Leela Squared
Part 2
Last Time
Doctor: .the planet that is supposed to be destroyed is the Earth, on this day, and according to the note I've left myself, there's absolutely nothing that I can do.
They all stared at the Doctor for a moment, then Fry's Leela narrowed her eye.
Leela: What do you mean, you can't do anything about it? You can tell the authorities, can't you? Why don't you go to the DOOP, the police, or the military?
Doctor: I'm afraid it's not that simple. You see, what I remember about this crisis is that it involved pan-dimensional mathematics, and those can't be easily calculated. At least, my earlier incarnations couldn't have done them.
Doctor's/Leela: What do you mean, Doctor?
Doctor: Even the wisest time lords have been unable to calculate pan- dimensional mathematics, because they've never been able adjust their mind- set to the types of numbers involved. It goes beyond fourth- and fifth- dimensional thinking, and on into the sixth and seventh types. However, when I was taken prisoner, I found myself exposed to beings that existed outside our own plane of reality.
Fry: You mean, like in some kind of twilight zone place? Man, that was a cool show, you know the one where the guy likes to read, and there's the war, and then.
Fry's/Leela: Fry! All right, Doctor, so these aliens from another dimension captured you. How long were you there, and how did you learn to calculate this new type of number?
Doctor: (Softly) I was there for close to a century. That time bought my own people precious time, to prepare a defense for our universe. If I hadn't been able to stall the invaders, then they would have entered our own dimension, and quite probably destroyed everything that mattered to anyone.
Doctor's/Leela: I am still adjusting to my new life, Doctor, but when was all this supposed to have happened?
Doctor: Oh, it must have been over 200 million years ago-about the same time that simple forms of mammalian life had started to appear on the Earth- so none of you would ever have existed. Still, I like this particular universe, and I'll fight for it as long as I'm able.
Fry's/Leela: So, you were taken prisoner for a century? What happened to you while you were there?
Doctor: (Somberly) The usual things that happen to prisoners who don't want to talk. I was tortured for quite some time, to the point that I was close to involuntarily regenerating more than once. However, even as they tortured me, I learned everything I could about them as well, and telepathically fed the information to the high council.
At Fry and Leela's puzzlement, the Doctor's Leela gave them a sympathetic look and gently walked over to them.
Doctor's/Leela: He means the high council of the time lords, the rulers of Gallifrey, and some of the oldest and most powerful beings in the universe, were they to use their power in that manner.
Fry: You mean they're like the guardians of the universe or something?
Doctor: Yes, though we usually only watch and observe. Our policy is not to interfere; I'm a bit of a renegade you see.
Fry's/Leela: Okay, so, you know about the dimension thing. Why can't you stop it, then?
Doctor: Oh, I know the rudiments, but I'm still not very talented in that aspect of it as I am in other things. That, plus, I don't really know what the threat to Earth is supposed to be. I need to go back to my TARDIS and go through one of my diaries, so I can remember what it is that I forgot. Come on, Leela, let's see what we can find, hmm?
Fry's/Leela and the Doctor's Leela both started to walk with him, then stopped. The two of them grinned nervously.
Doctor's/Leela: I'm sorry, I suppose that he meant me. Please, go on to your jobs, and we shall work to stop this tragedy from happening.
Fry's/Leela: (Quickly) What do you mean by that? I'm coming too. It's the lives of my children, my friends, and.my husband that's at stake. Screw the meeting, Fry, if we don't help out, it won't matter anyway.
Just then, a new, yet familiar voice broke into the conversation.
Bender: What won't matter anyway, jerkwads?
The bending robot came up to the others, smoking a cigar and holding a bottle of Pabst Blue Robot in his hand. Fry grinned over at his old friend; he hadn't really changed at all in the years that he'd known him, except that he was a little less obnoxiously evil these days. Well, at least part of the time.
Bender: Hey, who's the goofy-looking couple? You actually made some new friends, meatbags? Or are they here to finally put you back in the asylum, Fry? Ahahaha!
Doctor: Hm. Leela, this is what's called a.bending robot, yes, that's it. They were invented a few hundred years ago, in order to help in the construction of buildings.
Doctor's/Leela: Are they all that.mean-spirited?
Doctor: Ha. There are some I've met that are positively nasty. This one's fairly tame by comparison, so it must have.you're its friend, aren't you?
The Doctor had directed this last question at Fry, who smiled sheepishly.
Fry: Yeah, I've known Bender here ever since I arrived in the future. He was the first friend I made after I woke up. I guess that we've been together now for. 15 years.
Bender: Yeah, it's amazing how these guys grow on you. So, what won't matter anyway, is it time for me to go and step into a suicide booth now? Cuz I don't want to waste any good alcohol, you know? C'mon Fry, it'll be like old times, me and you, dodging out of the way of death.
Fry: (Mumbling) No thanks, no more suicide booths for me.
Doctor: Well, everyone, let's go back to my ship. I'll fill in your mechanical friend on some of what we've discussed, and then, I'll save the world. We should still have time for breakfast.
Doctor's/Leela: Oh, I hope that they still have muffins in this time; I've not had one since the last time we visited London in the 1800's.
The Doctor and his Leela started to walk back towards the park, with Fry and his Leela coming along behind them. Leela held onto Nibbler, stroking his head absent-mindedly, while Bender strolled along in back.
Fry's/Leela: Fry, do you think that we should trust them? We don't really know who they are; they could just be some nuts.
Fry: Y'know, that's possible, Leela, but then, why are we following them?
Fry's/Leela: (Hesitantly) Well.I think that maybe... There is something to both of them, especially that man. I don't know why, but I've seen him somewhere before, or at least, it feels like I have. Besides, if the Earth really is in danger, then I'm one of the best people qualified to save it; I've done it before, you know.
Fry: I know, Leela, and there isn't anyone I'd trust more.
Fry's/Leela: (Smiling) Thanks, Fry. You're a great guy.hey, where'd they go?
She stopped and grabbed hold of Fry's arm; the two strangers had been walking in front of them just a minute ago. Leela looked around, but all she could see was a dingy blue box, standing alone.
Fry: I guess that's where they went; doesn't look very much like a ship though, huh?
The two walked up to the box, and Fry looked at the words at the top.
Fry: "Police Public Telephone Box". Well, they must be in there. There's nowhere else they could've gone.
Bender: Hey Fry, who'd you say these guys were again?
Fry: Um, the guy was called Doctor, and the lady's name was Leela, just like Leela here. Why, whatup?
Bender: I don't know why, but I'm getting the funniest feeling just looking at that box. I don't wanna go any closer to it, if it's the same to you.
