(A/N: Okay people!!!! This is the revised version of THE SeeD AND THE SORCERESS' SURCESSOR!! It looked almost like the previous one but there are a few changes. It's not obvious in this chapter but the others do! Anyway, please R&R!!

Secret Alias.

Diclamer: I don't own Final fantasy 8. (wahhh!)

CHAPTER 1: so many things, so little times.

     Near Balamb town, there stood high and proud, Balamb Garden, one of the three gardens. As known by people, student here trained to become SeeDs who will dispatch around the world, hired by people to do missions.

    A car came from Balamb heading towards Balamb garden. Inside the car, two men sitting in front and sitting at the passenger seat there was a young girl with long black hair and there were a few highlights too. She looked outside as the Garden was getting closer and closer.

    "Are you sure with this, Rinoa?" ask the guy who was driving and looking back at the girl behind him. "Look at the road, Watts!! You're the one that's driving!!" Said the guy in the front passenger seat. "Sorry Zone!!" Watts immediately turned his head to the road. "So seriously ...you're doing this?" now it's Zone turn to ask Rinoa. "Yes Zone, Watts. I am doing this. You know I would not change my mind." answered Rinoa with determination.

    "But why Balamb garden? With your father help, he could easily get you inside Galbadia garden." said Watts with curios eyes, which is still on the road. "That man had done enough for me. We might never been here if it wasn't because of him." her voice sounded angry. No wonder, Rinoa hated his father ever since she was little. "But-" said zone and Watts in unison, but was cut off by Rinoa. "Enough, you two!" "Okay."

    They didn't talk anything until they reached the Garden. "Okay, we're here." Watts announced. Rinoa literally jumped out of the car and look around. "Wow." she breathed out, excited to start studying here. Zone and Watts take out her bags and put them next to her. "I hope this is a good idea, sir." Watts whispered to Zone. "Yeah, me to. Me to. But if the princess wants to come here, we might as well follow her orders if you don't want to get scratch to death by her." Zone whispered as low as he can, so only the Watts can hear him.

    "What are you two are talking about?" Watts and Zone jumped when they heard Rinoa's voice. "N-nothing, nothing Rinoa." Zone raised his hands defensively. "Huh?" Rinoa cocked her head to one side. "Well, you better get going. But how are going to get in?" Watts ask her. "Well, it says in the letter that someone would come and get me." Rinoa answer slowly.

    "Oh well. If someone is picking you up, we better get going. Goodbye princess." said Zone quickly and get in the car as he complained he's going to get a stomach problem, again. "Well, I guess we see you next time, sir." Watts said sadly. No one likes goodbye. Rinoa thought. "Yeah, I see you soon. But don't forget to tell the others to be careful." "Yeah I'll tell them." he said and looked Rinoa sad face.

    "Please don't look sad! You're going to study here. And I'm sure the person you want to see is here. You said it yourself. At least you're not alone." said Watts trying to cheer Rinoa up. "Yeah, you're right. It's going to be fine." she said with a smile slowly making their way to her face.

     HONNNNNNN!!! Rinoa and Watts jumped at the sudden noise and turn their faces to the source of the noise. "Will you guys hurry up!!?" Zone shouts to them from the car. "My stomach is not getting any better and I left my medicine in Balamb Hotel!! Owww, my stomach." Zone continues on. Rinoa and Watts laugh until they can hardly breathe. "What's so funny!!?" Zone scowled at the two of them. "I think it's time to go." Watts said as he gets in the car with a cranky Zone "Okay. Bye!!" said Rinoa, waving her hand to her companions who started to make their way back to Balamb. "Okay!! See you next time! And be careful!!!" Watts shouted and poking his hand out of the car to wave back.

You too...


      Rinoa straighten up her garden uniform while waited for the person that supposed to pick her up. She didn't have to wait long though. Because a few minutes after Zone and Watts left, a girl with brown hair came to pick her up. The girl's hair reached her shoulder and she was wearing a SeeD uniform.

    "Miss Rinoa Heartilly? The transfer Student from galbadia garden?" ask the girl to make sure. "Yes, I am." Answer the girl's question. "Well, nice to meet you Miss Heartilly. My name is Xu." she said as she offered her to shake with Rinoa's.

    "Please to meet you, Xu. Just call me Rinoa." cheerfully shake hands with xu. "I presume that I start today." Rinoa continue on as they started to make their inside garden. "You're arrived quite early than we expected. Class will start in two hours." Xu exclaimed. They started make their way in side the building towards the headmaster office.


