Coin Toss by Jason Corley
This is a Fanfiction. I do not own the rights to Ranma or any other anime series. Do not attempt to make money off of the original works or off of anything I write. Thank you.
My writing style
-sound effect-
Chapter One
"Wudya do that for" Ranma who was now a very wet she
"We're going to be late if you don't hurry." Akane
"Ok. Ok. I'm coming." Ranma
Ranma got up from her bedroll and promptly went to the bathroom to get some hot water. She dowsed herself with hot water and the usual changed occurred. Ranma then went back to his room and put on a red shirt and black pants. He then grabbed his school bag and proceeded downstairs. When he got downstairs Akane was waiting for him by the door.
"Don't we have time to eat breakfast?" Ranma
"Well if you hadn't slept so long you would have." Akane
"You could have woken me up early." Ranma
"Why would I do that? It was a rather enjoyable morning. You and your father weren't fighting over the food. It was quite for once." Akane
"Well I am going to at least get something for lunch since I can't eat breakfast" Ranma said as he started to head to the kitchen.
"Here's your lunch." Akane
"Did you make it?" Ranma
"No. Kasumi made it. And does it matter who made it?" Akane
"Akane. Do you really have to ask that?" Ranma
"What are you saying?" Akane said starting to turn red
"Never mind let's get going." Ranma said as he took the lunch pail.
Ranma and Akane left the dojo and started there walk to school. Ranma as usual was walking along the fence a little behind Akane.
it'd be nice if Akane wasn't always waking me up like that. It's really annoying. I just barely avoided setting her off this morning. Ranma thought
"Hey Akane." Ranma
"..." Akane
"Akane?" Ranma
"..." Akane
(Or perhaps not) Ranma said in a whisper
They walked the rest of the way in silence. When they got to Furinkan the usual gossip was going on.
What is it now? Ranma thought
"Well well if it isn't Ranma Soatome" Ryoga
Ranma turned around and said in shock "Ryoga!" This isn't the way Ryoga starts a conversation.
"What is it? You seem a little surprised." Ryoga
Ranma was very surprised because when he saw Ryoga he noticed that Ryoga wasn't wearing his usual yellow and black outfit that he usual wears but a school uniform.
"Ah Ryoga. Are you feeling alright?" Ranma
"Ah yeah. Why do you ask?" Ryoga
"Oh I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with you being here and not trying to kill me and wearing a school uniform." Ranma
"Well it may come as a shock to you Ranma but the world doesn't revolve around you. And I never wore a school uniform here before because I didn't go to school here. But now I do and that's why I am wearing this." Ryoga
"Ryoga that's great. It's good that you have decided to finally go back to school." Akane
"Yeah well he he." Ryoga
"Lets see how long he makes it?" Ranma
"Ranma don't pick on him." Akane
"I wasn't...why do I bother?" Ranma
Ranma walked off to go to class.
"Akane my love. I shall..." Kuno was interrupted as Ranma punted him off toward the fields of the school.
Ranma then resumed his course
"What's with Ranma? He's not acting like he normally does." Akane
"What do you mean? He always treats you like that." Ryoga
"No he doesn't. Its similar but he didn't even try to give an excuse this time." Akane
"Maybe he has accepted the fact that everything is his fault." Ryoga
"Maybe..." Akane but he wasn't really picking on Ryoga this time.
"Oh no I am going to be late." Akane said and then started to go to class but was stopped when Ryoga spoke
"Uhh. Akane. Can you walk me to my class?" Ryoga
There was a murmur from the crowd
"What?" Akane said turning a little red from embarrassment
"Can you walk me to my class so that I don't get lost?" Ryoga
"Sure. No problem." Akane said with relief
"I was going to ask Ranma but he walked off so suddenly. RANMA YOU COWARD." Ryoga
"Let me see your schedule Ryoga" Akane
"Oh ok." Ryoga said and handed his schedule to Akane
"Wow! You have all the same classes as me and Ranma except you have a geography course where I have cooking and Ranma has something else. He won't tell me what it is though. I thought that you didn't go to school." Akane said as she handed the schedule back to Ryoga and lead him to class
"Well I take courses at several schools mainly because I always do get lost. The teachers I take are real considerate of my situation and let me take tests when I can. But I am going to try and stay here for awhile." Ryoga I don't believe it. I am really talking to Akane! This is great! Thanks for the talk Ranma. But you will still die.
"This is unusual." Nabiki Ranma did start a fight or get into a fight this mourning. Well there's Kuno but he doesn't count. I wonder what's going on with him. Not only that but I wonder why Ryoga is going to school here. That's easy. He's going here because of Akane. But why has he decided to go about it this way instead of his usual way. One thing that's good is that Akane is still the same. Wait a minute! Ranma and Ryoga are both acting strange. I wonder if something happened between them. I need to look into this. Nabiki then set about learning of the new possibility.
When Akane and Ryoga got to class Akane took her seat. The teacher asked Ryoga to stand at the front of the room for the moment.
Ukyo came in and took her seat on the other side of Ranma.
"How's it going Ranma?" Ukyo
"Ok" Ranma
"That's good. Hey isn't that..." Ukyo
The teacher then said "we have a new student today. He has travel here from... from... well why don't you introduce yourself."
"My name's Ryoga Hibiki" Ryoga
"Ok everyone lets give Mr. Hibiki nice welcome."
Everyone gave a welcome that didn't really seem all that enthusiastic
The teacher said "Mr. Hibiki why don't you take the empty seat next to Ms Tendo, the girl that you came with to class."
Ryoga took what was now his seat.
The teacher then started class.
When it was lunch time Ranma took his lunch pail and hurried out of the class.
"Ranma wait up." Ukyo
"I wonder where Ranma is off to in such a hurry." Akane
"Uhh. Akane since it seems Ranma is eating lunch with Ukyo then would you like to eat lunch with me." Ryoga
he's hurrying off so that he and Ukyo can eat alone! WELL FINE! Akane "I'd be glad to eat lunch with you since Ranma seems to prefer Ukyo's company better."
"Really?" Ryoga
"Yeah. Lets go." Akane
Ranma was sitting under a tree away from the main group of students and just opened his lunch pail when he heard a voice call out
"Nihao" shampoo
"Shampoo! Uh what are you doing here." Ranma
"Shampoo bring husband lunch." Shampoo
"Uh thanks but I already have my lunch." Ranma
"Ranma not want food. Ranma is ok?" shampoo
"I'm fine." Ranma
"Aiya then Ranma eat shampoo's cooking." shampoo
"No thank you." Ranma
Ukyo then walked off making a bad situation worse
"What are you doing with my fiancée" Ukyo
"Ranma shampoo's fiancée" shampoo said and attached herself to Ranma's arm
Ukyo then attached herself to Ranma's other arm
"Come on you two let go." Ranma
Akane and Ryoga then walked up.