Fry's/Leela: (Annoyed) Fine, then you hold onto Nibbler and have a drink. Fry and I are going to get to the bottom of this. C'mon Fry; let's see what's so special about this box.
Leela gave Nibbler to Bender, who went and sat down on a bench, at some distance away, Leela noted to herself.
Fry: Well, let's go in and see what's up, Leels.
Leela smiled for a moment at hearing Fry use her pet name, and then grabbed hold of his hand. They approached the box. Taking a breath, Leela opened the door, and they stepped over the threshold and into what should have been an impossibility. After a moment of blackness, Leela gasped; they were in a room, one that couldn't be inside that box, but.it was, wasn't it? The whole space glowed, with a soft white light that seemed to have no visible source. She grinned giddily; this was incredible, and it was happening to her. She looked over at Fry, who looked awestruck. Leela reached out around his waist, and softly kissed him on the cheek. Fry stared back at her for a moment.
Fry: What was that for?
Fry's Leela: Just because I wanted to, and because I love you.
They smiled at each other for a moment and then walked over to the console where the Doctor and his Leela were standing, the Doctor with an old fashioned book in his hand. As Fry looked at the cover he could just make out the words, "1000 year diary".
The Nimbus was the pride of the DOOP spacefleet. It had an impressive crew of 430 men, and was commanded by one of the greatest heroes of the 31st century, Captain Zapp Branigan. The whole of the DOOP was able to rest easy, knowing that he stood at the head of the lines of freedom throughout the entire galaxy. (Encyclopedia Galactica, Branigan Zapp, entry date 3006)
"Zapp Branigan? That horse's ass got what was coming to him. I normally wouldn't wish anything bad on anyone, seeing as I'm from the Neutral planet, but even I could make an exception for that oaf." (DOOP President, 3020)
The space battleship Nimbus cruised on its assigned patrol at the edge of Earth's solar system, its mighty weaponry armed and awaiting the order to strike at a single word from the commander. On the bridge, equipment hummed, and men did their jobs, with businesslike efficiency. Everything was working perfectly, with the exception of.
Zapp: Kif, why haven't you finished trimming my toenails yet? You know that if I'm going to win over the heart of the lovely captain Leela, I have to have perfect toenails.
Kif: (Sighing) Captain, sir, Leela has been married to Mr. Fry for almost 10 years now. Why do you think that you can still win her over, sir?
Zapp: I know that it's only a matter of time before she realizes the mistake that she made when she married that orange hairball, and comes crawling back for a taste of the Zappster's sweet, sweet candy. Bam.
Kif: Ugh, yes sir, whatever you say sir.
Zapp: I only hope that she hurries up; I can't wait forever, only another fifty years or so, then, I'll have to cut her loose.
Just then, one of the men at a console spoke up.
Sensor operator: Captain Branigan? I'm picking up a strange object that's just entered Earth's solar system. It should pass quite close to us, within the next few minutes, sir.
Zapp: Where does this so-called mystery object appear to be heading, soldier?
Sensor operator: If it maintains its present course sir, it appears that it'll head straight on towards.Earth.
Zapp: Really. Well, put it on the screen, Kif; let's see what this thing is.
Kif sighed and dutifully walked over to the main view screen, and turned it on. Against the curtain of stars, they could make out what looked like nothing less than a missile. Even as they stared at it, it appeared to fade away for a moment before it snapped back to full visibility again. The fading happened again, this time for a longer period.
Zapp: Kif, what's up with the missile.thingy, and why doesn't it stay visible all of the time? It makes me dizzy just looking at it.
Kif: Sir, it appears to be phasing in and out of our dimension, and.oh this looks bad. The missile appears to have a duotronium warhead. If it strikes Earth, or any other planet within the solar system, the implosion that will occur will effectively wipe out the entire system, sir.
Zapp: Really, so what that means is that there won't be any lovely ladies left on Earth then?
Kif: Sir, there won't be anyone left on any of the inhabited planets. They'll all be destroyed.
Zapp: Well, then we'd better get a message to the Earth as soon as possible. Kif, take a letter. Attention: Ladies of Earth, Zapp Branigan here, the hero of Andromeda 12. Just wanted to let you know, there's a dangerous missile that's approaching Earth, which looks as though it will destroy the planet. So, if you'd like a chance with the Zapper, here's my email address. Let me know where you escape to, and we'll get to work repopulating the human race. And hurry it up -- I've got to take my weekly soak --but if you'd like to help, that's Zapp, Branigan, B.R.A.N. something, something. See you later, chickie babies, mwah! There we go Kif, that should help make sure there's a large supply of females for me to choose from.
Kif: But sir, aren't we going to even try and stop the missile before it gets deeper into the solar system? We may still have a chance to save the Earth.
Zapp: Kif, one day, when you're a man, you'll realize, that it is a far better thing I do for me, than for somebody else, or something like that. Anyway, let's be off, I've got to get ready to meet the flood of female companionship coming this way. To the Lovenasium!
Kif: But sir, Amy's on Earth, and so is Leela and your family and.
Kif sighed to himself and followed Zapp to his cabin, cursing both Branigan and himself in his heart. Branigan was a horrible man, but didn't that mean that Kif was even more horrible for continuing to follow him? Kif sighed heavily, and walked on towards Zapp's room. Would whatever gods there were, forgive him his weakness someday?
Leela felt Fry's hold on her hand subtly increase, and she squeezed back. For the last few minutes, they'd been standing around, while the Doctor had sat down in a rocking chair that she was sure hadn't been there earlier. While the humming of the ship and the gentle squeak of the rocking chair sounded comforting, she couldn't help but wonder if this was really happening. She was jolted out of her reverie, as the Doctor's "Leela" walked over to her, and lightly placed her hand on her forearm.
Doctor's Leela: I understand. I experienced the same thing the first time I entered the TARDIS. It's is difficult for the mind to comprehend dimensional transcendentalism. At first glance, you think, this is impossible. It can't be this big on the inside, and so small on the outside.
Fry (Excitedly): Yeah that's what makes it so cool. You know, it looks like you could get all of Planet Express in here, along with our own apartment too.
Doctor's/Leela: Well, there's more to it than that. You see, the inside of the TARDIS is, in effect, another dimension, one where normal physical laws act somewhat... differently, to say the least. For instance, no energy weapons can be used in here, at least in theory, and you find that the aging process slows down considerably. Why, the first time I traveled with the Doctor, I looked no different from when I started, though several years had gone by.
Fry's/Leela: Huh. I could've used something like that after I got married.
