Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

Summary: He had always gotten everything he wanted—until he met Kagome Higurashi, the untouchable betrothed of the Emperor.

Special Notes: This chapter began a few weeks before my piano exam, and it took me a few weeks after my piano exam to finish it. Never less, I finished it, and I am proud to say that I've gotten somewhat of a plot, albeit a little loose here and there, but never fear for mizztrapped is here, the loosened parts will be quickly hot-glued in no time. =] Also, I want to thank all my wonderful reviewers and readers out there. Thank you all.

This Treacherous Heart of Mine
By: Mizztrapped

Chapter 5-

. . . . .

Although I would never admit it, I admire my mother.

How she could stand being in an arranged marriage where true love obviously is missing is beyond my comprehension.

I like to believe my mother use to be a romantic person, one who enjoyed the long walks in meadows, one who enjoyed sitting on roof-tops looking at the stars above on a warm evening, and one who enjoyed twirling in the snow with her beloved.

I like to believe that my mother use to be a free, energetic young woman who ran as free as wild horses on a sunny day, a woman who stood for her beliefs and a woman with such a pure soul, she radiated.

But of course, those are just what I like to believe.

In reality, my mother isn't a romantic person, she was one who does not prefer to step out of the house unless necessary. She was a person that found gifts and sweet endearments were nothing more than a waste of time, a person who found frolicking in fields with your true love was nothing but a child's game.

She did not seem like a person who use to run as free as wild horses on a sunny day, she was not a woman who stood up for her beliefs, and although I am sure her soul is pure, she did not radiate.

My mother came from a lower-ranking family, one of low importance and wealth. If it weren't for the fact that it was a wedding blessed by the emperor, my father and mother would never have met.

Blessed marriages by the emperor are rare, and if one dared to speak out and refuse the marriage, the penalty could most likely be death.

My mother, although strong enough to bear the silence of her husband, is no doubt, a coward when it comes to death.

I personally have never been in love. Sure, I have experienced liking someone, but I could not go as far as saying that I loved him.

But I can say that I think at one point in time, my mother did love my father.

Maybe not the love that makes you think about your significant other every moment of the day, or even the love where you would like to curl up in a ball with him and wish that time would stop.

Maybe it wasn't the love that made you want to be in their presence wherever you were, maybe it wasn't the love where it made you want to kiss and hug them until the end of the world.

But the love that you would harbor for a sibling or close friend.

The love where you would find between two close friends that knew that nothing would ever be between them. The love where you would find between two siblings with great respect for each other.

I do really believe that they love each other...

... they just weren't in love with one another.

. . . . .

Kagome lowered her head, she had forgotten about her father's command to stay back at the gardens; she nervously bit her lip before releasing a slow breath as she heard her father's footsteps became louder.

"You have clearly disobeyed me," Ryu hissed before looking around at the servants, "We will discuss this back home. Come now."

Keeping her eyes hooded, she tried to follow her father's fast but graceful, long strides. She risked a glance up at the straightened back of her father's before lowering her eyes back to the ground in front of her. Although she had disobeyed her father, she knew she would come out unscathed.

She was, after all, the future empress of Japan.

. . . . .

Sipping on his cooled tea, Naraku stared out his window looking at the rising sun.

How the mighty has fallen, he smirked as he lowered his cup onto the table, he would never have thought that the leader of the dogs, legend inuyoukai known for his power and wealth would lower himself to willingly serve a half-breed.

At that thought, his smirk dropped, half-breed, filth, worthless bastard, those had been the words that had grew up beside him, never failing to hide in his shadow, ready to attack at any given moment.

He never had the respect that was given to full-fledged demons, despite the fact that he was the heir to the kingdom of Japan; he was the country's shame.

Gripping the ceramic cup in his hand tightly, Naraku clenched his jaw, if there was anyone in this world that deserved the Shikon more, it would be him.

The jewel belonged to him, it was meant to be his, Japan would not be complete without a strong ruler, and being half-demon did not allow him to be strong enough.

The cup trembled in his hand as he gripped tighter, with the jewel, he would be complete, he would be strong and no-one, no-one will be able to call him worthless. He would show the world who was strongest, and the first thing that he would do, is kill the one who brought had brought this misery upon him.

Lowering his head until his hair covered his face, he took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down, patience was something that he had mastered long ago, he had waited for so many years already, what was but a little more time?

