Summary: Sometimes the greatest threat is not from space, but from your own backyard as SG-1 discovers, and sometimes those we fear and consider monsters are actually heroes, as SG-1 will also discover. Sequel to Star Gate murders, which is sequel to SG-13 the suicide squad. This story is a crossover of several shows, SG-1 Stargate, Jag, West Wing, Touched by an Angel.
The Guardian Angel
By Cesar Perez
Prologue: Friday, 11 September 2004, 0310hrs.
Fifty Kilometers outside of Budapest, Istanbul
The house sat on top of a hill overlooking the rest of the valley. It had been a beautiful home once with gardens smelling of Jasmine, the grounds always neatly maintained with the grass cut short and even. The house it self had been painted a pale pink, it made the house seem friendly, inviting, welcoming all those around to come in and have a glass of wine and rest your tired self in comfort after your weary travels. The house had reflected its owners, a lively young couple with many children. The couple had been popular with their neighbors, loved and respected by all, for their good humor and generosity towards all. Too soon however times changed and the house was now empty. Sometimes if you stood silently in the halls you could almost hear the echoes of happy care-free children, hear their laughter and their footfalls as they raced through the halls playing a rousing game of tag. You see the lively young couple had become old, then infirmed and as they got older, the repairs that the house needed became more and more difficult for them to accomplish. Their children had moved to the larger cities to make their ways into the world and have their own families. Eventually the eldest son returned and took his parents to live with him and his family; they had tried to sell the house. However times were hard now no one with the money to buy such a lovely home, so there it sat alone, and empty with only the echoes of those long since grown up children left to comfort it now. Soon the house fell onto hard times, the grass grew wild, weeds covered the area where once roses and the jasmine grew, the paint faded and soon began to chip away. Local children with no memory of that lively young couple from decades previously gone by, all considered the house to be haunted. As more and more the times changed, the stories became more and more outlandish. Stories about ghouls, ghosts, and grizzly murders ran rampant through the schoolyards, terrifying the young. Children daring each other to try and spend one hour in the house without the ghosts becoming angry and trying to kill them.
Finally the house got new owners and for the first time in decades the house was full of people once again. However this time the house wasn't a happy place, the men who had purchased the house weren't there for happiness. The new owners did nothing to fix up the old house to its former beauty, did nothing to keep the grounds neat and tidy as they had once been. The new owners, a group of rough men and women had another purpose in mind. They encouraged the stories of the house being haunted and told their own stories to the locals of strange occurrences in the old house. The new owners had a purpose for this, they did not want the locals coming around, did not want their children coming around and perhaps seeing or hearing something that they should not. The new owners were not kindly like the last occupants of the house. They were hard men, cruel men who dealt in death. The house became the headquarters of a group of men who were determine to make people suffer, to in fact instill terror in the very hearts of the people. Angry men, with a mission to kill as many of their 'enemies' as they possibly could, and if that involved children, so much the better. Those men had learned by experience that nothing instills more terror or anguish than the sight of dead children. These men dealt out death on a regular basis and as a result of that, they had become over confident. They were cocky and sure of themselves, boasting to their fellows all around the world that they were indeed the best that they were unstoppable. That there was no one, no group that could stop them and that they could do as they pleased, whenever they pleased and to whom they pleased. Unfortunately for them, they were wrong.
Ten men of the MFM (Muslim Freedom Movement) sat around a large table smoking and drinking tea. Outside five more men patrolled the perimeter and another two sat in the kitchen preparing food for all the others. In the main room the group sat, in front of them sat a map of the London underground railway system, they were deep in thought, deep in planning yet another attack. To kill more innocents, perhaps hundreds of innocents, men, women and children. In one attack they would instill more terror and horror than in any of their previous attacks.
Abdullah Assam Elfaezeal sat back drinking his tea, he had a cruel face. A long bushy beard served only to make him look even more cruel. An old knife wound, faded with age and time and was now just a white line that covered his entire left cheek and disappeared under his beard. Looking up from the maps he finished explaining his plans to the others, he saw their chemist rubbing his chin.
"So what do you think, Hassan?" He asked hoping to hear good news
Hassan an older man, in his mid to late fifties nodded.
"Yes it is possible, perhaps serin gas, as they used in the Japan underground." Hassan admitted. Once a teacher, educated in the United States, Hassan had turned from his peaceful life when his wife and children had been killed in a terrorist attack. Hassan blamed the powers of the west for the attack, that neither the US nor the British had done a thing to help them when the attacks were going on. Now his new trade was to make the chemical weapons that his colleagues would use to their own purposes.
"Yes." Hassan nodded liking the plan "All we need do is to get one of our people a job with the railway lines as a mechanic. I can build a device that can be set off by remote." He explained to the others who were now all smiling, "We attach the device to the bottom of the train. When the train enters the London main terminal during rush hour, we can activate it and set it off."
"Number of deaths?" Abdullah asked excitedly
The older man shrugged "If we do it at rush hour?" Hassan considered it a moment having lived in London for twenty years, "Two, three thousand dead, I have the components to make a large amount of the gas. Enough to fill the entire station, they will be dead before they even know what has happened." Hassan promised
"GOOD!" Abdullah slapped the man on the shoulder, as the others smiled and laughed as well, "With but one strike we will grab and crush the hearts of our enemies." He boasted
"Now." Hassan continued "What I will need is the following…"
Removing the earpiece the Archangel put it down next to the tape recording device that was at that very moment taping the conversation inside the house. He had heard enough, his sources had obviously been correct about the location of the main safe house. Letting the tape run the Archangel moved to the rest of his equipment, which laid neatly on the grass on top of a black blanket. Picking up his handgun, a Sig Sauer P229 semiautomatic weapon, loaded with .357 magnum rounds, he checked it once again and screwed on the silencer putting it away into his shoulder holster. Picking up his automatic weapons, two Ingram submachine Mach-10 pistols, built and modified to his own specifications, the handle of the weapon moved back so the weapon now had the feel and control of a pistol. An idea he had after seeing the movie 'Blade'. It gave the Archangel more control over the weapon and made it easier to holster. Checking them over as well, he then slipped on the specially built silencers. Slipping both weapons into his specially designed and built hip holsters, he checked the rest of the weapons and devices attached to his utility belt. Last, he picked up his night vision glasses, the latest in infiltration devices. Built like a regular pair of glasses, these special night vision glasses were less bulky than those used by the military. Slipping them on, everything around him became green and clearly visible, carefully folding up the blanket he placed it into the trunk of his car. Closing it, the Archangel turned and made his way to the house, it was time to go to work.
Pausing at the edge of the tree line, the Archangel waited for his moment. Looking at his watch he saw that he had just about a minute until all the guards were out of visual. Looking up he waited, his breathing relaxed, he counted off the seconds. The moment the last guard disappeared around the edge of the house, the Archangel was off and running. Stopping just inside the dark outer courtyard he disappeared into the shadows and waited for the first of the guards to return. Pulling out a black Kevlar combat knife he waited silently, suddenly a man armed with heavy assault weapons passed him. Reaching out the Archangel grabbed him by the mouth and ruthlessly stabbed the man between the fourth and fifth rib. Forcing the blade upwards, he stabbed through the mans kidney, lung and into his heart. The man died instantly and without a sound. Pulling him into the dark recess of the courtyard the Archangel dumped him and cleaned off his blade, he only had a few seconds till the next guard passed. One by one the guards passed him, and one by one with ruthless effiancy they were dispatched and piled in the court yard. Moving out, he circled around the house and to the kitchen door. Removing the glasses he knocked gently on the door, he called out.
"Its me Syed." He whispered, having watched the house for days the Archangel had learned that Syed and the cook were good friends.
The door opened and a smiling man walked out "Ah my friend Syed, food is prepared for you, you are ju…" he never finished his statement as two hands reached out grabbing his head and twisting it violently into the wrong angle. Laying the dead man on the ground, the Archangel entered the house pistol in hand. The one remaining obstacle in his way now had his back to him. Silently the Archangel made his way forward.
"Rajah." The man spoke as he searched through the cupboard "Where are the extra plates that I had earlier. We need them to fee…" The gun was just an inch from the back of the mans head when it went off with a gentle cough. The man's head erupted spilling his life's blood and his brain matter all over the dinner he had prepared for the others.
Moving over to the fuse box the Archangel opened it and placed a small explosive device there. Closing the panel, he made his way to the dining room where the meeting was going on. Putting away his pistol he put his night vision glasses back on and pulled out both submachine guns and waited.
Abdulah laughed at his joke as the others broke down laughing as well. Suddenly he heard a very loud POP and the lights went out.
"What is this?" he demanded to know.
The door to the dining room was kicked open and something from Abdulah's own nightmares appeared, a tall man dressed head to toe in black entered, he looked like the angel of death and Abdulah was right. The Archangel said nothing as he lifted up his weapons and opened silent but deadly fire into the small room. Caught by complete surprise, the men tried to reached for their weapons or to hide, but it was too little, too late. The Archangel entered the room his weapons blazing, he found each member of the MFM and dispatched them with calm efficiency, stopping only when his weapons were empty. In a flash of blinding speed, the Archangel ejected the empty clips and had his weapons reloaded in a blink of an eye. Putting one weapon away he quickly made his way around the room checking for pulses, there were none. Counting the bodies he was satisfied when he reached ten. Turning he walked to the door, pausing only to pickup the empty two clips he had dropped just moments before. Going back to the kitchen the Archangel reached behind the old fashioned gas stove and ripped out the main gas line. Quickly the room began to fill with gas, turning the Archangel pulled out a larger explosive device from his pack and placed it on the table setting the timer for fifteen minutes. Calmly he turned and walked out of the house, he shut off and collected his recording equipment and went back to his car.
The Archangel was driving down the road, he was about a mile away when the sound of a giant explosion filled the night. The once beautiful house was now splinters and the men inside just bits and pieces all over the overgrown grounds. Reaching for his cell phone, the Archangel hit a button and let the speed dial call its number.
"Hello?" A woman's sultry voice called out.
"Put me on scramble." Archangel ordered
A high pitch whine sounded, "Code name?" The woman's voice was no longer sultry, the voice was now precise and efficient
"Archangel." He said calmly
"Blue jeans."
"Wait one for voice recognition." The pause lasted thirty seconds "Verified, whom do you wish to speak to?"
"Connecting now."
A new voice came on, "Control, how did your mission go Archangel?"
"Smoothly, I recorded the conversation, got everything on tape." He told his boss not happy or even glad that he had accomplished his mission. His voice was monotone and just stated facts.
"Good" Control sat back satisfied by his agent's work "Maybe MI-5 will listen now. What about the MFM?"
"I cancelled all of their top men, including Abdulah. I also cancelled Hassan, their chief chemical weapons expert."
"Good work Archangel." Control was now very pleased, the MFM were now crippled. The rest of the group would be easy pickings now.
Control sighed and dropped the formality in his voice, "Go back to your hotel, check out and head back to Paris. There's a flight leaving from Budapest airport in four hours back to Charles De Gaulle international. Take the weekend, but report to me in person for debriefing in Washington on Monday 0900 hours."
Control smiled "By the way Michael, good work."
"Thank you sir." Michael hung up the phone and drove to his hotel.
Chapter 1: Day of Remembrance
Colorado Springs
Saturday, September 12th 1200 hrs.
Residence of Major General George Hammond, USAF
George Hammond smiled fondly as he spoke on the phone "I'm okay Janice really." He told his daughter. Nodding he continued "Yes I've already spoken to Daisy, in fact she was up here at the crack of dawn this morning. Fixing me breakfast and helping me through today. She left only ten minutes ago."
Janice Hammond Richards stared at her husband biting her lip, her husband also wore a worried expression on his face "You sure daddy, I can be there in a few hours."
"There is no need honey." George reassured his middle child "Besides I'm expecting a call from Felicia any moment now to ask me all the same things you are." George chuckled thinking that his oldest girl was probably dialing at this very moment and being frustrated that the line was busy. "Besides, Daisy and Gabe aren't far away if I need anything I'll call them. I don't want you driving all the way down here for nothing."
"It's not nothing daddy, and it's not all that far away." Janice insisted
"I'm fine baby, now give my love to Ben, and to little Kayla."
"Okay daddy" Janice tried once more "If you're sure…"
"I'm positive. Bye now dear."
"Bye daddy, if you need anything." Janice had to ask just one last time to be sure.
"I know, bye." George hung up the phone, he barely had it in it's cradle when the phone rang again. Sighing George picked it up again.
"Hello Felicia." He began knowingly
Felicia Hammond Dennis looked up surprised "How did you know it was me dad?"
George chuckled "Just a lucky guess."
Fifteen minutes later after much persuasion and reassurance that he was indeed okay and that no he did not need her to come over for anything. George Hammond entered his study and sat behind his desk. Staring at the photographs that lined his desktop he smiled. Gabe and Daisy on their wedding day, Ben and Janice on their special day, and Thomas and Felicia on their day. Pictures of his grand children, Josie's smiling face as a little girl, and now as a young woman, her arms thrown around him smiling for the camera. Kayla just twelve now, Janice's daughter, and little Betsy and Melissa, Felicia's daughters. Soon, he would have to move some of those pictures to make room for new ones. Daisy was now three months pregnant with her first own child and he couldn't be happier about it. Josie was jumping up and down anxious to become a big sister, and Gabe! George chuckled wryly, the man was barely letting Daisy move! Anything that Daisy needed, Gabe got for her instantly with apologies that it had taken so long. George sat back staring at the pictures of him with friends. Jacob Carter, AJ Chedwiggen, Jack and Janet O'Neil with their children, Daniel and Sam Jackson, who was now eight months pregnant herself. Pictures of him laughing with these good people in happy times. Finally George's eyes fell upon the picture in the center of his desk. A beautiful woman with dark hair and dark eyes, the spitting image of his daughter Daisy, sat there in a white summer dress on a blanket holding up to the camera a one year old boy, dressed in red, white and blue for the fourth of July celebration in the park. George remembered how she had looked radiant that day, his high school sweetheart dressed in white, a gentle smile lighting up her face taking George's breath away. To his eyes there was never a more beautiful, more loving, or a sweeter woman on the face of the earth. Joyce and George Hammond had spent twenty seven wonderful years together until her death. Joyce had not even been fifty when she died, that cold September day, this day. George shook his head, this most hated of days.
September 12th was a day that had taken the most precious people in George's life. Fifteen years ago it had taken his wife Joyce and thirty years ago today it had taken his son, his only son. George sat back remembering those hated days.
September 12th 1974
Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs botanical park
"Felicia stop that this instant!" Joyce Hammond called to her oldest "Just leave your sister alone!"
"Yes Ma'am." Felicia answered her mother as her sister Janice stuck out her tongue at her.
"Moooom! Tell her to stop!" Felicia pointed at her sister
"Girls" Joyce shook her head "I'm warning you." She scolded her two girls, holding on to her youngest Daisy who was just a babe in arms.
"Michael!" Joyce turned to look for her three year old.
"He's in the sand box." Captain George Hammond strode over to his young family
"DADDY!" the girls squealed and ran to their father who instantly took his girls into his arms.
Joyce smiled kissing her husband.
"Darling." George kissed his wife "Daisy." George kissed his new daughter's forehead
As the couple sat down and kept an eye out for their children.
"So how did it go?" Joyce asked hoping that her husband had gotten good orders.
Smiling he told her "Washington D.C." George told her proudly "I'm going to be the aide of General Anderson."
Joyce's eyes opened wide "Aide to the Joint Chiefs! Honey that's wonderful. Your career is going to sky rocket."
George had to agree with his wife's assessment "Yeah it really is, and hey guess what?"
"You won't be alone in DC. Jake and Evelyn are moving down there as well!"
"Really?" Joyce asked excited that her best friend was moving also
"Yeah, Jake got a job working for General Fitzgerald."
"Wow" Joyce smiled "Working for the number one general of the Air Force. You two are really going places." She smiled then added "I'm so glad that Evelyn isn't going to be too far away. She has her hands so full right now with the twins. Almost eighteen months and still they don't sleep through the night." Joyce shook her head amazed at the energy of the Carter twins.
George chuckled "I know, Jake says that the twins settle down and finally get to sleep just about dawn and are up again in a few hours!" Gently tickling his daughter's tummy "You won't do that will you Daisy, you are going to let mommy and daddy get some sleep."
George looked over and saw his boy running to him holding up a model of a jet.
"Mikey." George hugged his son, his dark hair and dark eyes so much like his mother.
"Daddy look what mommy bought me." Michael Hammond held up the toy
"Wow!" George took the model "A real live A-1 Intruder Jet!" he exclaimed for his son's benefit.
"Yes daddy." Michael Hammond smiled "One day I will drive it."
"You mean fly it." George corrected his son, as his wife's laugh bubbled beside him.
"Yes fly it." The boy nodded in agreement
"That's my boy!" George smiled hugging his son
"Hey Mikey" Another boy called out from the sand box, "Come on!"
Michael Hammond ran back to the sand box with his friend
Joyce smiled after her son, "I think that one is definitely going to follow in daddy's footsteps."
George Hammond laughed "I think you're right." He admitted proudly staring after his son.
"MOMMY, MOMMY!" Janice ran to her parents
"Janney what's wrong?" Joyce asked her daughter nervously her heart in her throat.
"Felicia was playing on the monkey bars and she fell. She's bleeding!" Janice Hammond was crying, frightened that her big sister was hurt.
Mother and father took off at top speed heading to their injured child. Fifteen minutes later they returned. George holding his oldest in his arms, her knee scraped and bandaged, she was crying into the crook of her fathers neck.
"It's okay Felicia, it's okay." He reassured his frightened child.
"Oh my God, George look." Joyce pointed
George looked over and saw another woman holding a crying child in her arms. Talking to two police men frantically pointing towards the road not too far away.
"That's the boy Michael was playing with!" Joyce told him
Hurrying forward the young parents made their way over.
"What's going on?" Joyce demanded "Where's Michael?" Frantically her eyes searched the playground, her heart in her throat as she saw that her son was not there. In fact Michael was nowhere in sight!
The woman looked over tears in her eyes "I was just telling the police…"
"Ma'am" The officer interrupted "Please finish what you were telling us so we can get an all points bulletin out."
"Right" The woman wiped her tears "So as I was saying my son was playing with your boy." She told the Hammonds "I saw when your little girl ran to you and said that your other daughter was hurt and you ran to her. So I thought that I would keep an eye on both the boys till you got back." Turning to the officer "Couple of minutes later this van stopped right there." She pointed "A woman with red hair, really wild hair it was really messy. Anyway she walked right up to the sand box and picked up Michael and went back to the van."
"WHAT!" George Hammond demanded staring at the woman
"I swear to you that I tried to stop her." The woman burst out into tears "But she had a gun. She took Michael and left in the van!" she pointed in the direction that the van had just left in.
"Did you get a plate number?" one officer asked
"No, it was too far. But it was a Volkswagen van, you know painted up with peace signs and such."
One officer pulled out his radio and called it in, as the other led the shocked Hammond family away.
"We'll find your boy." The officer told them "Now where were you?" he asked
George sat down in shock on the bench holding his crying wife and children.
"My daughter was playing on the monkey bars, she fell." George told him in a flat monotone voice, it was instantly obvious to the officer that the man was in shock, "My other daughter told us that my daughter was bleeding."
"Is she okay?" The officer asked gently as his partner returned, he had children at home waiting for him as well. Thirty year old Antonio Turelli knew that this would kill his wife if it had happened to any of their eight children. The child the woman was holding looked to be about the same age as his baby Paulie.
George shook his head "She scraped her knee is all."
Looking at his partner who nodded to him, Tony Turelli turned to the family "Come, let us take you home."
"My son!" George demanded suddenly wondering why these men were not out there searching for him!
The other officer held out his hands "We have an all points bulletin out. We are stopping every van that we see. We are going to do everything in our power to get your boy back to you safely…" Patrolman Dennis Davis told the family.
Present day
George came out of the past and looked over to his fireplace. Standing up he walked over and picked up the model of an A-1 Intruder Jet off of it.
"But they never did find you." He said the tears falling, as he gently replaced the model to it's place on the mantel. Fixing himself a drink George sat down on the couch remembering another September 12th.
September 12th 1988
Colorado Springs
Air Force Academy Hospital
Forty five year old Colonel George Hammond sat down in his seat by his wife's bedside. It had been nearly fifteen years since he had stepped foot in the city of Colorado Springs. It bought with it all the memories of his son, and all the futile efforts of the police, FBI, and Military police to find his boy and to bring him home. Now this city was going to take his wife as well. Staring at his once beautiful wife, who had always been healthy and so full of life, Joyce Hammond now lay there a shadow of her former self. The cancer had eaten through her body quickly and left her weak and ravaged. Weighing barely seventy pounds now she was just skin and bones, her skin almost seemed translucent as her veins were now clearly visible. The doctors said it could be any moment now, any moment and he would lose the only woman he ever loved. Gently he took her small frail hand into his own big hands.
Joyce's eyes fluttered open "You're here." She said weakly a gentle smile on her lips
"Where else would I be." George kissed her hand
"I have lived a good life George." Joyce told him, accepting her coming death calmly, "I had the most wonderful husband in the world, and the three most beautiful daughters I could ever imagine. I have only one regret though." Joyce told him
"What's that my love." George smiled tears in his eyes
"Michael." She told her husband simply, then continued "I have accepted the fact that our son is most likely dead." Joyce shook her head, to tired to even cry anymore "Michael has probably been dead for a very long time. The only regret that I have, is that I don't know for sure." Looking at her husband, Joyce's lips trembled "I just want to know what happened to my baby."
"So do I." George told her wiping his own tears away.
Suddenly a very far away look entered Joyce's eyes, and she knew the time had come. Still she could not leave with out saying it, "I love you George, take care of our girls."
"I swear it to you, Joyce. It has been the greatest honor of my life to know and love you." George could see it was happening now, his wife, his life was passing before his eyes. Then suddenly she was gone.
