AN: Just a silly idea the popped into my head when I needed a break from
writing chapter 5 of "A Senshi of Earth" I know next to nothing about
Tenchi, just a few episodes and a few fanfics, so please don't take this to
seriously. To anyone concerned about "Ranma the Hex Factor" I am working
on it.
From the little research I did I found that Ryo-Ohki could not originally take human form, but gained this ability later as a result from being exposed to Mass. For this story assume that her three forms – cabbit, ship, and teenager are all standard.
Disclaimer: The story you are reading does not exist, it is merely a figment of your imagination and thus you have only yourself to blame for it.
Spring of Drowned....MIYAH!
"Oh no, you fall into spring of crashed spaceship, tragic story of spaceship that crashed here 700 years ago and create spring. Not sure why young Mr. Customer resemble furry girl, no one ever fall into that spring before."
Ranma surfaced from the pool and immediately knew that something, everything was horribly wrong. Looking down caused him..her to scream.
"MIYAH!" This sound of course was not conducive to Ranma's state of mind. The last thing that the Jusenkyo guide and the damp panda saw was the brown furred girl running as if all the hounds of hell were after her.
[Unknown Location in the wilds of China, 4 hours later]
Ranma had finally come to the realization that it was herself that was making that terrible sound and so had come to rest against a fallen tree, exhausted. She took another look at herself and grimaced. It was like the Kami were purposefully punishing him, a combination of the two worst things he could have transformed into. 'Just my luck. Stupid old man, getting me turned into some weird girl,' Ranma thought disconsolately. She took some of her now much longer hair in furred cover hands and pulled the blue white locks in front of her face and stared dumbly at it for a while before breaking down in tears. 'How am I going to live like this?' Ranma asked desperately in his mind. No response was forthcoming.
[Masaki Shrine 4 months Later]
Dressed in a long cloak with the hood pulled far over her head Ranma walked under the entrance to the shrine cautiously and started to make her way towards the house, the house that the pull was coming from. Ranma had learned early on to conceal her appearance. It wasn't that she was hideous, though her slight cat like features still made her a little nervous, but simply her furred body, long ears, and cat like eyes attracted far to much attention. Even after four months of being like this it was hard to accept that she was both a girl, thus worthless and weak, and a cat – one of the most vile creatures on the planet. Ranma tried not to think about the time she had nearly lost his mind when she had somehow turned herself into some very catlike creature. It had taken her three days to figure out how to change back, and had been one of the most nerve wracking experiences of her life. What was worse was the fact that she couldn't even speak right. With the greatest amount of concentration she could get out simple sentences, otherwise she slipped into making that dreaded sound. Needless to say she had become a virtual mute. She stopped by a tree some two hundred meters from the house and examined it. The feeling was defiantly coming from there. Since she had come back to her senses four months ago she had felt a slight, but ever present pull in her mind. Not knowing what it was, and not having anything else to do now that her life was essentially over she had followed it. Now that the trail was at an end she was a little at a loss of what to do. A brief image of her walking up to the door throwing off her hood and demanding to speak with their leader caused her to descend into a nervous meow-like laugh, which quickly brought her day dream to an end.
While she was still thinking about the best way to approach the occupants of the house the door of the house blew apart and out ran a woman with spiky platinum hair. 'Hair like mine!' Ranma thought excitedly and she suddenly knew that this was the person she had been being drawn to all this time. Right after she had made this conclusion another girl ran out of the house, seeming to be surrounded by small floating objects that were crackling with energy. Seeing the girl preparing to attack the one she had been being pulled to a sudden intense protective desire welled up in her. Always one to go with her instincts she leapt from her concealment and not really knowing how, nearly instantly appeared before the attacker. Again never one to hesitate in a battlefield situation she lashed out with a vicious roundhouse that sent the girl sprawling, her leg going numb on contact.
Ryoko stared in shock as the cloaked figure appeared before the princess and leveled her with a kick. Not that she was going to complain about someone putting her highness in her place, but nevertheless it was surprising. Putting on a cautious smile, but staying ready to defend herself Ryoko approached the figure who slowly turned towards her. She gasped in shock when the figure stepped towards her and pulled back the hood of her cloak.
Ranma quickly tried to respond, so of course the only thing that came out was "Miyah."
Ryoko then threw her arms around the startled girl and twirled her around a few times. "Ryo-Ohki where have you been all this time? Why didn't you contact me telepathically? In fact how come I can't sense you the way I should? Where have you been? Washu will flip; she thought you were a gonner. Wait till you meet Tenchi, just don't get any ideas he's mine." Ryoko was smiling broadly as she set the furry girl back on the ground and Ranma fought to gain enough concentration to speak.
"Miy...gomen...My name't know....why." Ryoko frowned slightly before brightening again.
"Don't worry, we'll talk to Washu, she'll figure it out, by the way nice hit on the princess there." Ranma glanced back to where said princess was still on the ground unconscious. She felt a little guilty but after passing through some sort of weird village in china she had grown a lot less hesitant about hitting girls.