Red eyes glinted maliciously in the first yellow rays that bounced into his room as he slowly looked up, he would prove to everyone that he was the one fit to rule, he would prove to everyone that it did not take a full demon to be strong. He would prove to the world that his success did not come from his hated advisor.

When the time comes, those will receive what they have deserved.

The cup trembled once before it splintered in his hand, the sharp porcelain slices cutting deeply into the soft flesh of his palm.

He raised his hand with the ceramic pieces embedded in it before slowly licking the trail of blood sliding down his clenched fist to his pale wrist.

Inutaisho, you deserved this.

. . . . .

"Are my words that easily forgotten?"

Kagome looked up uncertainly at her father's harsh whisper to face her father's back.

"Do not think for an instance, that you being the future wife of the Emperor of Japan will allow you to disobey me," he snarled out as he turned to face her fully.

Kagome quickly looked down at the worn path once again.

"If it weren't for the fact that I was not in Naraku-sama's good graces, I would never have allowed my whoring slut of a daughter to become his wife."

Kagome felt tears come to her eyes, the words had stung, she knew her father held intense disliking towards her, but she never knew it went this far.

Ryu continued, ignoring his daughter's tears, "How do you think I feel? I'm giving my daughter to a half-breed. Do you know of the dishonor that it will bring to the family?"

Whimpering, Kagome felt the tears fall as her father's words sliced through her, that was all she was? A dishonor labeled by her father because she was given to the emperor of Japan as a sacrifice by the very same man?

Ryu glared at the young woman in front of him before turning around gracefully to march away angrily, leaving Kagome behind.

Staring at the ground in front of her, Kagome bit her lower lip harshly as she twisted her hands together in front of her. Her eyes slowly raised to her father's retreating back as a sudden thought flitted through her mind.

I don't mind being a dishonor, as long as it can help my family; I am willing to do so.

. . . . .

He stared at his unblemished hand, a hand that was moments ago bleeding with stained porcelain embedded deeply into the smooth flesh.

Flexing his hand, he placed it on his raised knee perched on the window seat as he watched the garden below his room.

A low knock sounded outside of his thin door, the three quick raps made with the precision and grace that only a particular full-fledged inuyoukai could have.

Raising himself from the window where he perched, the young ruler moved to sit on one of the low wooden stools surrounding the circular table before speaking quietly, "Come in."

The door slid open revealing long silver hair tied back into a high pony-tail and intense golden eyes that seemed oddly subdued for such an intimidating figure, "Naraku-sama, I take it that you have had a good night's rest?"

Giving a curt nod to his advisor, he leaned back with nothing but air supporting him, "What is it that you have interrupted my morning with?"

Inutaisho bowed at the waist, although the bow was rather shallow, with him keeping his face on Naraku as he bowed, "I have come with the concerns of your marriage."

Naraku raised a finely arched brow, "Concerns?"

Nodding once, Inutaisho shifted his weight slightly to his right foot, "Your court is demanding that both demon and human rituals are performed, if My Lord has no objections to the idea, I will proceed to arrange the preparations for the ceremonies."

Waving his hand dismissively, Naraku turned around in one smooth motion to face his back to his advisor, "It matters not to me."

Inutaisho nodded as he started to bow before Naraku's voice stopped him.

"Although, before my father died, he has requested something of me."

Inutaisho remained silent as he allowed Naraku to continue, knowing personally that there had never been something that the late emperor had requested, but neverless listening attentively.

"My father wanted the wedding to be held exactly on this day, six months from now," Naraku finished as he walked over to the window, looking out at his garden with his servants hustling about, ready for their daily chores.

"Six months, My Lord?" Inutaisho questioned, his brow raised.

"Six months," Naraku confirmed as he looked sideways over his shoulder.

Nodding slowly, Inutaisho tossed the silky pony-tail that had draped across his down on his shoulder, back, "Is there anything else that My Lord would like for the following ceremonies?"

Naraku pursed his lips before turning inclining his head slightly, "Yes, please tell Kagome to refrain from telling anyone about the engagement. I would rather my wife be alive for the wedding."

Inutaisho bowed once more, "Very well, I will inform the court and Kagome-sama of the information, have a good day Naraku-sama."

With that, he left with a swish of his long hair and the click of wood meeting wood as the door slid close.

. . . . .

A/N: This chapter is mainly focused on Naraku, although it explained why Kagome was forced into this engagement and all, also, the Shikon is being brought into play, and the reasons why Naraku wants Kagome is also starting to unravel...

Thanks for reading, and reviews are greatly appreciated. =]