"Sonic..." Amy let the tears fall down her cheeks "Please... don't leave. I... I don't know what I'd become without you..."
The blue hero could only lower his head in defeat "You have to understand, Amy..." Sonic scratched his head "You're a good friend, you're almost my best friend just like Tails... I can't feel the same feelings you do towards me."
"She's not worth your love, Sonic..." Amy lowered her head while holding his arm. "She doesn't deserve you..."
Sonic frowned. He knew that sooner or later, he would have this conversation with her. Amy had always been so possessive, so manic, so... in love. But even if she was very tactile, he still cared for her. Sonic knew that she was stronger than she thought. "Sally loves me and I intend to rule Knothole with her..."
Amy turned her head away trying to calm her tears "Is that the truth, Sonic? Do you... really think you'll be happy with her?" She turned her face slightly towards the blue hedgehog "Just imagine... you make a huge mistake and she's not the right person who deserves your heart."
Sonic sighed. He put his hands on the pink hedgehog's shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes "I know it's hard to believe but Sally has proven many times that she truly loves me from the bottom of her heart and... it's really too bad you don't get along with her." He offered her a small smile shyly "You will have to accept the truth one of these days and I told you many times that I loved you very much... but not in the same way as you. You will find someone who loves you one day..."
"Sonic.." Amy lowered her head. "I don't want other people... You are the only one I want. Please don't leave."
"I hope I see you at the wedding." Sonic gave Amy a kiss on the forehead. "Take care of yourself and above all... be happy."
"Amy Rose, huh?"
Diana could feel her head burning. Because of the multiple nurses who had surrounded her but also because of the memory of the one named Amy Rose who had hit her head.
"It seems that I landed in you by accident..."
She was shaking even more as she remembered every detail. Amy Rose's birth, how she had grown up without parents, her ability to fight, her hammer Piko Piko, the robot Metal Sonic, her friends, the hedgehog she loves... Everything up to her suicide attempt in the same room where she was.
Diana could feel her heart beating a thousand miles away. Looking up at the ceiling, there was the lamp in the room that was still hanging a little in the void. Her vision was blurring as she saw Amy Rose's body floating in the void. She put a hand over her mouth, stopping herself from vomiting when she had the vision of Amy swinging in the void with the rope around her neck.
"You... Does it hurt that much?" Diana put a hand where the Rose's heart was. "Amy... heartbreak happens but the man you love has already made his choice... Why didn't you move on like he asked you to.
''Because no matter if I die for him or not... I will never stop loving him.''
Diana heard Amy's voice in her head.
Amy scratched her cheek inside "Yes... it's me..." She gave a small smile "I would like to say that I am happy to meet you but... I would be lying to myself. Especially given the circumstances..."
"Why am I here?" Diana clutched the hospital blanket in her hand. "Why am I... in your body?"
"No idea..." Amy shrugged. "By now I should have died and closed my eyes forever but apparently... even in death, I'm not at peace."
"Mm... maybe... killing yourself had a chaotic reaction and you have to finish something here before you leave for good." Diana thought "At least that's what happens in most ghost series I've seen. A person dies, that person is stuck on earth and they wander the earth looking for one last mission to accomplish."
Amy sighed. Being trapped in her body and without the slightest movement was like torture for her. Reluctantly, she resigned herself to let the other person guide her.
"However..." Diana smiled slyly "It's possible that you'll die for good if I help you..."
"What kind of crazy reasoning is this?!" Amy panicked "Even if you succeed, there's no guarantee it'll work... What if I get stuck again?"
"That's your problem..." The young woman rolled her eyes.
Amy pounded her fists into the air "You can't leave me like this..." She cried again "I want to get out of here. I want to die..."
"I can't help you for this, Amy... and you know it." Diana took a fork and started eating as if she hadn't had food in 15 years.
''I really need you...'' Amy begged ''I want... I want them all to know how much I hurt without them...''
"That's your problem." Diana crossed her arms "You should have died naturally, that is to say: from old age, an accident or cardiac arrest."
"You're cruel..." Amy cried "What a cruel world..."
"You killed yourself, what did you expect?" Diana hissed "Of course this kind of thing would never have happened if you had just put on a brave face and forgotten about it. There are so many men in the world..."
"I loved him!" Amy screamed making the light in the room shine. "I love him with all my heart. You never forget your first love..."
"Love..." Diana twitched "That's a very stupid thing to say from an alien creature..."
It was a sting in Amy's heart "I'm a hedgehog..."
"Hedgehog. Alien. Same thing. The problem is that I'm stuck in your body for a little while and I'm going to do my best to get back where I belong." She clenched her fist in the air "As for you, Amy, no matter how hard you hold on, you'll be stuck until you resign yourself to everything you hold dear."
"There must be another way..."
"No matter what you say, Amy." Diana looked out the window at the night "My only wish is to go home and live a peaceful life."
Diana knew... she knew that staying in this world would drive her crazy. She couldn't stand paranormal things and a totally unknown world with no landmarks. Not to mention that a ghost was sticking to her butt and he wouldn't resign himself to resting in peace. No matter what, she would return to her own world...