"So what's shampoo doing here?" Akane
"Shampoo bring lunch for husband" shampoo
"You aren't going to cook lunch for Ranma, I am." Ukyo
"So not only did you hurry off to eat lunch with Ukyo but you also with shampoo." Akane
"Akane. Its not..." Ranma ended and gave a great sigh as he shook his head.
"So its true." Akane said as her temper started to go up
"NO!" Ranma said with a surprising amount of force
"Then what is it. Its sure what it looks like." Akane said temper rising even more
"I was just sitting here getting... -sigh- what's the use." Ranma said as he bowed his head
"So you aren't even going to try and give me a lame excuse." Akane said as she was fuming
"You wouldn't listen anyway." Ranma
"You..." Akane was interrupted as shampoo and Ukyo got up and confronted Akane
"So you were trying to get Ranma to eat with you weren't you. That's why you are so mad" Ukyo
"I am not mad!" Akane
"If violent girl not mad. Why violent girl red." shampoo
"Because...!" Akane was interrupted
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ranma said standing up
Everyone turned to look at Ranma
"Everyone quit fighting!" Ranma
"She started it!" said all three girls
Everyone was silent then
"if Ryoga and I are able to stay civil for half a day then at least the three of you could stay civil for at least a half a minute" Ranma
"Shampoo just bring lunch for husband." shampoo
"He is not your husband he is my fiancée." Ukyo
"OK THAT'S IT!" Ranma said as he kicked his lunch pail off into the distance
Everyone was silent again.
"Ryoga come with me." Ranma said as he walked off
"And you call us uncivil!" Akane
Ranma stopped in his tracks. He took several deep breaths and continued walking. Ryoga followed Ranma away from the rest of the students.
"Ranma, don't you just walk away from me!" Akane yelled and then started to follow.
Ukyo grabbed Akane by the wrist and said "I don't think we should interfere"
"What?" Akane
"You know how they get. It would be safer if we just stayed out of there way." Ukyo
"Oh so your afraid are you." Akane
"Akane you know just as well as I do the kind of attacks that they can perform. If one of them accidentally hit us we could get hurt very badly." Ukyo
"So what do you think they are going to do to each other." Akane
"Akane as much as they fight when have they really hurt each other. I mean really hurt the other." Ukyo
"Well its because they are both so good that they don't get hurt." Akane
"That's my point. They can handle this themselves."
"I guess your right." Akane
"Hmm." Nabiki that was very unlike Ranma. I wonder what they are going to do. Fight probably. I've just got to know. Nabiki then started after the duo.
"Ranma if you are leading me out here just to get me lost I am going to kill you. I am really trying to stay a full day a school." Ryoga
"Look Ryoga. The problem that I had with you is a lot easier to solve than the one you saw back there. I may not be doing a good job at it but it just so happens that I am really trying to solve my problems. You can understand what I'm saying cant you?" Ranma
"Yeah." Ryoga said quietly
"I would like to solve the problems between us. Not just the temporary truce that we have but a permeate peace between us. Wouldn't you like to see a end to this?" Ranma
"Actually I would. But you cant undo the past!" Ryoga
"I know but we could at least try to make the future easier instead of dwelling on the past." Ranma
"How do you plan to do that?" Ryoga
"Look I know that the truce was that as long as you do your best not to be in pig form and stay away from Akane as her little pet I was going to stop calling you p-chan. And in exchange for you not attacking me I was going to help you stay in one place." Ranma
"Yeah what's your point. You know that once I find another way to keep from getting lost I'm going to come after you again." Ryoga
"I know and that's my point." Ranma
"What?" Ryoga
"What is it that I have done to you that keeps you after me? Besides the curse that turns you into a pig that is." Ranma
"Well you are always making fun of me." Ryoga
"What? Do you mean about your sense of direction?" Ranma
"Yes!" Ryoga
"Ok what else?" Ranma
"And you are always calling me p-chan"
"What else?" Ranma
"The way you always treat Akane." Ryoga
"And?" Ranma
"And you are always running away from our fights." Ryoga
"And?" Ranma
"And I guess that's it." Ryoga
"Ok here's the deal. As long as you stay away from Akane as p-chan I will stop calling you p-chan. And I will do my best to not comment on your sense of direction but if you get lost then you deserve it. How's that so far?"
"Fine. That works for me but I like the truce better." Ryoga
"I'm not finished. I don't want you to dislike one part of it and forget the whole thing. The next part is that I avoid some of our fights because I don't want to fight you. Not to the extreme you want to take it at least. So to remedy that problem I have a solution to the main reason you are always after me. Since I did cause you to get the curse that you have I will make this amends since nothing else will work. I am going to keep looking for a cure for the curse and if I find it I will give it to you even if the cure will only work for one person. Will that work for you?" Ranma
"Hmm. I'll have to think on that one." Ryoga
"Thanks that's all I ask for." Ranma
"You forgot one thing." Ryoga
"What's that?" Ranma
"The way you treat Akane" Ryoga
"Ryoga. You have to understand the position that I'm in. I am trying to handle this as best as I can. I will try to do better but I cant promise any results on this topic" Ranma
"What do you mean." Ryoga
"I mean that there are so many things that effect that particular situation that I cant control what everyone else does which means that I cant promise a result." Ranma
"Ok. Here's the way it will work. The part about you not insulting me remains the same along with the part about the curse. You will also continue to try and solve this problem of yours but if Akane gets hurt from it I cant keep the deal not to fight you. And you will not interfere with me and Akane." Ryoga
"You and Akane? That has to be changed but the rest is fine." Ranma
"That part stays." Ryoga
"It can stay but it has to be changed." Ranma
"In what way?" Ryoga
"I will not stop you but I don't have to necessarily stay out of it. Meaning I am not giving up on Akane but I will not stop you from trying." Ranma
"Hmm." Ryoga
"..." Ranma
"Hmm." Ryoga
"Come on I think that is more than fair." Ranma
"I agree to the deal." Ryoga
"Alright." Ranma said as he put his hand out for Ryoga
Ryoga took it and they shook.
