DISCLAIMER: I neither own nor make any claim to Ranma Nibunnoichi by Takahashi Rumiko. I just enjoy it. I also enjoy making up stories about the characters. I do not claim to be writing an official continuation of Ranma, if I did I'm sure the laughter alone would cause an earthquake. My characters will have a 'slight' tendency to be considered Out of Character and possibly a bit AU.
If I have spelt something terribly wrong please let me know. I hope you enjoy reading my attempt at writing. If you hate it then the correct option is to simply not read it. This story is fantasy and makes no attempt to be bound by the realities of life, if it did it would not be fantasy or at least not my fantasy.
I write for fun, I will update when I have the next chapter finished. I will do my best to make updates regularly but will only update when I am satisfied that it is ready.
Tattered Mist
Chapter 1
Kasumi stood at the sink her normal serene smile missing from her face. The Day had begun as normal with Ranma rising early to help her with the house work before Genma and the others were awake. She had told him before it wasn't necessary but he said he needed to know he wasn't free-loading like his father. Since Saffron and the failed wedding he had done more and with an intensity that was almost frightening at first but she had gotten him to start talking about what was troubling him and he was beginning to accept what happened. She was beginning to see things she had not allowed herself to see also and that was equally troubling.
Things had really spiraled out of hand today, she had always been on the periphery, today that had changed. Her attempts to get Akane to listen to Ranma had gone no where, if anything she had become worse. Nabiki was refusing to see that what she was doing was hurting others and tarnishing the family's honour. The other fiancées refused to believe they had done anything wrong nor did her father admit that the casket of Nianniichuan was Ranma's and not his to use to force the marriage with Akane. Somehow she did not think today events would blow over as they always had before.
Ranma had returned from his mothers to be accused by Akane of being a pervert and being with Shampoo or Ukyou and had malletted him out of the compound. When she had found out he had been with his mother she had decided to cook him lunch to apologise, of course she decided this while Kasumi was shopping for the evenings meal. She had then malletted him again for not praising her cooking. when he returned Nodoka was there and helping her clean up just as Ryouga arrived closely followed by the rest of Ranma's rivals and fiancées. Then things went wrong.
Shampoo had brought over food for lunch, with a special portion for Ranma. Kodachi had visited and tried to use her potions on Ranma, Ukyou had arrived to feed them her specialty and Kuno, Mousse and Ryouga attacked Ranma . Kuno had mistaken Nodoka for Ranma's girl form Mousse had also and attacked her, leading to a very upset Ranma who dispatched them both very quickly. Just as Ryouga attacked, Akane had malleted Ranma out of the district for picking on Ryouga unleashing Nodoka's fury for her unwarranted attack on her son. A tense meal had followed as Kasumi had managed to salvage the food. and a horrified Shampoo had returned after looking for Ranma to see the dishes she had cooked for Ranma being shared. As they didn't appear to feel any unusual effects she decided that it must have not been a large enough dose to effect everybody.
As they were waiting for Ranma's return they returned to cleaning the kitchen Akane deciding to help as well. Things had gone well until Kasumi had found a jar marked Nianniichuan behind her cleaning supplies provoking an outburst from both Nodoka and Akane. Ryouga and Genma had both rushed into the kitchen, slipped on the wet floor and overturned a pot of water turning them into their cursed forms. Unfortunately they had continued to slide and Genma had bumped Kasumi causing her to swing into the path of the pig who had just been malleted . Pig hooves struck the jar shattering it and Ryouga became part pig and part man, looking like some oni out of fairy tales.
And Kasumi, Kasumi's face had taken on angular planes and her arms and waist had split the seams of her dress. Her normal exclamation of surprise had come out in a deep baritone that had frozen everyone. Ryouga had looked at Kasumi and then at Akane and proven adept at survival, he immediately became lost. Kasumi had lifted her hand in front of her eyes and then folded into a huddled form. Akane had not paused, she was after Ryouga the effect on her sister not registering. Nodoka quickly had gathered Kasumi in her arms and began to comfort her while glaring daggers at the terrified panda. When Kasumi had calmed a bit Nodoka had put on water to heat and changed her back helping her to her room to rest.
Ranma returned hours later, battered, bruised and worn out. His flight via Akane Airways had sent him into the path of Happosai who was running from his most recent victims and it had turned into a very ugly fight, first against Happosai then against Pansuto Taro. He had won but the victory was not with out cost, fractured ribs and broken arm headed the list that included a concussion, sprained ankle and various cuts and bruises over most of his or rather her body, thanks to a broken fire hydrant.
Taro had managed to get away but would be a long time healing. Happosai had not been as fortunate as Ranma had used him as a projectile to distract Taro as he broke the valve on a steam line changing him back to human form. Taro had swatted Happosai away just before being hit by the steam and broken concrete blocks had done the rest. the local police of the neighbouring district had plenty of witnesses to his behaviour so he was in custody at a hospital. Taro had managed to change back at the last moment but he was too wounded to continue to fight and had fled. After checking on Happosai and accepting a wrapping for her arm, ribs and ankle, she had made her way back to the dojo to another chaotic mess.
The house was silent as she entered only her mother sitting at the table drinking a cup of tea. "Ranma, we need to talk."
"I need to change..." he started when she interrupted, "that wont be necessary for this. I was not pleased with this days events and.." Ranma interrupted her.