       After meeting Headmaster Cid, with the help of Xu, they found her room and together they started to unpack. As fast as they unpack, they become friends. They just about halfway finished when Xu excused herself. "I'm sorry Rinoa, but I need to go. I have something to do." she explained. "Doing what?" Rinoa asked. "I need to prepare for the SeeDs written test." "Really! When?" ask Rinoa excitedly. "Today."

TODAY!!! No way.

   "Do you think I still can sign up for the test?" Rinoa was worried as she wanted to be a SeeD. "Yes, of course. Since today is the last day for you to sign up." Xu answered as she exited the room. "Don't worry, I will sign up for you." she shouted as she ran out of the dormitories. "Thank you!!" Rinoa shouted back down the hall. She didn't bother about the mess she make in the room since she didn't have a roommate.


     "Training Center." Rinoa read the sign at one of the corridors. She thought maybe she practice a little bit. She makes sure she equipped her GF and checked her Pinwheel. Everything's okay. She entered and surprised at the surrounding. As if the Garden stuffed in part of a forest inside the Garden.

             "Well, no time to gawk at these things right now. If they stuffed all this in here, surely there are monsters here too." Rinoa mumbled to herself. She started to walk around when she heard noises from behind her when a three Grats came out and surround her.

              "Fire!!" She immedietly cast fire at the Grat behind her and it immedietly die and vanished. After finished the first Grat, she draw a few sleeps from one of the Grat in front of her and cast it to the other Grat. The awake grat attacked her and gave her a few bruises. She recovered back to her fighting position and fired her pinwheel. It hit right on the target but it didn't do much damage to it.

Man, my attack still not good enough!!!

                       Rinoa dodged another attack from the annoying grat. Not taking any chances, she immediately cast another fire to the sleeping Grat. "One down, one to go!" she said successfully. She turned around at the only grat and cast another fire at it.

       She defeated all the grats and did her victory pose. "Well, that wasn't bad." she mumbled and started walking again. She defeated a few more grats and checks her magic stock. "I got 58 sleeps, 47 blizzards and only 13 fires left. These grats are really draining up my fires." Rinoa sighed.

       All the sudden the ground started shaking, making Rinoa lose her balance. "Whoa!! What was that!!??" Rinoa jumped as she heard a roar coming from somewhere. "What..." Rinoa quickly ran to the source of the noise. As she getting closer, she saw a T-rexaur. It seems to be attacking a guy. The guy calmly dodges the monster's attack and cast a cura on himself. Rinoa just stay away from the monster and hide behind a bush.

No need to interfere with his training. It seems that he has everything under control.

             Rinoa was trying to get comfortable in the bush, when the guy summoned Shiva. She was glad that she was hiding behind the bush, knowing she's out of Shiva's attack range. T-rexaur immediately falls dead. Rinoa came out of the bush and walked straight at the guy, checking whether the guy is okay or not. As she came closer, she realized that he has a scar between his eyes. The came all the way from above his right eye and down to below his left eye. It looked new. He also has brown hair and his eyes were grayish-blue.

Cute and handsome too.

       "Are you alright?" ask Rinoa as he saw him winced when she stands next to him. "Nothing." he replied as he opened his eyes and saw Rinoa. "Hi, I'm Rinoa." said cheerfully "And you are.....?" Rinoa continue. She waited for him to answer, but it never came. He just turned and walks away. Rinoa was quiet as she wondered why he didn't tell her who he is.

                "Hey! I ask you a question, you should answer me." she caught up with him. They walked side by side. He acted as if Rinoa wasn't there. "Hey. Answer me." said Rinoa as she looked at him. "Whatever." That's the only thing he said. "Why are you being such a meanie?" Rinoa said as she pouted. "All I wanted is to be friends with you." he remained silent as they walking towards the exit. "Come on what's your name?" Rinoa ask again.

       "Oh, his name is 'puberty boy'." someone said all the sudden. Rinoa turned around a saw a blonde and he had scar almost like the guy next to her. "Puberty boy?" repeated her. "Yeah." ha came closer to Rinoa and gently took her hand. "And my name is Seifer. Seifer Almasy." he said as he bowed a little and kissed Rinoa hand. Rinoa could feel her cheek blushing furiously. Seifer straighten up and look at Rinoa.

