Hey reader! Sorry it took me awhile to get the third chapter out. I've been busy getting ready for school (Sept. 5). Well, I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It's pretty funny. I'm sorry that it's kinda short, but I hope that you judge my fic for quality and not quantity. By the way, I'm so happy that season 02 started! Whoa! I love it! Tai was so cute, but as you can see in my new name...I really like Davis. By the way, I think that I should warn you that I may be changing my author name quite frequently. You see, it's hard for me to pick between Tai, Davis and Matt. So, I'm always switching favourites. My author names that I'll be using are Faith Kamiya, Hope Ishida(which is one I didn't use yet) and my most recent one, Leina Motomiya. So anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!

"Let's Play Truth or Dare..." Chapter 3

"Dare," he answered.

"You sure you can handle it?" Kari smirked.

"I'm not scared of you," he huffed.

"We'll see," she said slyly. "We'll see..."

"Are you gonna give me the dare or not?" He asked.

"Okay," she sighed. "But you're asking for it."

"Ya, right," he muttered.

"I dare you..." she began slowly. "To kiss Sora." (I think you knew that was gonna happen)

"Fine," he said without hesitation.

"On the lips," she added.

"Uh-I-I don't have a problem with that," he said trying to sound brave.

"For at least 1, no, 2 minutes," she finished with a grin.

Tai's eyes widened and he began yelling bloody murder!

"You little-oh my gosh! I can't believe you! You better give your gift to Sora now because I'm gonna kill you in just a few minutes!"

"Okay," said Kari calmly. "You're gonna have to pick truth then, but before you make your final decision, think about what I'm going to ask you."

She looked at Tai in a way that made it seem that she knew something.

"I'll give you a clue," she smirked. "It has something to do with So-me girls."

"Y-you wouldn't," Tai said in disbelief.

"The question is, are you willing to take that chance?" She shot back. "So brother, truth or dare?"

Tai turned around and said quite a mouthful of unpleasant words for a few seconds.

"Dare," he said finally, as he turned back to the group.

"Perfect," smiled Kari. "Remember Sora, you're doing this too. And don't forget, lips and at least 2 minutes! We're timing you."

Now, both Tai and Sora were glaring at Kari (it's not that they actually didn't want to though)

"Go on, get ready," she urged. "Matt?"


"Do you have your stop watch with you?"


"Time them, okay?"

"No prob."

Matt looked at the watch and set it up, "Ready......now."

Tai and Sora glanced at each other and kissed.

"10.........20.........30," Matt counted. "1min.........1,10.........1,20.........1,30..."

They waited for 30 more seconds and checked on the "soon to be" couple. And you know what? They weren't quite done yet.

"Keep counting." Kari directed.

"2, 20.........2, 30.........2, 40..." Matt continued.

"Don't they ever some up for air?" Asked Mimi.

"Not my brother," grinned Kari.

When they finally finished, everyone was staring at them.

"What?" They both asked.

"You guys have a lot of lung power," commented T.K.

"Fine...I admit it," said Sora.

"We know that we went a little bit over," added Tai.

"A little bit???!!!" Exclaimed Matt. "You went over by a minute and 37 seconds!!"

Tai and Sora looked at them in disbelief. Then, finally realizing that it was true, they quickly got back into their chairs...away from each other.

"Tai," began Kari.

" What?!" He snapped.

"You pick someone."

Tai looked like he was really gonna kill someone. I guess it's because Sora almost found out about his little secret.

He took a deep breath and answered calmly, "I don't want to."

"Okay," Kari nodded. "You pick then, Sora. You were part of the dare."

"Okay," she said happily. "And by the way," she whispered. "Thanks"

"Call it an extra birthday present," she whispered back.

"Here's my surprise for you," Sora whispered to Mimi. "Matt, truth of dare?" She asked.

"Dare," he answered.

"NO! Don't!" Tai warned.

"I know what I'm doing he said coolly. "What's my dare Sora?"

Sora grinned slyly, "One word......strip."

At the time, Mat was drinking Pepsi. As soon as Sora said that, he nearly choked to death!

"(cough) What???!!!"

"Strip," she repeated with the same mischievous grin on her face. "But don't worry, you don't have to take off everything. Although, everything above the belt is coming off."

"NO! I repeat, NO! One more time, NO!" He protested.

"Would you prefer the back-up dare?" Sora suggested.

"Yes, yes, yes! Please!" He quickly responded.

"Okay then," she smiled.

Before she told Matt the dare, she motioned everyone to gather around, except for Mat of course. When she finished, they slowly began to circle around him.

"What are you doing?" He asked suspiciously.

"Tai! T.K.! NOW!" She ordered.

"What the-" Matt was cut off by Tai and T.K. who were holding on to both of his arms and dragging him to the bathroom sink.

"Let go! Ah! Are you planning to-"

"Yes, Matt," smiled Mimi. "We're gonna wash your hair."

"NO! Anything but THAT!" HE begged.

"Strip then," smiled Sora.

"No! No!" He protested. "Let go of me! Ow! You're banging my head against the sink!"

"Sorry," apologized T.K. and Tai.

"Last chance Matt," grinned Sora.

"No!" He yelled as he continued to struggle.

"Mimi," began Sora. "Do the honours?"

"No Mimi! Don't! Please!" He begged with pleading azure eyes.

"Uh-I-I-I think that Kari should do it." She stammered.

"I'd be happy to," smiledKari.

Kari slowly turned on the tap water. It rushed down onto Matt's hair.
"AH! AH! Turn it off! Fine! I'll do the other dare!" Matt begged.

Kari turned off the water and Tai and T.K. let him go.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Matt as he looked into the mirror.

His hair looked hilarious!!!!! It really did look like a bird's nest!

"Matt," laughed Sora as she looked at his new do. "Before you strip, here's some gel. After all, we want you to look good for us."

Matt snached the gel from Sora's hand and pushed everyone out of the bathroom.

"Are you ready yet?" Called Sora, 5 minutes later.

Matt walked out of the bathroom with his hair back to normal again.

"Yeah," he muttered. "I'm ready."

Whatd'ya think? I'm sooooo sorry for the cliffhanger, but I can't think!!!! It's already 3:13am and I've been working on this since 12!!! Don't worry though, I promise that I'll have the last chapter out before Sept. 5. After all, that's when school starts for me and I think that my schedule is gonna get really busy. Anyway, I hope you like it and happy reading!