Disclaimer: I do not own any of the digimon characters such as Matt, Tai, Mimi, and Sora etc. The only characters that I do own are Ms. Fiori and Andrew.

Author's Notes: Well, this is my first romance fic to be on the net! Actually, it's not just romance. There's also comedy! Most of the funny stuff happens in the next chapter though, but I still think that this chapter is pretty good because it explains a few things. So, this is my first time doing this, so try to be kind. Anyway, enjoy!

"Let's Play Truth or Dare..." Chapter 1

"Mimi! Hurry up!" Yelled Mrs. Tachikawa. "You're going to be late for school!"

"Hold on!" Mimi yelled back. "I'll be down in a second!"

'Where is my pink bra strap?' She thought to herself. 'I'm not going to school looking like this.'

Ding! Dong!

'Yikes! Sora's already here. Uhh! I'll just have to wear my pink headband.'

Mimi slipped on her headband, grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs. She snatched an apple from the fruit basket and went outside to meet Sora.

"Sorry I took so long," Mimi apologized. "I couldn't find my pink bra strap."

"No problem," replied Sora. "I sort of got used to it."

Mimi smiled at her and took a bite out of her apple.

"Guess what?" Sora asked excitedly.

"You finally got the guts to ask out Tai?" Mimi smirked.

"Although I would like to," she began with a grin. "That's not it. My mom's actually letting me have a party this Saturday!

"A party?" Mimi asked with a puzzled expression on her face. "Oh yeah! It's your birthday! Happy early 16th birthday!"

"Thank you. Any way, my mom said that I can only invite five people. She doesn't want a whole bunch of teenagers raving our apartment. So, would you grace me with your presence by coming to my party, Princess Mimi?" She asked with a fake British accent.

"Of course!" Giggled Mimi. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, neither the digital or the real. By the way, who are the other people that you invited?"

"Tai, obviously; Kari, so we're not the only girls; T.K., so she can be with her boyfriend; and just for you, Matt." She finished with a smile.

"Sora!" Mimi whined. "I've told you a million times...I don't like Matt!"

"Whatever you say Mimi," Sora said sarcastically. "Whoa! It's 5 to 8! Better start running! Let's go Mimi!"

"Aww!" Complained Mimi as Sora began to run ahead "Fine, I'm coming! Wait up!"

Mimi eventually caught up with Sora and the 2 of them ran the rest of the way to school. When they got there, they were exhausted and completely out of breathe, but at least they got to their classes on time.

"Oh," Mimi sighed quietly to herself, as she sat in her desk.

'Sora's gonna find out that I like Matt,' she thought to herself worriedly. She didn't want anyone to know that she liked Matt because she knew that they'd probably tell him and she'd be totally embarrassed! 'Hmm...actually, I have a feeling that she already knows. Sora knows me too damn well! Aw crap! I bet she'd gonna make me something with him during her party...I might as well tell her then. There's no point in keeping up these charades.'

"Ms. Tachikawa," said Ms. Fiori, interrupting her thoughts. " Can you please solve the equation on the board?"

Mimi glanced at the board and saw and equation that looked like this: 63 divided by 9 x (23+7) divided by (-21+ negative15)= (I couldn't find any division keys on the keyboard, just to let you know)

"Now, Ms. Tachikawa," she urged impatiently.

"Um..." Mimi hesitated. "Um...ne-ga-tive 6?"

"Well," Ms. Fiori said in a surprised tone. "I guess you were listening...now, back to business. The square root of a number is determined-" Ms. Fiori continued on with the math lesson.

Mimi sighed in relief at her luck.

'I guess that's why I'm a grade ahead in math,' she thought to herself. 'I'm just naturally good at it."

After about 5 minutes, she was bored out of her mind. Out of her bored ness, her eyes began to wander to see what her peers were doing. Some people were sleeping or day dreaming. Some people were secretly eating candy or chocolate. And some people were actually listening! Mimi looked towards the back, left and her eyes narrowed as she smiled, when she saw Matt. He had headphones on and it seemed like he was listening to a hockey game.

Mimi knew how much Matt loved hockey. Ever since they started high school, Matt had become a hockey fanatic! She thought it was probably because when Matt was playing hockey during gym class on the first day of high school, this guy that he hated ever since elementary school named Andrew, hit him with his hockey stick purposely! Matt got so mad that he started a big fistfight! When the gym teacher, Mr. Hagen, finally came and broke it up, Matt thought that he was gonna get into major trouble, but Mr. Hagen said that fights in hockey was very normal. From that day on, Matt had taken a liking to hockey.

Mimi eyed him more closely and noticed that he seemed to be saying something.

"C'mon! C'mon!" Matt urged quietly. "Punch him! No don't do that!"

"The referee has come in and is breaking up this fight," said the announcer.

"Damn!" Yelled Matt, as he slammed his fist against his desk loudly. "Just when it was getting good!"