Fry: (Hugging her from behind) Yeah, but you're still the most beautiful woman on Earth, hon.
Fry's/Leela (Smiling and holding his arms) You just remember to keep saying that, Fry.
Just then they heard a sharp exclamation from the Doctor, who'd been looking at his diary during their conversation.
Doctor: Of course! I knew that there was something I was forgetting, I just couldn't remember what it was. You know, my old instructor in temporal physics always told me that I had a poor memory, mind like a tortoise he'd say, and I 'd reply with a rather witty remark, something along the lines of-
Doctor's/Leela: Doctor! What did you find out?
Doctor: Discover? Oh yes, well, from what I wrote in my diary some years ago, during one of my earlier regenerations.I discovered an alternate timeline, where the Earth had been destroyed for several decades. According to the histories of other races in that time frame, some type of super-weapon destroyed the Earth. Apparently, I tried to get there, but got delayed by something else, and then there was my capture and imprisonment, so I never got around to saving the planet.
Fry's/Leela: What?! You mean that you had some kind of knowledge about this, and didn't stop it from happening? Are you stupid or something? I should kick your ass right here, but I.ooh, damn it!
Leela came up short as Fry had come over to her and put his hand gently on her arm. As she looked at him, the tension in her body melted away, and she sighed deeply for a moment, before she put down the fist that she'd raised a moment earlier. The Doctor looked at her for a few seconds, and then he set his diary down next to him.
Doctor: You know, someone asked a good friend of mine a question like that, and I think he said 'stupid is as stupid does', or something like that. Anyway, I was captured and tortured for about a century, and I'm afraid that I've become a bit more absent-minded since then. Well, I'm here now, all I have to do is figure out how to stop a weapon I've not seen before, keep it from destroying one of my most favorite planets, and then, find out what I've done with all my sheep.
Fry and Leela exchanged glances. The Doctor's eyes had widened a little bit at his last statement, but he looked completely serious.
Fry: Uh...sure, whatever you say. Hey Doc, what's in this room over there?
Doctor: (Distractedly) Hmmm, oh, that's a door that leads out into the depths of the TARDIS. You can look around, all you want, while I think about what to do.
Fry: Okay, I'll be back in a minute. Say Leela, you want to come with me?
Fry's/Leela (Exasperated) Fry, the Earth may be destroyed in a minute, and you want to...what? Take a tour around this place? Don't you ever stop and think about.
Leela stopped as she saw the hurt on Fry's face, and once again cursed herself mentally. Fry really did care about her and the kids, and about everything in general, he just had that happy-go-lucky attitude that made him sometimes act without thinking. It made her so frustrated with him at times, but it was one of the reasons that she'd fallen in love with him[dw].
Fry's/Leela: Sorry Fry, why don't you go ahead and take a look around, and I'll catch up to you in a moment.
Fry: (Softly) Okay Leela, I'll just be over here. Love ya.
Fry walked off, and Leela turned back to the Doctor, only to see him and his friend trying to look in completely different directions for the moment. "Leela" glanced over and saw her looking at the two of them, and gently nudged the Doctor in the ribs, causing him to look at her as well.
Doctor: Oh my. I must apologize for any of the mental pain that I may have caused you; I assure you, it was done inadvertently.
Fry's/Leela: It's all right Doctor, I'm a little nervous, and when I get nervous, I get snappish. You know, Fry hasn't really changed that much in the years that we've known each other.
Leela glanced over at Fry, where he seemed to have found a chest of drawers. She was positive it hadn't been there before.
Doctor's/Leela: I understand. I was much the same way when I was with my husband on Gallifrey. Even now, I miss him so much.
Fry's Leela's eye opened wide for a moment, and she started to ask a question when the Doctor, who'd been standing silently for a moment, looked up and took his glasses off, and rubbed them with the end of his necktie.
Doctor (To himself): Of course, that could work, but it'd be stupendously dangerous. Still, maybe.excuse me ladies, why don't we step outside, and look at the landscape for a moment? It always helps me to think, looking at the trees and flowers.
The Doctor had directed this question to the two women, and they all started towards the door, even though Leela felt like she was missing something. Nobody noticed that the door that led out of the console room had closed a moment earlier.
Fry looked down a brightly-lit corridor, noticing that the hallways seemed to stretch on forever, and that there were doors on either side. He walked on a short distance, looking at each door, then stopped in front of one.
Fry: Huh. I wonder what's in this room?
He opened the door, and gasped: there was nothing in the room but what appeared to be a white void. As he gaped, in the distance he saw a vaguely reptilian creature, flying rapidly towards him.
Creature: Release me! I demand it! I.beg of you, please. I will do anything you ask of me, PITIFUL FOOL!
Fry leaned back, because the thing had just about reached the door, and as it screamed out the last bit, he hurriedly shut it. The noise faded, though as he leaned against the door, he thought he could hear the creature screaming something, about where had the door gone, and something about revenge against the Doctor, and. Roman legions? Fry leaned back against the wall, breathing heavily. Being married to Leela had done wonders for his health - she was a hard trainer - but he was still getting older.
Fry: (To himself) It's too bad I can't regenerate like this Doctor guy. I'd keep myself 25 forever. I wonder what's in that door?
As Fry continued to open doors, the two Leelas were walking toward the main doors of the TARDIS. The Doctor was going on about the trees in springtime, and both women were feeling more than a little strange, as though they were doing the right thing, but for all the wrong reasons.
Doctor's/Leela: Doctor, what about the.?
Doctor: I know, why don't we go to London later on, and I'll buy you some muffins, Leela, and then we can go to the theater afterwards.
The Doctor said this in a soothing voice, one that made her feel very warm, and his smile was very charming, but why did she feel like there was something she was missing? Fry's Leela felt the same way, then felt the energies swirl around her as they crossed over the threshold and into the bright sunlit morning of New New York. She turned back to see the door close behind them, and was surprised, then angry, as the box began to make a loud noise, like ancient machinery grinding. Anger became surprise again as it faded from sight.
Fry's Leela: What happened just now? Where did he go, and what's with the box disappearing? I want some answers, and now, or so help me, I'll.
She stopped as the other Leela shook her head and looked at her.
Doctor's/Leela: (Irritated) The Doctor, he pushed us mentally. He made us leave the TARDIS, so that he could do something, but what? He looked like he'd had an idea, and then he started to talk to us, and I felt myself agreeing with him. He's never done that before. If he went by himself, then he must be planning to do something very dangerous. I wonder.
The Doctor's Leela stopped speaking as she noticed the other Leela looking around wildly.
Fry's/Leela: Fry? Fry! Where are you? Fry.oh no, he couldn't be.
