Hello well I'm currently having a bit of trouble starting the next chapter of my Snape's Unwanted Relation fic, what with writing the fluff and all, so I decided to take a break. I've currently mapped out my plans for the next few months. If you want them then you can IM me at poserskatergurl (please don't ask how I got this sn!) and I'll tell you. Ok, about this fic. I find it just a little pointless and I know I shouldn't be wasting my time on stuff like this and that I should be trying to get over my writer's block or at least doing my homework. But the plot bunny came and I decided to write this since I love Seamus so darn much. ;) Even if you don't like it, then please review anyway and leave some constructive criticism.
The Leprechaun
Seamus sighed and shouldered his book pack, walking down the stairs to the dungeon. It was time for Potions.
Though he resented classes in general, Seamus hated Potions with a passion. He hated it so much that had he not been forced to wash the walls of the dank classroom, there would still be some pretty vulgar language he had graffitied on the walls. He was also pretty sure that sixth year potions would be much harder than the fifth year potions he had taken last year.
He shifted his thoughts to what they would be brewing that day. Most likely something that will either injure us or humiliate us so that old bat Snape can have a good laugh later while he's grading them, Seamus thought gloomily.
Today had, unless you haven't already guessed, not been his day. First there was that wart incident during Charms. (Quite fortunately, they were removed from his face.) Then of course he failed the quiz they had during Transfiguration, followed closely by a prediction from Trewalney, who was helping Firenze teach Divination, that he would have a long, painful, and drawn out death. The fact that Firenze corrected her right after she started weeping sorrowfully didn't really help, though.
Me luck's run out, he guessed suddenly. Like Trelawney said, I'll probably be dying soon, or I've jinxed myself at the very least.
Then, realizing that he had actually almost believed one of the Divination teacher's predictions, he mentally kicked himself.
Seamus approached the Potions classroom, and was about to open the door when a faint scuffling noise caught his attention. The sixteen year old turned just in time to see a small figure scurry across the corridor.
Only a foot tall, it appeared to be a little man, clad in green clothing with a deep green bowler hat and clovers adorning all that he wore.
A leprechaun! Seamus thought excitedly, and could vaguely remember seeing some at the Quidditch World Cup two years past and once during his summer break after fifth year.
"Hey!" he called. "You there!"
The leprechaun saw him and ran even faster, with the boy chasing him.
"Wait!" he yelled. But when he turned a corner, the tiny creature was gone, leaving only a shiny gold coin. Seamus shook his head in wonder and picked up the coin, turning it over in his hand. He was sure it was leprechaun gold, no one could have just left a galleon in the corridor and not have had anyone pick it up by now.
How? A doubting voice in his head asked. "How could a leprechaun get into Hogwarts?" he asked himself aloud. He had heard about a number of spells that were cast on the castle to keep various creatures out; surely someone would have noticed.
Perhaps it was all a dream. Seamus didn't think so, and he was absolutely sure of what he had just witnessed.
Maybe me luck's come back, he thought, then in shock contemplated what he had just seen. I've got to tell someone. With this thought, Seamus ran straight into the dark room that was host to their Potions class.
"Ah, Mr. Finnigan," Snape began coldly. The class looked up from their cauldrons. "Perchance you'd care to tell us why you're twenty minutes-"
"LEPRECHAUN!" Seamus yelled at him.
The class stared at him in shock. "What did you just say, Finnigan?!" Snape snapped.
"I…" he panted. "Saw… a… leprechaun!"
Snape stared at him for a moment, then Lavender and Parvati burst into giggles, to which Seamus, being himself, sent them a cocky smile.
But eventually the whole class was laughing at his outburst. He turned a bit red around the cheeks as they teased him, while he continued to protest very loudly. "It's true!" he kept saying over and over.
"ENOUGH!" Snape bellowed. The classroom grew silent. "Finnigan, I assure you, there is no way that any creature, much less a leprechaun, could get into the castle uninvited."
"It's happened before!" Seamus defended.
"Furthermore," Snape began again, slightly louder. "There is absolutely no reason to spin tales of such atrocity, no matter how much you want to promote the Irish wildlife."