wow! I never would have thought that Ranma would have been able to pull off something like that. But this is Ryoga we're talking about. I still cant believe that I didn't notice that Ryoga was p-chan. I am going to get an awful lot of money from him for that bit of information. That should make up for what I am going to lose on there fights and then some. But this will also keep the bills down since the repairs will be lower. Nabiki
"Ryoga, I have a favor to ask of you but you don't have to do it. Its not part of the deal but it would be very helpful in situations like that back there." Ranma
"What is it before I agree." Ryoga
"Well its that it seems that whenever shampoo shows up I cant get ride of her quick enough. I am always so close but then Akane shows up or Ukyo shows up to complicate things and then Akane shows up. And once Akane shows up there is no fixing the situation." Ranma
"So where are you going with this?" Ryoga
"If you are with Akane can you stall her long enough to let me finish solving the problem with either shampoo or Ukyo or both?" Ranma
"Hmm." Ryoga
"..." Ranma
"Why should I help you. If Akane sees you with shampoo or Ukyo then that will make her mad at you and that will make it easier for me. So tell me why I should help you." Ryoga
"Well for one it will keep Akane from getting hurt as much and two because I have kept Akane from finding out that you are p...I mean cursed so I think you owe me a little." Ranma
"Owe you. I thought that we were putting the past behind us. I thought that you were keeping her from finding out about my curse because it was your fault I was cursed in the first place." Ryoga
"I was keeping your curse a secret because we are friends." Ranma
"That's why you didn't tell her." Ryoga
"Yes." Ranma
"Oh." Ryoga
"Oh well. I guess that is a bit much to ask for. Come on lets get back to lunch. Oh man I kicked my lunch to who knows where." Ranma
"I'll try." Ryoga
"What?" Ranma
"I'll try to help but I'm not going to promise anything. And don't expect me to either because I might not. Or I might not be able to do anything." Ryoga
"Thanks Ryoga" Ranma
"Don't mention it. And you can have some of my lunch as long as you give me some food later." Ryoga
"Hey thanks. That's a deal." Ranma said
Ranma and Ryoga then walked back toward the school.
this is getting more and more interesting. I never would have thought Ranma to be that smart. He is starting to intrigue me. Well, I think I should get back too. There will be money to be made from this. Nabiki
Nabiki made her way back quickly and started making bets on the kind of bruises and injuries Ranma and Ryoga were going to have and weather or not that Ryoga was even going to be back.
When Ranma and Ryoga returned they sat down and Ryoga pulled out some of his food and handed it to Ranma.
"Thanks" Ranma
"Don't forget you owe me." Ryoga
"I wont forget" Ranma
Ukyo and Akane walked over to Ranma and Ryoga
"So what happened?" Akane
"Nothing." Ranma
"Don't lie to me." Akane
"I'm not lying." Ranma
"Yes you are. Something had to have happened." Akane
"We talked." Ranma
"Ah huh. Sure." Akane
"Well we did, weather you believe me or not." Ranma "hey Ryoga are you going to eat that?"
"No. you can have it." Ryoga
"Don't ignore me. Tell me what happened." Akane
"Like Ranma said. We talked." Ryoga
"Wha...what?" Akane
"But you never just talk. It sometimes starts out as talk but normally turns into a fight." Ukyo
"We came to an agreement not to fight. Or at least to try not to." Ranma
Ukyo and Akane were silent.
"Come on Ryoga lets get you back to class. Lunch is almost over." Ranma said as he got up.
"Alright." Ryoga said and then stood up
Ranma then lead Ryoga back to class.
Ukyo and Akane followed.
After sitting through the last of there classes together they then went there separate ways to there last class. Akane and Ukyo went to cooking class and Ranma lead Ryoga to his geography class. Ranma then headed off to his class.
At the end of the day Akane waited at the front of the school for Ranma while Ukyo went on back to her restaurant.
"Where's Ranma. He's normally here by now. Did he already leave." Akane
Just then Ranma walked around the corner with 3 other girls.
Akane stood frozen in place.
When Ranma saw Akane he realized what it must look like he was doing. Ranma said to the girls in a rather loud voice so that Akane could hear it "I'll see y'all tomorrow in class." He then walked over to Akane. "So what's up?"
"Who were those girls?" Akane
"They're in my last class. You don't have to worry they're just friends." Ranma
"Worried? Who's worried? What you do is your business. Its not like I wanted to be your fiancée." Akane said and then walked off.
"That went well." Ranma. "I guess that I'll go get Ryoga." Ranma then went back into the school to get Ryoga.
Ryoga was standing outside the class room.
"What took you so long." Ryoga
"Sorry man. I forgot." Ranma
"Yeah well you still owe me for lunch. I am not going to let you forget." Ryoga
"That's fine. Well lets go." Ranma said as he lead Ryoga out of the school.
"Were are we going?" Ryoga
"Back to the Tendo dojo." Ranma oh wait a minute that might not be a good idea with the way that Akane is right now. That would be all I need a end to our agreement already.
"Are you sure it would be alright?" Ryoga
"Hmm. I'm not sure. I really should ask. Well lets go there anyway and if you can stay then we will already be there and if you cant well we can find a place for you." Ranma I might as well tell him what to expect.
"Ryoga." Ranma
"Hmm." Ryoga
"I need to tell you something." Ranma
"What is it?" Ryoga
"Akane is going to be mad at me because of something that happened." Ranma
"WAIT WAIT. Let me explain why." Ranma
"Make it quick!" Ryoga
"Well, I was walking to where Akane and I normally meet after school from class with some of my classmates who happen to be girls and Akane thought that I was..." Ranma
"RANMA HOW DARE YOU. And I thought that you were trying to fix your problems with Akane." Ryoga
"Ryoga you are making the same assumption that Akane did. But its not like that. They are just classmates." Ranma
"I don't believe you." Ryoga
"Ryoga I told you so that you could still stay at the dojo. if I told you at the dojo or if you saw the way that Akane is going to be acting then you would have attacked me at the dojo and that would cause problems so I am telling you now so that you will know what to expect when we get there and so that we don't start fighting because of a misunderstanding." Ranma
"So what are you going to do about it." Ryoga
"I am going to try and explain it to Akane when we get there but the way she is she probably wont listen to me until late tomorrow." Ranma
"Are you blaming this on Akane?" Ryoga
"No. nothing like that. Its just a misunderstanding. There is no blame." Ranma
"Fine. I'll judge you later on this then." Ryoga
Ranma lead Ryoga to the Tendo dojo. When they got there Ranma walked into the family room and he ask whoever was there "would be alright for Ryoga to stay here while he goes to school."
"Are you sure that is such a good idea?" Genma
"I don't see why not." Soun
"Ranma would you mind if Ryoga stayed in your room?" Kasumi
"Not really." Ranma
"I'm home." Nabiki said as she entered the house. As she entered the family room Kasumi said
"Oh Nabiki. Ranma's friend Ryoga will be staying with us for a while." Kasumi
"Oh?" Nabiki I didn't think this would happen but at least I was ready for it. And its not like Ryoga hasn't stayed here for long periods on end. But that was as p-chan. Oh, I am going to make so much money off of this. "how long is for a while?"
"Just as long as he goes to school." Kasumi
"And how much is he paying to stay here?" Nabiki
"Nabiki! He's our guest and he doesn't need to pay rent" Akane
"I don't mind. How much would be fair?" Ryoga
"10,000 yen a month and repairs for damages you cause." Nabiki
"Alright here's this month's rent then." Ryoga said as he held out the money for Nabiki to take
"Akane can I talk to you?" Ranma
"Well since Ryoga's going to be staying here lets show him where he will be staying." Akane said as if she hadn't heard Ranma
"Ok." Ryoga said as he stood.