She broke off and looked at her counterpart, not noticing Bender sidling up next to her.
Bender: Hey pusballs, where'd that box go, and why didn't Fry come out with you? I know him enough that he'd never take off anywhere without you and your big nose ta keep 'im outta trouble.
Bender muted as he saw Leela's shoulders tense up; he had learned over the years, that when that happened, it wasn't a good idea to be around her. Too bad Fry still hadn't caught on, woulda saved him a lot of exercise in their training room.
Fry's/Leela: (Quietly) Where is he? So help me, if this "Doctor" hurts Fry in any way, I'll, I'll.
Doctor's/Leela: The Doctor would never do anything to harm him. I am sure that your husband is perfectly safe, and the Doctor will be back with him shortly. Please, be calm, and do not worry.
Fry's/Leela: Damn it, that's just not good enough! Get him back here, and get him back NOW!
She had just placed her hand on the older lady's shoulder. The next thing she knew, she was lying flat on her back, and the knife at her throat let her know that a struggle could be fatal. The woman looked coolly down upon her for a moment, and then set down her knife and smiled gently.
Doctor's/Leela: There are certain beings and things in this universe that are not be trifled with, and a warrior of the Sevateem is one of them. I understand that you are upset. Were I in your place, I would be as well, but you must trust me, the Doctor is a being of great compassion. He will bring your husband back to you, safe and sound. You must trust me, please.
She stood up and extended a hand to her counterpart, and after a moment, Fry's Leela took it and stood up as well.
Fry's/Leela: Okay, I'll take a chance here, and hope that my husband comes home safely. I don't know why, especially after what happened with the Doctor just now, but.I believe you. Lord help me, I don't know why, I just do. But if Phillip gets hurt in any way, then so help me God, I'll.I don't know what I'll do, but it won't be pretty.
Doctor's/Leela: I understand, and please, trust in the universe, for things to work out for the best. You had better take care of him, Doctor, for all our sakes.
She directed this last sentence quietly, and up at the sky, though she knew that the Doctor was already far away in both space and time.
Fry's/Leela: Hey, where'd Nibbler run off to? Bender, I thought you were keeping an eye on him!
Bender: Hey, 'ol Bender's got more important things to do than keep up a surveillance on that overgrown mutant mouse. Hey, hey, I just put him down for a minute, and he started to run around the bench, then I got a little - uh - distracted by this nice looking fembot, and the next thing I know, he ain't around no more. Ahhh, I'm sorry Leela!
Bender had said this last bit because Leela had just picked him up by the neck and started to squeeze. After his apology she set him back down, much more gently.
Leela: (Small-voiced) I'm sorry too, Bender, I just lost myself for a moment, what with Fry disappearing, and now Nibbler. Oh, they'd better take care of themselves, or I'll take him to the training room and give him a workout that neither of them will ever forget.
The view of Earth from space is one of the loveliest sights in the cosmos. The Doctor mused on this, even as the TARDIS entered the vortex, which proceeded to bend and shape the reality of his universe once again.
Doctor: (To himself) I'm very sorry, ladies, but this was too dangerous to consider letting either of you come along. I'm sure that if I fail at this, then the time-lords may well do something, especially as Earth is a temporal nexus. Now, let me set the coordinates and then, well, let's see, shall we?
The Doctor was so absorbed in the controls that he didn't notice the small, furry creature that was stealthily approaching him from behind.
Nibbler: (Mentally) I must shield my thoughts from this being, until just the right moment, any time now, and.
Just then, the Doctor stood up straight and started to drum his fingers on the console, and Nibbler froze in place..
Doctor: (Musing) Why do I keep getting the feeling that I've forgotten something? Let's see, coordinates set, check. The TARDIS is at full power, the Eye of Harmony is receiving steadily. Glasses?
The Doctor put a hand to his face and chuckled softly when he touched his glasses. Then his eyes opened wide, and with a sharp intake of breath he turned toward the door behind him, which was just closing.
Fry: Hey Doc, those're some really nice rooms you've got back there; I didn't have a chance to go through all of them, but if you've got the time, what up with that one room with the herd of sheep, and the little pig that's walking around with them?
Doctor: Oh no! Come on, young man, we've got to get you back to Earth. I'm sure your wife is very angry with me by now. My companion probably is as well, but if I time things just right, we can put you back there immediately after we left.
The Doctor turned back to his console when he heard another voice.
Nibbler: Stop! The safety of the Mighty one is of paramount importance. We must continue away from Earth and toward my home planet, where the Fry brain can be safely stored and guarded.
Fry: Nibbler, you can talk? Cool, can you like tell me about the times when you were looking at me, and I.
Nibbler: Yes, yes, Mighty one, you were able to discern that my abilities were more than they seemed. It was a result of your lack of the delta wave in your brain.
Doctor: No delta wave? Fascinating, simply fascinating. But, I still have to get Fry back home, and save the Earth.
Nibbler: No! The high council of Eternia has determined that the safest spot is on our home planet. Fry, we understand that you will miss your home and friends, but we can recreate them for you. All will be as though it never changed at all
Doctor: (Coldly) Really? Can you recreate the love of his friends, his family, and his wife? Don't you think you should give Fry here the opportunity to make his own choices?
Fry: (A little angry) Yeah. I don't want to go somewhere else, I want the people that I know, and the woman I fell in love with, not a copy of her. I'm sorry, Nibbler, but I wanna go back home, 'kay?
Nibbler: NO! I will do as I must to protect you, and if that means sacrificing the Earth in order to save the universe, then I will!
With that, Nibbler used his third eye to wipe Fry's memory, but the Doctor had reached over and placed his hands on Fry's head. After the flash, Fry blinked a couple of times and then turned to the Doctor.
Fry: Did you just taste something purple? Hey Nibbler, I want to go back home, please? I want to be with my wife and kids. They'll always be more important to me than the universe. They're my universes now.
Nibbler shook his head sadly.
Nibbler: Mighty one, I am sorry, but I do what I must, for the whole of all the beings of the universe.
With that, he turned towards the Doctor, who instinctively backed up a step.
Nibbler: Time lord! You will relinquish control of this vessel to me, or I will wipe your mind clean!
Doctor: No, I don't think you'd become so desperate as to do something like that.
Nibbler: I DO WHAT I MUST!
With that said, the Doctor felt, rather than heard, an ever-increasing sound in his head, one that grew higher each second. In moments he felt his vision blurring, and he could not stay on his feet. Clutching his head, he sank to the floor. The last thing he heard was Nibbler's voice, barely audible through the pain.
Nibbler: I.I am sorry.
