First off its disclaimer time

First off its disclaimer time!!: I do not own the Gundam series, or Zelda, or Behind Enemy Lines, or Star Wars (got the dramatis personae thing from the Rogue Squadron Books, they're good books, I highly recommend them)

Alright so here's a new story I came up with after watching Behind Enemy Lines and the Gundam series, and deciding to do a Zelda story using some of the basic ideas. There will be space combat, adventure, politics, romance, and so forth. So here's some background. It is now far in the future and the races that once only inhabited Hyrule now live all across the planet which is still called Hyrule. The races have changed as time passed; the races now look mostly like Hylians but with several key differences. The Kokiri as magic has disappeared can age and die, the difference between them and a Hylian is them having varying shades of green hair. The Gorons key difference is their dark grey hair, and stolid build. The Zoras are characterized by their sky blue hair. The fairies are set apart by their shorter stature and varying colors of hair from dark blue to pink. The Gerudo, are generally tall, tanned and having hair from red, to dark brown. The planet of Hyrule and its colonies are ruled by a Congress of elected people from all of the races.

Alright now here's some story background. Many years have passed since the events of the Ocarina of Time. The inhabitants of the land of Hyrule spread across the planet. Magic was slowly replaced by technology, which culminated in their ability to travel in space. At that time the planet of Hyrule was fast becoming overpopulated and increasing interest grew in extraterrestrial colonies. The first three established were on the three moons of Hyrule each named after the goddesses. Continued colonization took place with many millions of people joining the space colonies. A far section of the solar system was used for prison colonies. However, one day the prisoners revolted and seized control of the colonies. They installed a Gerudo serial killer named Ganondorf as their leader, and declared their ultimate goal of one day overthrowing the Hylian government. As years passed the far colonies became a place for those who had grievances with the governing body on Hyrule. Several years later Ganondorf and his henchmen decided to declare themselves a sovereign nation. Surprisingly the government on Hyrule accepted this and a border was arbitrarily drawn. As years past however, rumors of mass disappearances and violence have drawn the attention of the Hylian government and it has begun mobilizing its armed forces to deal with any perceived threat to the freedom of its people. A tenuous peace exists but no one can predict how much longer it shall last.

Dramatis Personae (right now I don't really have many last names so if any of the readers have suggestions I'm willing to listen to them, I'll also take suggestions for extra characters because the more the merrier):

Republic of Hyrule

Flight Officer Link: Male Hylian from Hyrule, Fighter Pilot aboard the Freedom's Cry Cry, call-sign, "Hero"

Flight Officer Navi: Female Fairy from Hyrule, Radio Intercept Officer for Ensign Link aboard the H.N.S Freedom's Cry, Call-sign "Guardian Fairy"

Captain Rauru: Male Hylian from Hyrule, Dropship pilot aboard H.N.S Freedom's Cry, Call-sign "Old Man"

Chief Mechanic Darunia: Male Goron from Din Lunar Colony, chief fighter mechanic aboard H.N.S Freedom's Cry

Ensign Mido: Male Kokiri from Nayru Lunar Colony, helmsman aboard H.N.S Freedom's Cry

Ensign Saria: Female Kokiri from Hyrule, chief communications officer aboard H.N.S Freedom's Cry

Ensign Ruto: Female Zora from Farore Lunar Colony, fighter coordinator aboard H.N.S Freedom's Cry

Ensign Zelda Harkinian: Female Hylian from Hyrule, daughter of Senator Harkinian, chief sensors officer aboard H.N.S Freedom's Cry

1st Lieutenant Impa: Female Sheikah from H-5 colony, weapons officer aboard H.N.S Freedom's Cry

Lieutenant Commander Nabooru: Female Gerudo from H-3 colony, commanding officer of H.N.S Freedom's Cry

2nd Lieutenant Kitana: Female Gerudo from Farore Lunar Colony, commanding officer of 32nd Marine Unit aboard H.N.S Freedom's Cry

Senator Harkinian: Male Hylian from Hyrule, Senator of the Western Continent, Chairman of the Fleet Committee, Flagship: Pride of Hyrule

Independent Federation of Colonies

Grand Admiral/Supreme Dictator Ganondorf: male Hylian from IFC 24, commander in chief of the IFC armed forces, Flagship: Ganon's Fury

Admiral Twinrova: female Hylian from IFC 8B, second in command of IFC Navy, Flagship: Hammerhead

Ambassador Baldemar: male Hylian from IFC 19, chief diplomatic envoy to Hyrule, head of IFC Intelligence, Flagship: Bastion

New Character Descriptions Up!

Also, new description on the races are up as is Impa's character bio.