Akane lead Ryoga to where he would be staying. Ranma followed but at a distance
"You'll be sharing this room with Ranma and his father. And if Ranma bullies you, you be sure to let me know ok." Akane
"Uh ok." Ryoga
Ryoga walked into the room and put his pack down next to Ranma's.
"Aren't you going to unpack?" Akane
"There's no point. I'm going to get lost anyway and this makes things easier." Ryoga
"Oh, ok." Akane that's a good reason for Ryoga but why does Ranma keep his pack packed. Its like he's ready to leave at the slightest word. Maybe I should be careful what I say. Nahh, he's always had his bag pack and he hasn't left yet. Akane
"Well I think that I will get some sleep for tomorrow. Good night Akane." Ryoga
"Good night." Akane
Akane closed the door and started toward her room.
"Akane can I talk to you." Ranma
"Not now Ranma I have homework to do." Akane
Akane walked into her room and closed the door before Ranma could utter another word.
I'll tell her tomorrow. Ranma no that's no good. Ryoga will be there to mess things up. I better do this now.
Ranma walked to Akane's door and knocked.
"Ranma go away! I told you that I'm doing homework." Akane
"I need to talk to you." Ranma
-Sigh-"fine come in." Akane
Ranma walked in and closed the door.
"Well. I do have homework to get back to." Akane
"Well you see..." Ranma
"Spit it out." Akane
I guess I just need to say it and to hell with the results. -sigh- in a flat tone that Ranma almost never uses "you remember today at school when you were waiting for me at the front of the school and I came around the corner talking with three other girls?" Ranma
"Yeah." Akane said starting to fume.
"Well they are classmates of mine. And I was asking them about some of the stuff that we covered in class." Ranma
"Ranma you never ask for any help when it comes to your classes. I always help you but you never ask for it. So you have to come up with a better excuse than that and besides I always pictured you as someone that would ask another guy for help first." Akane
"Well I would except..." Ranma
"Except what?" Akane
Oh man this is going to be bad. "I am the only guy in the class." Ranma
"What?! What kind of class did you sigh up for. Don't tell me home Ed. I don't believe you. Why do you need that kind of class. You already know how to do that kind of stuff from being out on the road. Or is this just a class that you are taking it to bring up your average?" Akane
"Well its not home Ed." Ranma
"Well then what could it be that has all girls in the class?" Akane
"Um well its the medical class." Ranma
Akane was speechless.
ok here it comes. The part where I get pounded. Ranma
Akane started to giggle.
"WHAT?" Ranma
"Its just -giggle- picturing -giggle- you in a -giggle- medical class." Akane said and then broke into full laughter.
Ranma just stood there fuming a little. I need to keep my mouth shut or I'm going to make a mess of things. "You should get back to your homework." Ranma said and then he left. As he did so he closed the door on his way out, shutting out the laughter coming from Akane.
Well that went better than I thought it would. Ranma
Ranma went back to his room where Ryoga was. Ryoga was asleep. what is he doing sleeping? We haven't even had dinner yet. Oh well. Ranma then went downstairs and walked to the dojo.
Ranma went through some forms and then went back in the house and up the stairs to his room. Ranma got his bath things and walked back down the hall to the bathroom. Ranma put his ear to the door before entering. Ranma had finally learned to make sure no one else was in the bathroom before entering. Ranma convinced that no one was in the bathroom entered. Ranma relaxed when he confirmed that no one was in the bathroom. Ranma took a shower and then went back to his room to put his things away. Ranma then went back downstairs and grabbed his bag and went into the family room and pulled out some of his books and started to do his homework.
Kasumi came in and asked " Ranma would you please go tell everyone that dinner is ready?"
Ranma got up and went up stairs and looked in on Ryoga. "Hey Ryoga. You awake? Well dinners ready." Ranma then went down the hall and knocked on Nabiki's door.
"Come in." Nabiki
Ranma walked in
"Ah Ranma how can I help you." Nabiki
"Dinner's ready." Ranma said and then left
Nabiki blinked and then thought to herself Ranma is quite different. I wonder what caused this change. I'll find out in time.
Ranma then crossed the hall to Akane's door knocked.
"Who's there?" Akane
"Dinner's ready." Ranma answered.
"Ok." Akane said
Akane got up and went to the door but when she opened it no one was there. Akane walked out into the hall and was meet by Nabiki
"Hey Nabiki was Ranma just here?" Akane
"Why do you ask?" Nabiki
"I thought that I heard him tell me that dinner was ready but when I opened the door he wasn't there." Akane
"Well he did tell me that dinner was ready and I thought that I heard him knock on your door and tell you that dinner was ready but I didn't see him at you door." Nabiki
"That's strange. He normally waits for me to open the door and then makes a comment on how slow I am." Akane
"Would you prefer that he do that." Nabiki
"No." Akane
"Then what's the problem?" Nabiki
"Its just that its not like Ranma." Akane
"Hmm you think so?" Nabiki
"Yes. And its not just that, he's been acting strange about other things." Akane
"Hmm well I'll have to look into this then." Nabiki she's right. Ranma has been acting strange lately.
When Akane and Nabiki got downstairs they found everyone in there usual places. There was another plate set at the table but no one was sitting there. Akane and Nabiki took there usual places.
"I thought that your little friend was going to be joining us for dinner?" Kasumi
"Ranma probably forgot to tell him." Akane " Ranma you can be so irresponsible."
"Ryoga was already asleep and I didn't wake him because I thought that if he was able to go to sleep this early then he probably needed the sleep." Ranma
Akane was speechless.
"Well I'll put some aside for him incase he comes down later." Kasumi
Dinner went by rather quietly. No excitement.
this is boring. I thought that with Ryoga in the house that things would be interesting. Nabiki
When Ranma finished his food which was soon after he started he then got up and grabbed his books and started working on his homework again.
Akane started giggling but Ranma didn't seem to notice
"Akane dear what's so funny?" Soun
"Nothing." Akane said but was still clearly amused.
"It must be something otherwise you wouldn't have been laughing." Kasumi
"Yeah sis. Tell us why you were laughing." Nabiki
"Its just that Ranma is doing homework." Akane
"Ok." Nabiki
"Come on. Its funny. The thought of Ranma doing homework." Akane and was surprised when Ranma didn't react at all.
"Well its good that Ranma is finally taking his classes seriously." Kasumi
"Well you better not slack off on your training boy." Genma
(Hey sis. Why don't you leave Ranma alone on this. It is good that he is finally taking his homework serious.) Nabiki
Akane just sat there and fumed.
why are they making such a big deal about Ranma doing his homework. I mean I do my homework. Akane
Akane got up and marched off to her room and shut the door with more force than necessary.
Nabiki watched Ranma do his work for a while and noticed that he really was taking his work serious. She then went up to her room and got on her computer and started doing some research of her own.
When Ranma finished his homework he went up to his room and went to bed.