George Hammond held onto her hand his tears streaming down her face. He didn't know how long he sat there just holding her, he didn't care. One by one his daughter's came to him, trying to get him to leave, but he couldn't. One by one his daughter's left the room in tears, afraid that they had lost both their parents that day. Suddenly he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder rubbing it gently. Looking up he saw a beautiful young woman before him. Her auburn hair shone from the sunshine outside, showing him that life was continuing out there. Suddenly George Hammond was angry, how DARE life continue out there, when in here the most beautiful and kindest woman he'd ever known was dead.
"Do not let hate and anger into your heart George." The woman told him as if knowing what was going through his mind, her Irish accent lilting, almost soothing his anger at the world.
Smiling the woman continued "Joyce has returned home, to God's care. Joyce will be forever free of pain and suffering and she will be waiting for you when your time comes. So that you and she can spend eternity together."
George nodded, he knew the woman was right, Joyce was in a better place now. Still…
"It's just that she didn't know what happened to our son." He told her
The woman's smile never faltered for a second as she tilted her head "She knows now."
Smiling George wiped his tears "You think so?" he asked hoping for reassurance
"I know so." The woman nodded "Now go, your daughter's need you."
"You're right Miss thank you." George stood up kissed his wife once more, then left to comfort and be comforted by his daughter's.
Present day
George Hammond stood up and went to the window and looked outside. George walked right past the same auburn haired woman from years previously, he never saw her.
Monica stared at the General, he was older now than she remembered. She herself hadn't aged a day in the last fifteen years. Monica often returned here to sit with the general on this day keeping her silent vigil. When ever she wasn't on assignment she would return to keep an eye on the General and his family. Thinking back on it now, it seemed as if only yesterday.
She and Andrew had watched as the woman died. Watched as her spirit left the body and Andrew stepped forward
"Hello" He smiled at the woman "I am Andrew, and I am here to take you home." He said simply
Joyce Hammond smiled "It's true then!" she asked amazed feeling a love she had never felt before. It filled her and flowed through her making her feel as light as the air around her.
"Yes" Andrew smiled "It is all true, come let's us take you home."
Turning Joyce saw her husband still clinging to her mortal body
"I can't leave him like this!" Joyce told them her heart suddenly torn into two "He needs me." She told them
Andrew shook his head "George will not be alone." He promised "That is why Monica is here." He pointed to the young woman by his side. "Monica will look after George for you."
"Will you?" Joyce asked the woman
"I will look after him, I promise." Monica told the woman
Joyce smiled and suddenly laughed surprising the two angels "It would figure that George's guardian angel would be a beautiful woman."
Smiling Joyce let Andrew show her the way home. Monica appeared before George and comforted him. Soon thereafter he left to be with his children.
"You did well Miss Wings." An older black woman told her protégé smiling
"Yes" Monica nodded "George will be fine in time." Turning to her mentor "What ever did happen to her son?" she asked curiously
Tess shook her head sadly "Bad things." She said simply "And I am afraid that the troubles for this family aren't over quite yet." Looking towards the door where George Hammond had just exited, Tess frowned "Many hard times are coming for George and his family." She warned her pupil walking towards the door, "You must be ready Monica, they are going to need the love of God more than ever soon."
Worried Monica looked at her mentor following her out and onto the next assignment "How soon Tess?" she asked hoping that she would be ready for the task.
"All in God's own time baby."
As Monica followed she dropped a silken white handkerchief as it floated down it flashed brilliantly and a pure white dove flew away.
Monica had kept watch over the family as she could, as assignments allowed. Monica was there when young Daisy Hammond lost her fiancée for a crime he did not commit. Monica had held the young woman in her arms allowing her to cry broken heartedly, sending her prayers to the almighty. Monica had spent many nights in a cold dank prison cell watching over Gabriel and trying to help him as well. It had taken time but God had shown the way to gain Gabriel's release, it hadn't been easy, but God had done it. Monica had especially watched over Michael, she had watched with sadness the things he had done and been done to him. The times that Michael spent in church praying for it to all end, for God to end his life. Monica had watched a boy crying that had grown into a man with no more tears left to shed, so Monica had cried for him. Suddenly Monica felt another presence in the room with her.
"It's time isn't." She asked Tess without turning, her eyes still on the general, hoping and praying that she was indeed ready.
"Yes" Tess told her simply "Even now it is beginning, the Hammonds are going to need us more than ever baby."
Monica nodded in understanding "Michael is coming home."
They both looked up as someone knocked on the door. Snapping out of his dark thoughts, George left the room and made his way to the front door. Seeing who it was bought a smile to his face and he opened the door. George should have known, not once in thirty years had his friend let him down on this day.
"Well look what the cat dragged in." he joked
Major General Jacob Carter stood on the doorstep.
"I figured you might want some company." Jacob stepped into the house, knowing what this day meant to his friend "I bought this with me." He held up the bottle.
George took it "Glenfiddich, forty years old!"
Jacob laughed "Almost as old as our friendship."
George Hammond nodded, this is what he needed today, a good friend, and a good stiff drink.
"Well come in old friend and let's open this bottle."
Daisy Hammond entered her home depressed thinking about the past. Wondering if there were ever going to be a time when the pain would lessen to tolerable limits, and was at least grateful that this day came only once a year. Rubbing her stomach absentmindedly she moved towards the kitchen for a bite of lunch. Smiling ruefully to herself thinking that if she was eating this much already, then in six months she'd be giving birth to a line-backer. Entering the kitchen she saw her family there, instantly bringing a smile to her lips.
"Hi everyone."
Gabriel Fuentes jumped out of his chair "How's George doing?" he asked also knowing what this day meant to his family.
"Is grandpa okay?" Josie asked nervously
"He's okay." Daisy admitted, sure that her father wasn't telling her everything.
"Good." Gabe held out a chair for his wife who gratefully sat down. "I'll make you a sandwich."
"Two" Daisy smiled
"Two it is then." Gabe smiled back kissing his wife's forehead
Chun-li Tanaka sat staring at his niece "And how are you my dear?" he asked gently
"It still hurts." Daisy admitted "My mom dying was very hard for us." She told the others "But still, we could grieve, we knew what happened and could face it, deal with it and the pain. It was hard and it does still hurt, but not like before. It's Michael that I'm thinking about." She admitted as Gabe put her sandwiches in front of her. "To know what happened to my brother, is he alive? Is he dead? If he is alive, is he happy? If he is dead then I can go to his grave and visit, we can grieve and in time the pain would be less." Daisy shrugged "So many questions and no answers. That is what hurts the most and it feels like that pain will never go away, not until I know." Daisy complained
Major Doctor Samantha Anne Carter Jackson PhD, waddled into the living room from the bathroom.
"This is really getting annoying." She told herself "Peeing every five minutes is driving me nuts! All I gotta do now is see a toilet and I'm off and running."
Miranda Carter saw her sister-in-law's expression and nodded in commiseration.
"I know honey, I'm the same way."
Sam struggled to sit by her equally pregnant sister-in-law.
"I'd just like to go an hour with out seeing the bathroom." Sam complained.
Jacob Carter Jr. smiled at the two women "Cheer up ladies just a few more weeks and you will be free to move as you like." He told them, both of them gave him dirty looks.
"Yeah" Janet smiled leaning back "That's one part of pregnancy I don't miss, that and the mood swings." Janet shook her head staring at her husband "How did you survive?"
Jack also leaned back smiling "Just like they taught me in black-ops school. 'O'Neill keep your head down low and just keep moving, and hopefully they won't see you'" he told the others who all laughed. Looking at the twins he asked "Hey isn't your father in town?" he asked curiously
"Yeah." Jake frowned as did Sam, Jake looked at his sister "It is today isn't?"
Sam nodded her face grim, "Yes, September 12th, our dad always spends today with General Hammond." She told the others.
"Thirty years today." Jake shook his head "And fifteen years ago today for Joyce."
Sam nodded in agreement "That's why the general hates this day."
Janet stared at the twins "What do you mean, he hates today?" she asked them
Sam looked to her brother, who nodded "Yeah, I'll tell it." He answered her unasked question.
"On September 12th 1974, thirty years ago today, Michael Hammond, George's son was kidnapped from the park about fifteen miles from here." He told the others who sat back in shock, none of them ever knew "Yeah." Jake read their expressions "Michael Hammond age 3 disappeared and was never seen again. Then fifteen years ago, again on September 12th, Joyce Hammond, George's wife passed away. Cancer. So as you can imagine the 12th of this month is not a popular date with the Hammonds. Our dad comes on this date from no matter where ever he is for thirty years now. Goes to George with a bottle and they both sit there and get drunk together and talk."
"Oh my god Daisy?" Janet realized, this meant that Daisy was in mourning today as well
Sam nodded thinking of all the times as a teen she had tried to cheer up her friend on this day. Every time Sam had failed to do so, "Daisy usually spends this day in bed, stuffing her face and being depressed." Sam told them grateful to feel her husbands arm coming around her giving her a heartfelt hug.
Jack shook his head "Man, that must really be tough. Both those things happening, then to have it happen on the same day!" Jack shook his head sadly knowing that he would not have been as resilient as the General
Chapter 2: Round Robin
Archangel sat back as he finished giving his written and verbal report to Control. Archangel was used to it by now, the tedium of reports, he especially hated having to relive the events that had transpired. It was bad enough having to do it in the first place, retelling it over and over again until Control was satisfied was sometimes more than he could bear. Control also sat back in his chair, Control lived up to his name. Control was always very much in command of his world. Nothing happened without him knowing the who, what, where and the why. Steel gray hair with a sharp nose, Control was relatively new to his post having been a CIA section chief before accepting the post of Control for the CIA offshoot organization known only as Sanctuary. Of course Control had heard of Sanctuary, a lot of CIA operatives knew or at least had heard of the super clandestine organization. They all had heard the stories of strange happenings with the organization, the stories of how failure in Sanctuary was dealt with. They had also heard of the two main groups of agents that Sanctuary had, the Guardian Angels and the Norsemen. Supposedly these two groups were responsible for silencing more terrorists than anyone on the planet. Yes, Control had heard the stories, but like everyone else in the small community of intelligence, he never really believed them, not until the day he joined Sanctuary. Staring at Archangel, Control knew that the man before him was a legend in the small community of the 'shadow world', that covert world where things were done in secret, wars waged and people died, yet no one knew about it. Archangel was the scariest man that Control had ever met. The man was ice, almost machine like in his movements and in his actions, seemingly emotionless. Control honestly believed that Archangel was the best agent there ever was, probably the best there ever will be. Archangel was the most loyal agent he'd ever met, what Archangel had endured for his country could never be repaid, not in a hundred lifetimes. That made what he was about to do all that much more difficult.
"Okay enough of this." Control told his agent "Well done Archangel."
Archangel inclined his head, he neither smiled nor frowned, it was as if he were wearing a lifeless mask.
"Thank you Control."
"Okay now Archangel, I know that you only have two weeks left till you retire, but I got one more job for you to do."
Archangel nodded in understanding, two more weeks and it would be over! Never again would he ever have to hurt another living soul. Well unless they tried to hurt him that is to say. Archangel was only thirty-three now, perhaps there was enough time to do the things he'd always wanted to do…
'NO!' he ordered himself 'you have two weeks left to finish, you don't smile, you don't let them see the real you, and most especially you don't drop your guard until it's over and done with.' He told himself
"This job should only take two days, but I want you to take five." Control told him "Usually I would never even consider giving you this job. Usually I give this to our new agents to give them some field experience. Still I know how much you enjoy paperwork, but it won't kill you to do that for you last week with us." Control smiled at the young man before him
"What is the assignment?" Archangel asked sitting calmly in his seat
"It's a handoff job." Control told him "You are to go to Colorado Springs, to this address." Control handed the thin file over "You are to meet your contact and hand off this disc." Control handed that over as well "After you're done with that, call in and let me know the mission is complete. Take the rest of the week and relax."
Archangel twirled the disc in his hands "If this is such a breeze why send me?" he asked
Control smiled trying to keep his true feelings in check "We have to justify your existence somehow Archangel. After this mission is complete you only have a week left with us. You make some paper airplanes, you have a few long lunches and then we have your retirement party."
"Very well." Archangel stood up and turned to leave "I'll go pack my things and head out to Colorado Springs tonight. I'll meet my contact tomorrow night as planned. See you in a few days." Archangel told his boss.
After Archangel was gone Control let out a loud sigh, picking up the phone he dialed an extension. The line was picked up immediately.
"Yes?" A woman's voice called back
"The angel has taken flight." Control told the woman
"And the other arrangements?" The cold voice asked
"All taken care of , they will meet the angel at the proper place and time to issue him with his wings."
"Good." The phone was hung up
Archangel arrived at Colorado Springs airport right on time, Archangel liked being on time if not early. During his long career with Sanctuary he'd only been late once, he had arrived seven minutes late once and the results of that had ensured that Archangel would never be late ever again. Walking over to the car rental agents he quickly rented a car giving them his phony i.d. and credit card that had been issued by Sanctuary. Gathering his two cases Archangel went outside and boarded the bus which drove him to the rental site. Getting his car Archangel drove out towards his hotel. The night before Archangel had spent the night memorizing the map of Colorado Springs, paying particular attention to the side streets that he could use just in case.
It was just 10:00 AM when he walked into the Regency Hotel and walked straight to the reception desk. The young woman behind the counter perked up the moment she saw the handsome man walking towards her. Archangel noted the girls reaction immediately and as he had done so many times before in his life, he fell into character.
"Whew!" Archangel smiled reaching the counter "Finally made it, traffic was murder."
"I'm sure that it was sir!" The young brunette smiled "How may I help you today sir."
Archangel smiled charmingly "Well you can start by stop calling me sir." He told the young woman "Every time you say that word I feel like turning around and looking for my father!" He laughed as did the young receptionist.
"Well then what should I call you?" she asked seductively
"Archie, my name is Archie Angel. You are?"
"Veronica." The young woman smiled "Welcome to the Regency Hotel Archie!"
Archangel laughed "I like that." he told the young woman "All we need now is Reggie and Jughead and Betty to show up and well be set." The young woman laughed as he continued "Thank you Veronica, I have reservations already made."
"Let me just check that for you." Veronica typed on her machine "Yes, you reserved our honeymoon suite." Veronica looked a bit disappointed. "I take it your wife will be joining us as well?"
Archangel smiled "Sorry no wife, I am a bachelor."
Instantly Veronica perked right up "Why the honeymoon suite then?"
Archangel motioned for the young woman to come closer, then he whispered into her ear "My father always said, when checking into a new town always get the honeymoon suite. Because you never know when you might just get lucky." He joked
Veronica blushed as she handed over the key card for the room. "You never know Archie, you might get lucky at that." She winked
Archangel smiled "You are a sweetie." Grabbing his bags he made his way to the elevator. The mask he wore automatically slipping back into place once more. Going upstairs Archangel entered his room, putting down his bags, Archangel opened one up and pulled out his communications gear. A small electronic device that he attached to the phone and pressed the green button. Once the button stopped blinking he lifted up the handset and dialed a fifteen digit special number.
"Hello?" The woman's sultry voice called out to him
"I'm on scramble."
"What is the word?" The woman's voice became hard and business like
"The word is blue jeans."
"Verified, code name?"
"Verified, whom do you wish to speak to?"
"Duty officer." The pause lasted a few seconds
"Duty officer here, what is your situation Archangel." A man asked
"Have arrived in Colorado Springs, I am well, the package is intact. Rendezvous with recipient at 2100 hrs."
"Very well Archangel, continue on mission."
"Understood, Archangel out." Hanging up the phone Archangel slipped the device off and put it in his jacket pocket. Taking off his long jacket he hung it up neatly, taking off his shoes he laid back on the bed and closed his eyes to get some rest before tonight's operation. He hadn't gotten much sleep over the last couple of days and this was his last chance before the operation. Archangel knew that rest was important, vital during a mission. If you didn't get enough rest you might get sloppy, over look something and that something in this business will get you killed very quickly. Setting his alarm for 1800hrs. Archangel closed his eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.
Monica stood over the bed watching her latest charge. She watched as the man before her twisted and groaned in his sleep, Monica shook her head sadly. Another nightmare, she knew, how many times over the years had she seen Michael like this. Suffering, remembering things that were best forgotten, and yet Monica knew that Michael would never allow himself to forget. Reaching out, Monica gently laid her fingertips on Michaels head. Shivering for a moment, the sleeping man sighed in relief and drifted into a dreamless sleep. Monica smiled 'That's much better' she thought to herself, Michael looked so at peace when he was sleeping dreamlessly, the lines around his mouth and eyes smoothed out. Then tension lines in his forehead calmed and relaxed. Monica turned feeling another presence in the room, seeing who it was bought a smile to her lips.
"Hello Andrew."
Andrew smiled at his friend and colleague "Hello Monica, I see that you are already here."
"Yes I just arrived myself, and you?"
Andrew frowned as he moved to stand by Monica, "Things have become more complicated." He admitted "Michael is in great danger." He told Monica who stared at her friend not understanding "Sanctuary has issued a Round Robin to commence against Michael starting tonight."
Monica worriedly looked at the peacefully sleeping man "Why would they do this?" she asked Andrew "Michael has always been loyal to Sanctuary."
Andrew shook his head running his fingers through his hair "There are other forces at work here now." He told his fellow angel "To stop what is coming, Michael will need to be better than he ever was before. Smarter, faster and tougher to stop what is ahead."
"If he should fail?" Monica asked frightened by what Andrew was telling her.
Andrew shook his head "He cannot fail, the alternative is unthinkable." He warned
Michael awoke at exactly 1800 hrs. Shutting off his alarm he rose and took a freezing cold shower to drive away the rest of the exhaustion that he felt. Carefully Michael dressed in a black skintight t-shirt with matching pants and thick soled rubber sneakers. Dialing down Michael ordered dinner as he repacked the little he had unpacked, just in case he needed to move quickly. Eating his dinner in silence he watched the days news, he paused and then stopped completely at one story.
"There was a break in sometime last night here at the Norton Nuclear facility. Now as we have said earlier, no nuclear materials were stolen. The security measures surrounding that part of the facility is massive. However it does seem as if some documents have been stolen by some unknown party…" The man continued to report as Michael sat back
"Fools!" Michael thought to himself "I told you, I warned you that your security was vulnerable to attack. Well at least they didn't take anything vital." Michael thought, he knew the reporter was right about one thing. The security around the nuclear materials was tight. Michael could break in and steal it, but it would be damn near impossible for anyone else to do so without getting caught. Finishing his dinner, Michael shut the television off and went to his bed where his equipment for tonight was already laid out for him and waiting for final inspection. Most agents would faint if they saw what Michael took with him on such a simple job. They would say that it was all for nothing that it was just a simple drop. Well Michael didn't care what anyone thought of his methods or about him, he would get the job done and if he didn't need any of this equipment then he would be just as happy. Still it was better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
Screwing on the silencer to his pistol he put it away and then put on his special utility belt fixed with several pockets containing some of the deadliest tools of the trade. Grabbing his small specially designed key ring, which resembled a car alarm switch he checked the battery and tested it to be sure that it would work properly, checking his special night vision glasses, he put those away as well. Looking at the clock he saw that it was now 2000 hrs., just enough time to set his last device before driving to the warehouse across town.
Reaching the parking garage Archangel reached into one of his utility belt pockets and pulled out a small thin strip. It exactly resembled a stick of gum, attaching a tiny detonator on it, it became a dangerous explosive capable of blowing out most locks. However Archangel had learned a different use for the clever device. Crawling underneath the car Archangel attached it to the gas tank. If worst came to worst, he could always detonate the device and the gas explosion would take care of the rest. Getting into the car he pulled out of the garage and headed towards the warehouse district.
Arriving at the proper address Archangel looked at his watch 2053hrs. Just enough time to get to the rendezvous right on schedule. Archangel patted his pocket and made sure that the package was indeed there as he headed towards one of the dark buildings. Reaching the door Archangel put on the special night vision glasses, reaching into his pocket he took out a ring with two keys on it labeled one and two. Moving to the door Archangel gripped the knob and found it was locked. Inserting key number one he turned it and heard the satisfying click, opening the door Archangel saw the long dark corridor which ended with another door. That door was his destination. Carefully and silently Archangel moved towards the door, pausing at each of the other doors he looked inside and saw that the rooms were empty. Reaching the second door, Archangel pulled out the second key. Gripping the knob, the knob turned easily in his hand, instantly Archangel released it.
"This door is supposed to be locked." He thought to himself moving back a pace "Maybe the recipient forgot to lock it behind him." Archangel reached for his gun, he pulled the slide back loading the first round "Could be a thousand reasons why this door isn't locked." Archangel shook his head "Nope, not taking any chances." Reaching into his belt Archangel removed a thin piece of wire and attached it to the knob of the door.