Date Updated: 5/9/04

Technical Database

RoH: Republic of Hyrule

IFC: Independent Federation of Colonies



Freedom's Cry Class Battleship

Affiliation: RoH

Length: 1025 meters

Height: 290 meters

Width: 195 meters

Crew Complement:

54 commissioned officers

1120 enlisted personnel


6 x 13 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

16 x twin 5 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

18 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted singly in turrets

28 x 40mm heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

6 x 8 missile, missile batteries

2 x linear catapult for launching of small craft

Power Plant:

2 x Plasma Fusion Reactor

Small Craft Complement:

6 x HF-29 Fleet Interceptor

10 x HF-29 Interceptor after refit and in subsequent ships

3 x HC-19 Dropship

2 x EF-14 Early Warning Craft


The Freedom's Cry class battleship is the newest battleship that has been designed for the Hylian Navy. Currently only one of them exists although several more are under construction. This ship is smaller than the other contemporary battleships but is more faster and more maneuverable. Its sleek hull is easily recognizable from the other battleships currently in service and its smaller size allows it a greater concentration of weaponry. In order to achieve the speed and maneuverability mentioned above this ship consequently does not mount as much weaponry as the IFC Restitution and Avarice class battleships, or the Hylian Mediator class battleship. However its smaller size allows its weaponry to be more compact over a smaller amount of space, thus giving it excellent coverage. In addition this battleship carries 6 HF-29 fighters to protect the ship and to harass the enemy. The reason for this ship carrying far fighters than what an average ship this size carries is that this battleship is designed for long duration deployment which means that the fighter complement has to be cut down so too much of the ship isn't occupied by stores for the upkeep of those fighters. Also carried are 3 HC-10 dropships for search and rescue missions, bombing missions, and troop transport mission, as well as two EF-14 early warning aircraft to give the ship an extended sensors reach.

After the battles at the ruins of IP 457, L-32, and the running fight back to Hyrule it was concluded that the Cry class battleship needed a stronger fighter complement, so the ship was renovated to carry a further four HF-29s bringing its full complement to 10 fighters. With its successes being quite numerous, quite a few sister ships to the Cry have been completed or are on the construction ways.Additionally, it is noted that this class of Hylian battleship oddly resembles the IFC Marl class heavy transport in outline.

Famous ships of this class:

Freedom's Cry

Restitution Class Battleship

Affiliation: IFC

Length: 1210 meters

Height: 300 meters

Width: 225 meters

Crew Complement:

83 commissioned officers

1680 enlisted personnel


8 x 15 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

14 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted singly in turrets

20 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by singly in turrets

36 x 40mm machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

6 x 10 missile, missile batteries

3 x linear catapult to launch small craft

Power Plant:

1 x Plasma Fusion Reactor

1 x Secondary Reactor

Small Craft Complement:

24 x IF-3 Fighters

2 x IG-11 Dropship


This class of battleship forms the core of the IFC's space-going fleets. It is larger in dimensions than the Hylian Freedom's Cry class battleship and carries a larger crew. The Restitution class battleships carries a heavy armament of 8 fifteen inch beam cannons which are capable of blasting a hole in an opposing warship or bombarding planetary targets. This ship sports its secondary armament in a curious manner, mounting its smaller 5 and 3 in. beam cannon single instead of pairs which allows the ship better coverage but at the sacrifice of not being able to focus its destructive power in a small area which is often more harmful to an enemy warship rather than many scattered hits. It carries twenty IF-3 fighters for protection and attack. Its heavy armor allows it to stay in the fight longer and to deal out more punishment to its enemies but its weakness lies in its sluggishness and lack of maneuverability which has repeatedly let faster enemies escape before the full brunt of this ship can be brought to bear

Famous ships of this Class:




Avarice Class Battleship

Affiliation: IFC

Length: 1650 meters

Height: 390 meters

Width: 290 meters

Crew Complement:

110 Commissioned officer

2320 enlisted personnel


8 x 18 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

30 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

38 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

44 x 40mm heavy machine gun mounted by pairs in turrets

8 x 10 missile, missile batteries

4 x linear catapults to launch fighters

Power Plant:

2 x Plasma Fusion Reactor

Small Craft Complement:

44 x IF-3 Fighters


This new class of battleship was ordered to be designed by Lord Ganondorf who wanted a new and powerful type of vessel to be his flagship. From the beginning this ship was designed only with the purpose of war in mind. Accordingly it mounts 8 x 18 inch beam cannon which pack more punch than anything in either the IFC or RoH arsenal. Its forty IF-3 Fighters are more than enough to protect the ship and threaten the enemy at the same time. Its dimensions make this the largest vessel in service with either the IFC or RoH navies. While the RoH has yet to face the Avarice class in combat it is likely that it will be sorely pressed when dealing with these behemoths when they do appear in future battles.

