Hello, this is Freddy Krueger…or rather, Kora's fucked up- version of me better known as her FreddyMuse, because I inspired her to write 'Nightmare Ring'! Here I have interviewed the lovely author, asking her pointed questions about her story.
Most likely no one will read this interview, thinking, 'who cares?' But for those that do, what lies ahead is a fascinating Q&A that may answers many of your questions about the story - -how Kora thought it up, motivations, reasons for certain things, etc. So, if you are one of the few individuals who do care, please read and enjoy…oh god, no one is going to read this, are they?
FM: I think the most important question, and the one on everyone's mind is, are there any plans for a sequel?
K: Oh god yes, LOL. I'd be pretty sadistic to drop things where they are now. This is merely the end of 'Nightmare Ring'. This was the story to set-up the characters, the situation, ala the bullshit I wanted to push through to get to the sequel, which shall be more action packed.
Less exposition, less human scenes - more killing, more Freddy/Samara which I know is what everyone wants!
FM: Any hints on the sequel? Like the name and such?
K: Its going to be called 'Rasen Nightmares'. The Japanese sequel to 'Ringu' was entitled 'Rasen', which in Japanese (according to Ringworld) is 'Spiral'. So, 'Spiral Nightmares' is what it is called but 'Rasen' sounds much closer and once again holds homage to the films.
FM: What's going to happen?!
LOL, if I told you that you wouldn't read it!FM: Please, some spoilers! If you don't, you knoooow what could happen ::flashes glove::
Oh fine! Well, I can tell you now that there are things that are obviously left unresolved from Nightmare Ring. Good example, Michael, Maggie's fiancée, has yet to show up. Second, I said I'd bring in Rachel and Aidan from the 'Ring' and I meant it! Samara deserves revenge on her survivors too! Also, I have yet to explain everything about dream angels/demons, my take on the dreamworld, etc.FM: About that, 'Dream Angels'?!
Yes, I thought it sounded stupid too, I even had one of the characters comment on it in that chapter but since the dream demons were all ready injected into the Freddyverse thanks to 'Freddy's Dead', I figured why not? In fact, I was surprised it was so well received by my reviewers. I expected boos and hisses and rolling of eyes but they stood behind me. ::weeps:: It makes me real happy they trust me.FM: So you're building a mythology here…
Yes, I'm saying that the dreamworld is just that - a world all its own. That's why the dreamscape has so much in it - it is similar to our world. I liken it to another dimension.FM: And what about that Dreammaster? Where is he?
All I can say is, sequel.FM: So there'll be more about the dream angels/demons, in the sequel?
Oh you bet! How can I finish my mythology without explaining it! LOL.FM: So if you used one word to describe the sequel…
Mysticism. That's what it is all about. Let's just say the demons and angels have their own plans…FM: I am very excited.
::shifts uncomfortably:: You can put the glove down now.FM: Oh, sorry about that ::under breath, 'not really':: so, tell us, when did you think up this story?
K: After watching F vs. J about six times and my friend Christie falling in love with Freddy, I figured it was time to give him a girl. I listened to the soundtrack almost every day and Blank Theory's song, 'Middle of Nowhere', really hit me, as I had yet to actually listen to it (there are 20 something tracks on that CD!!) I thought it sounded kind of watery in the beginning for some reason - it made me recall that Creed video where the dude played drums in water - anyway, long story short, water=Samara. And then I thought, well, she's a kid and Freddy loves the children…
FM: So you did a one-shot?
K: Yes, that is all I had intended, even though I had thought up this whole story behind it. I was scared to write in this genre - to touch Nightmare fics. I had read what Neph had done and thought to myself 'I can never do that', so I posted a one-shot, figuring maybe if people took to it, I'd write more. I was happy to see they did - and they stuck out through all 35 chapters! Thanks!! ::hugs::
FM: 35 fucking chapters…
K: Yeah, I meant for less, shooting for twenty but things kept going on and barreling out of my control…
FM: Humph, I'll say! Now about Samara becoming a teen…
K: I didn't want to push any pedophilic buttons with people, so I had her possess Becca. 'Sides, she looks so much like her and I think the actress who plays Becca is pretty!
FM: Hmm, now how about the return of all those survivors…
K: I like movies that wrap up loose ends. Alice, Jacob, Maggie - they were all loose ends. Now, personally, I do not like ANY of the people in Freddy films save Freddy (though I'll admit a perchance to Nancy, Gill - he IS fucking Johnny Depp, Will, and Kia) and had had plans to kill ALL survivors but in writing them I did start to grow rather fond of them. Not that that means in anyway they are safe…
FM: Alice…
K: Yes, I hated her in the movies but in writing her I started to care for her. Still killed her though.
FM: Hmm, and Lori and Doc?
K: I hated both of them, especially Lori! HOW I hate Lori…
FM: What is it with you and Will?
K: I think Jason Ritter is hot, I thought his Dad was hot when he was younger (rest in peace John! I miss you!) I'll admit Will had his whiny, irritating moments in F vs. J but over all I enjoyed his character and decided to build on him. Not to mention I started the whole Will/Samara/Freddy triangle…
FM: Differences in those relationships?
K: Freddy gives Samara passion and excitement - Will offers a safe, simple love. Both are nice and frankly, I love both couples almost the same but I lean towards one more than the other…
FM: Freddy and Samara?
K: You better believe it! They belong together. They compliment each other, they're 'it'.