Ryoko draped an arm over who she was sure was her friend, If a bit confused about her identity, and led her into the house.
To Be continued?...Possibly.
From the little research I did I found that Ryo-Ohki could not originally take human form, but gained this ability later as a result from being exposed to Mass. For this story assume that her three forms – cabbit, ship, and teenager are all standard.
Disclaimer: The story you are reading does not exist, it is merely a figment of your imagination and thus you have only yourself to blame for it.
Spring of Drowned....MIYAH!
"Oh no, you fall into spring of crashed spaceship, tragic story of spaceship that crashed here 700 years ago and create spring. Not sure why young Mr. Customer resemble furry girl, no one ever fall into that spring before."
Ranma surfaced from the pool and immediately knew that something, everything was horribly wrong. Looking down caused him..her to scream.
"MIYAH!" This sound of course was not conducive to Ranma's state of mind. The last thing that the Jusenkyo guide and the damp panda saw was the brown furred girl running as if all the hounds of hell were after her.
[Unknown Location in the wilds of China, 4 hours later]
Ranma had finally come to the realization that it was herself that was making that terrible sound and so had come to rest against a fallen tree, exhausted. She took another look at herself and grimaced. It was like the Kami were purposefully punishing him, a combination of the two worst things he could have transformed into. 'Just my luck. Stupid old man, getting me turned into some weird girl,' Ranma thought disconsolately. She took some of her now much longer hair in furred cover hands and pulled the blue white locks in front of her face and stared dumbly at it for a while before breaking down in tears. 'How am I going to live like this?' Ranma asked desperately in his mind. No response was forthcoming.
[Masaki Shrine 4 months Later]
Dressed in a long cloak with the hood pulled far over her head Ranma walked under the entrance to the shrine cautiously and started to make her way towards the house, the house that the pull was coming from. Ranma had learned early on to conceal her appearance. It wasn't that she was hideous, though her slight cat like features still made her a little nervous, but simply her furred body, long ears, and cat like eyes attracted far to much attention. Even after four months of being like this it was hard to accept that she was both a girl, thus worthless and weak, and a cat – one of the most vile creatures on the planet. Ranma tried not to think about the time she had nearly lost his mind when she had somehow turned herself into some very catlike creature. It had taken her three days to figure out how to change back, and had been one of the most nerve wracking experiences of her life. What was worse was the fact that she couldn't even speak right. With the greatest amount of concentration she could get out simple sentences, otherwise she slipped into making that dreaded sound. Needless to say she had become a virtual mute. She stopped by a tree some two hundred meters from the house and examined it. The feeling was defiantly coming from there. Since she had come back to her senses four months ago she had felt a slight, but ever present pull in her mind. Not knowing what it was, and not having anything else to do now that her life was essentially over she had followed it. Now that the trail was at an end she was a little at a loss of what to do. A brief image of her walking up to the door throwing off her hood and demanding to speak with their leader caused her to descend into a nervous meow-like laugh, which quickly brought her day dream to an end.
While she was still thinking about the best way to approach the occupants of the house the door of the house blew apart and out ran a woman with spiky platinum hair. 'Hair like mine!' Ranma thought excitedly and she suddenly knew that this was the person she had been being drawn to all this time. Right after she had made this conclusion another girl ran out of the house, seeming to be surrounded by small floating objects that were crackling with energy. Seeing the girl preparing to attack the one she had been being pulled to a sudden intense protective desire welled up in her. Always one to go with her instincts she leapt from her concealment and not really knowing how, nearly instantly appeared before the attacker. Again never one to hesitate in a battlefield situation she lashed out with a vicious roundhouse that sent the girl sprawling, her leg going numb on contact.
Ryoko stared in shock as the cloaked figure appeared before the princess and leveled her with a kick. Not that she was going to complain about someone putting her highness in her place, but nevertheless it was surprising. Putting on a cautious smile, but staying ready to defend herself Ryoko approached the figure who slowly turned towards her. She gasped in shock when the figure stepped towards her and pulled back the hood of her cloak.
Ranma quickly tried to respond, so of course the only thing that came out was "Miyah."
Ryoko then threw her arms around the startled girl and twirled her around a few times. "Ryo-Ohki where have you been all this time? Why didn't you contact me telepathically? In fact how come I can't sense you the way I should? Where have you been? Washu will flip; she thought you were a gonner. Wait till you meet Tenchi, just don't get any ideas he's mine." Ryoko was smiling broadly as she set the furry girl back on the ground and Ranma fought to gain enough concentration to speak.
"Miy...gomen...My name't know....why." Ryoko frowned slightly before brightening again.
"Don't worry, we'll talk to Washu, she'll figure it out, by the way nice hit on the princess there." Ranma glanced back to where said princess was still on the ground unconscious. She felt a little guilty but after passing through some sort of weird village in china she had grown a lot less hesitant about hitting girls.
Ryoko draped an arm over who she was sure was her friend, If a bit confused about her identity, and led her into the house.
To Be continued?...Possibly.