Laying down flat on his back with his gun at the ready, Archangel reached up and grabbed the knob. Twisting the knob Archangel threw the door open and rolled onto his stomach, now afforded with partial cover from the door jamb. No one in the room had expected this move. From inside the room gunfire erupted filling the small doorway with a deadly hail of bullets. Plaster began to rain down on Archangel as he looked into the room and spotted five men with automatic weapons. The recipient of the package was strung upside down with his throat slit. Archangel moved his gun into position and returned fire, he quickly shot three men. Reaching into his belt again Archangel removed the small metal ball, pulling out the pin Archangel threw it into the room then pulled the wire taut and the door slammed closed. The explosion of the flash bang was loud and it blinded the two gunmen that remained. Standing up Archangel ran to the door and out into the night, as he reached the outside he felt and heard another weapon. Asphalt was being chewed up around him, quickly he began to zigzag making himself a harder target to lock on to. Jumping over a small wall Archangel quickly ducked behind it, looking back he spotted the woman shooter. Raising his pistol he returned fire and the woman fell off the roof landing on the ground with a deep thud. Turning towards his car he saw four men standing by it, getting ready to open the door. Without thought he reached into his pocket Archangel pulled out the switch and pressed the button. Archangel could feel the heat from where he was hiding, the four people who had been around the car were now gone and the car itself was in flames. Without pausing Archangel ran for the nearest of the warehouses, the sound of pounding feet behind him. Up ahead about another hundred or so feet Archangel saw a stockpile of propane tanks, at least a dozen of them. As he ran towards them he quickly pulled out another stick of gum and a detonator. Hitting the corner at top speed, he slapped his hand along one of the propane tanks and stuck on the mini bomb. Turning another corner Archangel hit the button and a giant explosion lit up the night, the very ground shook as a fire now raged in one of the abandoned warehouses. Archangel paused and saw that no one was following him now, still he hadn't survived this long in the shadow world without taking precautions. Looking around Archangel spotted a manhole cover, moving over to it Archangel used another wire with an attachment specifically designed for this purpose. Archangel lifted the heavy cover and slipped down into the tunnel below. Closing the opening above him Archangel once again adjusting his night vision glasses, now that he could see in the dark, he turned left and ran.
It was several hours later that Archangel surfaced in another part of town. To be sure that he wasn't followed, he moved from taxi to bus to walking and back to a taxi to take him to his hotel. Sneaking into the hotel he went up to his room, quickly he cleaned it, to remove any trace of his stay there and grabbed his bags and left. Heading back out he went to his back up hotel, using a different identity he checked in and went to his new room. Attaching the device back on to his phone, Archangel quickly dialed the fifteen digit number and waited.
"I'm on scramble."
"What is the word?"
"Blue jeans." Archangel wasted no time
"Confirmed, whom do you wish to speak to?"
"Wait one." The pause lasted about a minute
"Control here Archangel." Control began nervously trying to keep it out of his voice "Everything went well I trust."
"Negative." Archangel told his boss "Someone found out about the drop, the mission is compromised. The recipient was damaged."
Control nodded in understanding "How bad was the damage?"
"Unrepairable." Archangel admitted remembering the man's slit throat
"The package?"
Archangel held up the CD "It is still intact and in my possession."
"Good" The pause lasted about a minute, then continued, "tomorrow night at 1900 hrs go to the Clearview Mall downtown Colorado Springs. Third floor there is a cigar shop ask the owner for a cubanista. He will give you a cigar, you pay with the package."
"Understood." Archangel pulled out his gun and pulled out the clip to reload it and clean his gun.
"Are you damaged in any way?" Control asked
"I am 100 percent functional." Archangel replied "I'm out." He said and hung up, then lifted the phone again and made another call to the police to report that his rental car had been stolen.
Chapter 3: Aftermath
Jake and Paulie pulled up to the warehouse district and into pandemonium. Getting out of their car both men watched as firefighters moved their equipment towards the still burning warehouse. Looking around at to where the police were, the two men saw the body of a woman and the remains of several others.
"Someone had a real big party." Paulie observed to his partner
Jake nodded in agreement looking around "Come on Paulie, let's find out what the hell is going on here."
The two men ducked under the yellow tape and moved into the warehouse. The corridors were tight, especially with so many officers moving around there. The first thing that Jake noticed was that it was very dim inside the warehouse.
"Did they mess up the lights?" he asked aloud
"No sir." One of the forensics men told him "There were no working lights here tonight. We had to bring in our own portable lights to illuminate the crime scene."
Jake took in the information and entered the main part of the warehouse. Paulie stopped Jake and patted him on the shoulder.
"Take a look at that." Paulie pointed towards the door that they had just entered the walls and hall were full of bullet holes.
"Goddamn that's a lot of firepower." Jake shook his head in awe.
Turning around he walked to the center of the room.
"Okay people what do we have?" Jake asked the people in the room
Jenny Barnes smiled as she looked up "Hi Jake, Paulie."
Paulie smiled as he went to his baby cousin "How are you Jenny?" Paulie asked concerned "Your still not upset that you broke up with…"
Jenny smiled even wider "No I'm not upset anymore." She told them thinking of her latest failed attempt at a relationship with a man "Sam and I just weren't meant to be." She shrugged her shoulders.
Jake relaxed, Jenny had taken the breakup hard at first as did Sam Pierson, but Jake knew that Jenny was right about the reason she broke up with the marine. Jenny didn't like secrets, and most of Sam's life was a secret. Doing what ever he was doing with the military was top secret and Jenny didn't like it that he didn't talk about his work. Liked it even less when Sam had come back hurt from one of his trips and would not tell Jenny what had happened. Jake had tried to find out for her, but even his twin sister Samantha couldn't tell him. It hurt Jake a bit that he couldn't talk to his sister about her work, but he dealt with it as well as could be expected. Jenny couldn't deal and had ended it with Sam Pierson before it got any worse for her. Jake decided to steer the conversation away from this particular subject and stick with work.
"Okay Jenny, what have you got for us tonight?"
Jenny shook her head "What we have here boys is a good old fashion massacre. Four dead in here, one dead woman who fell from the roof, after being shot." Jenny added "I got enough remains for four or five more by a blown up car out there. Also down by that burning warehouse, I'm told by the fire department that they have more body parts down there as well. We have to wait until the fire is out to collect those remains." She shrugged
"Jesus.' Paulie shook his head "So how many shooters involved."
"One." A young forensics man told the lieutenant
"One?" Jake asked skeptically
"Yes sir." The man pushed up his glasses "Six men were already in the room." He began and moved towards the one man who still hung upside down.
Paulie winced "Can't we cut him down yet?" he asked
"Yeah I'm done with him." Jenny agreed and motioned to the forensics guys. "He's all yours just give him back for the autopsy." She smiled
"You got it Jenny." Another cop told her as he carefully cut the man down.
"You were saying." Jake motioned to the young man "You're new with VCTF aren't you?"
"Yes sir." The young man held out a hand "Detective Dr. Jason Hart, your new CSI, tonight is my first night. I was transferred from VCTF east."
"Yeah I heard about you." Jake shook the man's hand "Hear you got a good reputation with evidence interpretation."
"Thank you sir." The young man blushed
"Okay" Paulie got them back on track "So what happened here tonight."
"Okay sir, as I said six men were already in the room. Five gun men, I've already marked down their locations on the ground with an X." he pointed and Paulie nodded seeing the X's
"Why those spots?" he asked
"Ejected shell casings." He told the big man "The man who was strung upside down was tortured before he died. Couple of hours at least, the others sat around smoking." Jason pointed to the cigarette butts. "Then one man entered the room, from over there." Jason pointed to the opposite door. The men on this side opened fire and tried to kill that one man, but they missed."
"Are you sure about that?" Jake asked "Maybe he got winged?"
Detective Hart shook his head as he pointed to the area, "There are no blood stains anywhere down there, plus I found something really interesting." He motioned the two detectives to the door Jenny followed out of curiosity.
"Okay" The young officer smiled "Now imagine I'm the guy walking into this room." Closing the door, the door suddenly opened and Jason stepped in.
"Bang I'm dead." He told the two detectives "There is no way that I could have survived that many guns pointed at me. Especially not with the amount of holes in the hallway here." He pointed behind him
"So how did he do it and survive?" Paulie asked
Staring at the doorway, "Son of a bitch." Jake smiled shaking his head seeing the only other alternative
Jason smiled "You see it too sir, great."
"See what?" Jenny asked confused
"How the man survived." Jake admitted "He is a smart mother."
"So how did he do it?" Paulie asked again
"I'll show you." Jason closed the door again, again the door slammed open, only this time there was no one standing at the door. Jason Hart was squished into the corner at the bottom of the door.
"What the hell?" Paulie stared at the man
"What he did sir is this." Jason held up a wire that he'd found earlier "Our boy, let's call him Xman for now. Xman gets to this door, something is wrong, maybe he hears voices or a noise. Something that he didn't expect, this made Xman nervous. He stood here saying 'Something is wrong in there, but I don't know what it is. Still, I gotta get in there and make sure.'. So he grabs this wire, attaches it to the door knob. Then he lays down on his back right here, he reaches up, turns the knob and throws open the door. At the same time he rolls over on his stomach into this corner here. Now, no one would expect this move, the bullets start flying. But since I'm down here and partially covered I'm relatively safe for the moment. Still I can't stay down here all night, so I return fire and take out three men, grab a flash bang, toss it into the room and…" Jason pulls on the wire and the door slams shut. "BANG! It goes off, and I run out the door."
Jake looked at the young detective "Flashbang?"
"Yes sir." The young man stood up and dusted himself off and reopened the door. Leading the three back to another spot where another CSI was collecting a sample from a darkened spot on the concrete.
"Right here." He told the others.
"Phil?" Jake asked the older man
Phil Norris nodded in agreement with the younger man "It was a flashbang."
"That's not an everyday item around these parts." Jake told the others.
"It does get weirder sir." Norris told them "When I checked the bodies, they all had night vision equipment on them. Also, no one, not the bodies in here or outside have any kind of ID on them. The labels have been ripped out of their clothing, all of it is right off a shelf that could have been purchased anywhere. All of their weapons are brand new as well."
"Night vision huh?" Jake shook his head, this case was heading towards the twilight zone.
Paulie shook his head "What I don't get, is if you're right Hart. All this was done to get one man."
"Yes sir." Jason Hart agreed "Still, you want to know what scares the shit out of me sir?" he asked his bosses
"What?" Paulie asked seriously
Jason motioned around him "They sent all this fire power for Xman, and they didn't get him!"
"The other bodies…" Jenny began but Jason stopped her shaking his head
"No Dr. Barnes, I doubt you will find Xman among them either. Xman is a specialist, a professional, if he got out of this room and was able to take out the sniper on the roof. Then he got away clean."
"A pro." Paulie shook his head "Just what we need." He told Jake
Tiredly Jake made his way to the door "You guys finish in here, I want reports on my desk first thing tomorrow. Come on Paulie, Jenny, let's see if those firemen put out that fire yet."
The next morning Jake sat behind his desk reading the morning paper. The headlines screamed "HUNTER'S MOON MASSACRE", Jake grunted as he tossed the paper to Paulie who was also there drinking coffee, Paulie snorted as he read the headline himself. Jenny knocked on the door.
Jake waved her in "Morning Jenny, coffee?"
"Sure." Jenny sat as Jake fixed them both coffee, handing Jenny a cup he sat down again "So what do you have for me?" he asked
Jenny opened the first file "John Doe 20, the upside down guy. Approximate age 29 to 33, height five foot ten, weight 175. Was definitely tortured before he died, he was cut several times with a knife which belonged to John Doe 22. Any way Doe 20 died at approximately six p.m. last night give or take an hour. John Doe's 21, 22 and 23 all died of gunshot wounds, approximate time of death between 9 and 10p.m. last night as did Jane Doe 16, she was shot right between the eyes and fell off the roof. John Doe's 24, 25, 26, and 27 died of a gas explosion by that blown up car. John Doe's 28, 29 and 30 and Jane Doe 17 died from the other explosion at that other location." Jenny closed her folder and looked at Jake suddenly frightened "So apart from John Doe 20, your Xman killed twelve people last night."
Jake sat back lost in thought "Yeah, twelve people, who apparently were all trying to kill him."
"Well out of all four that were shot, I recovered .357 magnum hollow point rounds." She told Jake "So apparently your boy is also carrying a cannon."
"Yeah." Jake pulled out another file "I got the ballistics report right here, all rounds were fired from a Sig Sauer P229 semi-automatic pistol." He told Jenny
"I don't like this case." Jenny told Jake seriously "This isn't your typical killing, hell this isn't your typical serial." Jenny shivered suddenly feeling very cold, "What you got here Jake is a killing machine."
"Yeah" Jake agreed "What I want to know is who turned on that machine!" Jake told Jenny "Something was supposed to go down at that warehouse. May be a drug deal, I don't know what, but something, something major!"
"Why is it something major?" Paulie asked as he refilled his coffee cup.
"Well, I think that everyone killed was also a professional killer." Jake explained to them "Look at their clothes, labels torn out or stuff that could be purchased anywhere in the U.S., next look at their gear. Those weapons that they were using last night aren't cheap, glocks, MP-5's, and that rifle that the woman had was a special one as well, an Ed Brown model 702, M40A2 marine sniper rifle from what I was told. The ballistics guys nearly creamed their pants when they saw that rifle. All those weapons were brand new, the rifle alone goes for about three grand! Then they all had night vision gear, that's expensive stuff too. These guys were financed big time. Now take Xman, he carries a nine hundred dollar handgun, has flashbangs also expensive. You know he had to have had night vision gear as well to be able to shoot those three guys inside the warehouse without any lights. The car and the propane tanks that exploded starting that fire, all of it was started with Syntax plastiques. That stuff is hard to get, and it's not cheap." Jake leaned back in his seat. "You got anything Paulie?"
Paulie shook his head "The only lead we got is the car. It belonged to either Xman or the other shooters. The car is pretty mangled up but I got some CSI people who are checking to find the VIN number on it. I'm thinking it's a rental." He told Jake "If we find the VIN and it is a rental, then we should be able to track down the rental agency and get a name of whoever rented the car. It will probably be an alias but it's a start, maybe someone will remember a face." Paulie shrugged.
Jake nodded in agreement "If that pans out and we get a name, check with the local hotels." Jake ordered "This boy isn't local, we would have seen his work before."
"You're right about that." Paulie nodded in agreement with Jake's assessment "We definitely would have noticed this guy before."
"Okay let's get on it." Jake ordered as Jenny and Paulie walked out
It was several hours later that Paulie ran back to Jake's office. Opening the door Paulie got right down to business.
"You were right Jake our boy isn't local."
Jake looked up from his files "What's up?"
"Boys down in the garage found the VIN, I tracked it down to the airport National car rental agency. Car was rented yesterday morning to a Archie Angel, Mr. Angel reported the car stolen last night at midnight. Mr. Angel told us that he'd gone into one of the local clubs and had parked the car and when he came out at midnight, it was gone."
"Well that was very convenient." Jake smiled, not really buying the story for a moment
"Yeah, well in his report he gave the address as the Regency hotel. Funny thing is, he's not there any more." Paulie added as a bonus, he knew that this was their man.
"Checked out?"
Paulie shook his head "Nope, but when the maid went into the room it was empty. No bags nothing, the bed wasn't even slept in."
Jake stood up "Okay, let's get down to the regency and check it out, see if anyone remembers a face. See if we can get into that room as well, also get a CSI team, see if we can find any hairs, fibers, prints."
Veronica Blake was ushered into the room, nervously she looked at the two men whom she was told were police officers wanting to speak to her. Jake looked at the young woman who was probably 21 years old, the girl was pulling at her hair and biting her lip.
"Miss Blake?" Jake smiled
"Yes sir." Veronica admitted wondering if she should have a lawyer present.
"Relax Miss Blake." Jake smiled at her "You are not in any kind of trouble, we were told that you were on duty yesterday afternoon at the main reception desk."
Veronica looked at her boss.
"It's okay Veronica, they just want to know about a guest." The manager told the young woman
Veronica sighed relieved "I was so scared that you thought I had done something wrong." She admitted
"Not at all." Paulie smiled trying to get the girl to relax "We understand that you checked in a guest yesterday. A Mr. Archie Angel?"
"Yes" Veronica covered her mouth "Did something happen to Mr. Angel?"
"We don't know." Paulie told her truthfully "We do know that he reported his rental car stolen last night."
"What we want to know is if you could remember what he looks like?" Jake asked
"Oh!" Veronica smiled "I'm not likely to forget him."
Jake smiled seeing the gleam in the girls eye "Good looking man?"
"Very much so, also a very nice man." Veronica added "He told me not to call him sir, just to go ahead and call him Archie. Said that when I called him sir, it made him want to look around for his father."
"What did he look like?" Jake asked
Veronica thought for a moment "Well, he was tall, six feet maybe a bit more. He has black hair, dark brown puppy dog eyes. Early thirties I'd say." Veronica sighed "Well built, he wasn't fat, more muscle than anything else. Big hands, almost completely covered mine but he was gentle when we shook hands."
"Any jewelry, any outstanding features you can remember?"
Veronica's eyes narrowed as she pictured the face in her mind "He had a little scar under his right eye, almost on his cheek. It was about maybe half an inch long and it was an old scar, mostly faded. He was dressed in a black Armani suit with a dark turtle neck underneath it. The suit was tailor made, definitely not off the rack. Expensive shoes and luggage, leather, two bags medium sized."
Jake stared at the young woman amazed "You sure you aren't a cop?" he asked jokingly
Veronica blushed and admitted "It was just that we flirted a bit, you know. When I do that I look the man over very carefully. You can tell the guys who are real from the phonies. You know guys who wear Armani knock-offs, cheap shoes that kinda thing."
"And Mr. Angel?" Jake asked the woman "Was he real or fake?"
"Mr. Angel is very real!" Veronica told them "The way he moves also, it was as if he was dancing. Mr. Angel is very graceful, I was thinking how much fun it would be to go out dancing with him."
"I'm going to have a sketch artist come in Miss Blake." Jake smiled holding out a hand "If you will just describe Mr. Angel to her it would be a great help."
Taking the hand Veronica shook it "So what you are saying is if Mr. Angel should come back I shouldn't go out with him."
"I wouldn't recommend it." Jake smiled and shook hands with the manager "Thank you for all of you assistance."
"Not at all officers, anything to help the police." The man smiled
As Jake and Paulie left the room and headed towards the elevators, Jake turned to Paulie
"If we get a good description from the girl." Jake thought of the girls dreamy expression as she described the man "And I'm sure that we will get a very good description, get it out on the wire to all our officers. Anyone spots him is to contact us immediately, he's to be considered armed and dangerous."
"I'm on it." Paulie promised
Getting out of the elevator they went to the room, walking in they saw that the forensics people were packing up already.
Jason Hart turned to his bosses "Nothing sir. He wiped down the whole room, there is not one print anywhere, not one hair or fiber. Xman is good."
Chapter 4: The Clearview Mall fiasco
It was a quarter of seven when Archangel entered the mall. He had spent the entire morning there and had studied the layout. Memorized anything and everything that he could use to escape if necessary. There would not be a repeat of what had happened the night before. Foolishly, Archangel had dropped his guard and didn't memorize the scene before hand, that would not happen tonight. Tonight he had at least eight different modes of escape, ways that would lead away from innocent lives. The warehouse was one thing, this mall however was chock full of people. Archangel did not want to think what would happen if a prolonged gun fight started here.
Heading to the escalators Archangel studied the area around him, trying to spot someone who did not belong. Trying to find what or who would be dangerous for him and to either avoid or attack. Arriving on level three Archangel looked at his watch, he had six minutes till the handoff. Quickly he circled the area around the cigar shop, all he saw was families and couples shopping. Archangel then studied the couples, there was a couple of possibilities among them but Archangel wasn't positive. At precisely 6:59pm Archangel entered the shop.
Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson got off the third floor escalator and headed towards the jewelry store. Both men were talking and laughing.
"So what are you getting Janet?" Daniel asked his friend
Jack rubbed his hands together "Well a couple of weeks ago Janet, Cassie and I were here shopping. I spotted Janet eyeing this necklace and pendant in the jewelry store. I then deployed my spy (Cassie) and she found out that Janet really wanted it. So I asked the guy to put it aside for me and that I'd pick it up today." Jack smiled, it seemed incredible to him, his life now. Two years ago you couldn't get him to go shopping unless you held a gun to his head. Now ever since his marriage to Janet, Jack couldn't wait to go shopping and buy his bride something that she would love. Just seeing Janet smile, made his heart beat faster!
"Hey!" Jack felt himself being pushed from behind as four large men pushed past him and Daniel.
"Not in much of a rush are we?" Jack questioned
"Rude bastards." Daniel agreed watching the men as they headed into the cigar store.
Jack was about to add to that comment when the gunfire started.
Archangel looked around the store, wall to wall racks of expensive cigars. An expensive cooling system was working in the store to keep the cigars fresh and it kept the temperature a bit chilly. Archangel spotted the store clerk and approached the man behind the counter "I'd like a Cubanista please."
The man behind the counter nodded pleasantly "Of course sir, I have one right here." He said nervously, and despite the store being very cool, the sweat poured down his brow, as he reached under the counter.
Suddenly alarm bells rang in Archangel's head, something wasn't right! Leaning his hands on the counter, Archangel flipped his body upwards till he was standing on his hands. Just as he did that a shotgun blast came from under the counter, it would have cut him in half. Flipping back on to his feet Archangel slammed his fist into the counterman's throat. Instantly the man spit up blood and began to choke, his larynx and windpipe both crushed. Archangel grabbed the shotgun and pumped in the next round as the door opened behind him, four men entered guns in hand. Without thought, Archangel began to blast his would be assassins away. The four men that had entered were now dead, Archangel swung the now empty shot gun and threw it with all his might at the window which shattered and he jumped out grabbing his gun at the same time. People began to scatter and panic at the scene, four of the couples that Archangel had spotted earlier were now carrying guns and headed in his direction. Running to his left Archangel tried to make it to the doors marked employees only. As he ran Archangel pulled out another flash bang and dropped it behind him and ran down the corridor. The flash bang exploded and two men and a woman grabbed their eardrums and dropped their guns. Another man disoriented by the blast began shooting around himself in the crowded mall. Instantly Jack jumped the man trying to get the weapon away from him, as two other men approached and aimed their guns at Jack. Daniel Jackson was suddenly airborne and with two lightening fast kicks he disarmed both men. Caught by surprise, the two men then attacked Daniel.
Two years ago those two men would have torn Daniel apart. But then again, two years ago Daniel Jackson had made a friend, a blood brother who was also a martial arts master. Gabriel Fuentes had taught Daniel the shadow arts of Ninjitsu, and Daniel had learned. Daniel was no one's push over now.
Daniel grabbed the first fist that came his way, pushing it to one side he blocked the second blow. Gabriel's voice in his head.