FM: Angela…
K: I felt bad for Will and wanted to give him someone. Again, something for the sequel, but it was hinted at here anyway, so just so you all know, don't be surprised to see a quadrangle - Freddy/Samara/Will/Angela.
FM: NO, I was asking about Angela and you cut me off! ::flashes her the middle finger::
K: ::rolls eyes:: Oh please. Fine. Angela is played by a girl from 'Days of our lives', how could I resist tossing her in?
FM: She sure was crazy. Going on and on about the glove…
K: Yes, I'm sorry I kept beating that issue over and over but what can I say? She's obsessed! And I also wanted to show her as foil to Samara, having been in the mental house herself. Will was also similar in the fashion, but his foil was closer to Samara as he started to fall for her.
FM: So what was the deal with Samara at the end?
K: I wrote Samara like Phoenix in 'X-Men' for those who read comics. She started out being so fresh and new to human experiences that they overwhelmed her and she became Dark Phoenix. Same happened to Samara, she realized all the power she had and it sort of overwhelmed her. Made her unleash it and go crazy - that and shows of power are real cool. Imagine the FX if this were a film…
FM: She kicked Freddy's ass at the end!
K: And I apologize for those who object to that but think about it, she has telekinesis. It's sort of hard to fight that - it's the movement of objects after all and I went with the theory that she wouldn't be stupid enough to fight Freddy hand to hand 'cause then she'd lose so she kept him away from her using the water. Hence why, when she dropped her guard for that split second, he killed her.
FM: Just telekinesis?
K: No, actually she has a slew of powers - something again for the sequel. I guess I'll drop another spoiler now and say the sequel has a LOT to do about Samara and her past. Some of it is even hinted in the video in Ch. 5 that she made for the survivors. Remember, the images she uses are always clues. Or did no one catch that Paige's death was very similar to one of the scenes on the tape?
FM: Freddy forgave Samara pretty quickly…
K: She offered to save her life! Not to emotion that I think he has feelings for her.
FM: Feelings? Freddy?
K: If he can get angry and scared (we saw his eyes when he saw Jason) and all that, then he can care for something - and actually, I don't even classify it as care so much as obsess. See, here's where we get in to my compliments to Neph. I can't help but bow to her, basically because I am an affirmed Mary Sue hater but I actually enjoy Jade.
And what's more, I enjoy Neph's views on a Freddy companion - she chose to view it as an issue of control - something which I have stolen in many ways.
She made Freddy and Jade's relationship masochistic, pointing out there is no way someone of Freddy's nature could fall in love - he controls Jade, she hangs on his every whim and word - when he abuses her she thinks either she deserves it or she enjoys it, it's not a bad idea.
As for me, I stole her idea and flipped it on its side. Freddy wants to control Samara but he can't, she's has too much willpower and that fact, plus her similarities to him and her own unique viciousness, attract him even more - drawing him in, which makes you question who controls who. (I had this convo with Draca once! ;-)
FM: Interesting; now throughout this story you have used lyrics. Do you have a soundtrack you used to write this story
?K: You bet! All ready working on the sequel's soundtrack too but for this one…
Nightmare Ring
Blank Theory - Middle of Nowhere
Sevendust - Enemy
Korn - Trash
Puscifer - REV 20:20
Metallica - St. Anger
Drowning Pool - Tear Me Away
Cold - Suffocate
Curve - Hell Above Water
Delirium w/Sarah McLachlan - Silence
FM: About Mary-Sues…
K: I hate them. But I need them so they can die. Hence Paige and Disher!
FM: Cameos?
K: Some of the College victims were from other horror films:
Julie James : I Know What You Did Last Summer - haha, my revenge on Jennifer Love Hewitt!
Dwight Riley: Dewey from the 'Scream' films.
Sara Moyer: Halloween Resurrection
FM: Anything you'd like to change?
K: So much! I wanted a part where Freddy says something like he should have had Samara's mom join him instead of her as Samara's mom is a child killer like he is, then Samara would get all mad. Maybe in the sequel…
FM: It is my understanding from a reliable source that you changed things, can you tell us about that?
K: Yes, originally I had Tracy in the story, she will now be in the sequel - same for Rachel, Aidan, and Michael…ohh, the body count grows bigger.
FM: Speaking of, your approach to Freddy's killing…
K: I wanted him to be scary and ruthless - I didn't want the flashy jokes as much as the quick deaths like in the first film. I wanted him to be a force to be reckoned with and not some one-liner joke as he had become in previous films. Like when they had him rip off Jaws in I think it was either NOES 4 or 5 with Alice, so not cool.
FM: Any chapters in particular that you love?
K: I liked 11, when Becca died. I like 13 when Samara first appears. I like 20 through 23 as I have all those kills in a row and any part where Samara and Freddy were intimate, I liked.
FM:: shifts uncomfortably:: Okay, we've entered that scary point. So at the end of 'Nightmare Ring' did Samara and Freddy do it and you just back out like a wuss?
K: ::frowns at word choice:: No, actually that is all they do - kiss. I'm saving all smut for the sequel - in fact I have a few steamy scenes in mind…in the sequel they will be very couply but not sickeningly so.
FM: All right, well I want to hurry up and do some killing so I think it's time we conclude this interview, thanks for your time and keep writing.
K: Oh I will, as long as you, and all my sweet reviewers keep inspiring and supporting me!
Before I close though, I would like to thank the following for reviewing! Thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without you and your kind words! Like I said, keep on reading and writing!