Disclaimer : I'm only gonna post this once. I DO NOT on any of the characters only "Junior". Everything belongs to J.K. So there.

Chapter 1 : What Did You Do Now, Malfoy ?

" Please, don't kill my baby ! Spare his life! I beg of you! "

In the back alley of a Hogsmeade street, a sobbing woman in her late thirties was on her knees carrying a bundle of white blankets stained with blood. A man's body laid beside her as a group of three men in black robes surrounded her.

Hearing the woman's plea, the three men around her laughed menacing.

" Foolish woman! How dare you ask of such a deed! " One of the men said.

" Do you not know who you are? You are beneath us! " Growled another.

The men laughed as if it was the most hilarious joke ever said to them. The woman however, continued sobbing, clutching the bundle her to her chest tight in death like grip praying for a miracle.

" Please! Haven't you done enough already? My husband is dead because of you! Dead! " Cried the now hysterical woman.

One man stepped forward from the group with a bored expression plastered on his face.

" Enough of this! I'm tired of this old hag! Let's get this over with already! " Stepping even closer to the woman the man whipped out a deadly knife from his robe, " I wanna see her suffer while she dies. Then we finish off the kid."

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Draco Malfoy, the "Hero". Not a name one would say in the wizarding world. For he was the son of Lucius Malfoy. Son of a Death Eater. A mighty pureblood. Standing at 6'3, a well toned muscled body, with bleach blond hair that fell into his face and piercing gray - blue eyes, any wizard or witch would know better than to mess with this Malfoy. Taught from the age of five to hide his emotions. By the age of six learning he was superior to others. You see Draco was not one for saving the day. Or in this particular night, saving the damsel in distress in an alley in Hogsmeade.

Draco was Head Boy in his final year school year at Hogwarts. Now what may you ask is the Head Boy doing on the streets of Hogesmead out of school and past curfew ? He had just had an "interesting" meeting at The Three Broomsticks with his oh so "respected father" and decided to have a breath of fresh air before returning to Hogwarts. His walk had been interrupted by the sounds of a sobbing woman from an alley mixed with angry harsh voices of several men. Being the curious one, Draco went in search of the voices and stumbled upon the scene of the woman and the three men, he recognized as Death Eaters. Overhearing the conversation and seeing the man take out a knife, Draco debated over whether he should help the woman out or not.

His father could hear of his deeds and do who knows what to him. Would he risk his life for some woman he did not know? He couldn't but as he turned to walk away the woman caught sight of him and begged with her eyes to help her. Trying as hard as he could Draco could not tear his eyes away.

Bringing his hand to his face he whispered, " Oh bollocks. "

Quickly bringing his wand out, Draco raised the wand over his head and whispered " Transformo ". Draco took the image of a tall, brown-haired man.

Stepping out of the shadows Draco said, " So can anybody join this reunion or do I need an invite? " distracting the man from the woman and catching the attention of everyone else.

" Oooo I just love it when all the attention is on me. Makes me all tingly. " Draco said smirking.

" Well aren't you just a cocky piece of shit. " said the one with the knife in his hand.

" Tsk. Tsk. Language now. You are in the presence of a lady. " Continued a chuckling Draco while he waved his hand mockingly.

" You're not going to be laughing anytime soon, sonny. "

" First of all, I am not your sonny or ever will be. The thought just disgusts me. Second, I'll laugh whenever the hell I want to. Third, I think you better leave before I get angry. " Draco replied.

The man with the knife silently fumed before waving his hand forward signaling to the others to kill him. The four remaining men charged straight at Draco while the knife guy watched amused. Draco anticipating this move cried out Accio Wand gathering one of the men's wands.

' Don't want people tracing my curses...however deadly they are... back to me. ' Thought Draco, knowing he would have to use the killing curse to make it out alive with the woman.

He immediately began to shout out curses and counter curses against the Death Eaters.