Famous Ships of this Class:

Ganon's Fury

Mediator Class Battleship

Affiliation: RoH

Length: 1270 meters

Height: 285 meters

Width: 190 meters

Crew Complement:

70 Commissioned officers

1450 enlisted personnel


8 x 15 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

12 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

24 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

30 x 40mm heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

5 x 10 missile, missile batteries

3 x linear catapult to launch small craft

Power Plant:

2 x Plasma Fusion Reactor

Small Craft Complement

16 x HF-29 Interceptors

4 x HC-10 dropships

3 x EF-14 Early Warning Aircraft


This dreadnaught is the mainstay of the Hylian Navy. It is a well balanced ship having good speed for a vessel its size and packing enough weaponry to go toe to toe with the IFC Restitution class battleships. Its modular construction allows for it to be modified for several mission profiles, i.e reconnaissance, covert insertion. In addition its durable construction has led to even many IFC naval officers admitting that the Mediator is a fine class of warship. Many were destroyed during the attack at IP 457 but the RoH is moving ahead with its massive rebuilding program and these ships will once again find themselves on the front line defending the people of Hyrule.

Famous Ships of this Class:

Pride of Hyrule

Kokiri Forest


Hammerhead Class Fleet Carrier

Affiliation: IFC

Length: 1350 meters

Height: 400 meters

Width: 320 meters

Crew Complement:

95 Commissioned Officers

1720 Enlisted personnel


4 x 6 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

16 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

26 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

32 x 40mm Heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

5 x linear catapults

Small Craft Complement:

48 x IF-3 Fighters

20 x IB-88 Bombers

8 x IG-11 Dropships


The Hammerhead class fleet carrier is designed with the intent of serving as the flagship of high ranking officers, to form the cores of taskforces, and to provide fighters support to the other elements of the fleet. Its large wing of 44 IF-3 fighters and 20 IB-88 Bombers allows it to overwhelm the fighter complements of both the Mediator and Freedom's Cry class battleships. Its own armament does not allow for it to get into a slugging match with a battleship of any class and instead mounts only smaller point defense weaponry. This carrier is oddly designed in that its height is much larger than normal for ships it's size in order to accommodate the large amount of fighters and other craft.

Famous Ships of this Class


Citadel Class Fleet Carrier

Affiliation: RoH

Length: 1200 meters

Height: 350 meters

Length: 275 meters

Crew Complement:

80 commissioned officers

1530 enlisted personnel


6 x 8 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

8 x 6 in beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

18 x 3 in beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

20 x 40mm heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

4 x linear catapults for launching small craft

Small Craft Complement:

30 x HF-29 Interceptors

16 x HB-52 Bombers

4 EF-14 Early Warning Aircraft


The Citadel is the RoH counterpart to the Hammerhead. While the Citadel does outgun the Hammerhead it still should not be used in front line combat. Its strength lies in the fighters that it can carry to the field of battle along with the EF-14 aircraft that have early warning capabilities and are adept at directing the fighters while in combat. With the release of the HB-52 Bomber, the Citadel has been refitted to carry these small ships as well. As with the Mediator class ships many were destroyed at IP 457 but the RoH is fervently rebuilding them at its lunar facilities on Nayru, shipyards on the planet of Hyrule, and several other scattered facilities

Famous Ships of This Class

None right now, maybe some later


Savior Class Cruiser

Affiliation: RoH

Length: 800 meters

Height: 250 meters

Width: 160 meters

Crew Complement:

42 commissioned officers

835 enlisted personnel


8 x 8 in beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

12 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

18 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

20 x 40 mm heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

3 x 4 missile, missile batteries

Small Craft Complement:

8 x HF-29 Interceptors

1 x linear catapult to launch fighters


The Savior Class Cruiser is the heaviest cruiser in use at the time by any navy. In comparison it packs the heaviest punch and is able to support the heavier Hylian ships or to form the cores of smaller border fleets. It is not noted for its speed, yet its agility is above the norm for a heavy cruiser. These ships are also often used as courier ships or transport ships by high-ranking officials due to their durability and firepower. While many were destroyed by the IFC surprise attack, quite a few remain and for the time will constitute the front line of the Hylian Navy as it struggles to rebuild its other fleets.

Famous Ships of This Class


Flanker Class Cruiser

Affiliation: IFC

Length: 725 meters

Height: 225 meters

Width: 150 meters

Crew Complement:

38 commissioned officers

725 Enlisted personnel


6 x 8 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

8 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted singly in turrets

14 x 3 in beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

16 x 40mm heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

2 x 4 missile, missile batteries

Small Craft Complement

12 x IF-3 Fighters

1 x linear catapult to launch fighters


The Flanker Class Heavy Cruiser is the IFC's main support ship. It does not pack the power to match that of the Hylian Savior class but has the slight edge in speed and carries more fighters. It's 8 in. beam cannon give it respectability in a slugging match and its array of secondary weapons also cannot be ignored. These ships are often deployed in the vanguard of IFC battlefleets, or to pursue a fleeing enemy.