        "And your name is?" Rinoa felt herself blushing more furiously. This guy is handsome too. "R-rinoa Heartilly."

"A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." Seifer said as he looked at Rinoa blushing face. "So, what's his real name?" Rinoa ask Seifer as she looked at the other guy. "I told you already, its puberty boy." Rinoa frowned.

       "Squall..." Rinoa surprised to see that he finally answered her question. "Ahh...puberty boy finally wanted to talk?" Seifer said in a mocking voice. "Stop that." Rinoa protested. Seifer was taken aback by Rinoa sudden voice. "Sorry Rinoa." "Just stop teasing him." she said as she quietly looking at Squall. Seifer smirked as he heard what Rinoa just said. He was about to say something when Squall interrupted.

       "I don't need you to stand up for me." Squall glared at Rinoa causing her to back up a little bit. "B-but I was-" she stammered as she doesn't like the way Squall looked at her. "I just wanna help..."

       "I didn't ask you to help me!!" Squall raised his voice a little, making Rinoa jumped and quickly hide behind Seifer.

No one ever shouted at me before, except..... Rinoa thought was trailed off as she tried to hide herself behind Seifer.  

       "Sheesh. Cool it, man. You're scaring the girl." Seifer looked at Rinoa as she started to looked pale. "You're alright?" Rinoa looked up at Seifer and nodded. Seifer look back at Squall and said "I don't know why you're so worked up all the sudden. I think it's an honour that a beautiful girl is defending for you" He smirked as he step up to Squall.

Man, he knew I will never let it down if a girl were defending him. Seifer thought as he patted Squall's shoulder.

      Squall just brushed off Seifer's hand with the back of his hand and turned away to the exit. Rinoa just look at Squall as he exited the training center. After make sure that Squall is no longer insight, Rinoa sighed and came out of her hiding. She blushed when she realize that she was hiding behind Seifer like a little girl. "S-sorry." "Don't mention it." Seifer grinned as he looked at the beauty in front of him.

      "I'm sorry because of his rudeness." he looked at Rinoa and smile.

      Yeah, right. Sorry my ass. He thought as he smirked.

      "No, I'm fine." Rinoa straighten herself up and looked up at Seifer. "Is he always a big meanie like that?" she started as they were walking out of the training center. "He's always like that since little, since sis left." Seifer answered casually.

       "'since little'? How long do you know each other?" as her curiosities cannot be hold. "When we was 5 or 6 years old. I'm a year older than him." Rinoa just shrugged.

      "I wonder, if you would like to have lunch with me in Dollet this weekend?" Rinoa stopped dead in her track. No one ever ask me out. Well, not this straight forward anyway. Seifer looked behind seeing that she stopped all the sudden. With hope in his eyes, he asks again. "Will you?" Rinoa just lowered her head, her eyes gone from view as her bangs covered them.

      Should I? He seems nice enough.... and good-looking too. But, Conner said never judge a person by their looks. Maybe I should give him a chance. "Sure! Why not?" She said as she raised her head to look at Seifer. Seifer just smile at her answer.

      "Great!! I will pick you up at 4 pm this Sunday, okay?" he said as excitement could be heard from his voice. Rinoa just smile and nodded. Seifer excuse himself and went the other way as Rinoa went to her dormitory.


                Squall walked out of the training center with a huff. He looked over his shoulder to see whether the girl or Seifer was following him. He sighed with relief as he didn't see either of them. He walked towards the dormitories to drop off his weapon before going up to class. He all the sudden frowned when he recalled what has happen.

Why did I tell her my name? Squall thought as he opened the door to his room.

The gang already knew my name since we used to play with each other. I never told my name to anyone else after that. He neatly put his gunblade inside its case.

Even if they didn't get their answer, they'll know sooner or later by themselves. They always have. He took his bag as he exited the room and make his way to class.

           What was her name? Rin? No, I think it was something like Ri-something. He frowned as he tried to remember the girl's name. All the sudden he shook his head as if he wanted to shake off the girl out of his mind.

           What am I doing? I need to concentrate for the test. But, she looked familiar and she smelled like a sweet green apple....!!! He stopped walking and all the sudden he hit his head a few times. Passerby only looked with at Squall wondering whether he's alright.