"When fighting more than one opponent, you have to disable them as quickly as possible. Go for the nose, the sternum, the balls or the side of the knee. I don't care how big you are, one good kick to the side of the knee and your opponent will go down hard. You might even break his leg. Remember Daniel, in our business we are fighting for our lives, you do what you have to do to survive and go back home to your family!"
Taking aim, Daniel delivered a perfectly placed side kick to the man on his left knee. Daniel heard the scream and the snapped bone, as he twirled around and delivered another perfectly placed shot right into the other man's nose which was flattened and began to flow with blood. That man backed away and ran off leaving his buddy on the floor. Daniel turned and saw that Jack had disarmed the other man, but that man pulled out a knife while Jack was distracted.
Daniel dove for the gun a few feet from him. Rolling up to one knee Daniel raised the gun and shot the man in the chest just as he slashed Jack across the chest.
Jack groaned grabbing his chest and fell to the floor, Daniel was by his side in a second.
"Jack you okay?" Daniel asked as he pulled Jack's hand away from the wound.
"SHIT!" Jack groaned in pain "Yeah, he slashed me, didn't stab me Danny boy. I'll be alright, it just hurts like hell!" Jack looked up at his Space monkey "Where the hell did you learn to do all that!" he asked impressed as hell. Daniel had just taken two very big men without breaking a sweat!
Daniel smiled as he applied pressure to Jack's wound "Gabe taught me remember."
Jack chuckled and patted Daniel's hand, "Well Daniel you have come a long way."
Still applying pressure, "Yeah, Gabe says that I'm equivalent now to a black belt. He says now I start the hard stuff." Daniel chuckled "Hold still Jack, the ambulance is on it's way."
"What the fuck happened anyway?" Jack asked relaxing on the ground.
"Hell if I know." Daniel admitted "Robbery maybe?"
"No way." Jack told his friend trying once again to look down towards the doors that the man had run through, "One guy running from a lot of guns is what it looked like to me."
"Hold still Jack!" Daniel told him again holding Jack down "Where's the ambulance!" Daniel yelled to the others.
Five minutes later the paramedics arrived and took over from Daniel.
"Where you taking him?" Daniel asked already pulling out his cell phone, wiping the blood on to his jacket so he could dial his phone.
"Colorado Springs General." The driver told him "Let's go Nick." They rushed Jack out as another set were taking care of the man that Daniel had jumped.
Daniel dialed the phone "Janet, it's me Daniel, Jack and I had some trouble…Janet he's fine, they are taking him to Colorado Springs General. Yeah, I'll meet you there, no he was slashed by a knife…Sam's with you? Okay I'll meet you all there." Daniel hung up as he spotted Jake and Paulie rushing towards him.
"Daniel you okay?" Jake asked immediately, when Jake had heard the call and learned that his brother in-law was involved. Jake had dropped everything and rushed right over.
"I'm fine, Jack was hurt though." He told the two officers "You should know Jake, I broke that one's leg, and I shot that one." Daniel pointed to the dead body "He's the one that went at Jack with a knife."
Paulie stared at the doctor before him, Paulie had always thought of Daniel as a nice guy who wouldn't hurt a fly.
"You did that?" he asked to be sure
"I didn't want to do any of this." Daniel pointed out "Jack and I just wound up in the middle of it."
Jake shook his head "Those martial arts lessons paid off huh?"
Daniel blushed "Yeah, I guess so."
Nodding seriously Jake told him "I'm glad, don't you go making my sister a widow." He warned his brother in law.
"Not anytime soon." Daniel agreed wholeheartedly, especially now with the baby coming. Daniel wanted to be there for his child, teach him or her about life. The last thing that Daniel wanted was for his child to grow up like he had, without parents.
Paulie looked around "Okay Daniel what happened?"
Daniel shrugged "Jack and I were on our way home from the mountain. Jack had to pick up something that he'd bought for Janet's birthday. We came up here, the first sign of trouble that we saw was four guys pushing us aside as if we weren't here. They went directly to the cigar shop." Daniel pointed to it "Next thing I know is that there is a lot of shooting going on inside the store. Then the window explodes out and this guy in black is jumping out, a gun in his hand and he's off and running. Then about four couples that were standing around pull out guns and start shooting at this guy too! The guy in black runs through that door." Daniel pointed to the door "He dropped something that made this really loud noise, I think it was a flash bang. That guy, the one that I shot, he starts shooting in all directions. Jack jumped him and wrestled him down before he shot some innocent bystander. Two more guys come up from behind and pull out guns and were about to shoot Jack! So I jumped them, I kicked that one in the knee, the other I got a good elbow into his nose. That one ran off." Daniel added "I turned to look back to Jack, he had the gun and was looking at me, when the guy pulled out a knife and went at Jack. I reached for the gun the other guy dropped and I shot him before he could kill Jack."
"How is Jack?" Jake asked worried for one of his friends
"He was slashed across the chest, not to bad from what the paramedics told me. They took him to the hospital."
Jake shook his head staring at Paulie "Xman again you think?"
"Sounds like him." Paulie admitted "Here comes Nunez."
Detective Rafael Nunez stopped in front of his superior officers "Cap, Loo, we got five dead bodies in the cigar store. Another four in the corridor down there, and that's it. Except that this time we got it all on tape." Nunez held up a tape "Surveillance camera from the cigar shop. One was disabled, but the owner apparently had two. By the way, we found the owner dead in the back, he's been dead quite a while."
Daniel fidgeted "Jake is it okay if I go to the hospital? Janet is already on her way, she's going to be a nervous wreck. Sam's with her but in her condition…"
"Yeah get down there." Jake relented in his questioning "But I need you at the VCTF tomorrow first thing to give us a written statement."
"I'll be there." Daniel promised as he ran off towards the escalator to join is family.
Once Daniel was gone Paulie turned to his partner "What the fuck is going on!" he demanded "We got nine more dead here, that make's twenty-one Jake, twenty-one dead people all of them after this one man!"
"I don't know." Jake admitted "Something bad is going down though." He warned Paulie "Someone wants this guy dead in the worst way possible. Nunez."
Rafael Nunez stared around him at the devastation. This reminded him of something, hearing Jake call him shook him out of those thoughts, "Yeah boss?"
Jake pointed to the still unknown man that was being placed on a stretcher "You go with him, the moment you are able to question him, do so. I want to know that guy's life story!" Jake ordered
"I'm on it boss." Nunez promised, strange thoughts swirling in his head.
Archangel finally stopped running several hours later. Finding a phone booth he attached his phone device and dialed the number.
"Hello?" the sultry voice asked
"I'm on scramble."
"What is the word?"
"Blue jeans."
The sultry voice returned "I'm sorry baby, but I'm only interested in men who wear slacks." And then the woman hung up
Slowly Archangel hung up the phone his jaw hanging open "I've been disavowed." He whispered "Oh my God, it's a round robin." He finally realized. Hanging up the phone Archangel disappeared into the night. It was time to think and plan.
Janet O'Neill ran into the emergency room, a moment later a very pregnant Sam Carter Jackson waddled in behind. Janet ran right up to the desk and stared at the nurse behind the counter.
"My husband was bought in a little while ago?" Janet asked nervously
"Name?" the nurse asked
"O'Neill, Jack O'Neill."
The nurse nodded finding the right entry "The doctor is with your husband as we speak. Please take a seat and the doctor will be with you shortly."
"I am a doctor!" Janet told the nurse "With privileges at this hospital, so where is my husband!" Janet demanded to know.
"Sorry doctor" The nurse swallowed seeing the angry gaze of Janet O'Neill "He is in treatment room C down the hall and to the left."
Janet nodded and turned to Sam "I'll be back in a few minutes." She promised and ran off down the hall.
Sam sighed and turned to try and find a comfortable chair.
"Shit, looks like I'm out of luck for comfort." Sam shook her head as she stared at the violently orange hard plastic seats.
"Sam!" Daniel entered the hospital emergency room
Sam moved over to her husband "Daniel!" Sam began shake when she saw the blood on Daniel's jacket.
Daniel realized what he must look like and pulled the jacket off "I'm fine Sam."
Sam ran her hands over Daniel's body "You sure?" she asked terrified
"I'm positive, some of this blood is Jack's" he admitted "The rest is from the broken nose I gave some guy."
"What happened Daniel!" Sam demanded to know "You were supposed to come straight home!" Sam cried near tears.
Daniel knew that it was fear and her over active hormones from the pregnancy that was making Sam react this way, "I know honey, I know." Daniel took his wife into his arms and held her softly stroking her back "Jack wanted to stop at the mall and pick up Janet's birthday present…" Daniel went on to tell Sam what happened as he gently helped his pregnant wife into a chair.
General Hammond strode into the emergency room, when informed that his second in command had been attacked, he had rushed right over. Spotting the Jackson's, Hammond moved to them.
"What happened?" he asked looking from one to the other.
This forced Daniel to tell the story again. Soon the three of them were sitting, waiting for Janet to return. Finally twenty minutes later she did so, her hair was a mess and her eyes were red rimmed. They all knew instantly that Janet had been crying.
Seeing her friends waiting she went to them and smiled "He's fine, twenty five stitches and a big bandage is all he needed. He's not going to be very mobile for the next few days, but he's going to be fine." Janet sighed relieved. "They're going to keep him over night."
"Good news." Hammond sighed relieved that his second, his friend was going to be okay.
"Thank God." Sam relaxed rubbing her stomach "I don't know about the rest of you but I'm starving."
Janet smiled "I can eat." She admitted, now knowing that Jack was okay, Janet's hunger had returned in force.
"Okay ladies, what will it be then." Daniel asked helping Sam out of her chair, no easy task when dealing with an eight month pregnant woman.
"Barbeque!" Sam demanded glaring at the others daring them to try and change her mind.
"I know just the spot." Hammond told them, knowing that pregnant women got what they wanted, when they wanted, "They make the best barbeque in town."
Chapter 5: The Clearview Mall Aftermath
Jake sat down behind his desk with a fresh cup of coffee and picked up the remote to the VCR again. Pressing rewind Jake shook his head amazed at what he had just witnessed on that tape. Veronica Blake had told them that Archie Angel was graceful, that it almost seemed as if he was dancing when he moved. Jake had though it just the fanciful notions of a young woman who was attracted to a man. Having watched the tape however, Jake had to reassess Veronica Blake, the woman had been right and then some! Archie Angel moved like a ballet dancer, his moves were sure and graceful and completely deadly.
Upon entering the VCTF that morning Jake had been handed a sketch of Archie Angel and after seeing the tape he could see for himself how accurate Veronica Blake had been. Now after watching the tape several times, Jake had more questions than answers. The tape clearly showed Mr. Angel entering the cigar store asking a question of the clerk and then the clerk tried to shoot him. Enter four more men, no questions there, just point guns and start shooting. Why? Jake asked himself
"What's up Jake?" Paulie yawned as he sat down with his coffee cup.
"Just thinking Paulie." Jake admitted
"Care to share with the rest of the class?" Paulie joked sipping his coffee
Jake shook his head "I'm thinking, why do so many people want this guy dead? Who could possibly hate someone that much to send twenty-one professional killers after this guy? Who can have that kind of money to hire so many people?"
"Mob?" Paulie put in
Jake shook his head "I don't think so." Jake admitted "I don't know why I think that, I just don't buy this guy as a mobster. He looks more like ex-special forces or something like that, with the skills that he has." Suddenly remembering Jake asked "Hey, did the lip reader have any luck picking out what Angel asked the guy?"
"Yeah." Paulie admitted "The guy asked for a cigar, a cubanista. I got a friend down at Customs, I asked him about Cubanistas. He says that they are illegal to enter into this country. You can get them here for about a hundred a cigar." Paulie shrugged wishing he had that kind of money to throw away on a single cigar.
Jake took in the information "What about the guy with the broken leg?"
Paulie snorted "Won't say a goddamn word, nothing, zip, zilch. Won't even ask for a lawyer, just sits there and stares directly ahead at the wall."
"What does Jenny say?"
Paulie laughed "Said that she never wanted to meet this man in person, that she would probably pee herself if she did. Other than that we already know, shotgun blasts killed the guys in the store, Sig Sauer P229 killed the ones in that service corridor."
"You know that bothers the hell out of me." Jake admitted
"What?" Paulie asked confused
"Well the easiest and fastest way to get away is to head INTO the crowd, just get lost with the masses of running people. Yet our boy, a professional mind you, moved AWAY from the crowd and led the people chasing him in another direction that was clear of people. Why?" Jake asked staring at his partner, confused by the contradictory evidence "Why kill twenty-one and then balk about a few innocent bystanders getting shot?"
Police Commissioner Dennis Davis entered the office and stared at his two men.
"Stay seated men." He told the two
"Sir" Jake motioned to the coffee machine "Coffee?"
Davis stared at the coffee machine in longing "No, doctor says no caffeine for awhile for me. Blood pressure is too high." He admitted "Listen, I'm here about this case of yours with this Angel guy."
"Yes sir we are working on it." Paulie told his boss
"I know." Looking around Davis made sure the door was closed "Listen, I got a phone call from the CIA, they want you Jake and Paulie and a small team of your choosing to be at Cheyenne Mountain at noon. They say that they got some information for us about this case. We have been ordered to cooperate with them." He added distastefully
"Spooks?" Jake asked "This case has gotten even weirder."
"Be at the mountain at noon." Davis ordered "Take who you need."
"Well it will be me and Paulie, I want Jenny there for forensic medicine, I want Det. Hart there for forensic evidence and I want Nunez for backup and Nunez's wife Maggie for psychology."
"Good" Davis told him "I don't know how long you guys are going to be gone for. So I've assigned replacements for you until you get this psycho off our streets."
"Yes sir." Jake agreed wondering what the hell the CIA wanted with this man.
"Paulie get the men together."
"You got it Jake, well except the Nunez's, they're off today. Little Michele's birthday remember."
Jake shook his head "That's right, I forgot, get the others and we'll fill in Nunez and Maggie tomorrow."
Paulie nodded in agreement "Meet you out front in fifteen?"
"I'll be there."
The group of police officers arrived at the mountain and were checked in. Parking their cars the group were met by an escort who took them down to level four and into a large conference room. Looking around Jake saw that the room was full of people, moving over to the general.
"General Hammond, good to see you sir." Jake smiled and shook hands
"Jake good to see you too." Hammond smiled and then whispered "Do you know what the hell is going on here?" he asked "I got a phone call from the white house telling me to cooperate with the CIA."
"I don't know George." Jake admitted "I think this has to do with what happened last night at the mall and with the warehouse the other night." Looking around Jake spotted another familiar face.
"Adrian." Jake smiled at the FBI man "What are you doing here?" he asked politely
Adrian Baxter winced hearing his name, turning he spotted Jake.
"Hello Jake, and I don't know what I'm doing here." He admitted "I got a call from FBI headquarters in Washington telling me to be here by noon with my four best men." He shrugged "You got any ideas?"
Jake shrugged, "Davis mentioned that this might have to do with the shooting at the mall and at that warehouse the other night."
Baxter's eyes opened wide "I heard about that, you guys gotta suspect yet?"
"We got a picture even." Jake admitted "Just can't find the guy, he's definitely a pro."
"I hate trying to catch pros." Baxter admitted
"You're good at it though." Jake told the man
Baxter smiled "I thought you didn't think much of my skills."
Jake shrugged, true he didn't like Baxter much, but Jake believed in giving credit where credit was due. "You are good with things like this, but Adrian, you suck when it comes to serial cases. This guy though is right up your alley."
The two men continued talking until another group of men and a woman entered the room. The woman was immaculately dressed in a Brooks brothers suit for women with a crisp white shirt and red tie. The six men that entered behind her were all dressed casually some in paramilitary gear. The woman went to general Hammond and they spoke briefly. Hammond nodded and picked up his phone and dialed. Five minutes later SG-1 and 2 and 3 entered the room. Sam Pierson stared at his former girlfriend wondering what she was doing here now. Jenny stared back and smiled and took her seat. Jack O'Neill entered last moving a bit slower than usual, he carefully settled himself down in a chair.
"May I have your attention please." The woman in the suit asked as the group settled down. Once the woman had everyone's attention she began.
"My name is Puppet Master. You people do not need to know my real name." Everyone now stared at the woman curiously
Puppet Master continued oblivious to their stares "All you need to know, is that by the order of the president of the United States, all of you for the time being belong to me. You will do as I say, when I say it, and do exactly what I say without question."
Hammond stared at the woman incredulously, this woman had some gall to come into his mountain and try to order him around.
"Now what I have to say is top secret, that means that you will never repeat in part any of the information that I am about to give you." Puppet Master continued as she paced back and forth "The reason you are all here is because you are the best. That is what we need right now, the best."
Hart stared at the man before him "Ma'am?"
"What is it that you want us to do?"
Puppet Master stopped and looked around the group "You new assignment, is to find one man." She told the others.
"What?" Annie asked staring at Puppet Master
"You heard what I said Major. You are to find one man. Kill him if necessary, but we must find him and stop him." Puppet Master opened a file and extracted a bunch of pictures "This man." She threw them on the table
Everyone took one, Jake stared at the face and looked at Paulie who was now staring back at him. Jake shook his head.
"This man is known to us only as Archangel. He is a terrorist, and he is now in Colorado Springs. This man is dangerous to us at the CIA and to national security, a few weeks ago Archangel came into possession of a list of names. What we at the agency call a NOC list, this is a list of all our undercover agents around the world. It has everything, codenames, real names even pictures of our agents. Right now Archangel is trying to sell it to the highest bidder, we have to find him and get back that disc that contains all of our top cover agents in place. If the NOC list ever goes public or even if someone buys it and those names go out. Hundreds of our agents will be compromised and placed in harms way. Many of them will be killed. If you are able to kill him so much the better." She told them without a trace of emotion.
"Why do we need to kill this man though?" Daniel questioned not liking the assignment
"Because Archangel has seen the names, he can partially reconstruct that list. We need to silence him for good. Besides, this man is a terrorist, he is evil incarnate. He has killed hundreds of civilians with his bombs. This man has absolutely no respect for human life, people are used and then killed by this man." Puppet Master told them
"The only good news is that he is only good with bombs." Puppet Master smiled, lying through her teeth "The man is absolutely no good with guns or knives. He is a coward that uses bombs to do his dirty work."
Jake and Paulie stared at each other, this was not the man that they saw in that video. Jake knew that he was being set up and didn't like it.
"No good with guns or knives? How about his bare hands?" He asked staring at the woman intently.
"No good with them either, he is a bomber, that's it." Puppet Master told Jake
Jake shook his head and stood up "The CSPD will not help you." He told the woman in no uncertain terms "Let's go guys."
Puppet Master glared at the man, who the hell did he think he was "SIT DOWN!"
"No!" Jake told her "I will not sit down, my people are not going to be used as bait for your pet killers over there." Jake pointed at the six men "General Hammond, Agent Baxter, I warn you not to involve your people in this. The woman is lying to you."
"What are you talking about Jake?" Baxter asked him, Baxter knew that Jake had a reason for everything he did.
Jake held up the picture "This man you call Archangel?"
"Yes" Puppet Master agreed her anger boiling
"Well he's known to us as Archie Angel, presently wanted in Colorado Springs for twenty-one murders. The man that we are after, is highly skilled with guns and his bare hands." He told the others "Just last night he crushed the larynx of one man with a single punch. Shot seven others as well as he escaped the from the mall. You guys got a VCR?" Jake asked the General.
"Yes we do." Hammond was staring at Puppet Master now who was glaring at Jake "Major Yates if you would please?"
Jenny shifted uncomfortably in her seat "Ah…Jake?"
Seeing Jenny's face, Jake realized that Jenny didn't want to see the actual killings even on tape.
"Sure Jenny." He smiled understanding her plight.
"If you will all excuse me." Jenny smiled at the others "I'll be right outside." Jenny left the room. Although she was a forensics doctor, the thought of seeing the people killed made her sick. Jenny couldn't even bring herself to look at the pictures that the woman had handed out. That wasn't her job, her job was to take care of the dead, not find the living. That was Jake and Paulie's job.
Jake handed the tape to Annie who slipped it into the machine and pressed play. The screen lit up and showed the tobacco store.
"This is from the surveillance camera from the tobacco store in the Clearview Mall, this was taken last night. That is your Archangel isn't Puppet Master?"
Puppet Master cursed under her breath, her people should have disabled these cameras.
Everyone saw clearly that it was indeed the man from the pictures supplied to them. They watched as Archangel leaped into action and took out five would be killers in about the span of a minute.
"No good with guns or knives huh?" Jake asked Puppet Master "You know now that I think about it, I'm thinking that those five men were yours trying to take him out. Also the ones at the warehouse were yours as well, weren't they." Jake nodded in understanding "Yeah I see now, he's killed twenty-one of your agents in two days. Now you come to us, you want us to be the bait while your killers sneak up from behind. If we get killed, well at least it isn't anymore of your people. Isn't that right Puppet Master."
Hammond stared at the woman not liking her a bit "I agree with Captain Carter." He told her "If you want our cooperation, you had better start cooperating with us."
Puppet Master sighed, 'Well plan b it is then' she thought to herself "Okay, yes, Archangel is skilled as you saw. That is why it is imperative that we stop him. You saw for yourselves, he killed five men without thought. Killed more of my men at the warehouse. Archangel is very dangerous, how many civilians will he kill Captain Carter? Archangel doesn't care about anyone or anything except himself. The man is insane…" Holding out a hand to one of her men, the man passed over a file. Opening it she began to read from it. "Name, Archangel, real name is unknown to us. Nationality unknown, date of birth, unknown. Over the years he has killed hundreds of innocent people. Master of disguise, computer expert, speaks several languages, seven that we know about, Farsi, Chinese, German, Russian, French, English and Japanese. Archangel is so fluent that you cannot tell him from a native. Expert in martial arts, you can put any gun or rifle into his hands and he will know how to use it. Expert with explosives, tactics, terrorism." Closing the file Puppet Master looked at the people before her "The man is a certifiable nightmare. We captured him in 1998; we interrogated him and got nothing. We put him in Darkmoor asylum for the criminally insane. Broke out in 2000 and only now has resurfaced. He seduced one of our analysts at the CIA, the woman is the one who actually got the NOC list for him. I will spare you the details of what he did to that woman." Puppet Master shivered then looked at the gathered group of people "We need your help to stop him before he kills again!"
