Skywalker's Legacy

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Two men once met at a place called "Infinity's Gate." They were identical in appearance, had identical names, but came from two separate universes. Although some of their experiences were similar, they discovered that the more time passed, the greater the differences in their past. Cause and effect, chance occurrences, and seemingly insignificant decisions apparently caused major shifts in the time-lines and events of their universes.

Their names were Luke Skywalker.

And in one Luke's universe, the famed Jedi Knights who were so powerful in the other's universe, existed only in stories.

The stories had begun almost a generation before. Some of them were true; most of them weren't. There were only a handful of individuals left who knew the difference. With the loss of so many who knew, the stories became relegated to the realm of legends and rumors: rumors that the Jedi had been revived, rumors that they hadn't died out completely. It was said that their leader had been a hero from the Imperial Rebellion. It was said that he had been the first to disappear. It was said that all of them had disappeared, one by one, destroyed by the same Force-power that had once made them strong. It was said, too, that they had never really existed, that they had only been a myth to begin with.

There were other rumors, too. Rumors that the Empire, long thought to be dead, was somehow coming back. The New Republic struggled hard to rebuild the worlds that had been decimated during the Emperor's control, but the poverty-stricken victims of the Empire complained that the Republic wasn't moving fast enough, and the worlds that hadn't been brought to poverty under the Empire complained about bearing the burden. With such dissention, the time was ripe for unscrupulous power-seekers to seize any opportunity to increase their might,

There were some individuals, though, who recognized the danger and sought to eliminate it before history could repeat its mistakes. But those who sought to bring unity to the New Republic, like the mythical Jedi Knights, had recently begun to mysteriously disappear.

Among those still left was Senator Leia Organa-Solo, one of the authors of the proposed New Constitution...