           STOP THINKING ABOUT HER DAMN IT!! What's wrong with me? Squall sighed as he continues on walking. As he reached the main hall, he heard Seifer's voice. "I will pick you up at 4 pm this Sunday, okay?" He had his silly smile on his face. Squall couldn't understand why people can think that it's charming. It looked annoying to me. Squall saw who he was talking to.

           Damn!! It's her. And she headed here. Squall looked around and hid himself by walking towards a group of students who were walking the other way. When he looked back, he was relieved to see that she didn't notice him. He continues on walking towards the elevator.

           Why was I avoiding her......? What is this I'm feeling? He thought as he stepped in the elevator, didn't realize another person stepping inside the lift with him. Maybe I'm just feeling guilty for shouted at her. She was just trying to help. Squall just stare as his mind spaced out, images of her playing around in his head.

          "Hey!! Daydreaming, Puberty boy?" Squall quickly snapped back into reality and looked at the person beside him. "Whatever, Seifer." he closed his eyes and lowered his head, letting his bangs covered his eyes. "I don't see why you have to shout at that poor girl." Seifer ran his hand thru his hair. "Like you care about her." Squall scoffed, still closing his eyes. Seifer just smirked.

          "Yeah, you're right and if that girl continues on defending you, just thought what will happen to your reputation." Seifer said as he unbuttoned two top buttons of his jacket. "The great squall, defended by a little girl." he said mockingly.

          "Shut up." Squall replied as he stepped out of the elevator. "Whatever, man. I let you off easily this time. Thanks to you, I just find myself a new girlfriend." Seifer stepped out and stayed at the corridor in front of the elevator

          "Like I care if you got a date or not." Squall said mockingly as he walked inside his classroom. He sat at his usual seat as he turned his computer/table(?) on.

          Better study for the test than worry for some girl. He started to review his notes, trying to fit all the information into his head. He frowned when he was interrupted by the school's bell as it rang thru out the school.

Huh... Another class, another day.


      After dropped off her weapon, Rinoa decided to grab a snack before class started. She went to the cafeteria and have some salad and a loaf of bread. She was just about to find herself a vacant seat when someone stumbled to her. She almost fell, but she dropped her tray. Fortunately, the person who stumbled at her quickly catches her tray without spilling anything.

      "Sorry about that. Are you alright?" ask the person with a bit of impatient. "Yeah, I'm alright." Rinoa looked up and saw a guy with blonde hair and a tattoo on the side of his face. Seeing that Rinoa was alright, he quickly shoved the tray back at her and walked up at the counter. Rinoa just stay there, oblivious to her surrounding.

      "What!!? Sold out!??" the guy shouted all the sudden. "Yes, Zell. I'm sorry. Better get here earlier next time." said the cafeteria lady. Zell just sighed and get out of the line as more people line up to get their breakfast.

      Rinoa, who couldn't seeing the guy's long face, came out to him. The guy hunched at his disappointment, causing Rinoa to hunched a little too next to him so she could see his face. "Are you alright?" Rinoa ask quietly. The guy jumped when she heard her voice.

      "Y-yeah I'm fine." the guy answer as he tried to recover his composure. Rinoa just giggled as he looked at the guy. "Hi, my name is Zell Dintch." introduced the guy. Rinoa introduced herself and thanked him for catching her tray. "Ahh, don't mention It." he said as they started to searching for an empty seats.

      "Hey, Zell! Over here!!" Zell turned his head to the source of the noise, wondering who is calling him. The person that called him is a guy with long, light brown hair which he tied it in a pony tail. He also was wearing a cowboy hat, which didn't match well with his uniform. Next to him, another blonde. She was wearing a spectacle and tied her hair in a high ponytail. Rinoa noticed that she had very beautiful blue eyes. She was wearing a different uniform.

      "Hey, guys! Just wait for a minute." he shouted back and turned his face to meet with Rinoa's "Wanna join?" he ask Rinoa. "Sure, why not." she answered with a smile. They walked up to the two people who called Zell.

      "Hey Zell, who's the girl?" The guy who wearing the cowboy hat. "Guys, this is Rinoa." Realized that she was introduced she quickly smiled. "Rinoa, this is Irvine and this is Quistis." "Nice to meet you." Rinoa said as she offered her hand for a shake. Irvine takes it and said "Always a pleasure to meet a beautiful girl such as yourself." This is making Rinoa giggled as she said thanks. Then Quistis get up and shake hands with her. "I hope you will enjoy your stay here." Quistis said as she smiled sweetly.