Archangel sat down before his newly purchased laptop computer and turned it on and waited for it to boot. Opening the word processor, he slipped a CD into the write-able drive and began to type.
"They tell me my name is Michael, maybe it is, or more likely it is just another lie that I have been told. You see I have no memory of my own first name, and as to my last name, I have used hundreds over the years. I have no memory of who my parents are, I don't even know if they are alive or dead, or even if I have more relatives, brothers and sisters, cousins. Many of you after reading this will ask yourselves, 'Is it all true?', all I can tell you is, yes, every word in this story is true. So as I said my name is Michael, but I live with another name, that name is Archangel and my occupation is as a terrorist hunter for the United States government, this is my story…" Archangel continued to type his life story as he remember it from his very early training days. Archangel smiled, 'You want to take me out?' he thought to himself 'Well that's fine, I'm taking all you sons of bitches with me!' he swore
"The agency I work for is called Sanctuary, the last refuge of hope. It is an ultra secret off shoot of the CIA, created in 1967 by the CIA to deal with terrorist activities around the world. Since 1967, Sanctuary has moved farther and farther away from the CIA. It recruits it's own agents, stages and plans it's own operations, many of which are illegal. I was recruited into Sanctuary in 1974 for an insane operation called Operation Dream child. I was three years old at the time I was recruited as were the others. The operation was taken from a Nazi plan from the end of World War II called operation Wunderkind. In 1945 the Nazi's realized that losing the war was a definite possibility so they formed their operation. The idea was to take 100 children from loyal Nazi families and have them transported into the United States and house them with wealthy Nazi sympathizers. Those children would continue to be indoctrinated in the Nazi ideal. Eventually when they grew up they would gain power inside our government, become judges, Congressmen and if they were lucky a President, then slowly reform our government to become the Fourth Reich, their plan failed. However Sanctuary didn't fail, from the age of three I was taught how to become a weapon to be used at their discretion."
Archangel paused and opened up an email window, he quickly typed out a short letter and attached what he'd just written to it. Then he typed the email addresses for the Washington Post, the Washington Times, the New York times and several others. Archangel then attached another file to it from his own hidden files, it was just enough proof to show the papers that he was telling the truth. Sending the email he promised that he would send more later. Leaning back Archangel was satisfied by this day's work he waited for the phone calls to start. He didn't have to wait long.
An excited voice called out "Is this Archangel?"
"Yes." Archangel smiled
"This is Frank Bronstien from the Washington Times, we just got your E-mail. Jesus Christ son, if you are telling me the truth, you are setting up a shit storm that could take down the President!"
Archangel shrugged, "I'm running for my life Mr. Bronstien, I don't know how much longer I will be alive. I'm the last of the original recruits, all the others are dead. I don't care what happens when I'm gone."
Frank Bronstien sat back stunned, this was the biggest thing since Watergate, HELL Watergate was a sprinkle compared to this!
"What do you mean they are trying to kill you?" he asked his pen poised
"You have heard about the killings in Colorado Springs haven't you?"
Bronstien's eyes opened wide "Jesus, is that you?"
"Just trying to stay alive Mr. Bronstien."
"Call me Frank."
"Frank." Archangel smiled "I was put on a round robin."
"What is that?" Frank Bronstien asked writing it down
"When an agent in Sanctuary has outlived his usefulness, they set him up to do a bogus mission. They purposely tell you what a breeze the job is going to be. When you go to do the mission, people are waiting for you, they catch you off guard and they kill you. They plant drugs on you, and there you have it, a drug deal gone bad. Who cares about a dead drug dealer."
"You said that there were others and that you are the only one left. How many, what did you call it, Oh yeah how many Guardian Angels were there?"
"There were one hundred of us originally, ten never survived the training, 89 died over the 30 years we've been around."
"How old were you when you completed your training?"
Archangel sat back and lit up a cigarette "I was sixteen."
"Okay" Frank had to ask this one last question "Now I got the proof you sent us, that letter from Sanctuary to the senate sub committee of covert intelligence. But how do I really know that it's real."
"You want more proof?"
"Yes" Frank admitted
Archangel smiled, he had the Washington Times at least, "Check it out for yourself, how many children of military personnel, all of whom happened to be three years old that were kidnapped in 1974, by what looked like crazed hippies. I think that the answer will surprise you."
"I'm gonna check it out, and if it is one hundred exactly I'll print the story." He promised
"It is, now I have pried the door open for you, now it's up to you to tear it off it's hinges." Archangel told him "I will send you more when I can to guide you. I will describe to you in intimate details how I was trained. You will not believe what I tell you about that one. You might also want to mention that I am writing a book about my experiences."
Frank shook his head in amazement "Pulitzer here I come!" he thought to himself
"How much you want for the story?" Frank asked before getting too excited, this story was worth whatever it took to get it printed
"I want nothing." Archangel told him "If Sanctuary wants me dead, well I'm not going to go alone, Frank."
"Okay Archangel, I'm gonna write this up right now. You stay alive and get me that next installment as soon as you can!" Frank hung up.
As soon as Archangel hung up the phone rang again.
"Hi this is Danny Concannon from the Washington Post, is this Archangel."
Archangel smiled "Yes it is..."
The corridors in Sanctuary seemed empty today, Control thought. Most agents were away carrying out missions all over the world and many descending to Colorado Springs to deal with Michael. Control shook his head, he had warned Puppet Master that Archangel would not be easy to take out.
"You trained them too well." Control thought to himself
As he walked down the nearly empty hallways Control continued to think to himself.
"Why take out Archangel? The man was loyal, he had done everything that was ever asked of him, and why now? They could have taken care of him five years ago when Archangel was in prison, take him out with out any fuss or muss." Control entered his office and went directly to the bar and poured himself a drink "Why did Puppet Master herself decide to oversee the operation? That was definitely not like her to get so directly involved. Hell she is the Puppet Master, she is supposed to stay out of sight and pull the strings. Her job was not to expose herself to the public, which is exactly what she has done now with the police the FBI and the military. No, something is going down besides what Puppet Master was telling him. Something that she knew that Control would not agree with, probably not participate in it. What could it be! Putting his drink down untouched Control left his office and went down the hall to Puppet Master's office. Picking the lock Control entered the office and began to search. "Something is going down." He thought to himself "I have to know what the hell it is!"
Chapter Six: Extree, Extree, read all about it!
General George Hammond sat back down at his breakfast table with his morning papers, the Colorado Springs Sun Times and the New York Times. Opening up the New York Times, George Hammond settled back into his chair and drank his orange juice. Reading the headline, George put down his glass carefully and began to study the article. Words jumped from the page to his brain, words like kidnapping, three year olds, military families and especially 1974 jumped at him! George Hammond's face was starting to turn purple, his heart hammering in his chest, an anger he'd never felt before in his life was rising up in him threatening to make his head explode. Grabbing the paper George stormed out of his house and into his car and headed for the mountain.
Josiah Bartlet, President of the United States of America sat down to breakfast with his wife.
"Good morning my darling." Josiah smiled at his wife
Abby Bartlet smiled "You seem in a good mood this morning Jed. Sleep well?" she asked pouring him a cup of coffee.
"Like a stone." Josiah admitted happily sipping his coffee.
The door to the room opened and Josh Lyman hurried into the room, a newspaper clutched in his hands.
"Where's the fire Josh?" The president joked
"Mr. President, Ma'am." Josh nodded to the first lady and got down to business "Sir we have a major problem, no check that major problem isn't strong enough. Monumental problem." Josh told the president handing him the morning Washington Post.
"What?" Josiah opened the paper and stared at the screaming head line.
"What the government is hiding from us!" Jed read the article, then quickly re-read the article and slammed it down on the table startling his wife.
"Is it true!" Jed demanded to know from his deputy chief of staff.
Josh shook his head "I don't know sir." He admitted "Leo is on the phone right now with the CIA finding out."
"I want answers Josh." Bartlet ordered "I want answers right now! Senior Staff in the situation room in ten minutes." Turning Jed hurried out to get dressed as Josh ran from the room to get everyone together.
Abby stared after her husband confused, she had never seen him so angry before.
"Jed?" she asked picking up the paper, she began to read as well. "Oh my God!"
Josiah Bartlet walked into the situation room and without another word he demanded "What do we know so far!"
Leo Mcgarry looked over to his boss, his friend "We have a man from the CIA coming over right now, he says that he is bringing in a man who works for Sanctuary as well. The man is in charge of operations for the organization, they call him Control. They'll be here in ten minutes."
"CJ?" the president turned to his press secretary
CJ shook her head "If this is in any way true, we can't hide it sir." She admitted "The press has been calling us non-stop since the story broke this morning. Every news organization on the planet has been trying to contact us for a statement. If this is true then someone is going to find out something. We can't hide it." She admitted
"Anybody else?" Jed asked the others.
Josh nodded as he sat down in his chair "We've been fielding calls all morning from military families demanding to know if it was their children that were taken." Opening a file Josh passed it over to the president "I went ahead and got a list of all military children taken at age three in 1974. One hundred children exactly were taken that year, all by people described as hippies."
"Jesus Christ!" Josiah Bartlet moaned
Uncomfortably Josh pointed out "Sir, look at name number twenty-seven."
Bartlet looked at the list "Michael Hammond, son of George and Joyce Hammond, current posting Cheyenne mountain. General Hammond's son!" Bartlet demanded to the others
"Yes sir." Will Bailey admitted "The General has already called eight times in the last hour. He is demanding to speak to you personally sir. I told him that you would be in contact with him as soon as we knew anything."
There was a knock on the door and it opened two men entered the room. Control looked around and saw that the president was indeed there and that he was not a happy person right now. Control braced himself for the worst, he stood at attention several files in a brief case that he carried.
"SIT DOWN!" Bartlet ordered the two men "Names!"
"Gerald Shackelton, control of operations CIA." The stocky man told him taking a seat
"Francis Sullivan, control of operations Sanctuary." Control sat down placing the briefcase on the desk and opening it.
"Is the story true!" Bartlet demanded holding up the paper.
"Yes sir." Control told him removing a file and holding it out to the president who sat back shocked, his mouth open hanging open.
"It's true?" Josh Lyman stared at the two men
"Yes sir Mr. Lyman." Control sat back and explained "I joined Sanctuary five years ago, I was recruited out of the CIA, I was station chief of London Sector. When I joined Sanctuary, I found out the truth."
"And why didn't you report it!" Bartlet demanded
Shackelton answered that one "Mr. Sullivan reported it to me Mr. President." The man admitted "You see sir, Sanctuary is an entity unto itself now. They have their own funding everything. So we at the CIA knew very little of their operations, only that they seemed to have the best operatives on the planet. They were effective in all that they did, so no one asked too many questions. When I learned from Control what was going on in Sanctuary we began to build a file on them. Trying to gather enough evidence to present to you and to Congress to shut them down. Control had to be very discrete however, because if we were discovered doing this. Both Control and I would have been killed. Sanctuary would have seen to it that we both had accidents."
Bartlet shut his eyes "A rogue agency in my administration." He moaned
"Not just your administration sir." Control pointed out "This operation has been going on for over thirty years."
"And not one president knew?" Leo asked skeptically, "Surely someone had to know."
"No sir, it was a Zulu operation." Control told the group
"A what?" Bartlet asked
Shackelton took over, "A Zulu operation is one that is conducted without presidential knowledge. This is done so that you Mr. President have plausible deniability. Even now sir, you can honestly tell the press that you and your administration knew nothing of what was going on. We can provide evidence to support this."
"That's the least of my worries at this moment." Bartlet told the two men "What about this operation. What was it called again?"
"Operation Dream child." Control supplied "Here is the file with the overview of the operation sir." He handed over the file to the president
Opening the file Bartlet began to read, the room remained silent. Ten minutes later Bartlet shut the file.
"Do you have a list of names of everyone involved with this." He asked through gritted teeth.
"Yes sir."
Nodding Bartlet handed the file to Leo who opened it and began to read it for himself, Josh read over his left shoulder while Will Bailey read over his right.
"Oh my god." Will muttered as he read.
"Why is this happening now?" Bartlet demanded to know "Why is Archangel doing this?"
Control sat forward "Sir what you first must realize is that Archangel is one of the most loyal men that we have ever had. He has done everything that has ever been requested of him. Archangel has saved thousands of lives, just last week he stopped an attempt to place a bomb of serin gas on a train going to London Main railway terminal. If that bomb had gone off, thousands would have died."
"Why is he doing it?" Bartlet repeated
"Because the Puppet Master has put Archangel on a round robin." Control admitted "Right now Archangel is fighting for his life, trying to stay alive. He knows that it is only a matter of time before we get him. There are too many people after him, right now at this moment while we speak, he is being hunted by our best people. This is his revenge for what we did to him and the others." Control shrugged "Archangel has decided that if he is going to die, then he is going to take as many people as possible with him."
Bartlet nodded in understanding "Who is he really?"
Control handed over another file "Archangel's service record."
Bartlet took the file and opened it and began to read.
Control looked at Bartlet "There is more sir."
"What?" Bartlet closed the file angrily
Control sat forward "I was confused as to why Puppet Master would set up Archangel for a round robin. I mean Archangel has done nothing to warrant it, round robins are reserved for people who have betrayed us. Also I was confused as to why Puppet Master, herself got hands on in this operation. That is very much out of character for her, so last night I broke into Puppet Master's office and searched her files. I found two files, the first is called operation Fund Raiser. It was empty, but I know what a fund raiser usually means."
"What?" Leo asked already knowing that he was not going to like the answer.
Control took a deep breath, "A fund raiser is an operation that is conducted to raise appropriations. Sanctuary is going to do something to raise their appropriations. What ever it is, it is going to be dangerous, usually people die, maybe a lot of people will die. Then Sanctuary goes to congress says that they didn't have enough funds to conduct operations and they are granted more money. I also found the plans for Norton Nuclear Power plant." Control told them all "This means that Puppet Master had the plans BEFORE the break in at the plant. This now makes me wonder if Norton is telling us the whole truth about the break in." he told the President
Bartlet turned to Josh "Find out everything there is to know about that break in." He ordered "Send the FBI if you have to, to conduct an investigation immediately."
"I also found this file sir." Control handed another file over to the president, reading it Bartlet slammed it on the table.
"I want this Puppet Master in my office NOW!" he ordered
"She has disappeared sir." Control told him "I tried contacting her this morning at her hotel. The men with her said that she disappeared this morning at around five a.m., just after the morning papers came out. She obviously knew what was coming and she has run for cover."
"I want an arrest warrant issued for her." Bartlet told them "I want the justice department to issue it, also I want indictments for everyone involved in this insanity. I want them in prison!" Turning to Control "I want you to call off this round robin immediately, I want Archangel bought in alive. I want to speak to him myself." He ordered
"Yes Mr. President." Pulling out his cell phone he dialed a number "This is Control, access number 7823729, contact all field agents, Round Robin on the Archangel is now terminated. All agents are to report back to base immediately."
"Yes sir." The voice hung up
Hanging up the phone, Control looked to the President "Done sir, with in the next hour all our agents will be contacted and told to come in."
"And Archangel?" Leo asked wondering how they were going to stop the man before he said anything more.
"That won't be easy sir." Control admitted "We have lost Archangel's trust, he won't just come in, if we ask him to, he doesn't trust us anymore. He will see any attempt to bring him in as a pretext to kill him. If we try to force him, Archangel will see that as an attempt on his life and he will respond with lethal force."
"So how do we bring him in?" CJ asked the man
"I don't know." Control told them "I honestly don't know."
Josiah Bartlet turned to Josh "I want Air Force One fueled and ready to leave for Colorado Springs in three hours. Toby, Will and CJ, I want a speech prepared, I will address the press in one hour. We will simply say that we are now investigating the claims and that we have no knowledge at this time, but we are working on it right now."
"What if they ask why you are going to Colorado Springs at this time sir?" CJ asked
"Make up something, I don't care what it is. Make it plausible for a visit to Cheyenne mountain."
"An inspection of new technology in radio telemetry and also visiting some friends." CJ nodded in understanding "It's vague, yet plausible, it's just lucky that you were scheduled to go there next month anyway, we can say that because of your schedule you can do it now. Also a good thing that it is known that you are friends with General Hammond."
"Good." Bartlet agreed "Now if you will excuse me, I have to figure out how I am going to tell a friend what happened to his son." He admitted unhappily, turning to Will "Contact General Hammond, tell him I'll be there later today."
"Yes sir." Will Bailey picked up the red phone "General Hammond please."
George Hammond hung up the red phone and stared around at the gathered people in the room.
"The President is on his way here." He told the others evenly, turning his attention to the six men who were still strangers to him he asked again.
"You don't know where Puppet Master is?" he asked not believing them
"No sir." The lead man responded "I am as much in the dark as you are. I don't even know how we are to proceed." The man's phone rang "Yes? Yes, understood, we are on our way." Shutting his phone the man stood up "Okay men, the operation has been terminated, we are to report back to base immediately." The other men stood up and without another word the group of men walked out with their escort.
Adrian Baxter shook his head "What the hell is going on!" he demanded
Jack sat back in his seat "That story in the paper, the moment it came out, everything went haywire." He told the others.
Daisy Fuentes entered the room, an angry expression on her face, a newspaper clutched in her fist. She went directly to her father, ignoring everyone else in the room.
"Is this true." She asked shaking the paper in her father's face, her rank or even his rank was not even a consideration at this moment.
"I don't know." He told her "I think it is true, the President is on his way here to meet with me. I think he is going to tell me the truth." George told his daughter.
"Janice and Felicia are on their way here now." Daisy told him "They saw it on the news."
Confused Special Agent Baxter stared at them "What is going on?" he asked them
George Hammond squared his shoulders and told them "In 1974, on September 12th my three year old son was kidnapped by a woman who was described by witnesses as a hippie."
Jack looked up sharply "You don't think that your son was one of the hundred do you sir?"
George Hammond shrugged "I don't know Jack, but I am afraid that I am thinking that very thing." The others stared on in shock at how calm the General was now "If it is true, if it was this Sanctuary that took my son, that killed my son." George shook his head "I will not rest until I see each and everyone of them imprisoned for what they did. If by some miracle they get away with it, I will personally hunt each and everyone of them down and make them pay."
Jack O'Neill saw that the general was actually in shock, not that he could blame the man. General Hammond was definitely not acting like his usual self, it was up to Jack to take over.
"SG 2 and 3 stand down for now." He ordered leaning down he whispered into Daniel's ear.
"Okay" Daniel stood up and made his way out
"Agents, officers." Jack shrugged "I guess we stand down until we know more. We will contact you and let you know."
"Very well." Baxter nodded to his men "Let's go."
Jake turned to his people "Go ahead, I'm going to hang around awhile." Paulie nodded knowing that the Hammonds were friends of Jake's
"Okay, come on guys." Paulie led them out
Jack excused himself for a moment and went out side going over to one of the desks he picked up the phone and pulled out his phone book and looked up the number. Dialing he waited for a response.
"Commander Rabb, Judge Advocate Generals office how may I help you?"
"Hey Harm, it's Jack O'Neill."
Harm smiled "Hi Jack, how's it going out there?"
"Not so good." Jack admitted "Listen, I need to get in touch with Admiral Chedwiggen, is he there?"
"Sure." Harm told him concerned "What's wrong Jack?"
"You read the paper this morning?"
Harm laughed loudly, "You mean that story about that secret organization."
"Don't laugh Harm." Jack told him "Apparently there is some truth to it."
"What!" Harm sat back shocked "I can't believe it!"
"Yeah, listen I need to speak to the admiral it's really important."
"Sure hold on I'll transfer you."
A few moments later another voice answered.
"Colonel O'Neill, a pleasure to hear from you again." AJ Chedwiggen called out
"Admiral sir, I'm calling you off the record."
"What is it Colonel?" Chedwiggen asked seriously
"Sir you read this morning's paper?"
Chedwiggen frowned "Yes I did, why?"
"Apparently some of it at least is true." Jack told him "Sir, General Hammond's son was kidnapped in 74, and he was three years old."
Chedwiggen sat back winded "Dear God, I forgot completely." He admitted ashamed that he could forget something like that.
"Sir, the president is coming out here to speak personally to General Hammond." Jack told him "I think he's going to tell George that his son was one of the hundred children. Sir, I've never seen George Hammond the way he is right now, I'm thinking that he needs his friends now more than ever."
Chedwiggen nodded "Understood Jack, I'm on my way and I'll be there as soon as I can."
Jack hung up the phone and turned to find Daniel waiting for him.
"Well?" Jack asked
"Jacob is on his way." He told Jack "So is Sam."
"Admiral Chedwiggen is on his way too." Jack told Daniel
Daniel shook his head confused as to what to do now "Jesus, Jack what the hell do we do now?" wondering how he could help his friend, a man he considered to be like a father.
Jack shrugged "We help as best that we can."
Jacob Carter finished dressing in his civilian clothes when his second in command entered the room.
"You wanted to see me Ambassador?"
"Yes Charlotte, something has just happened back on earth and I am needed there."
"Your daughter is in labor?" Charlotte Myers asked excitedly
"I wish it was that, but no. I'm needed at the SGC, you are in charge until I return."
"Of course Ambassador, I understand. I hope everything works out at the SGC."
"So do I." Jacob Carter headed for the Stargate
AJ Chedwiggen walked out of his office heading towards the door. He'd already given instructions on where he could be reached in case of emergency. It was time to take an early vacation to help his friend. Making a few calls he now had space available on a transport to Colorado Springs.