To be continued
Last Time
Doctor: .the planet that is supposed to be destroyed is the Earth, on this day, and according to the note I've left myself, there's absolutely nothing that I can do.
They all stared at the Doctor for a moment, then Fry's Leela narrowed her eye.
Leela: What do you mean, you can't do anything about it? You can tell the authorities, can't you? Why don't you go to the DOOP, the police, or the military?
Doctor: I'm afraid it's not that simple. You see, what I remember about this crisis is that it involved pan-dimensional mathematics, and those can't be easily calculated. At least, my earlier incarnations couldn't have done them.
Doctor's/Leela: What do you mean, Doctor?
Doctor: Even the wisest time lords have been unable to calculate pan- dimensional mathematics, because they've never been able adjust their mind- set to the types of numbers involved. It goes beyond fourth- and fifth- dimensional thinking, and on into the sixth and seventh types. However, when I was taken prisoner, I found myself exposed to beings that existed outside our own plane of reality.
Fry: You mean, like in some kind of twilight zone place? Man, that was a cool show, you know the one where the guy likes to read, and there's the war, and then.
Fry's/Leela: Fry! All right, Doctor, so these aliens from another dimension captured you. How long were you there, and how did you learn to calculate this new type of number?
Doctor: (Softly) I was there for close to a century. That time bought my own people precious time, to prepare a defense for our universe. If I hadn't been able to stall the invaders, then they would have entered our own dimension, and quite probably destroyed everything that mattered to anyone.
Doctor's/Leela: I am still adjusting to my new life, Doctor, but when was all this supposed to have happened?
Doctor: Oh, it must have been over 200 million years ago-about the same time that simple forms of mammalian life had started to appear on the Earth- so none of you would ever have existed. Still, I like this particular universe, and I'll fight for it as long as I'm able.
Fry's/Leela: So, you were taken prisoner for a century? What happened to you while you were there?
Doctor: (Somberly) The usual things that happen to prisoners who don't want to talk. I was tortured for quite some time, to the point that I was close to involuntarily regenerating more than once. However, even as they tortured me, I learned everything I could about them as well, and telepathically fed the information to the high council.
At Fry and Leela's puzzlement, the Doctor's Leela gave them a sympathetic look and gently walked over to them.
Doctor's/Leela: He means the high council of the time lords, the rulers of Gallifrey, and some of the oldest and most powerful beings in the universe, were they to use their power in that manner.
Fry: You mean they're like the guardians of the universe or something?
Doctor: Yes, though we usually only watch and observe. Our policy is not to interfere; I'm a bit of a renegade you see.
Fry's/Leela: Okay, so, you know about the dimension thing. Why can't you stop it, then?
Doctor: Oh, I know the rudiments, but I'm still not very talented in that aspect of it as I am in other things. That, plus, I don't really know what the threat to Earth is supposed to be. I need to go back to my TARDIS and go through one of my diaries, so I can remember what it is that I forgot. Come on, Leela, let's see what we can find, hmm?
Fry's/Leela and the Doctor's Leela both started to walk with him, then stopped. The two of them grinned nervously.
Doctor's/Leela: I'm sorry, I suppose that he meant me. Please, go on to your jobs, and we shall work to stop this tragedy from happening.
Fry's/Leela: (Quickly) What do you mean by that? I'm coming too. It's the lives of my children, my friends, and.my husband that's at stake. Screw the meeting, Fry, if we don't help out, it won't matter anyway.
Just then, a new, yet familiar voice broke into the conversation.
Bender: What won't matter anyway, jerkwads?
The bending robot came up to the others, smoking a cigar and holding a bottle of Pabst Blue Robot in his hand. Fry grinned over at his old friend; he hadn't really changed at all in the years that he'd known him, except that he was a little less obnoxiously evil these days. Well, at least part of the time.
Bender: Hey, who's the goofy-looking couple? You actually made some new friends, meatbags? Or are they here to finally put you back in the asylum, Fry? Ahahaha!
Doctor: Hm. Leela, this is what's called a.bending robot, yes, that's it. They were invented a few hundred years ago, in order to help in the construction of buildings.
Doctor's/Leela: Are they all that.mean-spirited?
Doctor: Ha. There are some I've met that are positively nasty. This one's fairly tame by comparison, so it must have.you're its friend, aren't you?
The Doctor had directed this last question at Fry, who smiled sheepishly.
Fry: Yeah, I've known Bender here ever since I arrived in the future. He was the first friend I made after I woke up. I guess that we've been together now for. 15 years.
Bender: Yeah, it's amazing how these guys grow on you. So, what won't matter anyway, is it time for me to go and step into a suicide booth now? Cuz I don't want to waste any good alcohol, you know? C'mon Fry, it'll be like old times, me and you, dodging out of the way of death.
Fry: (Mumbling) No thanks, no more suicide booths for me.
Doctor: Well, everyone, let's go back to my ship. I'll fill in your mechanical friend on some of what we've discussed, and then, I'll save the world. We should still have time for breakfast.
Doctor's/Leela: Oh, I hope that they still have muffins in this time; I've not had one since the last time we visited London in the 1800's.
The Doctor and his Leela started to walk back towards the park, with Fry and his Leela coming along behind them. Leela held onto Nibbler, stroking his head absent-mindedly, while Bender strolled along in back.
Fry's/Leela: Fry, do you think that we should trust them? We don't really know who they are; they could just be some nuts.
Fry: Y'know, that's possible, Leela, but then, why are we following them?
Fry's/Leela: (Hesitantly) Well.I think that maybe... There is something to both of them, especially that man. I don't know why, but I've seen him somewhere before, or at least, it feels like I have. Besides, if the Earth really is in danger, then I'm one of the best people qualified to save it; I've done it before, you know.
Fry: I know, Leela, and there isn't anyone I'd trust more.
Fry's/Leela: (Smiling) Thanks, Fry. You're a great guy.hey, where'd they go?
She stopped and grabbed hold of Fry's arm; the two strangers had been walking in front of them just a minute ago. Leela looked around, but all she could see was a dingy blue box, standing alone.
Fry: I guess that's where they went; doesn't look very much like a ship though, huh?
The two walked up to the box, and Fry looked at the words at the top.
Fry: "Police Public Telephone Box". Well, they must be in there. There's nowhere else they could've gone.
Bender: Hey Fry, who'd you say these guys were again?
Fry: Um, the guy was called Doctor, and the lady's name was Leela, just like Leela here. Why, whatup?
Bender: I don't know why, but I'm getting the funniest feeling just looking at that box. I don't wanna go any closer to it, if it's the same to you.