This is a Fanfiction. I do not own the rights to Ranma or any other anime series. Do not attempt to make money off of the original works or off of anything I write. Thank you.
My writing style
-sound effect-
Chapter One
"Wudya do that for" Ranma who was now a very wet she
"We're going to be late if you don't hurry." Akane
"Ok. Ok. I'm coming." Ranma
Ranma got up from her bedroll and promptly went to the bathroom to get some hot water. She dowsed herself with hot water and the usual changed occurred. Ranma then went back to his room and put on a red shirt and black pants. He then grabbed his school bag and proceeded downstairs. When he got downstairs Akane was waiting for him by the door.
"Don't we have time to eat breakfast?" Ranma
"Well if you hadn't slept so long you would have." Akane
"You could have woken me up early." Ranma
"Why would I do that? It was a rather enjoyable morning. You and your father weren't fighting over the food. It was quite for once." Akane
"Well I am going to at least get something for lunch since I can't eat breakfast" Ranma said as he started to head to the kitchen.
"Here's your lunch." Akane
"Did you make it?" Ranma
"No. Kasumi made it. And does it matter who made it?" Akane
"Akane. Do you really have to ask that?" Ranma
"What are you saying?" Akane said starting to turn red
"Never mind let's get going." Ranma said as he took the lunch pail.
Ranma and Akane left the dojo and started there walk to school. Ranma as usual was walking along the fence a little behind Akane.
it'd be nice if Akane wasn't always waking me up like that. It's really annoying. I just barely avoided setting her off this morning. Ranma thought
"Hey Akane." Ranma
"..." Akane
"Akane?" Ranma
"..." Akane
(Or perhaps not) Ranma said in a whisper
They walked the rest of the way in silence. When they got to Furinkan the usual gossip was going on.
What is it now? Ranma thought
"Well well if it isn't Ranma Soatome" Ryoga
Ranma turned around and said in shock "Ryoga!" This isn't the way Ryoga starts a conversation.
"What is it? You seem a little surprised." Ryoga
Ranma was very surprised because when he saw Ryoga he noticed that Ryoga wasn't wearing his usual yellow and black outfit that he usual wears but a school uniform.
"Ah Ryoga. Are you feeling alright?" Ranma
"Ah yeah. Why do you ask?" Ryoga
"Oh I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with you being here and not trying to kill me and wearing a school uniform." Ranma
"Well it may come as a shock to you Ranma but the world doesn't revolve around you. And I never wore a school uniform here before because I didn't go to school here. But now I do and that's why I am wearing this." Ryoga
"Ryoga that's great. It's good that you have decided to finally go back to school." Akane
"Yeah well he he." Ryoga
"Lets see how long he makes it?" Ranma
"Ranma don't pick on him." Akane
"I wasn't...why do I bother?" Ranma
Ranma walked off to go to class.
"Akane my love. I shall..." Kuno was interrupted as Ranma punted him off toward the fields of the school.
Ranma then resumed his course
"What's with Ranma? He's not acting like he normally does." Akane
"What do you mean? He always treats you like that." Ryoga
"No he doesn't. Its similar but he didn't even try to give an excuse this time." Akane
"Maybe he has accepted the fact that everything is his fault." Ryoga
"Maybe..." Akane but he wasn't really picking on Ryoga this time.
"Oh no I am going to be late." Akane said and then started to go to class but was stopped when Ryoga spoke
"Uhh. Akane. Can you walk me to my class?" Ryoga
There was a murmur from the crowd
"What?" Akane said turning a little red from embarrassment
"Can you walk me to my class so that I don't get lost?" Ryoga
"Sure. No problem." Akane said with relief
"I was going to ask Ranma but he walked off so suddenly. RANMA YOU COWARD." Ryoga
"Let me see your schedule Ryoga" Akane
"Oh ok." Ryoga said and handed his schedule to Akane
"Wow! You have all the same classes as me and Ranma except you have a geography course where I have cooking and Ranma has something else. He won't tell me what it is though. I thought that you didn't go to school." Akane said as she handed the schedule back to Ryoga and lead him to class
"Well I take courses at several schools mainly because I always do get lost. The teachers I take are real considerate of my situation and let me take tests when I can. But I am going to try and stay here for awhile." Ryoga I don't believe it. I am really talking to Akane! This is great! Thanks for the talk Ranma. But you will still die.
"This is unusual." Nabiki Ranma did start a fight or get into a fight this mourning. Well there's Kuno but he doesn't count. I wonder what's going on with him. Not only that but I wonder why Ryoga is going to school here. That's easy. He's going here because of Akane. But why has he decided to go about it this way instead of his usual way. One thing that's good is that Akane is still the same. Wait a minute! Ranma and Ryoga are both acting strange. I wonder if something happened between them. I need to look into this. Nabiki then set about learning of the new possibility.
When Akane and Ryoga got to class Akane took her seat. The teacher asked Ryoga to stand at the front of the room for the moment.
Ukyo came in and took her seat on the other side of Ranma.
"How's it going Ranma?" Ukyo
"Ok" Ranma
"That's good. Hey isn't that..." Ukyo
The teacher then said "we have a new student today. He has travel here from... from... well why don't you introduce yourself."
"My name's Ryoga Hibiki" Ryoga
"Ok everyone lets give Mr. Hibiki nice welcome."
Everyone gave a welcome that didn't really seem all that enthusiastic
The teacher said "Mr. Hibiki why don't you take the empty seat next to Ms Tendo, the girl that you came with to class."
Ryoga took what was now his seat.
The teacher then started class.
When it was lunch time Ranma took his lunch pail and hurried out of the class.
"Ranma wait up." Ukyo
"I wonder where Ranma is off to in such a hurry." Akane
"Uhh. Akane since it seems Ranma is eating lunch with Ukyo then would you like to eat lunch with me." Ryoga
he's hurrying off so that he and Ukyo can eat alone! WELL FINE! Akane "I'd be glad to eat lunch with you since Ranma seems to prefer Ukyo's company better."
"Really?" Ryoga
"Yeah. Lets go." Akane
Ranma was sitting under a tree away from the main group of students and just opened his lunch pail when he heard a voice call out
"Nihao" shampoo
"Shampoo! Uh what are you doing here." Ranma
"Shampoo bring husband lunch." Shampoo
"Uh thanks but I already have my lunch." Ranma
"Ranma not want food. Ranma is ok?" shampoo
"I'm fine." Ranma
"Aiya then Ranma eat shampoo's cooking." shampoo
"No thank you." Ranma
Ukyo then walked off making a bad situation worse
"What are you doing with my fiancée" Ukyo
"Ranma shampoo's fiancée" shampoo said and attached herself to Ranma's arm
Ukyo then attached herself to Ranma's other arm
"Come on you two let go." Ranma
Akane and Ryoga then walked up.