The boy scowled. 'Promote the Irish Wildlife?' That was the most stupid thing he had ever heard the Head of Slytherin come up with, and Snape had come up with some very ludicrous things. He opened his mouth to speak, but was silenced by the Potions master.
"Of course, if you wish to see Madam Pomfrey, you will be excused."
Malfoy smirked and mouthed the words 'Irish nonsense.'
Seamus tilted his head up and shook his head, partly to Snape and partly to Malfoy.
"In that case," the professor continued tartly. "Twenty points from Gryffindor for tardiness and lying."
The Gryffindors in the room groaned.
"Now," Snape said, his lips curling. "I suggest that you sit down."
Seamus shut his mouth and took a seat beside Dean, fuming.
"Damn Snape," he muttered. "I know what I saw!" he whispered to Dean. "I've got some gold to prove it." He pulled the coin from his pocket.
"It looks ordinary enough to me," Dean replied, still trying to fight back a snigger. "Maybe some banshees left it to promote the Irish wildlife," he suggested, grinning.
Seamus narrowed his eyes. "Don't be surprised if you wake up missing a limb," he threatened. "I swear I'm telling the truth about this whole thing, the threat included."
"Bloody hell, Seamus," Ron said. "Have you lost your bloody mind?" They were sitting in the common room, discussing what Seamus had seen.
"Language, Ronald," Hermione said vehemently. "You do realize, Seamus, that there are loads of enchantments to keep animals like that out of Hogwarts?"
" I thought about that,but I'm telling you, I saw a real, live leprechaun! I don't know how he got in, but I saw one!" Seamus exclaimed for what seemed to be the hundredth time. "It was there, it was wearing clovers, and it dropped some gold!"
"Whatever you say Seamus," Neville said softly, not wanting to be on the receiving end of a carried out threat.
Seamus ran a hand through his sandy hair in exasperation, his blue eyes flashing.
"I've got the gold," he said, practically shouting in his Irish brogue.
He reached into his pocket, but did not find the gold coin. He frowned and felt around for the small metal disk, still not finding it.
At this, his face actually brightened. "Wait a minute," he said. "If this is real leprechaun gold, then it must have disappeared!"
Neville furrowed his brows.
"Maybe you just imagined you picked up the coin," Hermione suggested.
"No," Dean said. "He showed it to me during class, so he must have dropped it.
Seamus sighed and dropped his arms to his sides. "You won't even consider the fact that it's leprechaun gold, will you? I swear that I'm telling the truth."
Dean shook his head in a goodhearted fashion. "Excessive swearing and promising is often a sign of madness," he stopped and thought. "Or perhaps just lying?" He shrugged. "It's all the same in this case," Dean grinned.
"I'm warning you," Seamus hissed. "You may be my best friend but that doesn't mean that I can bring out some very colorful language or even become a bit violent." But even he had to smile in spite of himself.
Harry, who had been listening the whole time, spoke up. "Maybe you should get some rest, and, er, don't stress yourself so much about classes."
The group nodded in agreement and led Seamus up the stairs to his dorm.
Hermione wrinkled her nose. "I haven't been in here in a while, but you could at least try and keep it slightly clean." Ron shook his head and pushed her out, then he, Harry and Neville left together.
"You can skive off Herbology today," Dean said as he was closing the door on his way out. "Oh, and Seamus?"
"Just remember, the Quidditch World cup where we saw those leprchauns was two years ago, so I don't think that they could have stowed away in your trunk and started a colony here or something." He grinned again and raised his eyebrows.
"Shut up!" Seamus said. "You damn well know that's not what I was playing at! I saw a leprechaun and nobody can tell me otherwise!" He chucked a pillow at Dean, who closed the door just in time.
Seamus turned over and faced the window, looking at his faint reflection.
The Irish boy thought. I'm sure I saw that leprechaun, no matter what everyone says. I'll write Mam about it tomorrow.
With this, he drifted off to sleep, knowing that he would always remember the leprechaun he saw in a Hogwarts corridor during his sixth year.
Well? What did you think? It didn't take me long to write and I thought it was pretty cute. I mean it has Seamus in it, how can it not be? Hehe. I really believe that my writing has improved quite a bit since I began my first story. Oh well, please let me know what you think.