      She's very beautiful. Thought Rinoa as she and Zell taking the empty seats. "So, Rinoa. Tell me about yourself." Quistis said as she started to eat her salad. "Well, I live in Deling city. I transferred here from Galbadia garden." Rinoa said as she too started to eat her salad.

     "Really! I'm from Galbadia garden too. I transferred here a year ago." Irvine all the sudden said as he looked at Rinoa.

     What!!? Damn, what am I going to say? "Really?" Rinoa said as she trying not to look Irvine in the eyes.

     "Yeah. How come I never see you around there?" he asked. Rinoa's mind was racing to find an excuse. "You know how big the Garden is. It's hard see the same person twice unless you have the same class." Irvine seemed to be agreeing with Rinoa answer. "Yeah, maybe you're right. But...." Irvine trailed of. Rinoa didn't like the way Irvine said.

     "But what?" Rinoa ask, now looking at Irvine. Irvine looked at Rinoa and said "...But, I must be blind to miss a good looking girl." he grinned and continues on eating. Rinoa sighed with relief.

     "Are you taking the SeeD's writing test today?" Quistis ask as she wiped her mouth. "Yeah, I am." Rinoa said. "What class are you?" Quistis asked while she straightens up her uniform. "I don't know yet. I haven't check." Rinoa started to searched for her schedule in her bag. She took it out and Quistis ask whether she can see it. Rinoa gave it to her and started to scan it. Rinoa waited while she looked at Zell and Irvine playing around. She laughed when she saw Zell stuck in a headlock Irvine gave him. It seems that Zell took Irvine's hat and refuses to give it back.

     "Now, give it back." Irvine grinned as she tightened his headlock. "Arckkhhh!! Okay, okay! Here, take it! I don't wanna die yet since I'm taking the test today." he gave back Irvine's hat and he was immediately released from Irvine's 'wrath'.

     "You guys are taking the test too?" Rinoa ask as Irvine put back his hat on and Zell straighten up. "Yeah." Irvine said simply. "Oh." that all Rinoa could say.

     "Rinoa, you'll be in my class. I'm your instructor. Irvine is also the same class with you." Quistis said as she handed back the schedule. "You're an instructor!?" Rinoa couldn't help but gawked at her. "Yeah and a SeeD too." she said humbly and get up from her seat. "I'm sorry you guys but I'll be going first to get ready for the test. Good luck." she said lastly and left.

     They stay a while and started talking; when the School bells rang through the garden as a signal saying that school started. Zell and Irvine groaned as they were really started to get know Rinoa a little better.

     The three of them walked together to the elevator and go to the second floor. When they reached the second floor, Zell parted with them as he wasn't in the same class. They said the good byes and good lucks. As they approached their class, Rinoa insisted Irvine to go in first as she wanted to get ready for her cue to go in. Irvine just nodded and went in. And then, in few minutes Quistis arrived and she asked her to wait as she announces her arrival. Rinoa nodded as Quistis went in.

     Rinoa waited for her que when she heard Quitis called for her. Rinoa took a deep breath and walked in.


                     "Morning, Squall." cheerfully as she sit down at the seat in front of him. Selphie didn't even bother to wait Squall's reply and continue on. "Have you heard? There's a new transfer student here. It's been a while. There were no transfer students anymore since I came." Squall just nodded as she continues on talking about something.

         "Hey, Selphie." Irvine came and settled himself next to Selphie. "I heard you talking about the new student." Selphie was exicted to hear Irvine said that the new student will join this class.

         "What's her name?" Selphie asked with a hint of excitement in her eyes. No doubt she's going to ask the new girl to join the festival committee. Irvine was about to tell Selphie the girl's name. But before he could so, Quistis entered the classroom, causing the class to immediately hush down. She had that effect on people.

         She told everyone about the arrival of the transfer student and asked the girl to come in. Squall didn't notice who the girl is as he was concentrating on his notes. But, he thought he smelled the scent of green apple, and the sound of Selphie's gasped. He looked up and surprised to see the girl.


        She found herself looking at the group of students. And in there, Rinoa saw Seifer at behind of the class. She smiled at him with relieved knowing there was someone else she knew in this class. Seifer just smiled back.