"So what's shampoo doing here?" Akane
"Shampoo bring lunch for husband" shampoo
"You aren't going to cook lunch for Ranma, I am." Ukyo
"So not only did you hurry off to eat lunch with Ukyo but you also with shampoo." Akane
"Akane. Its not..." Ranma ended and gave a great sigh as he shook his head.
"So its true." Akane said as her temper started to go up
"NO!" Ranma said with a surprising amount of force
"Then what is it. Its sure what it looks like." Akane said temper rising even more
"I was just sitting here getting... -sigh- what's the use." Ranma said as he bowed his head
"So you aren't even going to try and give me a lame excuse." Akane said as she was fuming
"You wouldn't listen anyway." Ranma
"You..." Akane was interrupted as shampoo and Ukyo got up and confronted Akane
"So you were trying to get Ranma to eat with you weren't you. That's why you are so mad" Ukyo
"I am not mad!" Akane
"If violent girl not mad. Why violent girl red." shampoo
"Because...!" Akane was interrupted
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ranma said standing up
Everyone turned to look at Ranma
"Everyone quit fighting!" Ranma
"She started it!" said all three girls
Everyone was silent then
"if Ryoga and I are able to stay civil for half a day then at least the three of you could stay civil for at least a half a minute" Ranma
"Shampoo just bring lunch for husband." shampoo
"He is not your husband he is my fiancée." Ukyo
"OK THAT'S IT!" Ranma said as he kicked his lunch pail off into the distance
Everyone was silent again.
"Ryoga come with me." Ranma said as he walked off
"And you call us uncivil!" Akane
Ranma stopped in his tracks. He took several deep breaths and continued walking. Ryoga followed Ranma away from the rest of the students.
"Ranma, don't you just walk away from me!" Akane yelled and then started to follow.
Ukyo grabbed Akane by the wrist and said "I don't think we should interfere"
"What?" Akane
"You know how they get. It would be safer if we just stayed out of there way." Ukyo
"Oh so your afraid are you." Akane
"Akane you know just as well as I do the kind of attacks that they can perform. If one of them accidentally hit us we could get hurt very badly." Ukyo
"So what do you think they are going to do to each other." Akane
"Akane as much as they fight when have they really hurt each other. I mean really hurt the other." Ukyo
"Well its because they are both so good that they don't get hurt." Akane
"That's my point. They can handle this themselves."
"I guess your right." Akane
"Hmm." Nabiki that was very unlike Ranma. I wonder what they are going to do. Fight probably. I've just got to know. Nabiki then started after the duo.
"Ranma if you are leading me out here just to get me lost I am going to kill you. I am really trying to stay a full day a school." Ryoga
"Look Ryoga. The problem that I had with you is a lot easier to solve than the one you saw back there. I may not be doing a good job at it but it just so happens that I am really trying to solve my problems. You can understand what I'm saying cant you?" Ranma
"Yeah." Ryoga said quietly
"I would like to solve the problems between us. Not just the temporary truce that we have but a permeate peace between us. Wouldn't you like to see a end to this?" Ranma
"Actually I would. But you cant undo the past!" Ryoga
"I know but we could at least try to make the future easier instead of dwelling on the past." Ranma
"How do you plan to do that?" Ryoga
"Look I know that the truce was that as long as you do your best not to be in pig form and stay away from Akane as her little pet I was going to stop calling you p-chan. And in exchange for you not attacking me I was going to help you stay in one place." Ranma
"Yeah what's your point. You know that once I find another way to keep from getting lost I'm going to come after you again." Ryoga
"I know and that's my point." Ranma
"What?" Ryoga
"What is it that I have done to you that keeps you after me? Besides the curse that turns you into a pig that is." Ranma
"Well you are always making fun of me." Ryoga
"What? Do you mean about your sense of direction?" Ranma
"Yes!" Ryoga
"Ok what else?" Ranma
"And you are always calling me p-chan"
"What else?" Ranma
"The way you always treat Akane." Ryoga
"And?" Ranma
"And you are always running away from our fights." Ryoga
"And?" Ranma
"And I guess that's it." Ryoga
"Ok here's the deal. As long as you stay away from Akane as p-chan I will stop calling you p-chan. And I will do my best to not comment on your sense of direction but if you get lost then you deserve it. How's that so far?"
"Fine. That works for me but I like the truce better." Ryoga
"I'm not finished. I don't want you to dislike one part of it and forget the whole thing. The next part is that I avoid some of our fights because I don't want to fight you. Not to the extreme you want to take it at least. So to remedy that problem I have a solution to the main reason you are always after me. Since I did cause you to get the curse that you have I will make this amends since nothing else will work. I am going to keep looking for a cure for the curse and if I find it I will give it to you even if the cure will only work for one person. Will that work for you?" Ranma
"Hmm. I'll have to think on that one." Ryoga
"Thanks that's all I ask for." Ranma
"You forgot one thing." Ryoga
"What's that?" Ranma
"The way you treat Akane" Ryoga
"Ryoga. You have to understand the position that I'm in. I am trying to handle this as best as I can. I will try to do better but I cant promise any results on this topic" Ranma
"What do you mean." Ryoga
"I mean that there are so many things that effect that particular situation that I cant control what everyone else does which means that I cant promise a result." Ranma
"Ok. Here's the way it will work. The part about you not insulting me remains the same along with the part about the curse. You will also continue to try and solve this problem of yours but if Akane gets hurt from it I cant keep the deal not to fight you. And you will not interfere with me and Akane." Ryoga
"You and Akane? That has to be changed but the rest is fine." Ranma
"That part stays." Ryoga
"It can stay but it has to be changed." Ranma
"In what way?" Ryoga
"I will not stop you but I don't have to necessarily stay out of it. Meaning I am not giving up on Akane but I will not stop you from trying." Ranma
"Hmm." Ryoga
"..." Ranma
"Hmm." Ryoga
"Come on I think that is more than fair." Ranma
"I agree to the deal." Ryoga
"Alright." Ranma said as he put his hand out for Ryoga
Ryoga took it and they shook.