Fry's/Leela: (Annoyed) Fine, then you hold onto Nibbler and have a drink. Fry and I are going to get to the bottom of this. C'mon Fry; let's see what's so special about this box.
Leela gave Nibbler to Bender, who went and sat down on a bench, at some distance away, Leela noted to herself.
Fry: Well, let's go in and see what's up, Leels.
Leela smiled for a moment at hearing Fry use her pet name, and then grabbed hold of his hand. They approached the box. Taking a breath, Leela opened the door, and they stepped over the threshold and into what should have been an impossibility. After a moment of blackness, Leela gasped; they were in a room, one that couldn't be inside that box, but.it was, wasn't it? The whole space glowed, with a soft white light that seemed to have no visible source. She grinned giddily; this was incredible, and it was happening to her. She looked over at Fry, who looked awestruck. Leela reached out around his waist, and softly kissed him on the cheek. Fry stared back at her for a moment.
Fry: What was that for?
Fry's Leela: Just because I wanted to, and because I love you.
They smiled at each other for a moment and then walked over to the console where the Doctor and his Leela were standing, the Doctor with an old fashioned book in his hand. As Fry looked at the cover he could just make out the words, "1000 year diary".
The Nimbus was the pride of the DOOP spacefleet. It had an impressive crew of 430 men, and was commanded by one of the greatest heroes of the 31st century, Captain Zapp Branigan. The whole of the DOOP was able to rest easy, knowing that he stood at the head of the lines of freedom throughout the entire galaxy. (Encyclopedia Galactica, Branigan Zapp, entry date 3006)
"Zapp Branigan? That horse's ass got what was coming to him. I normally wouldn't wish anything bad on anyone, seeing as I'm from the Neutral planet, but even I could make an exception for that oaf." (DOOP President, 3020)
The space battleship Nimbus cruised on its assigned patrol at the edge of Earth's solar system, its mighty weaponry armed and awaiting the order to strike at a single word from the commander. On the bridge, equipment hummed, and men did their jobs, with businesslike efficiency. Everything was working perfectly, with the exception of.
Zapp: Kif, why haven't you finished trimming my toenails yet? You know that if I'm going to win over the heart of the lovely captain Leela, I have to have perfect toenails.
Kif: (Sighing) Captain, sir, Leela has been married to Mr. Fry for almost 10 years now. Why do you think that you can still win her over, sir?
Zapp: I know that it's only a matter of time before she realizes the mistake that she made when she married that orange hairball, and comes crawling back for a taste of the Zappster's sweet, sweet candy. Bam.
Kif: Ugh, yes sir, whatever you say sir.
Zapp: I only hope that she hurries up; I can't wait forever, only another fifty years or so, then, I'll have to cut her loose.
Just then, one of the men at a console spoke up.
Sensor operator: Captain Branigan? I'm picking up a strange object that's just entered Earth's solar system. It should pass quite close to us, within the next few minutes, sir.
Zapp: Where does this so-called mystery object appear to be heading, soldier?
Sensor operator: If it maintains its present course sir, it appears that it'll head straight on towards.Earth.
Zapp: Really. Well, put it on the screen, Kif; let's see what this thing is.
Kif sighed and dutifully walked over to the main view screen, and turned it on. Against the curtain of stars, they could make out what looked like nothing less than a missile. Even as they stared at it, it appeared to fade away for a moment before it snapped back to full visibility again. The fading happened again, this time for a longer period.
Zapp: Kif, what's up with the missile.thingy, and why doesn't it stay visible all of the time? It makes me dizzy just looking at it.
Kif: Sir, it appears to be phasing in and out of our dimension, and.oh this looks bad. The missile appears to have a duotronium warhead. If it strikes Earth, or any other planet within the solar system, the implosion that will occur will effectively wipe out the entire system, sir.
Zapp: Really, so what that means is that there won't be any lovely ladies left on Earth then?
Kif: Sir, there won't be anyone left on any of the inhabited planets. They'll all be destroyed.
Zapp: Well, then we'd better get a message to the Earth as soon as possible. Kif, take a letter. Attention: Ladies of Earth, Zapp Branigan here, the hero of Andromeda 12. Just wanted to let you know, there's a dangerous missile that's approaching Earth, which looks as though it will destroy the planet. So, if you'd like a chance with the Zapper, here's my email address. Let me know where you escape to, and we'll get to work repopulating the human race. And hurry it up -- I've got to take my weekly soak --but if you'd like to help, that's Zapp, Branigan, B.R.A.N. something, something. See you later, chickie babies, mwah! There we go Kif, that should help make sure there's a large supply of females for me to choose from.
Kif: But sir, aren't we going to even try and stop the missile before it gets deeper into the solar system? We may still have a chance to save the Earth.
Zapp: Kif, one day, when you're a man, you'll realize, that it is a far better thing I do for me, than for somebody else, or something like that. Anyway, let's be off, I've got to get ready to meet the flood of female companionship coming this way. To the Lovenasium!
Kif: But sir, Amy's on Earth, and so is Leela and your family and.
Kif sighed to himself and followed Zapp to his cabin, cursing both Branigan and himself in his heart. Branigan was a horrible man, but didn't that mean that Kif was even more horrible for continuing to follow him? Kif sighed heavily, and walked on towards Zapp's room. Would whatever gods there were, forgive him his weakness someday?
Leela felt Fry's hold on her hand subtly increase, and she squeezed back. For the last few minutes, they'd been standing around, while the Doctor had sat down in a rocking chair that she was sure hadn't been there earlier. While the humming of the ship and the gentle squeak of the rocking chair sounded comforting, she couldn't help but wonder if this was really happening. She was jolted out of her reverie, as the Doctor's "Leela" walked over to her, and lightly placed her hand on her forearm.
Doctor's Leela: I understand. I experienced the same thing the first time I entered the TARDIS. It's is difficult for the mind to comprehend dimensional transcendentalism. At first glance, you think, this is impossible. It can't be this big on the inside, and so small on the outside.
Fry (Excitedly): Yeah that's what makes it so cool. You know, it looks like you could get all of Planet Express in here, along with our own apartment too.
Doctor's/Leela: Well, there's more to it than that. You see, the inside of the TARDIS is, in effect, another dimension, one where normal physical laws act somewhat... differently, to say the least. For instance, no energy weapons can be used in here, at least in theory, and you find that the aging process slows down considerably. Why, the first time I traveled with the Doctor, I looked no different from when I started, though several years had gone by.
Fry's/Leela: Huh. I could've used something like that after I got married.
Fry: (Hugging her from behind) Yeah, but you're still the most beautiful woman on Earth, hon.
