.
"A blade of light that could destroy the Heartless once and for all. But… my whole journey began the day I lost my friends… and then after that… being roped into one conflict after another and working to save other worlds where I met so many people and became friends with them… I've saved countless worlds from great threats whether it was the Heartless or the people there that wanted to cause trouble. I'm always more than willing to lend a hand. Even after being involved in a war where I lost my friends and even lost myself… I don't want that to happen to anyone else."
Once the Guardian of Light paused his speech, he clutched at his heart with a sad yet determined look on his face. This mixed expression soon morphed into what could only be described as a look of humility. Confusion and confidence intertwine to give strength to a person's will.
"So, I want to help as many people as I can. I might not be able to go home anytime soon, but I know in my heart that darkness is still out there. Everyone has darkness within their hearts. That's how the Heartless can be created. From the darkness found within a person's heart, they are physical manifestations given form. And if I'm able to help as many people as I can, then that's worth fighting for."
Screwllum couldn't help but start clapping at the boy's words. A proclamation as strong as this one was hard to come by. And while he wasn't much of an admirer, the Genius member couldn't help but view the boy in a new light. The essence of a real hero stood before him… something he never paid much attention to before, but with Sora… he wasn't quite sure how to explain it. He just knew.
Herta on her part also seemed content and somewhat pleased with Sora's boastful statement. She not only got the chance to learn more about a new monumental topic, but she also got to personally meet a rather strange individual. One that held great power in his words. Something she obviously already had, but to hear it from a stranger was quite an event to witness.
"Well then, I believe I know just what path you should embark on, Sora."
"Huh? You do?"
With a nod of his head, Screwllum pulled out a phone and began tapping away at it.
"Believe it or not, there is already a group out there in the cosmos that do what you do. Granted, they don't dabble against a single type of foe like you do. However, they go around various worlds and seek to help solve a particular crisis that world may be experiencing. All in the name of the Trailblaze…"
Sora would be lying if he said he wasn't interested in this group now. Hearing that there were others like him that wanted to do some good might just be what he needed right now. As much as he wanted to brush off the events of the Keyblade War, leaving his friends behind, and encountering Yozora, Sora knew that bottling these feelings wouldn't do him any good.
He was on his own now.
No Donald.
No Goofy.
No Mickey.
No Roxas.
No Namine.
No Lea.
No Aqua.
No Ventus.
No Terra.
No Xion.
No Riku.
No Kairi.
He was all alone in a new world… maybe a new universe… either way… he was on his own.
And if there's anything that he's learned from his various adventures it's that traveling with friends was the way to go. Whether good times or bad times didn't matter. Friends were a power not to underestimate.
"What's this group's name?"
A joyful chuckle escaped Screwllum's robotic face.
"They are called… the Astral Express."
"Greetings, Sir Welt."
"Genius Society member #76, Screwllum. How may I help you, sir? This is quite the unexpected occurrence to be having."
"Indeed. Normally, communication efforts are made via the Astral Express's navigator. However, in this instance, I figured that you would be the right person to talk about a certain… situation I have encountered."
"By all means. If there's anything I or the Express can do, please let us know."
"Thank you. A peculiar incident has taken place on Herta's Space Station. I'm aware that the Astral Express is still stationed in Penacony. Is that correct?"
"Yes, you'd be correct in thinking that. After our brief encounter here in Penacony, the Express has been preparing itself for its next destination launch. However, we're still ironing out an itinerary for where we will go next."
"I see… well then, it would seem I have a proposition for you. One that neither you nor Miss Himeko can afford to miss."
"I… don't believe I follow, Sir?"
"Please. Call me Screwllum. Everyone does it."
"Right. Thank you."
"However, I believe I have found the Astral Express a new member. One that may very well benefit the Express in more ways than one."
"Those are some strong words of reference. Especially coming from a Genius Society member. May I ask who you have in mind and why you think they'll be a good fit for the Express?"
Letting a moment pass through the call, Screwllum answered in a tone of voice that could only be used by a gambling man who knows he will win. Confidence at its most defining moment.
"This young man has quite the story to tell. Even I haven't heard all of it. However, one thing I am absolutely certain of is his will and the strength of his heart. A boy- no. A man with the power to step in and save those in trouble as well as learn all that life has in store. He is someone that just fits the Astral Express, and were you not to take him in at his most crucial moment… I'd declare you a fool, Sir Welt."
Reeling in the gravity and depth of Screwllum's words, Welt wasn't sure how to react. The look on his face sparked evident confusion, but behind it laid a look of excitement and intrigue.
He would be no fool.
"Please. Tell me… what is this young man's name?"
Silence encapsulated the call between the two.
And then…
"His name… is Sora."
*A/N* - And done. Heck of a first chapter if I do say so myself. I wasn't sure how to start this story off given that this is not the first time I've tried making a Kingdom Hearts and Honkai: Star Rail crossover fan fiction before. But after playing through the latest patch (2.4) I decided why the heck not. Let's do this thing. I'll admit. Star Rail has a lot of dialogue. A lot more than I think I'm ready for. But then again, Kingdom Hearts has… 20 years worth of lore to go through. And most of the time it's absolute craziness lol. But as I'm a fan of both series I'm also looking forward to how this story will proceed. I also want to strike a sense of familiarity between Sora and the Star Rail characters. Try to have them be as they would in lore/in-game. Hence, things will always be open due to it being fanfiction.
Also, I kept Sora with a good number of his keychains and abilities as they would spice up the story rather than having him hit rock bottom and have to regain his power… again for the fourth time! In addition, having him join the Astral Express is an obvious choice. For those who are familiar with Kingdom Hearts then you'll know how close Star Rail is to traveling space and going to other worlds and helping others out. This crossover seems like a homerun hit when you compare the two series. This is why I hope you'll give this story a chance and maybe stick around for it. I can't guarantee how often updates will be made as I'm also doing a few other stories but make no mistake I won't drop this one for the foreseeable future.
Writing is something I never thought I'd like to do, especially in this context, but I've learned so much from it. The good, the bad, and the honesty behind my writing. I've got a lot to learn so all feedback is great.
Thank you so much for checking this story out and until next time… See you.