Stopping by Harm's office "Commander I'm off, you are in charge until I return."
"Yes sir." Harm stood at attention "Sir if there is anything that I can do to help the general please don't hesitate to ask sir."
Chedwiggen smiled in appreciation "Thank you commander, I will keep that in mind."
Two hours later A.J. boarded the transport bag in hand he was shocked to see LtCol Mackenzie sitting in one of the seats.
"Admiral" Sarah smiled "I saved you a seat sir." She pointed out the seat next to her
"What are you doing here?" Chedwiggen asked her "As I remember it you are on leave for the next two months."
"Yes sir." Sarah smiled "I took the extra leave to spend some time with my daughter and some of it with Sam and Daniel Jackson. Sam is giving birth in a couple of weeks. I wanted to spend some time with them and the baby. I was going down in a few weeks, but Commander Rabb called me and told me what was happening. I'm sure that Daisy Hammond is going to need her friends as well." She shrugged.
"You are right." A.J. admitted "I'm ashamed to admit it but I forgot all about Daisy and I'm sure that her sisters are going to be there as well."
Sarah nodded "I'm sure that you are right admiral, I've never met Daisy's sisters." Sarah admitted wondering what they were like.
The plane began to taxi down the runway, as they took off Chedwiggen continued
"Yes, Felicia and Janice Hammond, two very sweet women. All of them nice." Chedwiggen told his friend "They don't deserve this happening to them Sarah. None of these families did." Chedwiggen told her angrily.
"Yes sir." Sarah agreed with him whole heartedly
Chapter 7: Michael Hammond
Josiah Bartlet and his staff entered Cheyenne Mountain and quickly made their way down with their escort to the conference room. Bartlet had studied the files carefully when he boarded Air Force One trying to learn all that he could so that he could tell the general the complete truth. In fact he bought Control along to tell the general about his son personally. Bartlet looked over at the man, Control seemed relieved at what was now happening at his headquarters. Relieved that Bartlet had ordered the FBI, CIA and NSA to enter Sanctuary headquarters and to seize all files, to make sure that everyone there was detained for further questioning. After which Josiah had to decide to do with the agents that were still there.
Entering the conference room Bartlet saw that it was full of people. People he knew, people who were loyal to General Hammond and to their country. This is what really angered Jed, Sanctuary had taken what was most precious from one hundred families, families that had been loyal to their country, that had sacrificed for their country and now this was how they were repaid for their sacrifices. To have their children, their most precious possession taken from them and turned into killers.
General Hammond stood at attention and saluted the president as did the others. Felicia and Janice Hammond stood by their father's chair, Daisy sat there holding her father's hand waiting for the truth.
"Please everyone be seated." Bartlet took his own seat as did his staff
Looking around the room Josiah had to ask "Do you want everyone here to know George." He asked already knowing the answer
"These are my friends." Hammond told him simply "My family."
"Very well." Bartlet sat up straight in his chair "I only found out about all of these events this morning." He began "When I read the paper I ordered an immediate investigation to ascertain if this was all true or the figment of some prankster's imagination. I found out that it was all true." Jed looked around at all the shocked faces and he stared then directly at George Hammond who sat completely still "I'll start at the beginning. In 1967, the CIA realized that terrorism was on the rise, that small groups of terrorists was going to be the next thing that had to be dealt with by us. However the CIA was still fighting the cold war and couldn't spare the man power to dedicate the time to the growing concern about terrorism. That was when an up and rising star at the CIA came up with a plan. She suggested a sub section be created to deal with terrorism while the main body of the CIA concentrated on the cold war. They approached congress with the idea and it was approved. This young woman, by the name of Glynis Barber was put in charge of the group now named Sanctuary, the last refuge for hope." Bartlet opened one of the files to make sure that he got everything right. "The organization was formed and by 1969 Sanctuary had fifty agents in total. Miss Barber or to give her, her proper code name Puppet Master, was a brilliant strategist. She and her group were able to stop some very dangerous people who if had succeeded would have altered world politics as we know it. In 1970 there was a major explosion in Paris France that killed fifty civilians and hurt hundreds more, mostly Americans." Bartlet shrugged "Some kind of tour group apparently. Sanctuary had warned of this and told us that they didn't have the manpower to see to every part of the world. After the explosion, more funds were allocated to the organization to recruit more agents. In September 1970 an operation was created to recruit the most skilled agents the world had ever seen. Operation Dream Child was created, the simple out line of this operation was to recruit children at the age of three for training at Sanctuary. You see Sanctuary wanted agents who could go undercover anywhere at anytime. Be able to speak several languages and to be experts in all areas of operations. They felt that teaching adults all that they needed to know, to operate in the shadow world would take years. According to their reports it would take fifteen years to teach them everything. So a young man of 25 would be 40 before he performed his first mission. Being that the agent would be 40 years of age when he began his career, he would have a very limited amount of time before he would be useless to us, to be blunt, he would be too old to be any use. However if you took a child at the age of three by the time they finished training they would just be becoming adults."
Daisy couldn't stand anymore "Why didn't someone stop them!" she demanded to know as her husband gripped her hand giving her support "Why!"
Bartlet stared at the beautiful young woman "No one outside Sanctuary ever knew about this particular operation." He told her truthfully
Bartlet continued "By December 1973 Sanctuary had everything that they needed to commence operations. They had trainers, teachers, doctors and their own secret base from which to train them. To this day no one knows where the children were trained. Anyway, beginning in January of 1974, children from military families aged three were kidnapped from all over the country. Michael Hammond was one of them." Bartlet finally told them.
George Hammond stared at the president and as calmly as possible he asked "Why my son?" not really knowing what answer would ease his anger, his hatred at this very moment.
Bartlet shook his head, "You were an up and coming young officer with a great future in the military ahead of you. From what I can gather, Sanctuary felt that the children of military families were more predisposed to serve their country than were other children. Besides that, the kidnappings would be hidden better seeing as how unpopular the military was during the time because of Vietnam. Also by being children, everything that they were taught, would become second nature to them. As you know, after the age of three, children hit their peak learning years, anything a child learns in these important years will be second nature to them. Michael Hammond was taken to this secret facility and for the next thirteen years was taught to become a terrorist hunter. Michael Hammond was taught how they think, how they operate, how to infiltrate and how to destroy terrorists as were the other children. At the age of sixteen, ninety of those children graduated their training, ten died during the training." Bartlet admitted, seeing the angry expressions of the military personnel around the table, not that he could blame them he was damn angry himself "At sixteen the children were unleashed and sent out to work, over the next decade and a half they did as they were taught. They sought out and stopped whatever terrorist activity they could find. Rough estimates say that the Guardian Angels as the team was called, saved tens of thousands of lives. They also ruthlessly dispatched any terrorist they found. They used and manipulated civilians, they even killed civilians if they got in the way of their objectives. Over the last seventeen years eighty-nine more Guardian Angels died trying to protect us from terrorists."
"So only this Archangel is left?" Sam asked rubbing her stomach, shocked and angry that this had happened to her friends, her family. Ashamed that her country could have allowed such a travesty to even happen.
"Yes." Bartlet admitted to them
"So why do you want him dead?" Jack asked the president
"Control?" Bartlet nodded to the man to take over
Control looked over the people assembled there and knew that they were hurt and angry. He also knew that he would be blamed for it, right now he didn't care.
"I am Control of Operations of Sanctuary." Hammond's eyes snapped to the man, his eyes boring a hole through the man.
Taking a deep breath, Control continued, "I joined Sanctuary five years ago, before that I was with the CIA. Since my tenure as Control, seventeen Guardian Angels have died during missions for us. Archangel was the last, you see the children were told at the beginning of their training that when they had completed thirty years with Sanctuary they would be released and allowed to retire with generous pensions and live out the rest of their lives in peace. Only Archangel lived to see that day, in fact his retirement date is in nine days. I guess Puppet Master decided that since only Archangel was left, kill him and in that way no one will remember the Guardian Angels."
"Tell us about my brother!" Felicia Hammond said angrily, tears stinging her eyes. The pain in her heart almost unbearable.
Control opened the service file in front of him "Hammond, Michael Benjamin, born May the 27th 1971 at the Air Force Academy Hospital, Colorado Springs. Taken September 12th 1974 from the botanical gardens in Colorado Springs and bought into the Big Nowhere." Looking at the others he shrugged "We don't know what that is exactly, except that was where the children were trained." Holding up a DVD he told the others "We have film highlights of your son's life." He told Hammond "Apparently every aspect of their training was filmed and files were kept."
"I want to see them all." Hammond told the man "I want to see with my own eyes what you sons of bitches did to my boy." He said evenly
"You will." Bartlet promised him "I made sure to tell my men to seize those discs first."
"If someone would…" Control held up the disc
"I got it." Daniel took the disc and put it into the machine as a screen appeared along the wall. Gabe stood up and hit the lights.
The screen came to life and a voice came on.
"This is file number 027 out of 100, Subject name Hammond, Michael B., subject has no code name at this time will fill that in later and all subsequent notations will be made under that code name."
Control spoke up at that point "Each child was given a code name after an angel, this is how they were raised with that codename alone. Most of the children never knew their own names or birthdays or who their parents were. You see as they grew older, they simply forgot." He explained
Hammond turned to the screen and saw a man and a woman standing there. The woman looked familiar.
"That's Puppet Master thirty years ago." Control told them "I don't know the man except that he is code named Praetorian, he is my predecessor."
The door opened and a woman entered the room holding onto the hand of a little boy.
"Mikey!" Hammond stared at his son, his heart hammering in his chest.
The woman bought the child forward.
"Did you have any problems?" The man asked
"None sir, Michael these are the people I was telling you about." The woman smiled at the boy.
"Where's mommy and daddy." Little Michael Hammond asked tears in his eyes obviously frightened by his surroundings. "Where's Felicia and Janice, where's baby Daisy!"
"They are dead." The man told him without feeling
"NO!" The boy screamed "You are lying!"
Puppet Master sank down to one knee "I'm afraid they are dead Michael, there was a terrible accident. They are with God now, before they died they asked us to take care of you."
Michael Hammond fell to the floor crying. The man known as Praetorian roughly grabbed the boy and stood him up.
"Stand up and stop that crying, act like a man!" he demanded of a three year old.
Puppet Master reached behind her and grabbed a bag and held it out to the boy.
"Your parents left you something." She told the boy "Do you want it?" she asked him
Rubbing his eyes the little boy nodded "Yeth." he lisped
Holding out the bag Puppet Master told him "Now I want you to say after me okay?"
The boy nodded wanting his parents gift.
"God in heaven, tell me who I am to become."
Michael Hammond repeated the words "God in heaven, tell me who I am to become."
"For I am a Guardian Angel without a name."
The others sat back disgustedly, watching as a child was being manipulated
"For I am a Guardian Angel without a name."
"Okay" the woman smiled "Now reach into the bag and take only one tag okay."
Michael Hammond reached into the bag and pulled out a golden necklace holding it close to his chest.
"May I see it?" Puppet master asked
"Will I get it back?" Michael asked suspiciously as he hugged his parents last gift to his chest.
"Of course you will." Puppet Master laughed "You're parents wanted you to have it."
Michael held out his hand and gave the necklace to Puppet Master.
Looking at it Puppet Master smiled and turned to Praetorian "It was fated to be!" she said excitedly
"What?" Praetorian asked and looked at the medallion and smiled as well "Indeed." Frowning Praetorian looked back to Puppet Master, "However, we can't name him that."
Puppet Master agreed, the boy might hold on to the past if he were to retain his first name.
Puppet Master turned back to the boy and put the necklace around his head and centered it on his chest.
"You are now Archangel." She told him, the others sat up in shock as they watched "That is the only name you will answer to now."
Confused Michael looked at the woman "But my name is Mikey."
Praetorian looked at the boy "You are now Archangel, that is the only name you will answer to at all times. Michael no longer exists."
They all watched as a three year old child stood his ground stubbornly "My name is Michael Benjamin Hammond, my daddy is George Hammond, my mommy is Joyce Hammond."
Praetorian lashed out and slapped the boy across the room, every one jumped. Praetorian grabbed the boy by the hair "Who are you?" he demanded angrily
The boy rubbed his red face. "Michael" he said defiantly tears streaming down his face
Praetorian began to beat the boy without mercy until Puppet Master stopped him.
"Enough!" she told him "We don't want the boy dead!" she told him
Dropping the boy Praetorian hung over him "You are Archangel, that is the only name you will ever answer to from now to the end of time." And stalked out of the room.
The little boy was curled into a tiny ball whimpering "Help me daddy." He moaned, George Hammond watched tears in his eyes as his boy called out for his help.
The voice overlay returned, it belonged to a woman now, it was obvious to all that it was Puppet Master.
"Subject Archangel is proving to be stubborn, he has yet to accept his new codename. All the other children, even those who resisted initially have accepted their new names. Archangel has not, I am tempted to order him cancelled immediately. Yet there is something in this boy that I like, there is untapped strength in him. This may be useful in the future, so I am going to hold off cancellation at this time."
The scene changed to another room, an old oriental man sat crossed legged in the center of the room. His eyes closed in meditation he sat there unmoving.
"Day 58 of training, Archangel's first martial arts training session." The voice announced
The door opened and Michael Hammond entered the room. He closed the door and waited at attention by the door to be recognized. To all the soldiers in the room, the boy looked like a seasoned recruit. They watched as the old man's eyes snapped open.
"What is your name?" he asked
"Archangel." The boy told him, Jack shook his head angrily. It had been a foregone conclusion who would win that battle, but he had hoped.
"Come here Archangel and sit." The old man waved him over
Archangel sat down ramrod at attention just as he'd been taught.
"Why is it that you come to me?" the old man asked
The boy shrugged "I was told to come, so I came."
The old man nodded "I am grandmaster Hui." He told the boy "I am to teach you the martial arts. I am to teach you to fight."
Michael Hammond stared at the old man, his eyes suddenly shining "You will teach me to fight?"
"Why do you wish to learn." The old man asked curiously
"If I can fight, then they won't hurt me anymore." The boy told him seriously
The old man lifted the boy's face and stared deeply into the boys' eyes "That is a good reason, to defend yourself is important, I can teach you to fight, to defend yourself. That is easy to learn, but the question I have is, do you want to be great?" the old man asked the boy.
The boy nodded eagerly his eyes shining brightly, "Yes, I want to be great."
The old man smiled "Then let us begin." The old man stood up and began to teach little Michael Hammond the Martial arts.
The woman's voice came on again "Archangel has started Martial arts training with Grand Master Hui. I have purposely given Archangel the best trainer we have because I can see already that Archangel is something special. Perhaps like his name sake he will lead the Guardian Angels."
The scene changed again and the woman's voice returned
"Year thirteen, graduation day, Archangel has exceeded all expectations. At just sixteen, Archangel is the best that I have ever seen. Archangel has mastered 11 languages and even more dialects, he has taught our computer experts some things that they never knew about. Archangel is also an expert sharpshooter with just about any weapon you place in his hands. Most important of all is his mind, Archangel has a mind like a steel trap, he remembers everything to the last detail. Archangel doesn't see the next move, he sees the next five moves, this will prove valuable in the long run. All the other Guardian Angels look to him for his opinion or advice, even his approval. They all go to him for additional training, Archangel is their appointed leader. Now he must pass his graduation test. I specifically designed this test to be the hardest of them all, if he passes as I expect him to pass then the Guardian Angels will be sent out. I have only one worry about Archangel, I still don't know how to deal with that particular problem, that is why I came up with this idea. All other trainees were given simulated tests, Archangel will have a live fire test in the field with no backup. If he succeeds as I expect him to, then I will officially appoint him as team leader. With it, he will be paid more than the others and also have more responsibilities than the others. If he fails, Praetorian has orders to cancel him immediately."
The camera came on again and it showed the group to their surprise an amusement park. A handsome young sixteen year old Michael Hammond was smiling looking around in awe at the myriad of rides and attractions excitedly. Standing to his side is Praetorian with his hand on the boy's shoulder.
"Like what you see?" he asked with a smile
"Wow, I've never seen anything like this before." The teen admitted, not knowing where to look first.
"I have something for you." Praetorian told him holding out an ornately wrapped box
Taking the box Archangel smiled "For me?"
"Yes, it's your graduation present, go on open it."
Smiling the boy ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the box, a Barretta 9MM with one clip and a silencer sat inside the box. The boy's smile vanished.
"Look to your left." Praetorian told him, as the teen did so Praetorian continued "The woman in the red blouse, standing next to those children is named Marcella Devroix. She is with the Red Faction Strike Group. Her expertise is bombs, we have discovered that her purpose here today is to plant a bomb on one of the rides. You're assignment is to stop her from killing these people." Putting his hand on Michael's shoulder "Archangel, this is not training any longer, this is real. She is a real terrorist, you are holding a real gun and this is real life. Your orders are to cancel her and grab her bag with the device and avoid detection, she has men all around the park so you have to accomplish your mission and get to the north east entrance for your escape. I will be waiting there with a car. If you fail Archangel, all these children that you see will die. Good luck." With that said Praetorian left the boy standing there. Jack shook his head, what a responsibility to put in the hands of a teenage boy, who wasn't even old enough to shave at the time.
Michael Hammond took a deep breath and walked to a secluded corner. Pulling out the gun he quickly screwed in the silencer and loaded the gun. Walking to the woman he stood behind her. The group watched as Archangel planned his next move. A group of older teens passed by Michael accidentally pushing him.
"Watch it fag." Michael taunted the older teens
The oldest and biggest teen turned to Michael "What did you say?"
"I said watch it fag." Michael repeated
The teens closed in on Michael "Who you calling a fag, hard-on!"
Without another word Michael smashed his fist in the boys face breaking his nose. Suddenly the others teens jumped in to help their friend. Other bystanders became embroiled in the free for all, causing confusion and hysteria. Michael detached himself from the main fight and walked to the woman, Michael pulled out the gun and with out a second thought shot the woman in the back four times grabbing her bag, he calmly walked away putting his gun back into his jacket.
"Dear God." George Hammond moaned as he watched his son take another life.
Archangel got to the exit and into the car that was waiting for him.
"Mission accomplished." He told Praetorian calmly without a trace of emotion.
"Disarm the device." Praetorian ordered the boy.
Michael pulled out the explosive "C-4 with a mercury trigger." He said aloud and pulled out the wires and pulled off the detonator.
"Device is safe."
"Good, drive." Praetorian ordered the driver "Congratulations Archangel, you have just graduated training and are now a full field officer. You are a level two operative." Praetorian explained handing over a box. "Inside you will find ID's and credit cards in your new name, Michael Angel. You are the only son of a career diplomat who has recently died. You are young and wealthy and have just graduated high school two years early and are living in Paris with a maiden aunt. Inside you will find a ticket for the five pm flight to Charles De Gaulle, don't even think of running. We have other agents on the flight, who will watch you until you get to Paris. Here are the keys to your apartment." Praetorian handed them over with a slip of paper "Your address, when you get to Paris you can do as you please. However you must train at least sixteen hours every week. Your control's name is Harlequin, she will be the one handing out your assignments and supervise your training, she will be posing as your aunt. Harlequin will take you shopping for everything that you are going to need. You will report to her any problems that you may encounter. Here we are." The car stopped at the Air France terminal of the airport. "Your flight leaves in one hour, Harlequin will meet you in Paris, good luck Archangel."
"Yes sir." Archangel handed back the gun he had just used to Praetorian and exited the car. Michael watched as the car drove away, once it was out of sight, Michael Hammond turned and opened a garbage can and threw up into it.
The voice of the Puppet Master came on again "Archangel has graduated, but as I feared he is a bit weak willed when it comes to canceling someone. This is something that will have to be watched for in the future. We cannot afford to have our cold-ops getting sick every time they kill. I hope it is just an aberration, a reaction to his first actual live kill, however if it progresses, Archangel no matter how good he is will have to be cancelled."
The screen went blank and the lights were turned back on.
George Hammond stared slack-jawed at the screen, Daisy Hammond Fuentes also stared unbelievingly at the screen, she turned back to Control, Daisy had to know.
"The woman?" she asked nervously, silently she prayed, 'Please be evil, don't let Michael have killed an innocent woman.'
Control nodded knowing what the woman wanted to know, "Marcella Devorix, age 25 when she died in that amusement park. Born to rich parents, Marcella was given the best of everything, the best education, riding lessons, ballet everything that you can imagine. Every opportunity was placed before her. Marcella turned her back on all of it when she met Henri Villers, an angry communist student radical. Marcella joined the Red Faction Strike Force in the early 80's after she graduated from college. She excelled in chemistry, she used that particular skill to make bombs for the group. Marcella made a total of eighteen bombs that were responsible for the deaths of over one hundred and fifty people many of them children. If Marcella had succeeded in planting that last device, she would have killed hundreds more. Your son General stopped her just as he'd been taught."
Hammond nodded realizing that Control saw the disgust in his face over what his son had done. That HIS son could be so heartless so callous when it came to taking a human life.
"Life for the Guardian Angels was never easy." Control told them "After graduation they were each granted their own apartments. However, Sanctuary had hidden cameras and microphones placed in every room so that they could see and hear everything. Their lives were monitored and controlled twenty four hours a day by Sanctuary, they all knew that if they placed one foot out of line they would cancelled."
Jack snorted in disgust "Nice euphemism for murdering them." He accused Control
"Yes Colonel murdered." Control told him evenly "Their girlfriends or boyfriends also, if they didn't meet Sanctuary standards, also had accidents. Like your son's wife." He told the general
Felicia Hammond looked up sharply "My brother was married?" she asked shocked wondering how much more horrifying this could possibly get.