Cossack Class Frigate

Length: 370 meters

Height: 110 meters

Width: 85 meters

Crew Complement:

20 Commissioned Officers

540 enlisted personnel


4 x 6 in. beam cannon mounted singly in turrets

8 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

10 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

12 x 40mm Heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

1 x linear catapult to launch fighters

Small Craft Complement:

6 x IF-3 Fighters


The Cossack was designed to give the IFC a long range quick strike ability that it would not have it only relied on heavy warships and small one man fighters. It is perfect to harass the enemy and to break up his formation prior to the commencement of heavier combat. These ships are often found near the border worlds where their speed Band rapid delivery of firepower makes them indispensable.

Famous Ships of this Class

None as of yet

Termina Class Frigate

Length: 380 meters

Height: 100 meters

Width: 80 meters

Crew Complement

28 Commissioned Officers

495 enlisted personnel


3 x 8in. beam cannon mounted singly in turrets

10 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

10 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

14 x 40mm Heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

1 x linear catapult to launch fighters

Small Craft Complement:

4 x HF-29 Interceptors


As Hyrule expands its borders it needs a means to protect its borders rapidly and effectively. This ship brings considerable firepower for a ship its size into an area combined with a high speed which means that this ship is best used to rapidly move from one trouble-spot to another. It's armor and durability are above average for a ship this size which attributes to the survival of even some of the most damaged of these class of ships which is a tribute to Hylian shipbuilding.

Famous Ships of this Class

None as of yet


Tyrol Class Destroyer

Affiliation: RoH

Length: 500 meters

Height: 135 meters

Width: 100 meters

Crew Complement:

30 x commissioned officers

550 enlisted personnel


6 x 6 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

10 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

14 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

16 x 40mm heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

1 x linear catapult to launch fighters

Small Craft Complement:

5 x HF-29 Interceptor

Description: The Tyrol class ship is a type of ship that was under development before the war between the RoH and IFC started, however upon the outbreak of war it was rushed into production. This ship is meant to serve as a high speed vanguard for Hylian fleets. However during this conflict it is finding itself pressed into duty as a long range raider as the Hylians try and exert pressure on the IFC lines of supply. It is very maneuverable and can run circles around enemy battleships due to its speed. Its main design flaw is its thin armor which has led to its crewmembers dubbing it as combustible, and expendable.


Marl Class Freighter/Heavy Transport

Affiliation: IFC

Length: 1025 meters

Height: 290 meters

Width: 195 meters


225 enlisted crewmen

20 officers


6 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted singly in turrets

4 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted singly in turrets

8 x 40 mm heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

Small Craft

2 x IF-3 Fighters

12 x IT-74 Cargo Offloaders

Description: This large ship is designed to carry supplies and equipment back and forth between IFC supply bases and the front lines. Their size is quite large and their cargo bays allow them to carry anything from foodstuffs and munitions to tanks. Inside a small hangar are two IF-3s for defense and 12 IT-74 Cargo Offloaders for use when there is no space for the Marl to dock and cargo must be shuttled from the ship to the destination. Interestingly enough the dimensions are almost exactly those of the Hylian battleship class Freedom's Cry.


Forger Class Battlestation

Affiliation: RoH


115 commissioned officers

1600 enlisted crewmen


8 x 14in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

26 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

30 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

44 x 40mm heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

2 x linear catapult to launch fighters

Small Craft Complement:

18 x HF-29 Interceptors

Description: These installations were designed to defend worlds from enemy attack. They pack enough firepower to overwhelm a two battleships and are reputed for their tough armor. While powerful in their own right, in order to operate effectively they must have adequate support from other ships. These stations can be found at the Republic's most important worlds, and other installations. During one border skirmish several years ago one station turned back three battleships and two cruisers without help, thus earning these platforms their reputation as being some of the toughest equipment in use by the military.

Verangian Class Battlestation

Affiliation: RoH


75 officers

985 enlisted crewmen


6 x 10in beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

16 x 5in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

16 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

24 x 40mm heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

2 x linear catapult to launch fighters

Small Craft Complement:

10 x HF-29 Interceptors

Description: These were designed as a lower cost alternative to the Forger defense stations. They still pack a punch but lack the armor and durability of the heavier platforms. Verangians are used in areas that are not deemed important enough to deploy Forgers at or where it is more cost effective. These defensive positions served well at the Siege of L-32 where they inflicted mass casualties on the attacking IFC forces before being eventually destroyed.

Iron Class Battlestation

Affiliation: IFC


175 Officers

1825 Enlisted crewmen


10 x 16 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

38 x 5 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

32 x 3 in. beam cannon mounted by pairs in turrets

54 x 40mm heavy machine guns mounted by pairs in turrets

Small Craft Complement:

20 x IF-3 Fighters

12 x IB-88 Bombers

Description: This stalwart emplacement is the backbone of defense for the IFC. These emplacements find use on the RoH-IFC border and over many IFC worlds. The station packs and extraordinary amount of firepower, allowing it to engage a Hylian battleship with ease. Yet, IFC engineers sacrificed protection for weaponry when they designed this installation so the armored protection is not as durable as that of the Hylian Forger class.