wow! I never would have thought that Ranma would have been able to pull off something like that. But this is Ryoga we're talking about. I still cant believe that I didn't notice that Ryoga was p-chan. I am going to get an awful lot of money from him for that bit of information. That should make up for what I am going to lose on there fights and then some. But this will also keep the bills down since the repairs will be lower. Nabiki
"Ryoga, I have a favor to ask of you but you don't have to do it. Its not part of the deal but it would be very helpful in situations like that back there." Ranma
"What is it before I agree." Ryoga
"Well its that it seems that whenever shampoo shows up I cant get ride of her quick enough. I am always so close but then Akane shows up or Ukyo shows up to complicate things and then Akane shows up. And once Akane shows up there is no fixing the situation." Ranma
"So where are you going with this?" Ryoga
"If you are with Akane can you stall her long enough to let me finish solving the problem with either shampoo or Ukyo or both?" Ranma
"Hmm." Ryoga
"..." Ranma
"Why should I help you. If Akane sees you with shampoo or Ukyo then that will make her mad at you and that will make it easier for me. So tell me why I should help you." Ryoga
"Well for one it will keep Akane from getting hurt as much and two because I have kept Akane from finding out that you are p...I mean cursed so I think you owe me a little." Ranma
"Owe you. I thought that we were putting the past behind us. I thought that you were keeping her from finding out about my curse because it was your fault I was cursed in the first place." Ryoga
"I was keeping your curse a secret because we are friends." Ranma
"That's why you didn't tell her." Ryoga
"Yes." Ranma
"Oh." Ryoga
"Oh well. I guess that is a bit much to ask for. Come on lets get back to lunch. Oh man I kicked my lunch to who knows where." Ranma
"I'll try." Ryoga
"What?" Ranma
"I'll try to help but I'm not going to promise anything. And don't expect me to either because I might not. Or I might not be able to do anything." Ryoga
"Thanks Ryoga" Ranma
"Don't mention it. And you can have some of my lunch as long as you give me some food later." Ryoga
"Hey thanks. That's a deal." Ranma said
Ranma and Ryoga then walked back toward the school.
this is getting more and more interesting. I never would have thought Ranma to be that smart. He is starting to intrigue me. Well, I think I should get back too. There will be money to be made from this. Nabiki
Nabiki made her way back quickly and started making bets on the kind of bruises and injuries Ranma and Ryoga were going to have and weather or not that Ryoga was even going to be back.
When Ranma and Ryoga returned they sat down and Ryoga pulled out some of his food and handed it to Ranma.
"Thanks" Ranma
"Don't forget you owe me." Ryoga
"I wont forget" Ranma
Ukyo and Akane walked over to Ranma and Ryoga
"So what happened?" Akane
"Nothing." Ranma
"Don't lie to me." Akane
"I'm not lying." Ranma
"Yes you are. Something had to have happened." Akane
"We talked." Ranma
"Ah huh. Sure." Akane
"Well we did, weather you believe me or not." Ranma "hey Ryoga are you going to eat that?"
"No. you can have it." Ryoga
"Don't ignore me. Tell me what happened." Akane
"Like Ranma said. We talked." Ryoga
"Wha...what?" Akane
"But you never just talk. It sometimes starts out as talk but normally turns into a fight." Ukyo
"We came to an agreement not to fight. Or at least to try not to." Ranma
Ukyo and Akane were silent.
"Come on Ryoga lets get you back to class. Lunch is almost over." Ranma said as he got up.
"Alright." Ryoga said and then stood up
Ranma then lead Ryoga back to class.
Ukyo and Akane followed.
After sitting through the last of there classes together they then went there separate ways to there last class. Akane and Ukyo went to cooking class and Ranma lead Ryoga to his geography class. Ranma then headed off to his class.
At the end of the day Akane waited at the front of the school for Ranma while Ukyo went on back to her restaurant.
"Where's Ranma. He's normally here by now. Did he already leave." Akane
Just then Ranma walked around the corner with 3 other girls.
Akane stood frozen in place.
When Ranma saw Akane he realized what it must look like he was doing. Ranma said to the girls in a rather loud voice so that Akane could hear it "I'll see y'all tomorrow in class." He then walked over to Akane. "So what's up?"
"Who were those girls?" Akane
"They're in my last class. You don't have to worry they're just friends." Ranma
"Worried? Who's worried? What you do is your business. Its not like I wanted to be your fiancée." Akane said and then walked off.
"That went well." Ranma. "I guess that I'll go get Ryoga." Ranma then went back into the school to get Ryoga.
Ryoga was standing outside the class room.
"What took you so long." Ryoga
"Sorry man. I forgot." Ranma
"Yeah well you still owe me for lunch. I am not going to let you forget." Ryoga
"That's fine. Well lets go." Ranma said as he lead Ryoga out of the school.
"Were are we going?" Ryoga
"Back to the Tendo dojo." Ranma oh wait a minute that might not be a good idea with the way that Akane is right now. That would be all I need a end to our agreement already.
"Are you sure it would be alright?" Ryoga
"Hmm. I'm not sure. I really should ask. Well lets go there anyway and if you can stay then we will already be there and if you cant well we can find a place for you." Ranma I might as well tell him what to expect.
"Ryoga." Ranma
"Hmm." Ryoga
"I need to tell you something." Ranma
"What is it?" Ryoga
"Akane is going to be mad at me because of something that happened." Ranma
"WAIT WAIT. Let me explain why." Ranma
"Make it quick!" Ryoga
"Well, I was walking to where Akane and I normally meet after school from class with some of my classmates who happen to be girls and Akane thought that I was..." Ranma
"RANMA HOW DARE YOU. And I thought that you were trying to fix your problems with Akane." Ryoga
"Ryoga you are making the same assumption that Akane did. But its not like that. They are just classmates." Ranma
"I don't believe you." Ryoga
"Ryoga I told you so that you could still stay at the dojo. if I told you at the dojo or if you saw the way that Akane is going to be acting then you would have attacked me at the dojo and that would cause problems so I am telling you now so that you will know what to expect when we get there and so that we don't start fighting because of a misunderstanding." Ranma
"So what are you going to do about it." Ryoga
"I am going to try and explain it to Akane when we get there but the way she is she probably wont listen to me until late tomorrow." Ranma
"Are you blaming this on Akane?" Ryoga
"No. nothing like that. Its just a misunderstanding. There is no blame." Ranma
"Fine. I'll judge you later on this then." Ryoga
Ranma lead Ryoga to the Tendo dojo. When they got there Ranma walked into the family room and he ask whoever was there "would be alright for Ryoga to stay here while he goes to school."
"Are you sure that is such a good idea?" Genma
"I don't see why not." Soun
"Ranma would you mind if Ryoga stayed in your room?" Kasumi
"Not really." Ranma
"I'm home." Nabiki said as she entered the house. As she entered the family room Kasumi said
"Oh Nabiki. Ranma's friend Ryoga will be staying with us for a while." Kasumi
"Oh?" Nabiki I didn't think this would happen but at least I was ready for it. And its not like Ryoga hasn't stayed here for long periods on end. But that was as p-chan. Oh, I am going to make so much money off of this. "how long is for a while?"
"Just as long as he goes to school." Kasumi
"And how much is he paying to stay here?" Nabiki
"Nabiki! He's our guest and he doesn't need to pay rent" Akane
"I don't mind. How much would be fair?" Ryoga
"10,000 yen a month and repairs for damages you cause." Nabiki
"Alright here's this month's rent then." Ryoga said as he held out the money for Nabiki to take
"Akane can I talk to you?" Ranma
"Well since Ryoga's going to be staying here lets show him where he will be staying." Akane said as if she hadn't heard Ranma
"Ok." Ryoga said as he stood.