     "Please introduce yourself, Ms. Heartilly." Rinoa quickly tore her eyes from Seifer to the whole class when she heard Quistis voice. "Y-yes." She took in another breath and started talking "Hi, everyone. I just transferred from Galbadia Garden. My name is Ri-"

     "RINOA!!!!" a loud, cheery voice all the sudden interrupted. Everyone turned around to see who it was.

     Rinoa heard it too, and saw who it is. When she saw who it is, she felt she wanted to cry because of overjoyed.

     "You're here....You're really here....." Rinoa mumbled softly.......

           "Rinny!! I can't believe it's really you." a girl with brown hair that curl outward at the end, came out of her seat and started walking towards Rinoa. Without realizing it, Rinoa too, started to do the same as she was getting closer to her.

           "Selphie!!" Rinoa came up close to selphie and hugged her. "It's been a while!!" Rinoa continue on talking as she started to feel tears welled up in her eyes. "A while? It's been a year!!" Selphie said as she parted the hug and looked at Rinoa at arms length. She was about to say something when Quistis interrupted and asked Selphie to go back to her place and Rinoa to introduce herself properly this time.

           "-and I hope you all will correct me if I did anything wrong." Rinoa finished her introduction. She looked over to Selphie to see that Irvine seats next to her, behind him, an empty seat. She thought that she would seat next to Seifer, but she wouldn't miss the chance to seat near Selphie.

           "You may find yourself a seat, Rinoa." Quitis said and Rinoa quicklly take the empty seat behind Irvine, didn't realised who is the person next to her. Selphie was excited to see Rinoa behind Irvine. "Hi, Irvine." Rinoa said quickly.

           "Oh, you already met Irvine?" an amused Selphie looked at Rinoa and saw her nodded. "We met in the cafeteria." she explained. "Well, no need to introduce myself." Selphie said as she giggled. She motioned her head to the guy sitting next to Rinoa "The guy next to you is-"

           "Squall!!!" Rinoa gasped as she saw the blue eye brunette. Again Selphie was amused to see Rinoa sudden reaction. "You know him?" she asks as she tilted her head to one side. "Know him!? He shouted at me just because I was trying to help him." Rinoa said as she glared at Squall. Squall just continues on reading his notes. "Nice to meet you again, Ms. Heartilly." he said as if she was an annoyance to him.

           "Are you sure Squall did that to you?" Selphie was trying to make sure. "Of course I'm sure. The same hair, the same scar and the same attitude too." Rinoa annoyingly explained to Selphie. "Was Seifer there too?" Irvine all the sudden ask. "Yeah." she answered hesitantly, wondering where this conversation is going.

           "No wonder. Squall here is doesn't do things without a reason." Selphie sighed. "What?" Rinoa was dumbfounded by Selphie's answer. Squall closed his notes and looked at the three of them.

            "Seifer and Squall have forever fought to see who is better. After almost 11 years, they didn't change much. So if, Seifer saw you defending him, Seifer would never live it down saying that Squall needed a girl to save him." Selphie explained all this in one breath.

           "Seifer wouldn't do that.... Would he?" Rinoa said with a hint of doubt. "Believe me Rinny, I know Seifer and Squall all my life." Selphie let out a sigh and patted Rinoa's shoulder. "How long do you guys know each other?" Rinoa wanted to know more about Seifer before their date this weekend.

           "Seifer, Squall, Selphie, Zell, Quistis and I used to live in an orphanage, before garden was established. We were under Cid and Edea Kramer's care." Irvine explained while stealing a glance at Seifer and notice that Seifer was looking. "Cid? You mean the headmaster?" Rinoa couldn't believe what she heard. "Yes, then Zell and Quistis got adopted. After Garden was build, Squall and Seifer ended up here, while Selphie ended up in Trabia Garden and I was in Galbadia garden." Irvine continues on his long explanation.

          "Not long after that, Quistis came along to this garden and stayed ever since while watched over the two of them. Zell joined garden at the age of 13. Then, Irvine and I came here a year ago." Selphie continue on for Irvine. "I was really happy when I met with the whole gang again."  She then rambled on how she worried that they would forgot each other because using GFs.

Strange, as if everyone she met today seem to have a connection. Rinoa thought as she listens to Selphie.

           "But Rinny, I'm really surprised to see you here. And you cut your hair too." Selphie pouted as she looked at Rinoa's hair. "Yeah. You told me that you were coming here, so I thought, why not? As I, too, wanted to become a SeeD." Rinoa smiled and looked at Squall who continues on reading. She later stole a glance at Seifer who were yawning.

