Sequal to 'Last Nigh'
by: Gohanzgirl
Disclamer: I dont own Dragonball Z or The song 'Love is such a crazy
thing' by Pink I am not making any money off of this fic.
The silence of the room was mind bending, I couldn't concentrate on the book I was reading my thoughts kept
going back to that night. The night I gave myself to him, I gave him a piece of me that I can never get back, he holds
my heart in his hands but dose he even care. Is that so? Is that why he has ignored me for the past three weeks,
since that fateful night when I gave Vegeta no Ouji my virginity.
I never thought I'd find someone
But you came along and made me see
That you were the only one for me
Boy I love you constantly
It feels as though my pride has been crushed, I am speechless as to why I haven't even seen him since then. He has
locked himself in his Gravity room. Was I not good enough, I don't know it was my first time, I cant seem to understand
why he is shunning me like this.
I am angry at him, yet I still want him, That night was soo.... just amazing I have never in my life felt like that. The only
word I can use to describe how I felt is: Complete. I felt complete. Just to be in his arms, hear him moan my name.
Yes he moaned my name, not the nickname Woman that he so sarcastically calls me cause he knows I hate it but he
panted my name. I will never forget that, I guess the experience was more good than bad. I just wish I knew what I did
wrong, or was it just a one night thing. I was just something for him to release his sexual desires on, just a whore.
You are my love, my only love
Baby my heart belongs to you
Be with me, don't play with me
If you want love just let me know
I bite my lip causing it to bleed, No! I will not be used in such a manner. I slouch into my pillows, my inner self scolding
me. But you have, he has already used you.
Blood seeps down my chin dripping off and onto the white night shirt that I am wearing. I watch not really seeing it, all I
see is the red. My vision starts to blur, How could he do this to me. After what I gave him, I gave him a part of me that
I can never get back. I don't understand how he could be so gentle with me like that and just have wanted me as a whore.
Love, love is such a crazy thing
Never understood the way I was supposed to feel
Is this love for real?
Love, love is such a crazy thing
Never understood the way I was supposed to feel
Is this love for real?
(Love for real)
The tears drip down my face I don't bother to wipe them or the blood away, I just sit their as they fall. Why should I care
any how, my pride is so crushed at what he did that I cant even bring my mind off of these thoughts I only want to shut
down and sleep. Not want his form next to me, not dare to want to breath in his sent again.
I've dreamed of someone like you before
But I never though I'd get the chance
To romance to someone as sweet as you
I hope you feel the same as I do
I want him, but he has shunned me. What did I do? I dare not bring myself to believe he will come back to me as I did the
nights before. He did not come, I was fine the first week. The second confused, the third angry and now the fourth since
I've seen him last, I feel crushed. I should be able to contain my feelings but something just keeps on amplifying them,
I cant seem to think about any thing but him. How it felt to have his muscular body ontop of mine grinding into me.
You are my love, my only love
Baby my heart belongs to you
Be with me, don't play with me
If you want love just let me know
Why dose it hurt so much I am Bulma Briefs now owner of Capsule Corporations, This is just so not me. Yes I admit
I cried when Yaumcha and I broke up, I screamed in a fit throwing things. It Did hurt when I found him with someone
else but this, I don't understand why I feel like this now. I should be able to go about my life, But I cant I cant even think
strait without flashes of him, His sweat combined with mine the sweet torture of his mouth on mine. The pain and pleasure
mixed together as we made love.
Love, love is such a crazy thing
Never understood the way I was supposed to feel
Is this love for real?
Love, love is such a crazy thing
Never understood the way I was supposed to feel
Is this love for real?
(Love for real)
My heart beats loudly in my chest as I heave a sigh and bring myself somewhat out of the self induced dream state I
was in. Vegeta why? I lick my lips and find the crusted blood on the bottom, I must have been out of it longer than I thought
I turn my head forgetting it and shutting my eyes. For some reason the pain in my heart subsided leaving me with a
somewhat empty but content feeling as if my anxiety is being taken away from me, as if my soul is being soothed.
You are my love, my only love
Baby my heart belongs to you
Be with me, don't play with me
If you want love just let me know
My eyes drift shut and I slip into sleep. I hear a sound but I cant open my eyes I am to tired, I feel something brush across
my face, and a soft voice tells me to sleep. I sigh contently and drift off to sleep.
Love, love is such a crazy thing
Never understood the way I was supposed to feel
Is this love for real?
Love, love is such a crazy thing
Never understood the way I was supposed to feel
Is this love for real?
(Love for real)
That's it For The sequel to my fic 'Last night' Don't worry their is another one in this little trilogy, Since I have gotten so many good
reviews on 'Last night' I decided to continue on with it the next one should be out soon. I know this isn't as good but you'll understandVegetas motives on the next I tried to keep Bulma in character, but alas it didn't work as I tried but I will try harder next time.I thought this song would go good with the fic but If you don't think so please tell me Id really like to know what you think. How good this one is or how bad it is I just want some help people and the only way I can get any better is if you the Readers tell me!