"Yes" Control told them "She was a Sanctuary agent, although Archangel never knew this, to this day he does not know the whole truth. Puppet master was and is still afraid of what Michael might do if he ever found out the truth. They met in Paris, Archangel was 20 at the time, she was 23. Her assignment was to get close to your son. To keep an eye on him and make sure that he was loyal to Sanctuary at all times. She was to report everything, down to how often she and your son had sex. Her name was Daniella Pierce Hammond." Control passed out a picture, the others looked quickly and passed it on until it reached the general. George stared at a beautiful young brunette woman with green eyes. A woman who had been ordered to pretend to love his son, to betray him in the cruelest way possible.
"Sanctuary was worried about Archangel." Control told them "You see your son was pretty much a loner. His only friends were his fellow Guardian Angels. Michael didn't go to nightclubs, he didn't drink or do drugs. Michael also has a certain way with the ladies, obviously Michael was taught by experts, how to seduce the opposite sex. All the Guardian Angels were, but Michael is very handsome, and when he wants to be, very appealing to women, he knows their wants and needs. Michael listens to them and interprets and can utilize that information to his own benefit." Control told them, making it sound clinical.
Jack broke in again, "What you mean, is he could get laid when ever he wants." he said bluntly
Control nodded "To be frank, yes, he could. The problem was that Michael didn't use that ability, personally I think that Michael was afraid of becoming involved because of what might happen to the woman. Sanctuary was afraid that he was thinking too much, thinking about his life and his situation. They were afraid that Michael might run, or change sides and become a terrorist himself. With his training and skills, Michael would be the most dangerous terrorist on the planet. So Sanctuary decided it was time for Michael to fall in love, however they couldn't let him fall in love with just anyone, there would be too many questions about his lifestyle, why he disappeared for weeks at a time while doing his missions. So Sanctuary decided to use one of their newest agents, one that Michael had never met. Daniella Pierce was chosen, she was young, beautiful and willing to betray Michael. Daniella's assignment was to keep Michael happy, a happy and well sexed agent will not think about going to the other side. From Sanctuary's point of view, it was the perfect solution. Daniella would keep Michael happy, and she would never inquire as to his work, but seemingly accept the cover story that he was an international sales rep for a huge conglomeration, who would often have to travel out of the country for weeks at a time. The problem that Sanctuary never anticipated was that Daniella would actually fall in love with Michael. Daniella asked Sanctuary to allow her to tell Michael the truth, that she was willing to stay with him forever. Obviously Sanctuary refused her request and they demanded that she continue with the mission and to disregard her feelings for her husband. Soon after that Daniella refused to tender any more reports about their lives. That it was private between the two of them and that all they needed to know was that Michael was loyal. Sanctuary told her to do as she had been ordered or to suffer the consequences, Daniella told Puppet Master to go to hell." Control looked directly at the general and told him "Two days later Daniella Hammond was struck by a hit and run driver and killed, she was also eight months pregnant at the time. The child died as well."
"Jesus Christ!" Hammond stood up "What kind of animals are you people, what kind of animal did you turn my son into!" he demanded to know shaking with rage.
Control shook his head and told the man "I am trying to make you understand!" Control told him "Michael Hammond had absolutely no chance once Puppet Master and Praetorian got their hands on him. He became the weapon that Sanctuary wanted, all the children did. However, your son is something special! Michael rose through the ranks, he became one of only three agents ever to achieve level 8 operative the only agent alive to reach level 9. Archangel is the greatest agent that I have ever seen! He has saved more lives than any other ten Guardian Angel's put together! Michael Hammond served his country with honor and distinction, he has suffered more pain than any man that I know. He has been shot, stabbed, beaten, tortured physically, psychologically and chemically and yet he goes on. He doesn't stop, he will do what ever is necessary to save the innocent, even if he has to pay for it with his own mind, body and soul. Michael Hammond is a hero!" Control yelled at Hammond "If you can't see that then just stay away from him." Control sat down as the others stared at him wondering if the man was real or just acting "Archangel has suffered enough in this life. He does not need his father coming back from the dead to add more misery into his life.
"Tortured?" Janice asked horrified by what she was learning had happened to her brother.
Control looked over at the woman "Yes, Archangel has been tortured many times." Staring at the others he told them "You all sit there and think that Michael would just go into a situation and just kill everyone. Well he didn't, Michael had this thing in him that Sanctuary always hated, Michael had a soul, he retained some of his humanity." He told them coldly "Michael cared about the lives he saved, tried to make sure that no collateral damage was incurred. To do this Michael took longer on missions, a day, sometimes a week to perform a mission sometimes longer. Michael always waited for the opportune moment, for that one split second when his target was in the open and Michael could take him with no innocent bystanders getting hurt. Sanctuary always tried to rub that little bit of humanity out of him. Michael refused to let it go, the only reason that Sanctuary allowed him to live was because he always accomplished his missions." Control sat back in his chair and explained it to the others "In the beginning it was decided to take Michael out. He was becoming too much of an independent thinker, making his own time tables to accomplish his missions and disregarding Sanctuary. Then something happened." Control admitted
"What happened?" Janet asked staring at the man before her, it was obvious to her that this man respected Michael Hammond and was trying to defend his actions to the man's father.
"I wasn't there when it happened." Control admitted "It was before my time with Sanctuary, but I've heard the story dozens of times from other agents. At first I didn't believe it was true, I even asked Puppet Master about it and she told me it was true. It was what saved Michael's life."
"What?" Jack asked curious about what it was that had this man surprised. What could Michael Hammond have done!
"Have you ever heard of the Jackal?" Control asked the group
"Yeah." Jack admitted "Jackal was considered one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. Responsible for dozens of acts of terrorism, killed hundreds of people. The man was heartless and cruel, no mercy in him at all. Some of the officer's I've talked to seemed to think that the man wasn't human." Jack stared at Control surprised "Then about twelve years ago he just disappeared. Was that Michael?" he asked incredulously.
"No" Control told the group "Jackal was captured by another Guardian Angel codenamed Rafael. Rafael didn't cancel him though, instead he bought the Jackal to us for interrogation. Rafael…" Control broke off and smiled in remembrance, "One of the best we ever had…" Control shook his head and continued "Anyway, we interrogated Jackal trying to find out where his operations were located, his training camps, where his financing came from. We tried chemicals, psychological tactics, we even beat the man nearly to death and he stayed mute. It was at this time that Puppet Master had decided to bring in Michael to be cancelled. So he was called into headquarters and of course he came. Michael had heard about Jackal's capture and wanted to get a look at the man for himself. Michael entered one of the interrogations that was being conducted by Puppet Master herself, she was good at interrogation." Control admitted "When Michael entered the room Puppet Master looked at him and smiled and she said 'Ah Archangel, have you met Jackal?', when Jackal heard the name Archangel he began to tremble. Puppet Master noticed instantly and told Michael not to be rude and introduce himself to the Jackal. The moment that Michael got near the man, Jackal started screaming out the locations of his training camps and began to tell us how he was financed and just where the money was and the account numbers. Jackal was terrified of Archangel." Control laughed aloud shaking his head "I wish I'd been there to see it, the badest and toughest terrorist in the world and Archangel made the man pee his pants by just staring at him. After that Puppet Master ordered Archangel to wait in her office while she finished with Jackal. Once Michael was gone, Puppet Master questioned Jackal about what he'd heard about Archangel. Puppet Master found out that many terrorists around the world feared Archangel that they feared nothing and no one except Archangel. You see because Michael took the extra time to plan and execute one of his plans, had become stuff of legends. It was said that Archangel was the avenging sword of God, sent from heaven to punish the wicked. That Archangel could get to who he wanted, whenever he wanted. That Archangel could enter a room full of people find his target, cancel him or her in front of everyone and no one would realize that the person was dead for hours. No one could remember what Archangel looked like, he was a specter, a harbinger of death. That no one was safe from Archangel and his justice." Control smiled at the others "Puppet Master decided after hearing that to leave Michael alone and let him do his own thing. That as long as Archangel struck fear in to the hearts of terrorists, whatever time he took to plan his moves was fine with her." Then Control frowned and continued "The problem was, because Michael cared about there being no collateral damage, he had to work in close. You see most other agents would just plant a bomb in the targets car and blow them up making it look like someone from their own organization had done the deed, or a high powered rifle at times, or indeed just go in guns blazing and who ever dies, dies. However bombs are messy things and it could cause a lot of collateral damage, but Sanctuary didn't care as long as the mission was accomplished successfully. These are what we in intelligence call the "Butchers", Guardian Angels on the other hand were "Surgeons". They went in, infiltrated the groups, got in close and surgically removed the problem, as if it were a cancerous growth. Even then there was a line you didn't cross, because you might give yourself away. Archangel took more chances than the others, exposed himself more to the enemy, he crossed that line over and over again to ensure that there was no collateral damage. Because of this, many times Michael has been hurt himself while accomplishing the mission. As I said Archangel has been tortured, he's also been shot I don't know how many times, stabbed five times, he's broken just about every bone in his body, someone even tried to garrote him once." Control looked around the table at the others. "He is the most unstoppable son of a bitch that I have ever seen. This is now what we face, what we must deal with. Archangel is not a man you want as your enemy, he will wait as long as it takes, patiently and when the time is right, Michael will strike. To avoid this from happening we have to figure out a way of getting Archangel to come in out of the cold and let him retire, without fear of being killed." Control announced to the others. "What you have to realize, is once Puppet Master put him on the Round Robin, Michael lost all the faith he had left in Sanctuary. He knows that he cannot hide indefinitely, he knows that Sanctuary is everywhere. Michael knows he is going to die and because of that, he wrote that article in the paper. Michael feels that if he goes, then everyone goes with him." Control stood up and began to pace the room "Michael won't come in if we just ask him to, he will also see any attempt by us to bring him in as another attack and he will respond with lethal force. Still, we have to bring him in and stop him before he does something that is irreversible. So far all those that have died are Sanctuary agents, we can make them disappear as if it never happened. But, sooner or later, even if it is only by accident, Michael will kill a civilian, after that we can't do anything."
The group sat in silence, digesting all that they had just learned. Janet O'Neill looked around the table, seeing their pensive faces, trying to figure out a way to bring the man in safely. Janet shook her head, her first thought was "Why should we save him. The man is obvious a killing machine and is obviously insane!"
Jake spoke for the first time "What are his habits?" he asked "Likes, dislikes, anything that can help me track him."
Daisy looked at her father "How do we even know if Michael is still in town. If it was me, I would run as far and as fast as I could." she pointed out reasonably
"Michael won't run." Control told the others "He will stay here and face us. Running is just not in his nature, he will stand his ground and take as many of us as he can before he falls." Then he turned to Jake "Sorry Captain Carter, Archangel has no set patterns, no habits. Sanctuary taught him that having any of those things would prove to be dangerous to him."
"Shit." Jake mumbled
Jack looked up and began "What about…" he continued telling his idea, then others began to form their own ideas and discuss the best way to proceed to save a life, before more life was lost.
Monica and Tess walked around the table unseen by the others, they listened to plan after plan of what to do now. Both angels shook their heads, they both knew that the plans being outlined were doomed to failure or would lead to more death.
Monica sent up a prayer to God to help them to find a plan to bring in Michael safely. Michael would be needed soon, his skills and his experience would be desperately needed. Monica closed her eyes and the answer was revealed to her. Opening her eyes she walked up to Jake and leaned into his ear and began to whisper.
Jake Carter sat completely still, listening to that little voice in his head. That little voice that had never let him down before. As the others spoke Jake pulled out his cell phone and dialed.
"Paulie? Yeah it's me…Naw it's a fucking nightmare, listen in Nunez around?…Yeah I need to speak to him."
Jake looked up and saw that his sister was staring at him strangely. Jake simply held up a hand while the table fell quiet and listened.
"Yeah boss." The cheerful voice called back
"You still got those contacts in the underground?" Jake asked
"Sure, why?" Nunez asked nervously, he always hated dealing with them. No one realized how dangerous dealing with those people really was for the detective.
"I need you to get the word out to them and have it spread all over until the message is delivered to the party."
"Sure." Nunez smiled that was easy enough "What's the message?"
"Archangel…" Jake heard an intake of breath on the other end "What's wrong?" he asked.
"Nothing boss." Nunez told him sneezing, "Just coming down with a cold."
"Okay the message is, Archangel contact Captain Jake Carter, it is urgent. Trust me just once and you won't regret it. Give your contact my cell number."
Nunez nodded as he memorized the message "So you going to help them cancel this guy?"
Jake shook his head "No, seems the President of the United States wants to have a talk with him."
"The prez himself?" Nunez asked surprised
"Yeah, how long to get that message out?"
"An hour maybe two, depending where my contact is, but once he's got it, it will spread quick enough. It will be out in the streets by midnight, tomorrow morning latest."
"Good man, get going." Jake hung up
"What did you do?" Control asked the man
"One of my detectives has some very unscrupulous contacts. Very dangerous men from what I am told, the type that we can never arrest because there is never enough evidence. My man will call up his contact and send out that message. I figure that Archangel is going to need special hardware or passports something of that nature. These men deal in that sort of thing. If Michael meets these people then he will get that message. Hopefully he will take a chance and call me."
Chapter 8: Out from the cold
Michael sat down in church and closed his eyes in thought, he still had much to plan, to prepare. If he was going to go through with telling the whole story to the world. Michael knew that he should, that it was best for the world to know about him and the others. How many families would find peace in knowing what had happened to their children. Yet there were others who might be hurt if he actually told the story, their lives destroyed. What should he do? Suddenly Michael's eyes snapped open, he was no longer alone. Michael's hand flew to his gun.
"NO!" A hand closed over Michael's "It's me!" the voice whispered hoarsely
Michael saw a face from his past and smiled.
"It is you." Michael hugged the other man, who in turn hugged him back "What are you doing here?" Michael asked amazed to see his friend after almost six years.
"I live here now." The man told him "Been living here about five years now. Got a wife and kid now too."
Michael gave the man a dirty look "What about M?" he asked
The man smiled "Who do you think I married."
"Good!" Michael smiled "She's good for you. The kid?"
"Girl, two years old now. We call her little M."
Michael smiled patting the man on the shoulder "So what are you doing here?"
"I have a message for you." The man admitted "I figured you'd be in a church, so I just thought that I'd check them out and see if you were here."
"What's the message?" Michael asked curiously
"That you are to contact a Captain Jake Carter, he's CSPD. He knows about you Mike, I mean all about you. He's trying to get you to come in."
"Yeah right." Michael snorted "So I'm just supposed to go there and get myself shot?"
"I've done some checking for you." The man told him "Sanctuary is gone Mike, that story you wrote for the papers got the President himself looking. Bartlet shut Sanctuary down, he's called off the Round Robin."
Michael stared unbelievingly at his friend "What about Puppet Master?"
"On the run, there's a warrant out for her arrest. I guess she never figured that you would tell the story."
"I never would have unless she had done the Round Robin."
"Listen to me Michael…" The man leaned in close and began to whisper to Michael
Michael for his own part listened, most of what he learned surprised him to say the least. Michael took the piece of paper the other man held out to him.
"You can trust Carter." The man told him "I've checked, he's got a rep for being a straight shooter."
Michael nodded "Okay, but we are going to do things my way."
The man smiled "I never figured differently, good luck."
"You too buddy." Michael hugged his friend again "Give M a kiss for me and little M too."
"Sure will." The man patted Michael on the shoulder then looked at his watch "Shit, I gotta get home, if I'm late for dinner M will kill me! Just one thing." The man paused "You can't contact me or M, for that matter. From here on out you are on your own." The man warned before he hustled out the door.
Michael chuckled as he watched his friend, Michael had never seen him so happy before. It pleased him and it showed him that he had done the right thing once again. As for the warning, Michael had expected it, he knew that he had to leave them alone for their own safety.
Michael pulled out his cell phone and dialed.
"Hello?" the voice asked
"I've been told that you are looking for me." Michael spoke as he left the church.
"Yes I have." Jake Carter moved away from the dinner table. Miranda was staring at him angrily. It was dinner time! This was family time!
"Tell me why I should trust you." Michael asked
Jake shook his head "There is not one damn thing that I can say, except to give you my word."
Michael nodded, if the man had said anything else Michael wouldn't have believed him
"I'll meet with you."
"There are stipulations however." Michael warned
"What?" Jake asked
"You come alone, you tell no one of our meeting, until after we've met. You tell me what you have to say and I will think about it. You bring anyone with you and I won't show up. Later I will hunt you down and kill you, do you understand?"
Jake nodded in understanding "I will come alone, you have my word."
"Well." Michael smiled "Let's see what your word is worth Captain Carter. Back of St. Michael's church in the cemetery. There is a large mausoleum with three angels on it." he said staring at the mausoleum.
"I know the place." Jake told him
"Fifteen minutes. Don't be late Captain." Michael hung up the phone.
Jake spun around grabbing his jacket, his wife staring at him angrily
"What is going on Jacob!" she demanded hands on hips and very angry, it had taken her hours to prepare Jake's favorite meal for tonight. Two young children sat staring at their father confused. They both however stayed quiet, they knew that when their mommy spoke in THAT tone of voice it meant trouble. They were just glad that this time, THAT tone of voice wasn't directed to them.
Jake shook his head "I can't tell you right now baby, I only got fifteen minutes. When I get home, I promise I'll tell you everything." He promised his wife as he ran for the door, the church was thirty minutes away. Jake knew that Michael was fixing it so that he would have no time to think, except to get to that cemetery in time. No chance to call for back up as well. Jake drove siren blaring as he thought about this next conversation, it was important to get it right. The Hammonds were depending on him.
"Daddy please eat something." Daisy asked her father for the tenth time "It's your famous chili recipe." Daisy tried to coax him "You always said that no Texan worth his weight in salt could turn down a bowl."
"I can't baby, I'm sorry." George Hammond pushed the plate away "I can't stop thinking of what we learned today." He admitted
Janice stared at her father "At least we know that Michael is alive." She told him
"But he's not the Michael we knew anymore." Felicia told her younger sister "He's a killer!" she said disgustedly "I wish Michael would have stayed dead." She announced to the others "Then at least we can remember the good things."
Chun-li looked up at the young woman before him "So, do you hate your father as well?" he asked
"What?" Felicia stared at the old man furiously "Of course not."
"Well, do you hate Gabriel?" Chun-li asked
"No." Felicia told him "I love them both, Gabe is good to Daisy, he is a good man. My father is the best man I have ever known!"
"Yet" Chun-li said softly "Both your father and Gabriel have killed men to safeguard our country. Is this not what Michael has done?" he asked gently
"I don't know." Felicia admitted
"Does Michael take pleasure in killing?" Chun-li asked her
"I don't know." Felicia stared at the old man confused
Chun-li nodded "Then perhaps you should save your judgment until after you meet with him. Do not judge by what others tell you Felicia." Chun-li warned her "Judge only by what you see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, feel in your own heart. Many things have been said about your brother, yet you have not met with him, nor spoken with him. Wait until you hear his side of the story. It may surprise you."
Felicia stared at Chun-li and nodded "Okay, I will, you're right I'm not being fair to Michael." She admitted to them ashamed "I'm just so angry." Her fist banged on the table.
Chun-li nodded in understanding "Yes, I too would be angry for what they have done, yet I would also grieve. I would grieve for the loss of innocence; it is something that we all lose in time, in this world of tears. Yet for Michael it came much too early, he has seen the world's ugliness, sees it still probably. My anger I would direct at the people who did this to him." Turning to George Hammond, Chun-li pushed the bowl of chili back in front of Hammond "Eat my friend; you will need your strength. The time ahead will be difficult for you, you will need all your strength to confront it and overcome. Know that the Tanaka family will stand by your side always." Chun-li promised
George smiled "Thank you Chun-li, and you are right. I failed my son once; I will not fail him again."
The cemetery was pitch black, the only light was from the street lights fifty feet away casting long shadows. Carefully Jake made his way to the mausoleum; it was so dark that Jake couldn't see the ground. At one point he almost fell down completely as he tripped over a grave stone.
"Damn it." He muttered as he rubbed his scraped knee, cursing he made his way forward. Jake had a small but powerful flashlight in his pocket but was afraid to turn it on. It might spook Michael away, or worse, Michael might take it the wrong way and think that he was trying to set him up. Either way Jake wasn't taking any chances, Jake looked up and saw the mausoleum he was only ten feet away from it when he heard the voice.
"Fourteen minutes and thirty-eight seconds. You're a bit early, I like that trait in a person." Michael spoke from behind Jake.
"Captain Carter?"
Jake nodded frozen in position, wondering how someone could have snuck up on him so easily, "Yeah that's me."
"Turn around slowly please."
Jake did as asked and found himself staring at a dark shape almost blending in perfectly with his surroundings. Only the handgun that was pointed at him shined in the night.
"Please place your weapon on the headstone to your left." Michael told him and watched carefully as Jake walked the five feet to the headstone and put his gun on top of it.
"Both of them please." Michael told him
Reaching down to his ankle Jake pulled out his back up piece and placed it by the other one.
"Thank you, now if you walk ten feet to your right you will find a bench. Please be seated."
Jake sat down and watched as Michael proceeded to the grave where Jake's guns sat.
"Okay Captain Carter." Michael stared at the man "You asked for this meeting, go ahead."
Jake sat completely still as he spoke "The CSPD and the FBI and military were approached by your Puppet Master to try to get us to help catch you." He began "I guess she figured that she had lost enough agents to you, so we were going to be the bait."
Michael nodded in agreement but said nothing
Jake continued "Anyway, after that story you put in the paper came out, she disappeared. The president also read the article and he ordered an immediate investigation into the whole matter. He found out what happened to you and to the others, he came out here to find you Michael. He wants to talk to you personally; he wants to hear from you what happened to you and to the other children. President Bartlet has shut down Sanctuary, he has ordered that the Round Robin on you to be terminated immediately. He wants you to know that it is safe for you to come in, that you will be safe." Jake stared at the unmoving still silent figure in front of him "The man wants to help you Michael!"
Michael took the message in and watched the man before him carefully. The man was sincere, of that Michael was sure. This Jake Carter believed the president, and his own friend had told him that he could trust Jake Carter.