"Mr. Ishida," scolded Ms. Fiori. "You're behaviour is inappropriate! Would you mind telling me what you find so interesting?"

Matt stared at her blankly for a second. Then, it looked like he finally returned to reality again.

"Um..." he sputtered. "I...I...think...that the equations are very, very-uh-cool."

"Well, Mr. Ishida," she began calmly. "Since you like math so much, I'm giving you an extra page to do tonight."

"Aw man," he groaned.


"Class dismissed, she said. "Don't forget about your extra page, Mr. Ishida."

"Yeah...whatever," he answered in an 'I don't give a damn' tone.

Everyone then left for their next class.

"Look at me!" Yelled Tai, as he hung upside down on the monkey bars.

It was after school and Mimi, Kari, Sora, T.K., Matt And Tai were hanging out at Odaiba Park. They may be a lot older now, but they still liked acting like kids sometimes. Everyone was on the monkey bars, except for Mimi and Sora, who were chatting on a nearby bench.

"I can't believe you like Tai," commented Mimi. "He's such a child."

"Well," Sora began with a huff. "I happen to think he's cute. What about you Mimi? You're the one that like Mr. 'I'm obsessed with my hair'!"

"My gosh!" Mimi exclaimed. "How many times have I told you!? I don't like Matt!!"

"Okay...I believe you," Sora said unsuspiciously. "Since I am now positive that you don't like Matt, I have a little confession to make."

Spill it, girl," Mimi said quickly.

"Promise not to get mad at me, okay?" She asked timidly.

"Promise...now tell me!" Mimi urged.

"Okay," replied Sora as she took a deep breath. Iwentonadatewithmattlastsaturday," she said in less than two seconds.

Mimi's jaw dropped open and she began to feel hot tears well up in her eyes. She wiped her tears away and asked quietly, "W-why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you liked him and I didn't want to hurt your feelings," she answered shyly.

"Di-did you kiss him?" She asked hoping that she didn't.

"I-uh..." she stammered.

"Just tell me!" Mimi sobbed.

"Yes," Sora replied hesitantly. "But just for like 5 seconds."

"Five seconds!!!!!!!" Mimi yelled outraged.

She couldn't hold in the tears any longer. Her mascara began to run down her cheeks as tears came rolling down.

"Soooooraaaaa!!!!!!" She cried. "Oh!!!!! You knew I liked Matt!!! How could you do this to me??!!"

"Calm down...you really do like him, don't you?" Sora asked with sympathy. "I guess you're gonna kill me now, aren't you?"

"No," Mimi sniffed. "It's not your fault that Matt asked you out and he likes you more than he likes me."

"Not that," Sora began timidly. "Because I lied to you and what I just said wasn't true."

"What?" Mimi asked flatly.

"I just wanted you to admit that you liked him. I didn't mean to make you cry...I'm sorry," she apologized.

By then, Mimi's tears were as dry as a desert and she had wiped the mascara stains off with a tissue. Not only that, but her face had also turned as red as a tomato!

"I can't believe you!" Mimi yelled angrily. "I'm gonna strange you!"

Sora quickly got up and began to back away from Mimi.

"Calm down Mimi," she said cautiously. "I'll-I'll make it up to you!"

"How?" Mimi asked through clenched teeth.

"You'll find out at my party," she smiled mischievously. "That is, if you don't kill me."

Mimi's face began to relax and she smiled, "You know I was just kidding, but don't do that again, okay?"

Sora smiled back, "Okay."

"One more thing," added Mimi. "What is it that you're planning for me at your party?"

"You'll see," she said slyly. "Hey guys!" She yelled at the others who were still on the monkey bars. "Get over here!"

Tai, Matt, T.K. and Kari came and joined them.

"What's up?" Asked T.K.

"All you guys are invited to my party this Saturday," announced Sora.

"Why are you having a party?" Asked Matt.

"Yeah...is it some kind of special occasion or something?" Tai added.

"I can't believe you forgot!" Yelled Sora.

"Forgot what?" The 3 guys asked at the same time.

"You guys are so dumb," said Kari as she joined Mimi and Sora. "It's her birthday party, remember?"

"Oh yeah!" They all said in harmony.

"We're sorry," smiled T.K.

"But what did'ya expect?" Laughed Matt.

"We're guys!" Finished Tai.

The 3 of them slapped each other a high five and continued to laugh hysterically.

"You guys are so immature!" Mimi sighed.

"We know!" They replied. "And we're prooooouuuuud of it!!"

"C'mon you guys," Sora begged. "Can you come to my party or not?"

"Of course we can!" They all replied, still cracking up.

"How about you Kari?" Sora asked.

"I'll be there for sure," she smiled.

"Great!" Sora grinned happily. "See you guys tomorrow! And don't forget about my party! Bye!"

Bye!" They yelled back at her as she began walking out of the park.