Akane lead Ryoga to where he would be staying. Ranma followed but at a distance
"You'll be sharing this room with Ranma and his father. And if Ranma bullies you, you be sure to let me know ok." Akane
"Uh ok." Ryoga
Ryoga walked into the room and put his pack down next to Ranma's.
"Aren't you going to unpack?" Akane
"There's no point. I'm going to get lost anyway and this makes things easier." Ryoga
"Oh, ok." Akane that's a good reason for Ryoga but why does Ranma keep his pack packed. Its like he's ready to leave at the slightest word. Maybe I should be careful what I say. Nahh, he's always had his bag pack and he hasn't left yet. Akane
"Well I think that I will get some sleep for tomorrow. Good night Akane." Ryoga
"Good night." Akane
Akane closed the door and started toward her room.
"Akane can I talk to you." Ranma
"Not now Ranma I have homework to do." Akane
Akane walked into her room and closed the door before Ranma could utter another word.
I'll tell her tomorrow. Ranma no that's no good. Ryoga will be there to mess things up. I better do this now.
Ranma walked to Akane's door and knocked.
"Ranma go away! I told you that I'm doing homework." Akane
"I need to talk to you." Ranma
-Sigh-"fine come in." Akane
Ranma walked in and closed the door.
"Well. I do have homework to get back to." Akane
"Well you see..." Ranma
"Spit it out." Akane
I guess I just need to say it and to hell with the results. -sigh- in a flat tone that Ranma almost never uses "you remember today at school when you were waiting for me at the front of the school and I came around the corner talking with three other girls?" Ranma
"Yeah." Akane said starting to fume.
"Well they are classmates of mine. And I was asking them about some of the stuff that we covered in class." Ranma
"Ranma you never ask for any help when it comes to your classes. I always help you but you never ask for it. So you have to come up with a better excuse than that and besides I always pictured you as someone that would ask another guy for help first." Akane
"Well I would except..." Ranma
"Except what?" Akane
Oh man this is going to be bad. "I am the only guy in the class." Ranma
"What?! What kind of class did you sigh up for. Don't tell me home Ed. I don't believe you. Why do you need that kind of class. You already know how to do that kind of stuff from being out on the road. Or is this just a class that you are taking it to bring up your average?" Akane
"Well its not home Ed." Ranma
"Well then what could it be that has all girls in the class?" Akane
"Um well its the medical class." Ranma
Akane was speechless.
ok here it comes. The part where I get pounded. Ranma
Akane started to giggle.
"WHAT?" Ranma
"Its just -giggle- picturing -giggle- you in a -giggle- medical class." Akane said and then broke into full laughter.
Ranma just stood there fuming a little. I need to keep my mouth shut or I'm going to make a mess of things. "You should get back to your homework." Ranma said and then he left. As he did so he closed the door on his way out, shutting out the laughter coming from Akane.
Well that went better than I thought it would. Ranma
Ranma went back to his room where Ryoga was. Ryoga was asleep. what is he doing sleeping? We haven't even had dinner yet. Oh well. Ranma then went downstairs and walked to the dojo.
Ranma went through some forms and then went back in the house and up the stairs to his room. Ranma got his bath things and walked back down the hall to the bathroom. Ranma put his ear to the door before entering. Ranma had finally learned to make sure no one else was in the bathroom before entering. Ranma convinced that no one was in the bathroom entered. Ranma relaxed when he confirmed that no one was in the bathroom. Ranma took a shower and then went back to his room to put his things away. Ranma then went back downstairs and grabbed his bag and went into the family room and pulled out some of his books and started to do his homework.
Kasumi came in and asked " Ranma would you please go tell everyone that dinner is ready?"
Ranma got up and went up stairs and looked in on Ryoga. "Hey Ryoga. You awake? Well dinners ready." Ranma then went down the hall and knocked on Nabiki's door.
"Come in." Nabiki
Ranma walked in
"Ah Ranma how can I help you." Nabiki
"Dinner's ready." Ranma said and then left
Nabiki blinked and then thought to herself Ranma is quite different. I wonder what caused this change. I'll find out in time.
Ranma then crossed the hall to Akane's door knocked.
"Who's there?" Akane
"Dinner's ready." Ranma answered.
"Ok." Akane said
Akane got up and went to the door but when she opened it no one was there. Akane walked out into the hall and was meet by Nabiki
"Hey Nabiki was Ranma just here?" Akane
"Why do you ask?" Nabiki
"I thought that I heard him tell me that dinner was ready but when I opened the door he wasn't there." Akane
"Well he did tell me that dinner was ready and I thought that I heard him knock on your door and tell you that dinner was ready but I didn't see him at you door." Nabiki
"That's strange. He normally waits for me to open the door and then makes a comment on how slow I am." Akane
"Would you prefer that he do that." Nabiki
"No." Akane
"Then what's the problem?" Nabiki
"Its just that its not like Ranma." Akane
"Hmm you think so?" Nabiki
"Yes. And its not just that, he's been acting strange about other things." Akane
"Hmm well I'll have to look into this then." Nabiki she's right. Ranma has been acting strange lately.
When Akane and Nabiki got downstairs they found everyone in there usual places. There was another plate set at the table but no one was sitting there. Akane and Nabiki took there usual places.
"I thought that your little friend was going to be joining us for dinner?" Kasumi
"Ranma probably forgot to tell him." Akane " Ranma you can be so irresponsible."
"Ryoga was already asleep and I didn't wake him because I thought that if he was able to go to sleep this early then he probably needed the sleep." Ranma
Akane was speechless.
"Well I'll put some aside for him incase he comes down later." Kasumi
Dinner went by rather quietly. No excitement.
this is boring. I thought that with Ryoga in the house that things would be interesting. Nabiki
When Ranma finished his food which was soon after he started he then got up and grabbed his books and started working on his homework again.
Akane started giggling but Ranma didn't seem to notice
"Akane dear what's so funny?" Soun
"Nothing." Akane said but was still clearly amused.
"It must be something otherwise you wouldn't have been laughing." Kasumi
"Yeah sis. Tell us why you were laughing." Nabiki
"Its just that Ranma is doing homework." Akane
"Ok." Nabiki
"Come on. Its funny. The thought of Ranma doing homework." Akane and was surprised when Ranma didn't react at all.
"Well its good that Ranma is finally taking his classes seriously." Kasumi
"Well you better not slack off on your training boy." Genma
(Hey sis. Why don't you leave Ranma alone on this. It is good that he is finally taking his homework serious.) Nabiki
Akane just sat there and fumed.
why are they making such a big deal about Ranma doing his homework. I mean I do my homework. Akane
Akane got up and marched off to her room and shut the door with more force than necessary.
Nabiki watched Ranma do his work for a while and noticed that he really was taking his work serious. She then went up to her room and got on her computer and started doing some research of her own.
When Ranma finished his homework he went up to his room and went to bed.