          "How and when did you meet?" Irvine finally said something as he was started to feel left out. "Selphie was my pen-pal when we were 14. After exchange letters for 2 years, we decide to meet." explained Rinoa in a simple tone. "And we did, when Trabia was having a field trip to Deling city. When I met her, her hair grown until it passes her waist." Selphie smiled when she remembered the sweet memories and continue on "And I thought she was a daughter of some rich guy because she spoke with formalities in her voice. It still does though, but lessened. But she told me that she was from Galbadia garden."

          "Ohhh. That's why you ask if there's a girl name Rinoa in my garden when we met again." Irvine cooed as he turning his computer on. "Yes. I worried when Rinoa didn't mail me any letters for a month, especially since the last letter was quite disturbing." Rinoa paled a little when she heard what Selphie just said.

           "Disturbing? How?" Irvine simply asks. "Never mind. What was in that letter was between me and Rinoa." Selphie answered as she winked at Rinoa. Irvine and Selphie soon started to drift in their own conversation.

          Rinoa silently sighed with relief. But it's loud enough for Squall to hear. Squall arched an eyebrow, strange to see Rinoa relieved. Rinoa realized Squall were looking at her, she immediately looked back.

          Something isn't making any sense here. Squall wondered over the conversation they just have.

          "Yes? Is there something you wish to say?" she asked politely. For a second there, Squall thought Rinoa irises turned red, but he immediately shook it off. He looked back and saw that her eyes were fine...and beautiful. "Excuse me?" Squall snapped out of his reverie when she spoke again.

          I must be hallucinating. Squall shook his head lightly. "Are you alright? If I wasn't mistaken, you paled a little. I wonder if there's anything wrong?" Rinoa said with true concern in her voice. Squall frowned and taken aback by her way talked. "Selphie's right. You do sound formal." Squall closed his note book as he spoke.

          "Oh, I'm sorry. I tried to sound less formal cause every time I talk like that, it kinda scares people." she casually try to turned on her computer. It seems that she successfully failed; Squall turned it on for here. "Thanks." She smiled as she started to get ready for the test.

          That's strange. She turned from casual to formal and back to casual all too fast. Squall couldn't help himself but feel something is amiss.


          Seifer looked at Rinoa, surprised to see that Selphie already knew her. When did they meet? He wondered as he looked at them. He realized that Irvine saw him did that. Oh well, none of my concern. At least I already got a date with her before anyone else can. He yawned, didn't realised that Rinoa was looking at him. After a few minutes, Quistis announced something.


          "Okay, students! Please put away all you stuff. The test will start momentarily. As you all know there will be no cheating if you don't want to face expulsion." Quistis began typing a few things at her computer. Then, the test data arrived at each table computer and at the front screen in front of the class appeared a digital stopwatch. It shows 3:00.

"You have three hours, and start.....now!!"

          Instantly, the sound of typing filled the air as students started to answer the questions given. Rinoa silently and secretly looked around. Everyone looked serious, even Selphie. If Squall could look more serious than he already has, he just did. Everything was so intense, Rinoa felt like she couldn't breathe. Rinoa shook her head a little and took a deep breath.

           Concentrate, Rinoa!! After what you've gone thru, this should be a cinch. Rinoa thought as she looked at the questions and answer them one by one.


           All she said isn't making any sense. Something is.... What am I doing? Squall mentally kicked himself. I should be concentrating. I didn't go thru all that lessons for nothing. He shut his mind on everything except the test's questions.


           Wow, this test's questions ARE hard. Oh, well. Might as well try my best and pried every information out of my head. I'm going to have a big headache after this, though. Selphie mentally cheered for herself as she started to answer the questions.


         I hope I'll pass. Selphie can be smart when she wanted to. I want to pass along with her so we can take the field test together. If we both can be SeeDs, I can live with myself knowing that she's not the only one risking her neck in SeeD's missions. Hope lady luck is with me now. Irvine thought as he answers every question in the test.


After 3 long, excruciating hours.......

           "Everyone, please stop typing. That goes for you too, Nida." Quistis said it sternly as a student groaned. Quitis only smiled and continue on. "Since the test is over, there will be no class for the rest the day. The results will come out tomorrow in the school's computer directory. Just insert your student's I.D and the computer will give you your result. Class dismissed." With that final word, everyone seems to disappeared out of the classroom. The only people left are Squall, Rinoa, Selphie and Irvine. Selphie excused herself as she has a small headache.