Fighters/Small Craft

IF-3 Fighter

Affiliation: IFC

Length: 11 meters

Crew Complement:

1 x Pilot


2 x 40mm Heavy Machine guns, one on either side of fuselage

8 x ZG-42 Air-air missile on external launch rails

optional armament in place of air to air missiles: 2 x AZ-3 Cruise missiles


This fighter is the mainstay of the IFC Navy and other branches of the IFC armed forces. It is not as fast as the HF-29 but it is highly maneuverable due to its smaller size and relative lightness. It's option to carry 2 of the powerful AZ-3 Cruise missiles makes them a threat to targets that are much larger than them as exemplified by the attack on IP 457. One on one they are the inferior of the Hylian design fighter but the IF-3 is deployed in greater numbers which nullifies the slight technological edge of the Hylian fighter.

Famous Pilots of this Craft

Unknown but there will be one later

HF-29 Interceptor

Affiliation: RoH

Length: 12.5 meters

Crew Complement:

1 x Pilot

1 x Radio Intercept Officer/Navigator


2 x 40mm Heavy Machine guns, one on either side of the fuselage

6 x HN-17 air-air missiles on external launching rails

1 x 40mm beam cannon mounted on belly

optional attachments:

1 x HP-4 digital camera pod

up to 6 x HN-20 rocket pods


This twin tailed fighter two-man fighter is the RoH answer to the IF-3. It is faster than the IF-3 and is heavier which allows it a better speed in a dive. While it doesn't have the punch of the IF-3 cruise missiles, it's 40mm beam cannon allows it to pack a powerful punch. This fighter is also found in the photo-reconnaissance role with entails the removal of the beam cannon and the installation of the HP-4 camera pod.

Famous Pilots and RIOs of this Craft

Flight Officer Link: Pilot

Flight Officer Navi: RIO

HC-10 Dropship

Length: 18.5 meters

Crew Complement:

1 x Pilot

1 x Navigator

2 x Door Gunners

18 x infantry troopers


2 x HK-15 Machine guns mounted in each side doorway

4 x HN-20 Rocket Pods (optional)

2 x HK-3 Heavy Chain guns (Optional)

Description: The HC-10 Dropship is a highly useful ships that is widely used by the Hylian Navy. It has small wing extensions on either side to allow it to carry equipment suitable for its mission profile. With its carrying capacity of 20 infantry troopers along with rockets and guns make it a formidable threat to enemy ground forces. However its relatively slow speed means that it is highly vulnerable to enemy fighters and needs to have fighter protection especially when heading into a combat zone.

Famous Pilots of this Craft:

Captain Rauru

EF-14 Early Warning Craft

Length: 22 meters

Crew Complement:

1 x pilot

1 x Navigator

4 x technicians

Armament: none

Description: The EF-14 while not a combatant craft, is an integral part of the Hylian Navy. It mounts high powered sensors and scanners which allow a farther detection capability for a warship. With its powerful systems it can coordinate Hylian fighter formations with a high degree of efficacy which cannot be matched elsewhere. Hylian pilots have repeatedly praised these unarmed support craft for the advantage they lend during combat.

Famous Pilots of this Craft:

None at this time

HB-52 Bomber

Length: 14.25 meters

Crew Complement:

1 x pilot

1 x bombardier

1 x gunner


4 x HM-9 Cruise Missiles

or 10 x 1250 lbs. bombs

2 x 40 mm machine guns mounted in topside turret

Description: This new small craft has seen its service life begin at the same time as the war. The HB-52 packs a punch that can be delivered quickly and efficiently, its four cruise missiles are enough to damage even the largest of capital ships, and its bombs can devastate enemy armored columns. In addition it mounts a machine gun turret in defense. However, to ensure its success the HB-52 operates best when escorted by HF-29 Fighters.

IB-88 Bomber

Length: 14.5 meters

Crew Complement:

1 x pilot

1 x bombardier


4 x AZ-3 Cruise Missiles

or 5 x 1100 lbs. bombs

Description: The IB-88 is the counterpart to the Hylian HB-52. It is quite nimble for a bomber and its attack speed is high. Yet the high speed an maneuverability come at the price of durability. Armor is noticeably lacking on this craft and it has been noted to be extremely flammable. Its lack of defensive armament makes it easy prey for Hylian fighters. Yet, the IB-88 is far from helpless. Its cruise missiles can break the back of a frigate with ease. For some odd reason its internal bomb bay is smaller than the HB-52 even though the IB-88 is bigger which means that its bomb capacity is noticeably smaller.




Height: 6' 1''

Weight: 165 lbs.

