Disclaimer: I don't own any of Naruto.

Here I lie,

Upon the crisp sheets

Looking up at the white ceiling.

It seems like everything here is white.

The nurses, the doctors,

Everything that is, but you.

You are my warm golden sun,

Surrounded by the harsh white snow.

I rarely see you,

But I can feel you.

I can hear you.

Hear those words that made me change.

Those words that made me start to believe.

Start to believe that I have worth,

That I am a strong.

Those words of yours,

They are my strength.

Those eyes of yours,

They are my hope.

Maybe that is why I love you.

Love cannot be explained.

It just is.

No one can define it.

No one can see it.

It just is.

Neji-niisan cannot perceive it.

Kakashi-sensei cannot foresee it.

It just is.

Love can make one change.

It can make one strong.

Love can make one free.

The spirit in me has awakened.

The bird that never dares to fly

Now longs to.

The bird that dared to fly

Dared to change.

Author's Note: If you didn't figure it out by now, it's Hinata contemplating after her fight with her cousin Neji.  I tried to make this one longer, since my other poems were kinda short.  Anyways, hope all the fluff didn't make you puke.