Fry's/Leela (Smiling and holding his arms) You just remember to keep saying that, Fry.
Just then they heard a sharp exclamation from the Doctor, who'd been looking at his diary during their conversation.
Doctor: Of course! I knew that there was something I was forgetting, I just couldn't remember what it was. You know, my old instructor in temporal physics always told me that I had a poor memory, mind like a tortoise he'd say, and I 'd reply with a rather witty remark, something along the lines of-
Doctor's/Leela: Doctor! What did you find out?
Doctor: Discover? Oh yes, well, from what I wrote in my diary some years ago, during one of my earlier regenerations.I discovered an alternate timeline, where the Earth had been destroyed for several decades. According to the histories of other races in that time frame, some type of super-weapon destroyed the Earth. Apparently, I tried to get there, but got delayed by something else, and then there was my capture and imprisonment, so I never got around to saving the planet.
Fry's/Leela: What?! You mean that you had some kind of knowledge about this, and didn't stop it from happening? Are you stupid or something? I should kick your ass right here, but I.ooh, damn it!
Leela came up short as Fry had come over to her and put his hand gently on her arm. As she looked at him, the tension in her body melted away, and she sighed deeply for a moment, before she put down the fist that she'd raised a moment earlier. The Doctor looked at her for a few seconds, and then he set his diary down next to him.
Doctor: You know, someone asked a good friend of mine a question like that, and I think he said 'stupid is as stupid does', or something like that. Anyway, I was captured and tortured for about a century, and I'm afraid that I've become a bit more absent-minded since then. Well, I'm here now, all I have to do is figure out how to stop a weapon I've not seen before, keep it from destroying one of my most favorite planets, and then, find out what I've done with all my sheep.
Fry and Leela exchanged glances. The Doctor's eyes had widened a little bit at his last statement, but he looked completely serious.
Fry: Uh...sure, whatever you say. Hey Doc, what's in this room over there?
Doctor: (Distractedly) Hmmm, oh, that's a door that leads out into the depths of the TARDIS. You can look around, all you want, while I think about what to do.
Fry: Okay, I'll be back in a minute. Say Leela, you want to come with me?
Fry's/Leela (Exasperated) Fry, the Earth may be destroyed in a minute, and you want to...what? Take a tour around this place? Don't you ever stop and think about.
Leela stopped as she saw the hurt on Fry's face, and once again cursed herself mentally. Fry really did care about her and the kids, and about everything in general, he just had that happy-go-lucky attitude that made him sometimes act without thinking. It made her so frustrated with him at times, but it was one of the reasons that she'd fallen in love with him[dw].
Fry's/Leela: Sorry Fry, why don't you go ahead and take a look around, and I'll catch up to you in a moment.
Fry: (Softly) Okay Leela, I'll just be over here. Love ya.
Fry walked off, and Leela turned back to the Doctor, only to see him and his friend trying to look in completely different directions for the moment. "Leela" glanced over and saw her looking at the two of them, and gently nudged the Doctor in the ribs, causing him to look at her as well.
Doctor: Oh my. I must apologize for any of the mental pain that I may have caused you; I assure you, it was done inadvertently.
Fry's/Leela: It's all right Doctor, I'm a little nervous, and when I get nervous, I get snappish. You know, Fry hasn't really changed that much in the years that we've known each other.
Leela glanced over at Fry, where he seemed to have found a chest of drawers. She was positive it hadn't been there before.
Doctor's/Leela: I understand. I was much the same way when I was with my husband on Gallifrey. Even now, I miss him so much.
Fry's Leela's eye opened wide for a moment, and she started to ask a question when the Doctor, who'd been standing silently for a moment, looked up and took his glasses off, and rubbed them with the end of his necktie.
Doctor (To himself): Of course, that could work, but it'd be stupendously dangerous. Still, maybe.excuse me ladies, why don't we step outside, and look at the landscape for a moment? It always helps me to think, looking at the trees and flowers.
The Doctor had directed this question to the two women, and they all started towards the door, even though Leela felt like she was missing something. Nobody noticed that the door that led out of the console room had closed a moment earlier.
Fry looked down a brightly-lit corridor, noticing that the hallways seemed to stretch on forever, and that there were doors on either side. He walked on a short distance, looking at each door, then stopped in front of one.
Fry: Huh. I wonder what's in this room?
He opened the door, and gasped: there was nothing in the room but what appeared to be a white void. As he gaped, in the distance he saw a vaguely reptilian creature, flying rapidly towards him.
Creature: Release me! I demand it! I.beg of you, please. I will do anything you ask of me, PITIFUL FOOL!
Fry leaned back, because the thing had just about reached the door, and as it screamed out the last bit, he hurriedly shut it. The noise faded, though as he leaned against the door, he thought he could hear the creature screaming something, about where had the door gone, and something about revenge against the Doctor, and. Roman legions? Fry leaned back against the wall, breathing heavily. Being married to Leela had done wonders for his health - she was a hard trainer - but he was still getting older.
Fry: (To himself) It's too bad I can't regenerate like this Doctor guy. I'd keep myself 25 forever. I wonder what's in that door?
As Fry continued to open doors, the two Leelas were walking toward the main doors of the TARDIS. The Doctor was going on about the trees in springtime, and both women were feeling more than a little strange, as though they were doing the right thing, but for all the wrong reasons.
Doctor's/Leela: Doctor, what about the.?
Doctor: I know, why don't we go to London later on, and I'll buy you some muffins, Leela, and then we can go to the theater afterwards.
The Doctor said this in a soothing voice, one that made her feel very warm, and his smile was very charming, but why did she feel like there was something she was missing? Fry's Leela felt the same way, then felt the energies swirl around her as they crossed over the threshold and into the bright sunlit morning of New New York. She turned back to see the door close behind them, and was surprised, then angry, as the box began to make a loud noise, like ancient machinery grinding. Anger became surprise again as it faded from sight.
Fry's Leela: What happened just now? Where did he go, and what's with the box disappearing? I want some answers, and now, or so help me, I'll.
She stopped as the other Leela shook her head and looked at her.
Doctor's/Leela: (Irritated) The Doctor, he pushed us mentally. He made us leave the TARDIS, so that he could do something, but what? He looked like he'd had an idea, and then he started to talk to us, and I felt myself agreeing with him. He's never done that before. If he went by himself, then he must be planning to do something very dangerous. I wonder.
The Doctor's Leela stopped speaking as she noticed the other Leela looking around wildly.
Fry's/Leela: Fry? Fry! Where are you? Fry.oh no, he couldn't be.
