Disclaimer: "Ranma ½", "Wonder Woman" and other genres belong to their respective owners (although, all other elements, outside of "Ranma ½" and "Wonder Woman" will be referenced LIGHTLY).
Note: This is crossover/AU story.
Special note: This is a revision story of "An Amazon named Ranma".
Author's note: Thank you all for the feedback. I had to balance what I think works with your input. Suffice it to say, I got my proverbial groove back! Anyway, I've made some fundamental changes to this plot. Some things are the same, while other details are not. As always, feel free to let me know what you think.
Chapter 1: "Lost in Translation".
3000 years ago, when the so-called "Age of Heroes" was at its apex, legendary figures of myth and lore walked the Earth, taking on great challenges inflicted upon the populace by mortal kings, monsters and even the gods themselves. In one such area of the world, in an area that borders the Black Sea, dwelled the warrior women known as "The Amazons". Led by sisters Queen Hippolyta and Queen Antiope, these women have been given the task of promoting peace amongst the children of Gaia, while using their warrior spirit to protect themselves. Unfortunately, there were many kings and other leaders surrounding the nation of Themiscyria, the Amazons home, who were nervous about such a strange group of females. Women who could survive without the need for a man's presence? These men would say. Ludicrous! Sure, these…Amazons were more than willing to mate with them for progeny, but still…
And thus was the status quo for a time, with the occasion invading army that sought to prove that no nation of women could mount any sort of defense. And, of course the rumors that the first fifty of these warrior women, Hippolyta and Antiope included, were the daughters of the gods Ares and Aphrodite was just as equally ridiculous. Of course, such rumors were scoffed at time and time again. And when the would-be conquerors attempted to take Themiscyria as a prize, very few ever escaped. Some say that the survivors were used as breeding stock before being executed, while others said that they are turned into Amazons themselves, which helps to contribute the knowledge of the Amazons. Regardless of what the truth was, everyone with any ounce of reason left the Amazons alone.
To bad a certain modern-age martial artist didn't know this, when he suddenly fell from the skies.
Ranma Saotome, now in his female form, sank deeper into some sort of pool of water. She steadied, managed to "right" herself properly, and kicked off from the bottom. Ranma then propelled herself to surface.
"AUGH!" Ranma said, as she rose slightly. She began to wade a bit before spotting the shore.
It was two hundred yards away.
"Aw, man!" Ranma says, as she began the easy, yet annoying swim to the shore…
A few hours later, Ranma was still wet (and female), and hopelessly lost.
"Ah, man, where am I now?" she asked herself, as she trekked through the woods. She didn't know where she was, but she should've realized that nothing she did would be easy to accomplish.
"Oh, great, now I'm sounding like 'pig boy'! Stupid Mousse…when I get my hands on that guy…"
Ranma's day started simple enough. Having learned that Cologne had managed to repair the Nanban Mirror from Shampoo, Ranma used Shampoo's affection as a means of getting access to the magical artifact. If successfully used, he could finally cure himself of his curse by preventing himself from getting cursed in the first. Once the mirror was acquired, after promising date with the teenaged Amazon (which led to Ranma getting knocked on the head by "Mallet-sama", courtesy of a certain "uncute tomboy", who happened to have heard the promise), Ranma was finally ready to use it. Things would have gone smoothly, if Mousse hadn't gotten back from his supply run sooner.
"What are YOU doing here?"
"None of your business, duck-boy." Got to make this fast, thought Ranma, as he began to shed a tear into the mirror.
"Oh, no you don't!" yelled Mousse, as he threw a barrage of chains and other things at the young martial artist.
Just as Ranma's tear struck the mirror, so did Mousses' chains.
Mousse was blown out the window by the force of the explosion. He got up from his man-made crater, only to be splashed by a bucket filled with water.
"Normally, I would be very upset with your incompetence," Cologne said, as she looked at the carnage that was once the upper floor above "The Cat Caf". "But for once, your latest fight with son-in-law will be a benefit. But you will still have lots of work to do to fix your mess."
The rest, as they say, is history.
At present, Ranma didn't know where she was, but she wanted to get some hot water.
"I got to find some hot water," Ranma said to herself, as she trudged through the forest. Strangely, ever since she got out of the lake, Ranma had felt a bit strange. It was as if she felt cleaner than she has ever felt before. Oh, well…she could worry about that later-
I wonder what's that noise? Ranma thought, as she dived quickly into the brush. After securing her position, Ranma could see a large hunting party passing by. Almost immediately, she felt something familiar about them, particularly the fact they were a bunch of 'tom-boys' dressed in warriors' garb-
That's IT.
