Disclaimer: I don't own any of Naruto.

When you first came to me,

I pushed you away.

Afraid and confused,

I hid in my shell.

Alone and forsaken.

When you came to me,

I let you near.

Your open arms,

Those I refused.

Your open love,

That I was blind.

Your sweet words,

Them I was deaf.

But now I understand.

I open my arms,

But embrace the wind.

I open my heart,

But meet with loneliness.

I open my eyes,

And see nothingness.

As your life flies towards the heavens,

Only now do I know

I love you.

Author's note:  Hey everyone.  I don't even know if anyone's gonna read this, but please, no flames.  I kinda find it that this poem applies to all those rejected loves out there.  So please, NO FLAMES!