            Irvine looked worry behind his smile; Selphie told him that she's alright. But Irvine still wants Selphie to go to the Infirmary. Irvine helped her get out of the room. They disappeared after said their goodbye to Quistis since she left behind to mark the test.

          Rinoa only sighed and smile seeing the two of them exited the room. Rinoa realized that Seifer had left too. She was kind of disappointed, since she was hoping to hang out with him for a while.

           "You looked down." Squall passed Rinoa as he said his goodbye to Quistis and left. Maybe I can hangout with him; I know most of his friends anyway. Maybe he's not a big meanie. Conner always said to give everyone a chance to prove themselves.

           Rinoa quickly said goodbye to Quistis and ran up to catch up with Squall, calling him. Squall looked around to see who was calling him. When he saw Rinoa, he just continues on walking. "Hey, wait up." Rinoa stopped to take a breath or two. "Yes, Ms. Heartilly?" Squall said as if mocking her. Rinoa just pouted when she heard him addressing her like that. "You said that I was formal. Now, look who's talking?" Rinoa smiled and started to walked side by side with Squall.

           "Just call me Rinoa, okay?" Rinoa trying to set things right, as they were on the wrong foot. Squall just looked at her with a frown and looked away silently. They didn't say anything as they headed towards the elevator. Rinoa noticed that some of the students around them, especially girls, frowned or gawked at them. Squall just walked as if everything was fine.

"Man, looked at that girl, she's walking with Squall."

"Lucky her. She must be someone if she's walking with him. Squall doesn't let just anyone walked with him."

            Rinoa heard the whispers from students around them.

"Who's the angel walking with Leonheart?"

"Must be the new girl. No wonder, I saw her talking to Leonheart's gang this morning."

           Rinoa couldn't help herself but grinned.

            "You're quite popular." Rinoa whispered as Squall frowned. Looks like he heard them too. "Hey, I wanna say sorry if I offended you this morning." Rinoa continue on and descended down the stairs with Squall since the lift is too full. Squall just nodded. Rinoa looked sideways at Squall. He just looked upfront; he didn't even glance at her. She pouted since Squall didn't say anything as if she wasn't even there.

            "Squall, say something." Squall just continues on walking. "Come on. You were talking to me when I was formal, now you're not even looking at me." Seeing Squall didn't say or do anything, Rinoa abruptly stopped walking. Squall, in the other hand, continue on. Rinoa was fuming at Squall for ignoring her. She took in a deep breath, hands casually behind her, stand up straight, head held high, and continue on walking gracefully behind Squall.

             "If you would talk to me when I'm formal Mr. Leonheart, then formal I shall." Rinoa smiled as she saw Squall stopped. She continues on. "You seemed refuse to talk to me casually. Maybe you feel more comfortable if everything sound like business talk than personal. Am I right, Mr. Leonheart?" Squall looked at her as she walked past him.

             "No, you sounded more annoying than you already are." Squall scoffed, causing Rinoa to smile. She put on her fake frown and said "I beg your pardon, all I'm saying is that I am trying to adapt to my surrounding when I'm with you." Rinoa tried hard to suppress her giggle.

             The way she talked, act and walked..... As if she's from an aristocrat family. Squall thought as he said "I prefer it better if you talk casually." Rinoa laugh, making Squall amused at her actions. "What's so funny?" He continues on walking leaving the laughing Rinoa behind.

             "I finally make you talked!! I guess next time I have to annoy you with my formalities to make you talk." Rinoa, laughter reduced to giggles, caught up with him. Squall just frowned and shook his head. "Don't." he replied. "Then try to talk to me once in a while, okay?" She smiled sweetly as she ran her hand thru her hair as winds were blowing them in her face.

             "Okay, fine." he scoffed and headed to the cafeteria. Rinoa hesitate whether to follow him or not. She was about to excuse herself to go somewhere else, when someone bumped into her, causing her to fall "Ahhh!!" Squall turned around to see what's wrong. Instead, he found himself in a position he doesn't want to be.............

To be continue!!!!!

  A\N: So, what do you think of this revised fanfic? Please leave a review so I know, ok? Anyway, the next chapter is going to be a while since I'm busy, maybe around next week. And lastly, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!

     Ready? Click that button and tell me!!! ^-^