"Great, Amazons," Ranma said to herself. "I hope I'm not back in China, or something," However, she knew that none of them appeared Asian, so she quickly dismissed the idea. Suddenly…
"HOLD, SPY!" said an angry voice, in some language that Ranma did not understand.
Ranma looked up to see a lightly armored woman with a spear and pack. For some reason, the woman reminded her of Shampoo.
"Well?" the woman said again.
Ranma, not really understanding anything, could only reply thusly.
The woman looked at Ranma with bewilderment. Maybe the fool does not understand her. So, the warrior woman steps forth to direct Ranma on where she should go.
Too bad Ranma mistook the action as a hostile one.
Quickly, Ranma reached up, and disarmed the woman.
Outraged, the woman began to attack the redhead, starting with pulling out her long dagger. She charged forward, mistaken Ranma's loose stance for an opening.
Ranma side steps the attack, and disarms the warrior woman in the process. Ranma then used a standard "karate chop" to base of her opponent's skull, sending the Amazon down for the count.
"There…that should do it-"
That's when Ranma saw that MORE Amazons surrounded her; all of them were pointing their spears at her.
"Oh, boy…"
Now, Ranma may be an apathetic thinker, but she knew that in her present circumstance, she needed some information on her predicament. So…
"Okay, I give," said Ranma, as she raised her hands in surrender. She just hopes that she doesn't get the "kiss of death" or something…
Themiscyria was the capital city of the Amazons, located close to the shores of the Black Sea in what would be known today known as Turkey. Rarely have these women venture beyond their territories, unless it is to obtain new mates. After all, one has to increase the ranks of the tribes every so often. Still, they do get the occasional visitor or two, and Ranma's sudden appearance was no exception.
Too bad Ranma-CHAN had the bad timing of winding up in the middle of a royal hunt.
Although the strange-looking female was on Amazon territory, and was disturbing their weekly hunt, her skills proved worthy enough for Pythia (sandy blond), the leader of the hunting party, to take her to see their leader for judgment. She did hope that her defeat at the hands of this red-haired stranger would not warrant ridicule amongst the Sisterhood.
Ranma was taken to what appeared to be a rather fancy city-state, something that she recognized from all those ancient history textbooks from school. Sure, she could have defeated the women, but she was more hopeful in trying to find a way home than picking a fight with strange women. After being gawked at by other women form the city, Ranma was taken to meet the rulers of the city.
Finally, still surrounded by armed guards, the martial artist was standing in front of what appeared to be the Queens of the Amazons.
"Explain yourself, stranger!" said the blond.
"Yes, we are curious as to where you come from, little sister," said the dark haired one. Ranma could tell that the women were related, in spite of the different hair colors.
"Um, I don't understand you," Ranma replied.
The dark haired one whispered something into the blond-haired sister's ear, while the blond nodded.
"Bring forth 'Mercury's Crown'!"
A woman steps forth and presents a small crown to Ranma.
"I ain't wearing a girl's crown!"
More spears point in Ranma's direction.
"Okay, I guess wearing it can't hurt…"
When Ranma puts on the crown, her mind is flooded with bits of information. Thinking back to what she has heard, she realized that she could now understand everything that the women had said!
"So, what are you called?" asked the dark haired ruler.
"I am called Ranma Saotome…sorry about this…"
Ranma goes on to explain that an accidental use of a magical artifact had somehow brought her to this place, though she had no idea how far back in time she traveled to. And then she requested some hot water. And when an attendant did bring Ranma some hot water, her use of the mug shocked her audience.
"She's a MAN!" Pythia yelled, as more spears were raised in Ranma's direction.
"So?" Ranma replied with a dismissive gesture.
"Grrrr! I shall have your 'sack'-!"
"HOLD!" said a voice with authority.
All eyes turn towards Hippolyta.
"Sister, what is the meaning of this?" Antiope asked.
"In spite of this man's flaw, he is woman at least part of the time. I do not see the need to insult our guest. Are we not supposed to be cordial with men?"
"Sister, I do swear you are TOO man hungry than you should be," Antiope says flatly.
"Master Ranma, you may stay with us as our guest," Hippolyta says. "I would be happy to hear more stories of how you managed to come to this era…amongst other things. And perhaps, we will help you in your quest to return home."
"Yeah, I would like that."
Pythia turns her head to face Ranma.
"This isn't over, pretender!"
"Yeah, whatever," Ranma says. What's with all these Akane clones-?
Ranma sighed. Since the failed wedding attempt, his relationship with his "uncute fiancé" has been getting better. Ukyo and the other so-called fiancés have been backing off a bit, though not by much. There was some talk about having a second wedding after high school. But now…
"Come," Hippolyta says, as she walks of her throne, and directs Ranma to go through a side door. "Allow me to play host."
Ranma nods his head, and went with Hippolyta to wherever she wanted him to go.