So what do you think so far? I know, I know, they didn't play truth or dare yet, but that's coming up in the next chapter...so don't worry! I hope you liked it so far and please let me know what you think...too weird? Too boring? Too short? Whatever! Just give me some feed back. Anyway, thanks for reading it and expect the next chapter to come in very soon. For now...happy reading!

Hey reader!!! Wow! I never knew that a good title was so important in having a good story! Anyway, a lot of people have been saying to write more...so once I had everything perfectly planned out in my head, I decided to type faster. I got it done pretty fast huh? Also, whoever said that thing about not being able to skip a subject in Japan, I'm sorry, but I never knew that...thanks for the info AND...I'll try my best not to make this a typical truth or dare fic, but of course, I'm just gonna have to get 2 people to kiss!!! That's something I gotta do for sure because I can't resist that! Well, I guess now you know one thing that I'm gonna do for sure, but that's gonna happen in chapter 3. This chapter's kinda short, but it's actually still pretty funny. You'll find out why soon...so, I hope you enjoy it and happy reading!!!!

"Let's Play Truth or Dare..." Chapter 2

"Hurry up Mimi! I need your help to set up!" Pleaded Sora.

It was Saturday afternoon and Sora was busy getting ready for her party.

"I'm hurrying!" She said back. "I'm trying to find my pink bra strap."

"What's with you and that pink bra strap?" Sora asked impatiently.

"Well, I wanna look good for the party and I happen to look very cute in my pink bra strap." She explained with a giggle.

"Mimi!" Sora complained. "Can't you just borrow my red bra strap?"

"Red?! Ugh!" Mimi gagged.

"Please! It's my birthday!" She begged.

"Fine...I'll be there in a minute, but I'm NOT wearing a red bra strap." She stressed out.

"Okay, see you soon," she smiled.

"Bye," Mimi finished as she hung up the phone.

Mimi grabbed Sora's gift (which was a new soccer ball) and ran to the elevator to go to her house. As soon as she got there, they both had started working hard on getting the place ready. After about 1 hour of sweat in decorating and setting everything up and 1/2 an hour of waiting (in exhaustion) for the guests to arrive, every thing was finally set up and all the people were there.

"Gmph phe faphonor phief ," Tai requested as they were eating.

"Gross Tai!" Exclaimed Mimi. "Eew!! Talk when your mouth isn't full! You're making me lose my appetite."

"Phorry," Tai apologized as he revealed more food stuffed in his mouth.

"What do you want?" Sora asked politely, being the host and all. As much as she liked Tai, she felt like gagging a bit, but she was the host! She had to be as polite as she could.

"Fa phifa," he answered.

"Fa- what?!" Sora yelled, despite her best efforts to be a calm host.

"He wants another slice of pizza," explained Kari. "What can I say? I can always understand my brother's weird language."

"Fi phant pha piffa!" Tai shouted getting impatient, which didn't look too good because most of the food in his mouth wasn't swallowed yet.

"Fine!" Yelled Sora. "Just don't open your mouth." She began to slowly get up, but Kari stopped her.

"Sit," she smiled. "I'll get it. After all, it is your birthday."

Sora sat down gratefully, as Kari sincerely got Tai his 5th, no 6th slice of pizza. After dinner, they didn't know what to do to kill time. So, they decided to talk and think about something to do. After all, they still had 4 hours to burn before the party ended at 9.

"What should we do?" Asked T.K.

"I know!" Matt burst out. "Let's watch the hockey game! It's on tonight!"

"Nah," disagreed Tai. "Let's watch WWF wrestling!"

As much as Matt liked hockey, he loved wrestling! (I bet you can guess why...)

"Ya!" Agreed both T.K. and Matt.

"Hockey's cool, but wrestling is just plain awesome!" Commented Matt.

The 3 guys all got up and began wrestling on the floor. Matt had Tai in a headlock, while Tai was trying punch T.K. because he was kicking both of them on their backs! Neither of the girls understood why or how the guys could handle all that pain, but they knew that it was probably just a so called, 'Guy Thing.'

"Guys!" Yelled Sora, who was getting irritated by their nonsense. "You're making the floor shake! I'm gonna kick the 3 of you outta my house if you don't stop right now!"

"Aw..." they all whined, but still stopped and went back onto a chair.

"Let's play truth or dare..." suggested Kari with a smile on her face.

"You read my mind," Sora whispered to her with the same smile on her face.

"Yes!" Mimi agreed loudly.

"No!" Protested all the guys.

"Well," began Sora "It's my party and what I say goes."

The guys were grumbling stuff to each other a bit, but all Sora did was stick her tongue out at them and grinned.

"So," she started. "Who's gonna be my first victim?"

She began to eye everyone mysteriously. Her eyes stopped looking, as they narrowed onto someone.

"Kari," she smiled slyly. "Truth or dare?"