Race: Hylian

Gender: Male

Hair color: dark blond

Eyes: deep blue

Age: 23

Rank: Flight Officer

Place of Birth: Hyrule

Description: Link is the main character of this story. He originates from Hyrule and lived there until 17 when he enrolled at the Hylian Naval Academy. During his Academy years he made several friends which still last today. Four years later at the age of 21 he was commissioned as a Flight Officer in the Navy on the frigate Lansdowne, flying the HF-29 Interceptor along with his Radio Intercept Officer and long time friend from the Academy, Navi. After several months of service the two were transferred to the Freedom's Cry where they met up with several of their friends again, and where Link continues to serve. At the age of 23 Link has been acknowledged as one of the best pilots ever in the history of the Navy. He was thrown into the turmoil of war beginning with the surprise attack and fought bravely. During his tour of duty on the Freedom's Cry Link would meet the daughter of Senator Harkinian, Zelda, with whom he had several sharp disagreements, and his future interaction with this young woman remains unknown although there are those who believe that Link is attracted to her.


Height: 5' 4''

Weight: 105 lbs.

Race: Fairy

Gender: Female

Hair Color: sky blue

Eyes: grayish-blue

Age: 23

Rank: Flight Officer

Place of Birth: Hyrule

Description: Navi serves as one of Link's best friends and his RIO. Standing at five feet, four inches she is among the tallest of the fairies. She is known best among her friends for her wit and charm. Often it is her who saves Link from making humiliating mistakes. The two go back to the Naval Academy where they trained together for the Fighter Corps. She is also one of the best shots with a pistol or rifle that the armed forces has ever seen and has already won a respectable amount of money from shooting competitions against those who underestimate her for her size.


Height: 6' 2''

Weight: 160 lbs.

Race: Gerudo

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Red

Eyes: Hazel

Age: 26

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Place of Birth: H-3 Colony

Description: Nabooru, is the commanding officer of the ship Freedom's Cry. At 26 she is the youngest officer in the navy to have her own command and has been noted as one of the boldest commanders in the fleet. She attended the Naval Academy as a 4th year cadet, when Link was just a 1st year, and the two became good friends. Nabooru was the recipient of a prank played by Link that nearly caused her to miss her graduation ceremony but she took it gracefully, with the playful promise of revenge. Bold, dedicated, and skilled, she is exactly what the Hylian military needs in these darkest of times.


Height: 4' 10''

Weight: 75 lbs.

Race: Kokiri

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Green

Eyes: Green

Age: 23

Rank: Ensign

Place of Birth: Hyrule

Description: This female Kokiri serves as the chief communications officer aboard the Freedom's Cry. Saria is noted as one of the most cheerful people that one could meet but also very serious when the time calls for it. She is described as fiercely loyal to her friends and is kind to almost anyone she meets. After graduation from the Academy, she served in various different duty stations before finally being transferred aboard the Freedom's Cry where she was re-united with her friends from the academy.


Height: 4' 9''

Weight: 80 lbs.

Race: Kokiri

Gender: Male

Hair Color: light green

Eyes: light brown

Age: 24

Rank: Ensign

Place of Birth: Nayru Lunar Colony

Description: Mido is the chief helmsman aboard the Freedom's Cry and is also been acknowledged as one of the best in the fleet. He went to the Academy with the desire to learn how to become a pilot where he met Link and Navi, however as his years went on he realized that he desired to pilot a large warship rather than a two-man fighter. As a result, he changed his studies and eventually graduated and was posted on the Freedom's Cry at its commissioning and has served there ever since. Due to personnel transfers he has re-united with his friends.


Height: 5' 6''

Weight: 115 lbs.

Race: Hylian

Gender: Female

Hair Color: golden blonde

Eyes: sapphire blue

Age: 23

Rank: Ensign

Place of Birth: Hyrule

Description: Zelda Harkinian is the twenty-three year old daughter of the popular Senator Harkinian. She is famed throughout the Republic for her beauty and intelligence, and also for her arrogance and condescension to those whom she believes lower than her. Nevertheless, she is fiercely loyal to those of whom she cares about such as her father. During an inspection tour her ship was attacked but she managed to escape in an escape pod which was eventually spotted by Link and was recovered by the Freedom's Cry. After medical treatment she was inducted into the ship's crew as the sensors officer as the crew was running short due to casualties. Her beauty is admired by all of the crewmembers aboard ship, but most try to avoid her because of her temper which has become quite legendary throughout the ship. She has taken interest in the new pilot Marth who has arrived aboard ship, but no one is sure who she is romantically interested in, if anyone at all.


Height: 5' 8''

Weight: 145 lbs.

Race: Hylian

Hair Color: Teal

Eyes: Hazel

Age: 23

Rank: Flight Officer

Place of birth: Hyrule

Description: This teal haired Hylian is one of pilots who has been transferred aboard the Freedom's Cry. He is the son of one of Hyrule's most wealthy and influential families. His family's influence won him an appointment to the Naval Academy where he graduated as a mediocre pilot. However his ego is noted by many to be quite large and those who have had interactions describe him as arrogant and boastful. He is very handsome and often is not seen without female company. His antics aboard ship have disgusted most of his crewmates, but Zelda is seemingly friendly with this young pilot.


