Chapter 2

New life

Hikaru looked around, so that was his new school – extraordinary place. Huge campus with gardens and anything that students would need.

"Why would they need me here?" asked Hikaru himself "Students here must be high class people."

"It looks like that, isn't it?" asked calm voice "But you will learn, fact that will live better lives doesn't mean that we have no troubles" girls offer him her hand and introduced herself "I'm Shelly, its safe to assume that you are Hikaru, isn't it?" somehow it didn't seam improper to Hikaru, that girl... or maybe that country – here everything was...

"I'm Shindou Hikaru, I will be in your care from now on." said Hikaru with small bow

"Did I made you uncomfortable?" asked girl "We are using our first names, you should get used to that." while she talked they reached School Office "You are to speak with headmaster, our teacher is there already."

"Here goes nothing." said Hikaru and pushed the doors "Good morning."

That room was filled with known smell, old documents and wood, there was even a Goban. White haired old man and Adam-sensei played, sound of placed stones calmed Hikaru soul. He stood with respect and observed the game, they both were good – not at Pro level but still strong.

"I resign" said old man "Thank you for the game."

"Thank you for the game." Adam-sensei looked at Shindou "Sorry that you had to wait like this boy, but once we start..."

"That is not something you must tell me." said Hikaru "I'm happy to see that Go is played even here. With the same intensity as in Title Match"

"How flattering, it's a pleasure to meet you." said Headmaster "Shindou-sensei."

"I will be in your care. It's fine to call me in normal way, Here its sounds strange." Hikaru was sure now, that place would make him forget... if anything can – it would be that place.

"I hope that you will be happy here" said teacher "I don't know why you changed your mind, but I hope that you will reach your goal."

"Thank you." Hikaru made his way to the window by which he could see some boy's running laps around the pitch. "Your offer came in right time, I had to..." he didn't know what to tell for that point.

"I won't ask, neither will Headmaster – your reasons can stay with you." man put his hand on Hikaru shoulder "You are too young to live such life, you were not born with such duty." Seeing Hikaru shocked face man smiled " I have checked, some day you just appeared, no knowing anything about Go World or Pro's."

"That's..." Headmaster stopped Hikaru from telling more

"We won't ask about that, meaning behind your ability doesn't concern us." smiling at boy's shocked face he continued, "That school has many types of students, but everyone here has reasons to be in St. Peter Academy. Special abilities, belonging to rich families or those which live behind the scene. Reason is usually the same, they don't want to be used by their families or the world."

"I'm not sure than..."

"You are suffering to and the reason is your ability. You were taken by unknown world, its not strange that you went with the wind. You are in pain – I suspected that." Headmaster turned and left with those words "Adam will tell you what you should do."

"Ano, Adam-sensei did I looked that bad in the Tournament?" Hikaru placed his hand on the Goban.

"You were unsure and all you will to go on was placed on one person – I'm guessing now, but did he... how should I put it?" Teacher seamed to be nervous.

"I have realized that he does not see me as an equal, with such I cannot reach my goal – neither of two." touching the stones Hikaru smiled, "I was someone who came across, without a rival." He took out his fan and covered his face, "My existence was not needed."

"I hope that you won't think like that here." Teacher looked at Hikaru with sympathy "That school will help you."

In Japan

Isumi looked around the room, Hikaru wasn't there – which would mean that he actually left. There was no other option since his name disappeared from the board, Isumi checked that right after coming, but he was pretty sure that no one realized that.

"Hello, Isumi-san." Touya greeted other Pro "Have you seen Shindou?"

"Yesterday." said older boy trying to to scream from anger "Did something happen? You should know the best where is he."

After those words Isumi left Akira alone, he didn't want to make a scene here – that wasn't Hikaru wish. He sat on his seat and waited for Waya arrival, it was going to be a hard day – Waya treasured their friendship with Shindou. After all only Shindou knew about them – only with him they could just be. It's lasted since their Insei days, with an understanding between them.

Akira looked at board to find out if Hikaru had match today, but to his shock other boy name wasn't there at all. During past week they didn't see each other. Ever since that quarrel in Salon Akira felt uneasy – now he was trembling, he could hear his own heartbeats.

"You didn't knew." commented voice behind him "That is strange, in fact I planned to ask you what school asked him in." continued Ochi "But if you don't know, then who does?"

"What?" Akira heard beat even faster "I don't understand."

"Shindou was asked to join some sort of high class school in America." said Ochi "But even my grandfather couldn't find out which one it was, apparently Shindou forbid any comments in that matter"

"America?" Akira froze "Did he leave already?" time has stopped for a second.

"I don't know, he was here yesterday." Ochi went to take his seat since it was time to start the games. Isumi stopped himself from telling the truth, he could not afford to make such mistake – he was to act as if he didn't know anything.

"I must talk to him." whispered Akira "What is he thinking, he cannot leave. We are rivals, we are..." without a word he left the room and took cab. There was nothing as important as seeing Shindou now – for the past week he struggled unsure what to do, but now "If you go what will be left of me? Can it be, that you would leave me?"


Intensity of his eye's when he said that...

"I'm the only one. Sai had chosen me, me alone! He left me with his will..."

Emptiness once I said those words...

"You? You cannot even play them right, His extraordinary moves are just a fake when you play them. That Sai is probably toying with you."

My heart stopped at that time...

"I have believed that you see me as your equal."

He didn't let me come closer...

"Sai would never hurt me like this, it was Him... from Him I have learned, even now from old kifu's I'm still learning from Him. There is no player that can play His moves as perfect as He did, but calling mine fake ones is too much."

Can it be that Sai... what did he meant by saying 'was'?

"I don't want to see you... Ever Again!"

I won't let you. Never... I have only you.

End of the Flashback

Akira stood before Hikaru house with realization that he had never entered this house, not even once. He only played him at Salon or his own home, why was that he wondered.

"I was always in hurry to play you" Akira lowered his head "I have never listened and you probably have your own board on which you want to play."

"Who are you?" asked voice from behind "Oh, I'm sorry Touya-san" Akari recognized him "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to visit Shindou" said Akira "He wasn't at Institute today so..."

"You mean that you don't know?" something in her voice made his heart stop "But from the other hand if it's like that... I think I know now." her attitude changed "I don't know what have you done, but it's to late now. Hikaru left already." Akari eyes were tearing "He said the he will find new life there, in a place that no one knows him... In a place that He himself will be important." she grabbed boy shoulder "I hate you! What have you done to him?!" with those words she turned back and run.

"New life?" Akira whispered "In deed what have I done?" he dropped to his knees "I'm sorry, sorry... Kami-sama, onegai, if you would return him to me..." Akira soul broke in that very moment


His eyes back then, was he serious?

"I don't want to see you... Ever Again!"

No, please... don't leave me!


Idea of the school is from Gauken Heaven – despite the fact that in our's will be girls too. Thanks Eos-hime

Well school for talented is good place for Shindou now. - he will make good friends and learn many things to become a new Shindou.