"Cause of death : hanging and cardiac arrest."
A service dog wrote on his clipboard, nodding.
"Time of death: 5:29 PM..."
The nurse next to him sighed as she pulled the sheet over the dead woman's face. "She was so young..."
"That's life, Joëlle." The medical examiner lowered his head. "No one even visits her during her therapy."
Joëlle gasped. "But... what about her friends ?" She trembled as she stared at the form under the sheets. "Everyone knows that the King of Stockholm was her greatest love before he married Princess Sally..."
"Not even the King." The assistant lowered her head. "The city will have to take care of preparing her burial as well as emptying her house."
"Well sir..." Joëlle lowered her head and took one last look as she left "I really hope that one day, people will enjoy their great life better instead of wasting it because of trivial things..."
Diana was a young entrepreneur in her life. She had a job that didn't drain her energy too much, fairly friendly colleagues and a small family that she rarely saw but who thought of her. Yes, Diana was a young woman who was happy in her life.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Diana was running through the corridors of the company with these sneakers and 2kg of files under her arms. "I'm still late..."
"Hurry up, Diana." A pretty young blonde woman held the door to the conference room for her. "The boss and the investors are waiting for you..."
"Thank you, Maria." Diana went through the door and went to sit on one of the chairs.
"Good..." The boss, who was the cliché of a big pig businessman with a white mustache, stared into Diana's eyes as she sat down. "Now that we're all set, we can start the meeting..."
2 hours of endless discussion later, the two women walked out of the office.
"Damn, what a day." Diana spread her arms as she walked.
Maria raised her hand in the air in victory "Lunch time!" She smiled as she felt her stomach growl "This time, I'm the one inviting."
"What!" Diana laughed "No way! I owe you a meal!" She pointed her finger at Maria "I'm paying!"
"Huh huh!" The blonde woman took the lead "I'm paying."
"I'm paying!" Diana raised her voice.
"I'm paying." Maria babbles as she continues to smile as she walks.
"I'm paying!"
"No no. I'm paying."
"Little whore..." Maria stuck her tongue out.
"Fat Idiot."
"Ouch!" Diana put a hand on her heart "You win this time, my dear whore."
The two women laughed together. Diana knew that Maria was not racist when she said the word in NIG. It was a kind of battle between colleagues but also between best friends at this moment.
They each shared a smile, waiting to cross the street without noticing that inside a car a man was panicking and demanding to brake his vehicle.
Diana took a quick glance at her phone and quickly responded to the few messages. Once her phone was put away, she could feel the air becoming more and more unbreathable. When her gaze turned to the street she saw the crazy car speeding towards them.
"MARIA WATCH OUT!" Quickly, Diana pushed her friend and colleague aside as the car didn't seem to slow down as it approached.
"DIANA !" Maria screamed in turn as she felt herself being pushed.
There was only the screeching of tires mixed with the horn and the loud noise of the impact. Diana could feel her body being hit at the speed of light.
After that, everything went black.
As she opened her eyes, Diana gasped. Panicked, she reached out and kicked the air as the Morgue was stunned.
"SHE'S AWAKE." A voice shouted. "She's awake. Quick. Warn Doctor Kraken. I'll get the nurse..."
Diana could feel her body being as heavy as a car and she could practically hear those bones cracking when she moved her arms a little. She turned her head several times as her vision became clearer with each second.
She rubbed her eyes awkwardly and as she regained her senses, a freezing cold hit her back quickly followed by the rest of her body because of the room. She turned her head to the side again and her scream drowned in her throat when she saw a dead body next to hers. And turned her head to the other side and it was the same shock, realizing her gift environment.
"A Morgue?" Diana will be her hands fists "I'm... in a Morgue?"
She didn't understand why she was there. She didn't understand why she had landed there. It's true that car accidents happen and that it can hurt a lot but Diana sincerely understood that with her good health and physical strength she was going to get away with a few scratches... she never would have believed to die just because a madman at the wheel had knocked her down.
Bravely, she got up with the little strength she had and she began to walk with trembling legs. One step after another, Diana managed to walk going in any direction.
Diana finally saw herself in the mirror and she froze. In front of her, stood a creature in the shape of a hedgehog with pink hair and green eyes. She reached her hand towards the wall and she trembled "What... What is this crazy?" She put her hand to her cheek and pinched it "Is that me?" The young woman couldn't understand how she had gotten here. All she could do was look at me reflected in her mirror, accepting the reality that she had become another person.
Diana's thoughts were cut off when she heard the door open and she froze seeing a half man with a dog's head smiling at her. Next to him, a rabbit woman and a cat woman stared at Diana with big eyes as if they had seen a ghost..
"Hello Miss Amy Rose." The doctor smiled happily "Welcome back to the living."