Height: 6' 3''

Weight: 155 lbs.

Race: Sheikah

Hair Color: Silver

Eyes: Red

Age: 36

Rank: 1st Lieutenant

Place of Birth: H-5 Colony

Description: Lieutenant Impa serves as both the Weapons Officer of the Freedom's Cry and also as Lieutenant Commander Nabooru's Executive Officer. She attended the Naval Academy where she was noted by her instructors for her ability to grasp situations quickly and her efficient and effective firing patterns. Impa is the traditional strait laced naval officer however she gets along quite well with her commanding officer who is known more as a maverick. Her height is often intimidating especially to those she berates when she feels their performance is not up to norm, and adds to her formidable hand to hand fighting skills.


As I said before all of the races now look like Hylians w/ pointed ears and all but there are some differences as will be explained below.

Hylians: Hylians haven't changed much over the years. In general they grow to about 5-7 for the women and 5-9 for the men, light eye colors and hair ranging from blonde to brown. They are often said to be blessed with the gift of technology. Many of the Republic's best scientists and researchers are of Hylian descent. While perhaps not the fastest or strongest they do make exceptional warriors due to their bravery in combat. Bestowed with rapid reaction times, many Hylian youths have joined the navy as fighter pilots, or the helmsmen of capital ships.

Famous (not necessarily good) people of this race:

Flight Officer Link

Ensign Zelda

Senator Harkinian

Admiral Twinrova

Ambassador Baldemar

Kokiri: The members of this race are the direct descendents of the children of the Lost Forest. Over the years as magic died out from the lands of Hyrule the Kokiri began to age and die. While their average height has increased to 5-0 for the average male and 4-7 for the female, they are still on average shorter than Hylians. Hair color seems to be mostly colors found of the forest, greens, and dark browns. Kokiri are well known for their resourcefulness and are masters of camouflage. Their friendly nature belies many to think these people a harmless bunch, however a Kokiri will fight fiercely once his life or those of his/her friends are threatened

Famous people of this race:

Ensign Saria

Ensign Mido

Fairies: Fairies in these modern days are the progeny of the fairies of old. They no longer have the command of magic nor the wings they used to. They have grown to about the same height as the Kokiri are now, with bright eye and hair colors. Much like Hylians the Fairy's find themselves gifted with excellent reflexes which allow them to be pilots as well. In addition fairies are able to perform multiple tasks at once and are thus highly useful as sensors officers aboard EF-14s, RIOs on HF-29s, and sensors officers aboard larger warships. Fairies are also said to be some of the truest friends that one can have. It is said that if you make friends with a fairy then you will be friends for life, this said to be stemming from the guardian fairy-charge relationship of old.

Famous people of this race:

Flight Officer Navi

Gorons: Evolution and progress has not seen the demise of the Goron people. Rather they are doing well during these times. Their skills in metallurgy and other forms of construction are highly valued both onboard the warships of the Republic, and its manufacturing facilities. Gorons are reputed for their endurance and can easily do twice the physical work of a Hylian. These individuals are found mostly in the tank corps, and the technical aspect of the military.

Famous people of this race

Chief Mechanic Darunia

Gerudo: Gone are the times where the only progeny for the Gerudo were female. Today Gerudo are some of the most famed ground warriors the Republic has. Masters of stealth, and quick movement, many of them work in the special forces of the military.

Famous people of this race:

Lieutenant Commander Nabooru, Captain Nabooru after promotion

2nd Lieutenant Kitana

Sheikah: The Sheikah have returned and are prominent in the affairs of the Republic. They are the most martial of the races and are adept tacticians and strategists. All of the military academies across the Republic are run by Sheikah. Like the Gerudo, stealth comes easy to them and they too form an integral part of the special forces.

Famous people of this race:

1st Lieutenant Impa


Events, Battles:

Operation Masker: Operation Masker is the IFC's deception plan. It involved shifting forces around and repainting them into new colors to confuse the Hylians. The IFC was purposefully factionalized in order to make the ruse of a splinter group more believable. The pinnacle of this operation was the attack on the massive Hylian naval base at IP-345. Ambassador Baldemar was sent to Hyrule to assuage the fears of the Hylians and further the deception. The final stage of the operation was the conflict between IFC government forces and the so-called rebels. Under pretenses of pursuing rebels the IFC sent ships and troops to many Republic worlds with the permission of the Republic which had fallen for the ruse.

Operation Sphincter: The IFC's initial war plan. Sphincter picked up right where Masker left off. With footholds secured along the Republic-IFC border IFC naval forces moved in simultaneously to seize major military bases and installations in Republic territory. The purpose of this was to destroy the Republic's ability to wage war as quickly as possible. However, resistance at bases such as L-32 stalled the IFC advance long enough to allow the Hylians to mobilize for war. The final objective of the operation was to land troops on Hyrule itself and to capture or destroy the government and construct military installations across the planet.