She broke off and looked at her counterpart, not noticing Bender sidling up next to her.
Bender: Hey pusballs, where'd that box go, and why didn't Fry come out with you? I know him enough that he'd never take off anywhere without you and your big nose ta keep 'im outta trouble.
Bender muted as he saw Leela's shoulders tense up; he had learned over the years, that when that happened, it wasn't a good idea to be around her. Too bad Fry still hadn't caught on, woulda saved him a lot of exercise in their training room.
Fry's/Leela: (Quietly) Where is he? So help me, if this "Doctor" hurts Fry in any way, I'll, I'll.
Doctor's/Leela: The Doctor would never do anything to harm him. I am sure that your husband is perfectly safe, and the Doctor will be back with him shortly. Please, be calm, and do not worry.
Fry's/Leela: Damn it, that's just not good enough! Get him back here, and get him back NOW!
She had just placed her hand on the older lady's shoulder. The next thing she knew, she was lying flat on her back, and the knife at her throat let her know that a struggle could be fatal. The woman looked coolly down upon her for a moment, and then set down her knife and smiled gently.
Doctor's/Leela: There are certain beings and things in this universe that are not be trifled with, and a warrior of the Sevateem is one of them. I understand that you are upset. Were I in your place, I would be as well, but you must trust me, the Doctor is a being of great compassion. He will bring your husband back to you, safe and sound. You must trust me, please.
She stood up and extended a hand to her counterpart, and after a moment, Fry's Leela took it and stood up as well.
Fry's/Leela: Okay, I'll take a chance here, and hope that my husband comes home safely. I don't know why, especially after what happened with the Doctor just now, but.I believe you. Lord help me, I don't know why, I just do. But if Phillip gets hurt in any way, then so help me God, I'll.I don't know what I'll do, but it won't be pretty.
Doctor's/Leela: I understand, and please, trust in the universe, for things to work out for the best. You had better take care of him, Doctor, for all our sakes.
She directed this last sentence quietly, and up at the sky, though she knew that the Doctor was already far away in both space and time.
Fry's/Leela: Hey, where'd Nibbler run off to? Bender, I thought you were keeping an eye on him!
Bender: Hey, 'ol Bender's got more important things to do than keep up a surveillance on that overgrown mutant mouse. Hey, hey, I just put him down for a minute, and he started to run around the bench, then I got a little - uh - distracted by this nice looking fembot, and the next thing I know, he ain't around no more. Ahhh, I'm sorry Leela!
Bender had said this last bit because Leela had just picked him up by the neck and started to squeeze. After his apology she set him back down, much more gently.
Leela: (Small-voiced) I'm sorry too, Bender, I just lost myself for a moment, what with Fry disappearing, and now Nibbler. Oh, they'd better take care of themselves, or I'll take him to the training room and give him a workout that neither of them will ever forget.
The view of Earth from space is one of the loveliest sights in the cosmos. The Doctor mused on this, even as the TARDIS entered the vortex, which proceeded to bend and shape the reality of his universe once again.
Doctor: (To himself) I'm very sorry, ladies, but this was too dangerous to consider letting either of you come along. I'm sure that if I fail at this, then the time-lords may well do something, especially as Earth is a temporal nexus. Now, let me set the coordinates and then, well, let's see, shall we?
The Doctor was so absorbed in the controls that he didn't notice the small, furry creature that was stealthily approaching him from behind.
Nibbler: (Mentally) I must shield my thoughts from this being, until just the right moment, any time now, and.
Just then, the Doctor stood up straight and started to drum his fingers on the console, and Nibbler froze in place..
Doctor: (Musing) Why do I keep getting the feeling that I've forgotten something? Let's see, coordinates set, check. The TARDIS is at full power, the Eye of Harmony is receiving steadily. Glasses?
The Doctor put a hand to his face and chuckled softly when he touched his glasses. Then his eyes opened wide, and with a sharp intake of breath he turned toward the door behind him, which was just closing.
Fry: Hey Doc, those're some really nice rooms you've got back there; I didn't have a chance to go through all of them, but if you've got the time, what up with that one room with the herd of sheep, and the little pig that's walking around with them?
Doctor: Oh no! Come on, young man, we've got to get you back to Earth. I'm sure your wife is very angry with me by now. My companion probably is as well, but if I time things just right, we can put you back there immediately after we left.
The Doctor turned back to his console when he heard another voice.
Nibbler: Stop! The safety of the Mighty one is of paramount importance. We must continue away from Earth and toward my home planet, where the Fry brain can be safely stored and guarded.
Fry: Nibbler, you can talk? Cool, can you like tell me about the times when you were looking at me, and I.
Nibbler: Yes, yes, Mighty one, you were able to discern that my abilities were more than they seemed. It was a result of your lack of the delta wave in your brain.
Doctor: No delta wave? Fascinating, simply fascinating. But, I still have to get Fry back home, and save the Earth.
Nibbler: No! The high council of Eternia has determined that the safest spot is on our home planet. Fry, we understand that you will miss your home and friends, but we can recreate them for you. All will be as though it never changed at all
Doctor: (Coldly) Really? Can you recreate the love of his friends, his family, and his wife? Don't you think you should give Fry here the opportunity to make his own choices?
Fry: (A little angry) Yeah. I don't want to go somewhere else, I want the people that I know, and the woman I fell in love with, not a copy of her. I'm sorry, Nibbler, but I wanna go back home, 'kay?
Nibbler: NO! I will do as I must to protect you, and if that means sacrificing the Earth in order to save the universe, then I will!
With that, Nibbler used his third eye to wipe Fry's memory, but the Doctor had reached over and placed his hands on Fry's head. After the flash, Fry blinked a couple of times and then turned to the Doctor.
Fry: Did you just taste something purple? Hey Nibbler, I want to go back home, please? I want to be with my wife and kids. They'll always be more important to me than the universe. They're my universes now.
Nibbler shook his head sadly.
Nibbler: Mighty one, I am sorry, but I do what I must, for the whole of all the beings of the universe.
With that, he turned towards the Doctor, who instinctively backed up a step.
Nibbler: Time lord! You will relinquish control of this vessel to me, or I will wipe your mind clean!
Doctor: No, I don't think you'd become so desperate as to do something like that.
Nibbler: I DO WHAT I MUST!
With that said, the Doctor felt, rather than heard, an ever-increasing sound in his head, one that grew higher each second. In moments he felt his vision blurring, and he could not stay on his feet. Clutching his head, he sank to the floor. The last thing he heard was Nibbler's voice, barely audible through the pain.
Nibbler: I.I am sorry.
To be continued