""Then I will not dishonour the Saotome blade with my blood." reaching into his sleeve he pulled a kodachi he had taken from Mousse. "After listening to you, Genma and Tendo I know I am not manly enough nor will I ever be and I'm glad to it's over. I have seen other children with their parents and realise that I never had any. No father would do to their son what Genma did or a mother constantly look for reasons for a son to commit seppuku.' Ranma knelt on the floor and straightened up with a wince of pain. "The only thing I have left is my own honour. I ask a few minutes to prepare myself. I am relieved the time is finally here, the constant struggle to live up to everyone's expectations has tired me out and death will be a welcome release from the torture I have been going through."
A gasp came from the stairs. "Please Ranma don't."
"It's better this way Kasumi. Akane can get own with her life without this pervert around. I can not with honour marry any of them without dishonouring the others. Genma sold me to too many people for that to ever happen." Ranma bowed toward Kasumi. "you are the only nice thing that ever happened to me, you cared enough to talk to me and tell what I was doing wrong and tried to help me correct it. Thank you for your kindness and understanding."
Turning to his mother, "I am ready Saotome Nodoka. I wish I could have known my mother." He raised the Kodachi and took a deep breath .
"Ranma stop! This is not what I wanted to talk about but it is something that needed to be said." Nodoka knelt in front of Ranma as Kasumi came down the stairs. "I..I consider your part of the pledge filled. It was not something I wanted any way I found it on the table after Genma had taken you. It was the only thing left and I'm afraid I fixated on it. I humbly beg your forgiveness for not being your mother. I beg you for the chance to be one for you."
Kasumi had reached the two and knelt facing Ranma. "Ranma I know things have not been easy but I desperately need your help now. There, there was an accident while you were gone and ..." she started to cry. Ranma warred with himself for only a moment before gathering her to his shoulder to let her cry.
"Ranma, Kasumi found a jar with Nianniichuan in the back of the cleaning supplies and Genma and Ryouga both tried to get it. One of them knocked over some water activating their curses and Akane malleted Ryouga into Kasumi and the jar. They were both cursed." Nodoka smiled tightly, "Ryouga received his just desserts, the curses mix they don't cure. He is a pig in human form. Akane is still out chasing him. Kasumi has the reverse of your curse. Could you help her get used to it."
Ranma smiled grimly. "I would be pleased to do so but not here. We need to find a place where she will have time to adjust and she can not do it here. As a male she would be constantly challenged since she lives in a dojo. I had already decided to leave on a training trip and if necessary become a ronin, Happosai and Taro won't be around for awhile most of the damage I have now is from them. But if I'm to heal it can't be here nor can I stay with you, this mess would quickly follow me there. "
"Ranma, Auntie, I have a friend who lives in Kirishima, in southern Kyushu, her father is in charge of the national park. She has invited me down a few times and I think that it would be a safer place for Ranma and myself stay for awhile than here. Ranma is right, if he moves to your house this would all follow him. Namiko is aware of Ranma's curse and the things that happen around here although I don't think she really believes me. Ranma can work in the park and get credit for it, as well. Namiko and I can tutor him in his school work. She is working in the park and also going to college to be a teacher." Kasumi giggled a bit. "If she can teach Ranma then regular school children should be easy."
A knock on the door interrupted any reply the others may have had. An officer from the area where the battle with Happosai had ended had a handful of papers. "When Happosai regained consciousness at the hospital and was told of the conclusion to the fight he ask for a notary and witnesses. He filled these out and ask that we deliver them to either Ranma or Ranko Saotome."
"I'm Ranko" Ranma stood carefully and accepted the papers.
"Let me be the first to congratulate you on becoming grand master at such a young age. I was a witness to most of the duel and didn't believe anyone could do what any of you did. When you recover our chief would appreciate if you could instruct some of our people in your art." bowing to her he added, " I know we could not have taken him had he not lost to you. He ask that you visit him when he is able to have visitors. Now I must get back to my post and let him know these have been delivered." he bowed again and left three astonished people standing.
Nodoka took the papers from Ranma's hands. "I'll copy these and leave a copy for your father. Ranma, I agree with Kasumi, as much as I would love to get to know you better you need to heal and get away from the chaos of this area. I will tell everyone you are on a training trip, stay at our house tonight and I will stay with Kasumi and help her with her family in the morning. There is no need for anyone to know you will be with her. An education is very important and that you do not have time for around here. I'll see to the paper work and later together we may find a solution to this mess. When things calm down I will try to visit and get to know you and let you get to know me. I am sorry for having been blinded by a piece of paper and the words of others I now know were not altogether truthful." Nodoka gingerly hugged her child. "I have a son and a daughter that I very much want to get to know."
Ranma went upstairs and gathered his pack and took out a small package. "Kasumi, this isn't a cure and there is not much here, it's the water proof soap and if your careful there is enough for several days. I wouldn't use it until your ready to leave, Mother will let me know when that is and I will meet you on the way. I better be going now before we have more visitors."
No, the day had not been anywhere near normal even for Nerima. When Akane had finally got back it had taken Nodoka using her katana to stop Akane from attacking Kasumi's new male form. Then Akane had blamed it all on Ranma, yet again, no matter that Ranma wasn't there when it happened. Kasumi knew that leaving tomorrow was not going to be easy either, no one would want to take on her responsibilities for the household.
Kasumi looked down at her father's old clothes that she was wearing and finally a wry smile appeared on her face. Ever since she had left school to take care of her family and the house she had wished for a way to visit her old friends and see more than just the neighbourhood she grew up in. She had received her wish just not in the manner she had envisioned. Turning out the light she went her room and hoped she would sleep well.