Operation Norse: This was a corollary and prerequisite for the IFC's Operation Sphincter. Before the actual invasion of the planet, the IFC military leadership felt the need to secure various landing zones. Accordingly, teams of special forces were assigned to make their way to Hyrule via civilian transport and to seize spaceports. This operation was completed entirely successfully and has allowed the IFC to easily reinforce their invasion force.

Operation Endgame: Although initial IFC movements took place with great success, the campaign bogged down after Hylian resistance stiffened on all fronts. Eager to end the resistance, IFC naval command devised a plan aimed at severing the Silesian Cluster from the main body of the republic, thus separating the Hylians from a vital source of manpower, resources, and ships. The region's sole transportation corridor is guarded by the Hylian outpost at M-354, which is located on the barren planet M-354. The scope of the plan is not merely to capture an outpost but to lure out the remaining Hylian fleet and pounce from all sides when they are forced to react in order to save the Cluster.

First Battle of Hyrule: This refers to the orbital battle between the IFC invasion fleet and the Republican defense fleet. Due to losses taken during the surprise attack at IP-345 and the further spreading out of naval forces, the Hylian home fleet was very small when compared to its counterpart. IFC ships managed to storm the lunar bases of Din and Farore, however failed to take Nayru. However, unable to match the IFC forces in numbers and firepower, the defenders huddled near the planet's three orbital battlestations. While fighting fiercely, the defenders were flanked and obliterated, allowing the IFC to begin its landing operations on the planet.

Battle of Hylia City: This was the first major ground clash between IFC and Republic forces. Due to the confusion wrought by the sudden invasion, the Hylian military was not very well able to resist the landings so the IFC was able to easily land large numbers of infantry and armor. According to Operation Sphincter, the capital of the Republic was a priority target and immediately a large IFC ground force was dispatched. While rushing to evacuate the city, the Hylians managed to scrape together a force to defend the city. An initial IFC attempt to storm the town failed when stiff opposition was met from Hylian troops who were well dug in. Enraged, the IFC general brought up mass numbers of artillery and began a bombardment of the city that would not cease until the city's fall. Three days into the battle, the last ground communication line was cut as IFC troops encircled the city. As a result the last civilians had to be evacuated by the last serviceable transports that the city's garrison possessed. It was also at this point in time that the senator was evacuated at the insistence of the Hylian military command. The bombardment took its toll and the defenders were forced back into the streets of the city itself. House to house combat broke out amongst the rubble, the Hylians using every weapon they could lay hands to in vain effort to stem the tide. Warships descended to pound the city from the air and were able to do so when the city's air-defense guns were destroyed. Eventually, the defenders were forced back to the Central Command Complex where they made their last stand. The defenders fought to the end, and not one prisoner was taken. Eighteen days after the siege had begun, it had finally come to and end. The city was devastated, rippled with craters, destroyed buildings, and piles of debris as a result of the massive bombardment and street fighting.

Battle of L-32: Ships from various border sectors including the Freedom's Cry found themselves the defenders of a base that was impossible to re-supply and reinforce. As the assault occurred just before the normal re-supply convoy was due to arrive, the base was already running low on many spare parts and munitions. Many of the defending ships were kept together by the sweat and prayers of the mechanics who worked on them. While at an extreme disadvantage the Hylians held long enough to stall parts of Operation Sphincter which in turn bought the Republic much needed time. In the final stages of the battle as the IFC broke through the inner defense perimeter the Freedom's Cry led a force of the remaining defenders in a desperate breakout attempt in order to seek sanctuary at the Nayru :Lunar Base. When the IFC broke the defending Hylian fleet they landed troops inside the colony that served as the central command complex however stiff resistance from the Hylian marines stationed there forced the IFC troops to pull back. Instead, poison gas was pumped into the ventilation systems of the colony bringing about a gruesome death to those soldiers and civilians remaining inside.

Battle of IP-345: This was the event that could be interpreted as the opening move of the war. This engagement was part of the IFC deception plan to destroy a major portion of the Hylian navy prior to the official commencement of hostilities. IP-345 was one of the largest fleet bases the Republic had prior to the start of the war. Popular opinion was that the defenses of the base were impenetrable. Prior to the war, the Republican senate decided to base a major portion of the fleet there to deter IFC aggression, however that played into enemy hands. A large strike force masquerading as rebels caught the Republican ships by surprise, launching a massive wave of cruise missiles that devastated the perimeter defense stations and moored ships. The main hangar on the central asteroid was destroyed, preventing the Hylians from deploying fighters and prevented many of the crews to return to their ships. Advancing behind their fighter screen, IFC capital ships devastated the remaining forces. Resistance among the surviving Hylians was sporadic and ineffective. The IFC forces withdrew rapidly before the Republic could dispatch reinforcements and so continued their masquerade.