" Crucio! "

" Stupefy! "

The battle continued with three Death Eaters down and one remaining. Draco saw from the corner of his eye that the man with knife was advancing towards the woman once again. Fearing the worst Draco shouted out a curse causing the Death Eater to stumble to the ground his wand cast aside. He hurriedly made his way towards them only to be stopped by a pair of arms holding him back. He could only watch as the knife was stabbed into the woman's gut.

Filled with immense rage Draco quickly head butted the man attacking him.

"Avada Kedavara! " shouted Draco to the man.

The lifeless body of the Death Eater fell to the ground. Without a second to spare Draco spun around to face the last remaining man with his wand pointed towards the man. However, the man was also prepared to strike. Both men stood facing each other with wands directed towards the other.

The man opened his mouth, but before he could utter a word he was blasted by bright green light as Draco yelled, " Avada Kedavara " once more. The body fell to the ground.

Tired and out of breath Draco made his way towards the bleeding woman and sat beside her. He expected to see the pain etched across her face, but was surprised to see a tired smile.

Grabbing his hand, the woman spoke. " Thank you. "

" How can you thank me? I failed! I couldn't save you. " Draco said his voice full of grief. Why he felt this way he did not know. Something kept tugging at his hardened heart.

" Yes, you did. More than you will ever know. Change back. I want to see the true face of my savior. "

Doing as he was told, he changed back. The woman's smile only deepened. She brought her hands to his face only to stare into his eyes.

" Promise me you will take care of him. Protect him always like I know you could. They will be after him again. Protect him, please. "

" Him? Protect whom? I don't understand! Who are you talking about? " Draco asked confused.

As if to answer his question, a quiet wail sounded from the white bundle beside him.

" Oh no. No. No! This can't be happening! " Draco panicked.

Reaching towards the bundle, he hoped his assumption was false. Upon feeling the warmth and tousle of hair that peaked from within the blankets, he knew he was correct in theory. Not to mention those violet eyes that stared at him he knew it was a baby.

" Lady, I can't do this! There is no way! " Draco protested cradling the baby in his arms.

" Please! You must! Protect him! Promise me? " Pleaded the dying woman.

Draco looked back and forth between the women on the ground to the baby he held distressed.

" I...I...I...I promise. " Draco said weakly, even more confused as to why his answer was yes.

" Thank you. You must tell no one of this. His life depends on it. " With one sad smile the woman closed her eyes and took her last breath.

After several long minutes Draco shakily got to his feet with the baby in hand. Slowly walking towards Hogwarts, he looked down into the eyes of the now calm baby who was snuggled closely to him in content only to jump back in surprise when he saw they were a beautiful blue color.

" Okay Junior that is not normal. What's wrong with you? " Draco stated.

The baby just scrunched his face in displeasure and fussed about, as he understood what Draco had said.

" Okay. Okay got it. No messing with you. " Draco said in surrender. " Hmmm already trying to get your way are you? A definite Malfoy trait. I think I'm gonna like you Junior. Maybe."

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Draco arrived at his common room unnoticed, which happened to be shared with these years Head Girl. Who just happened to be Miss know-it-all Granger.

" Definitely not of the good. " Draco said out loud.

So here he was standing in the middle of the room not knowing what to do for once.

Junior...as Draco had taken to calling him....on the other hand knew exactly what to do.

" Waaaaaah. Waaaaah. "


" Shhhh. Your gonna wake up Granger. " Draco said frantically trying to quiet the baby.

Sounds of the door to her room being opened were heard.

" Shit. Shit. " Looking down at the baby in his arms, Draco decided to change his words slightly, " Shoot. Shoot. "

Looking frantically around the room to hide, with his back turned Draco did not notice the Head Girl standing at the top of the staircase with her hands on her hips not looking all to happy.

" Malfoy! What is that racket?! It sounds like.... It couldn't be. " Said Hermione.

Wincing slightly Draco, who knew he had been caught, slowly turned around to face her.

An audible gasp was heard.

" What did you do now, Malfoy ?! " Hermione said, her hands on her hips not looking all too happy.

" I can explain? "

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Hey! Hoped you like the chapter! Tell me what you think? Good?..bad ?....leave a review please! Pretty please!

~ Argentum Rosa