Jake stared at the man wondering what he was thinking.
"Okay, I've heard your message." Michael began "I will meet with the president. However I will meet with him alone." Michael picked up the two guns off of the grave stone and unloaded them
"I don't know if he will go for that." Jake began
"If he wants to meet with me, he will come alone. No security, nothing, that is my condition. I will contact you at noon tomorrow at the same number and you will give me his decision. If he agrees I will tell you where and when." Michael put the two guns back on the headstone. "Very good Captain Carter, you kept your word, so for now I will trust you. I have unloaded your weapons; you will find your ammunition at the entrance of the cemetery. Wait here two minutes from when I leave then you may go."
"So tomorrow noon."
"By noon." Michael promised "You will receive my call. Good night Captain Carter."
Jake blinked as the man in front of him vanished. Jake looked around but saw that he was alone. Jake counted slowly to two minutes, then stood up and collected his guns. Pulling out his flash light Jake quickly made his way back to the entrance and found the clips to his guns right where Michael said they would be. Collecting them, Jake reloaded his guns and put them away. Stepping out on to the street he made his way back to the car and finally home. Jake was so engrossed in his thoughts that he never noticed the dark car that followed him at a distance.
Jake closed the door and found himself confronted by an angry pregnant woman. Miranda Carter stared at her husband, her eyes drilling holes in his head.
"So?" Miranda asked "What was so important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow morning?"
"We've found Michael Hammond." Jake told her simply
Mira's mouth opened wide her anger gone in an instant, "You mean General Hammond's son? Daisy's brother?" she asked
"Yes" Jake nodded as he went for the phone "I met with him just now."
"So why didn't you take him home?" Mira asked "Or bring him here?"
"It's not that simple baby." Jake admitted "You remember that article in this mornings paper?"
Miranda nodded as she rubbed her stomach "Of course, the news was filled with little else today."
"Michael wrote that article."
Miranda lowered herself into a chair "Dear God in heaven, you mean he's Archangel?" she said shocked.
"Fraid so." Jake picked up the phone and called his sister "Now I have to try and fix it so that he can come in from the cold." Jake heard the phone ringing
"Sam, it's me."
Sam smiled hearing her brother's voice "Hi Jake what's up?"
"Michael contacted me." He told his sister simply "I was with him not twenty minutes ago."
"Really?" Sam asked excitedly, perhaps there was a chance after all "What did he say?"
Jake repeated the conversation to his sister. Sam for her part listened and frowned.
"I don't think that the president will go for that Jake." Sam told him honestly
"I know, that's why I called you first. We have got to talk to the others and try to get them to help us try and convince President Bartlet, get him to talk with Michael, at least try and convince one of them to give in."
Sam agreed that they had to do something "Come on over Jake, I'll contact the others and we can meet here and figure something out."
"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can." He promised.
Hanging up the phone he looked at Mira.
"Go Jake" Mira smiled caressing his face "You have to help them, I know that. This is one of the many reasons that I love you.
"You are the most wonderful woman that I have ever known." Jake told her sincerely
"I had better be the only wonderful woman that you ever know." Miranda told him playfully "Otherwise I will have my daddy kick your butt."
Jake kissed his wife "I love you."
"Get going and help our friends." Mira told him "I'll call if I need you."
"You had better." Jake smiled and went to the door.
Everyone was gathered at Sam and Daniel's house when Jake arrived. Jake had barely entered the living room when Daisy was on top of him.
"You saw him? Is he alright? He's not hurt is he?" Daisy asked as Gabe pulled his wife off the police captain.
"Honey give the man a chance to answer you." Gabe told her.
George Hammond stood by Jake's side "Well?"
"He's fine from what I saw, but I didn't see much." Jake admitted "He's more than good, he snuck up on me in a wide open area without me ever knowing he was there. All I saw was a dark shape holding a gun on me." Jake saw how the others were now staring at him wondering what had actually happened out there "It's not like that." He told them "I mean he didn't know me from Adam, he just wanted to be sure that I was alone. He had me put my guns on the side and then we talked."
"What did you say?" Felicia asked him nervously
"I told him exactly what happened with the president. How Bartlet had shut down Sanctuary and how Puppet Master is now on the run. I told him that Bartlet wanted to talk to him and how he wanted Michael to come in."
"And what did Michael say to that?" George asked nervously
"That he wants to meet with Bartlet alone." Jake explained to them "No security, nothing, just Bartlet and Michael."
Jack sat down at the end of the couch next to Daniel "That's not going to be easy." Jack told them, "I mean even if we get Bartlet to agree to that, there is no way that the Secret Service is going to let Michael anywhere near the president alone."
"That is what I figure as well." Jake admitted "Some how we have to convince Bartlet to do this. I have no idea how we do it, but we gotta do it anyway."
"When is Michael going to contact you?" Sam asked her brother
"He has the number to my cell phone. Michael said that he would call at noon tomorrow for our answer."
"That means we don't have much time." Daniel frowned wondering how to convince the president of the United States of America to risk his life.
Jack shook his head "Okay boys and girls, get your thinking caps on and let's figure this out."
It was just 1130hrs and the group had now run out of ways to try and convince the president's staff to even consider the suggestion. Every outline, every scenario had been shot down as too dangerous for the president. That the President of the United States was not going to risk his life for anyone. After all how did they know that Archangel didn't want to kill the president himself. How did they know that Archangel didn't want to kidnap and hold the president for ransom. Josiah Bartlet had stayed silent during the three hours of argument. In his own mind he thought of every reason that he should not go to meet this possibly disturbed and definitely dangerous man. There were a hundred good and important reasons why he should not do this. Yet there was only one reason why he should.
"Enough." Bartlet told the group, the group fell silent waiting on the president. Bartlet looked at George Hammond and nodded "I will meet with Michael alone." He announced
"No Mr. President." Leo MacGarry told him "You cannot place yourself in danger."
"I've made my decision Leo." Josiah Bartlet announced "I have to do this."
"Why Mr. President?" Josh Lyman asked his boss, his friend.
"Because I understand why Michael is asking to see me alone." He told them "Michael Hammond has lost all faith in the United States of America. We have betrayed him too many times. I have to go because he is asking me to restore that hope, that faith in him once again. That America has not forgotten him, he is asking me to replace what is lost in him. He is asking me to do what is right." Bartlet looked at George Hammond "George, you have served your country with honor and distinction your entire adult life. You have borne the sacrifices to keep our nation strong, what was done to you and to your family is unforgivable. I will do my best now to see to it that your son comes home to you and to your family."
"Thank you Mr. President, my family appreciates this. I appreciate it more than I can possibly say." George Hammond knew that the President was risking his life, for him, and for his son.
"Very well." Bartlet nodded decisively, he knew that he was doing the right thing. It didn't make him feel any safer, but he knew that it was right. "To other business now. I have contacted someone who is an expert in dealing with trauma victims and he has agreed to help Michael, he is a psychologist. Dr. Stanley Keyworth is here now and is expert in dealing with this type of case and let's face it, that is what Michael really is, a trauma victim. Dr. Keyworth is going to be the one that is going to help Michael through the rough times ahead. Josh if you could please."
"Of course sir." Josh Lyman left the room and returned a few minutes later with a man.
"Dr. Keyworth?" Bartlet stood
"Yes Mr. President." Stanley Keyworth smiled. In his mid forties with brown curly hair, Stanley Keyworth was still an attractive man. Slim and athletic from many hours spent on the golf course or the tennis court. His skin was tanned and his brown eyes shined brightly filled with intelligence.
Stanley Keyworth shook hands as he was introduced to the others in the group. Taking a seat he listened closely as he was told what was happening now.
Stanley nodded in complete agreement with the President "That's good Mr. President, I've studied the files supplied to me. I think that you will be perfectly safe with Archangel. You are right, he wants his faith restored and meeting with you will restore that faith in him. To know that his president actually cares about him will restore that faith and he will come in peacefully. However there is one thing that does concern me."
"What is that doctor?" Bartlet asked the man
"I think that it would be wiser to not tell Michael about his family yet." he told them
"What!" Daisy demanded "He's my brother, he has a right to know that we are here!"
"As I said captain, not yet." Keyworth told her "You see the time ahead will be very difficult for Michael. Michael is going to have to go through a lot of pain, he is going to have to relearn everything he's ever been taught.
"Please explain that to us doctor." George Hammond stared at the man intently wondering why he could not go to his son Hold him in his arms once again.
"First you must realize that Michael is going to resent you general." Keyworth explained "To Michael, you abandoned him, left him and allowed all of this to happen to him."
Angrily Janice Hammond announced "That is not true! Our father did everything possible to try and find Michael."
"I know that." Dr. Keyworth told her, trying to allay the families valid anger and fear, "But all Michael remembers is being three years old and his parents not being there when he needed them most to protect him. In this regard you are dealing with the memories of a child, a very resentful child. There are more reasons, say that Michael is not resentful, say that he understands that you could not help him. There is still the shame factor, he is going to be ashamed that he is not the child that you remember. He is going to feel guilty and he is going to hate himself even more than he does now. Then is going to come the 'What If' factor, what if it was either of the two older girls that had been taken. What would he be now, what kind of man would he have grown up to be if none of this had happened to him. Last but not least comes the anger and hate factor. There is going to be a lot of anger and resentment towards the world in general, there is a lot of hate and anger in him. Hatred of what we forced him to become, hate for what we made him do over the years, hate against himself for actually doing those things. Right now Michael Hammond is like a steam pot filled to the brim with volatile pressure. That steam must be let out slowly, if you just go ahead and open the pot, he will explode. Michael is not a man you want to see explode, he will be violent and with his skills, deadly. Instead we must release the pressure slowly. Make him see that he is not a bad person, we must make him understand that he has a life in front of him. A life away from violence, we must show him how to live in a normal world."
"A normal world?" Daisy asked hoping that they could help her brother
Dr. Keyworth nodded and explained "Yes, I've seen this before, many times with other agents. Agents, who are trained to see everything as a possible trap for them. We make them see things this way because they must always be on guard for any threats against them. The problem is that seeing things like that becomes habit, there is no off switch that you can hit and have them see things normally again. For example, I come in here and see a group of people, some in suits others in uniform. I look at the women and see very attractive and intelligent women. I look at the men and see that they are all well dressed and handsome. I come in here and sit down and I don't feel threatened. Now let's say that Michael enters the room, he looks around. He will not see what I saw at all, his perception is completely different and he will look for different things. Who is right handed or left handed, who is carrying a concealed weapon, who is the most dangerous person in this room to him, where are the entrances, how many exits and most especially, how am I going to kill and escape if necessary. It takes time and retraining of the mind to see that not everything is a possible trap or a threat. This is going to be hard enough, especially since he was trained practically from birth does not help matters at all. Paranoia is second nature to him now, everything is a threat that must be dealt with and planned how to evade or attack. This is what we must change in Michael. To introduce his family to him now will make him nervous and suspicious. We must take things slowly at first. Soon when he realizes that it is possible to change, then we will introduce his family to him. Slowly we will ease him into that situation so that it will not shock him, instead it will be something that he welcomes. Michael just needs time, time to discover who he is and not what the government made of him." Dr. Keyworth looked at the Hammonds "I would recommend that you become friends with him first. Let him see what type of people you are, perhaps some of his early and happy childhood memories will come back to him. Perhaps he will realize who you are on his own, but to confront him will be dangerous for him and for you. Michael might run again, hide and you will never find him, you will never get your son back general or your brother ladies." Keyworth warned.
"Okay doctor." George Hammond told him "We will take your advice. I don't want to lose my son again."
"Good" Stanley Keyworth smiled "Now I have to prepare for my own battle with Michael." he told the others
"What?" Bartlet asked not liking the sound of that
"Agents are not talkers, Mr. President." Keyworth explained "We have trained them to be suspicious of everyone, we have trained them how to resist interrogation. So Michael will not talk in the beginning, he will dance around the issues. He will avoid certain subjects completely, and in all be very uncooperative. It will take time to get him to trust me enough to tell me anything of substance."
Bartlet nodded in understanding "Okay, but you will keep my staff up to date in your progress. You are to tell them how Michael Hammond is coming along in his therapy."
Stanley Keyworth looked surprised "Sir what happens and what is said between Michael and myself is privileged. I can't build trust between us if I run to you and tell you what he tells me."
"Well you will have to be discrete then." Bartlet told her in no uncertain terms "We want to know everything that was done to him. His experiences, we must ensure that nothing like this ever happens again."
"Sir, if Michael were to find out about this…" Keyworth warned
"You have your orders doctor." Bartlet stared at the man "This is something that we have to know. There is a reason for what I ask, but I am not at liberty to go into detail at this time."
"Yes sir." Keyworth shrugged in defeat
"It's almost time." Jake told them "Five minutes to twelve."
The group remained silent and waited, the clock ticking away slowly. Every eye in the room was pressed to their watches or to the clock on the wall. To George Hammond it seemed like an eternity passed in those five minutes. The moment that the clock struck twelve noon, Jake's phone rang. Having attached it to a speaker earlier so that all could hear the conversation, all Jake had to do was hit the button.
"Good afternoon Captain Carter." The Archangel spoke, George Hammond jumped when he heard his son's voice.
"Same to you Michael."
"Did you speak to the president?"
"He's right here."
"Good afternoon Michael. This is president Bartlet."
"It is an honor to speak to you Mr. President." Michael smiled "I assume that Captain Carter has told you of my request?"
"Yes he has, and I have agreed to it. So if you will just tell me where and when you wish to meet, I will be there alone.."
"Just a second." Leo put in "How do we know that we can trust you. That you won't try and kill the president."
"You don't." Michael told him "You have no guarantees what so ever. I guess you will have to trust me, as I once trusted you."
"Not good enough." Leo announced
"Leo, that is enough!" Josiah Bartlet ordered
"I'm sorry Mr. President, but you are too important. We have to think of the country and not just one man." Leo told him in no uncertain terms "We want some assurances."
"You get none." Michael told him calmly
"Then the President will not meet with you." Josh announced backing up Leo a hundred percent.
"Then our conversation is over, and I will sell my services to the highest bidder. Good bye." With that Michael hung up, quickly he left the office he had been using and walked along the corridor.
"Wait!" George Hammond called out, but it was too late. His son was gone.
"Dammit!" Bartlet stared at his staff "My decision was final!"
"I'm sorry sir." Leo admitted hoping that it didn't have to come to this "But sir, your safety is paramount. We couldn't just let you go out there unprotected."
"You should have negotiated with him." Control told them "Archangel is reasonable, he would have agreed to a compromise. You should not have given him an ultimatum. Now we will have to kill him." He announced sadly
"NO!" Daisy yelled at them "You can't!" the others sat up staring at the man
"We have to." Control told the group "Don't you see the danger? Archangel knows too much, over the years he has come into contact with a lot of information that can be dangerous for us. Archangel will become the most dangerous man on the planet if he sells his services to some terrorist group."
Bartlet turned to Jake "Captain, can you call him back. I'll meet with him, anywhere he wishes, alone. I will trust him."
"Sir!" Leo began
"ENOUGH!" Bartlet roared silencing everyone "Don't you see Leo? If I don't do this, I can never look at myself in the mirror ever again. I have to do what is right!"
"I was hoping you would say that sir." Michael called to him from the open doorway.
"Archangel!" Control looked over and saw Michael standing in the doorway dressed in an air force uniform. His eyes moving from person to person, judging them, sizing them up. Everyone noticed the action, it was just as Stanley Keyworth had told them.
George stared at his son in shock as did his daughters.
"How the hell did you get on this base?" Jack asked incredulously, "How the hell did you get past security!"
Michael smiled as he entered the room and inspected his surroundings, "I have been well trained in how to get into places I shouldn't be." Turning to the President "Sir, you wished to speak to me. I am here."
Bartlet motioned to an empty seat "Please sit Archangel."
Michael nodded and took the seat, turning it slightly to face Teal'c, who he judged to be the most dangerous man there. Stanley noted the action instantly. Sitting back Michael waited patiently
"You have caused a lot of trouble you know." Bartlet began "You've killed a lot people in the last few days."
Shrugging, "Just trying to stay alive Mr. President." Michael poured himself a glass of water from the carafe on the table, he spoke calmly and evenly, "At first, before I realized that I was placed on a round robin. I thought that the men and women who attacked me were after the information that I carried." Michael showed them the computer disc "So I did as any agent would do, protect the information and get it to the hand off point, where it no longer is your concern."
"And the story that you had printed in the paper?" Leo asked the man, not particularly liking a man who would betray his nation in this way.
Michael shrugged nonchalantly "I was dead." He told them simply "What do I care about what happens once I'm gone."
"You could have destroyed the President!" Josh yelled at the man
"So" Michael said simply "I didn't vote for him."
"The president didn't even know about this operation." Leo announced "You could have taken down the entire administration."
"That was precisely my plan Mr. McGarry." Michael informed the man "And ignorance is not an excuse you can use on me. Why don't you just admit the truth!" Michael told the group angrily "You liked my work, you praised me for my work, you loved the results. Less terrorists running around trying to kill American citizens and those of our allies."
"We didn't know!" Josh hissed at the man completely angry
"That's because you didn't want to know Mr. Lyman. All you gave a fuck about were the results of our operations. You didn't give a piss about how the operations were run, as long as we produced results. So you can address the nation about how terrorism is on the down climb. You didn't care about my brothers and sisters or me, you didn't care about the blood we spilled, you didn't care about our pain or the blood we shed fighting your war. You didn't want to put a face with that, it would have made us human and you didn't want to see us in that way."
"That is not true!" Will Bailey spoke for the first time.
Michael stared at the man his eyes blazing "Not true? Then why did this administration bump up appropriations five times for Sanctuary operations? What did you think we were doing, going from house to house and asking nicely 'Mr. Terrorist please don't plant any more bombs, please don't kill any more helpless civilians.' Don't try and bullshit me, you knew exactly how operations were being run. That you didn't want to see it, pretend it wasn't happening is a different story." Michaels eyes slowly went from face to face of the president's staff "One of you could have asked, one of you could have given a damn about us. I wonder how many guardian angels would still be alive if I had done this ten years ago. Perhaps as many as eighty-five, I know that fifty would still be alive during your administration alone Mr. President. However I didn't, because I was loyal to you, to my nation. Because I stupidly believed that what I did made a difference in the world. I stupidly believed in my country and I closed my eyes to the fact that my country didn't give a damn about me or the others as long as we got the job done, no matter the cost to us."
Josh shook his head not wanting to believe this was all true "Then why didn't you come to us yourself. Tell us what was going on!"
"WE DID!" Michael yelled at the man "In the seventeen years that I conducted missions for you, I approached exactly one hundred and seven congressmen and senators. Left them information that could easily have been followed up on. Even you Mr. President we gave you information, hoping that someone, anyone would stop the madness."
Leo shook his head "We never received any such inform…."
Michael instantly cut him off "Operation Rolling Thunder?" he asked as Leo's face turned white "Ah I see that you remember that one, Mr. MacGarry. I gave it all to you." Michael told Leo who now was staring down at the table top, "I gave you everything that you would need to know to shut down Sanctuary, and I gave it to you six years ago. Seventeen Guardian Angels died on that mission." Michael told them "Seventeen of my brothers and sisters dead, to stop it all you had to do was ask about the mission, followed up on it. It would have taken you less than one week to get enough information to shut down Sanctuary for good. Instead Mr. MacGarry, you chose to look the other way. We completed that mission at a heavy price, eighteen of us went in and only I walked out. Just me, the rest died in action, their bodies left to rot in the desert. All because you didn't want to see. So you save your little bullshit sob stories for someone who doesn't know better."
Michael turned away from Leo and stared at the President "So what do you want of me now?" he asked
Bartlet didn't know what to say now, he had so many questions that he had wanted to ask. Now however he couldn't think of one, Josiah remembered 'Operation Rolling Thunder', he remembered telling Leo that it was some practical jokers gag. That no one in their right mind would ever authorize such an operation, especially with out his approval. Then a month later, Jed had learned that the operation had actually been conducted and that over one hundred potential terrorists were now gone, he had congratulated Sanctuary. Michael was right, he had raised their appropriations because of that mission. Now to learn that it was the Guardian Angels who sent him that information, begging him to end their nightmare. Josiah Bartlet was ashamed that he had believed the story that there had been no loss in American lives. Never realized that seventeen of his own people died to achieve those spectacular results.
"Control." Bartlet nodded to the man to take over.
"Archangel." Control began "You are retired. Your pension will be paid in full for the rest of your natural life."
Archangel nodded and turned to look at the President, "No more missions?" Michael asked the president
"No" Bartlet told him
"I will never have to pickup a gun ever again?"
"No" Bartlet told him
"Good." Michael sighed relieved, however he would hold on to his control for now. This particular celebration was going to happen away from these people.
"There are however stipulations." Control warned
"What?" Michael asked suspiciously
"You are going to go through therapy with one of the headshrinkers."
"Why?" Michael asked "Think I'm crazy?" he smirked
"No, but you have a lot of anger deep inside of you." Dr. Keyworth told Michael "We need to get rid of it."
"You want to see me happy?" he asked the doctor
"Yes I do." Keyworth told him sincerely
Michael pulled out his gun startling everyone in the room, Leo was about to yell for the secret service, when Michael placed it on the table and slid it across to Control.
"Put it in your mouth and pull the trigger, and I will be the happiest man on the planet." He said coldly.
Daisy shivered at the cold heart of her brother.
Keyworth shook his head "Control won't do that."
Michael frowned "And here I thought you wanted to see me happy."
Control looked at his former agent and shrugged "All I can do is say I'm sorry Michael. I can't change the past, I wish that I could."
Michael shook his head "Sorry doesn't get it done, you may have everyone here fooled with your pious act You don't fool me Control, I know you for the heartless mother fucker that you really are. I remember the things that you have done, I remember 1999 so very well. So I'm now retired good, I am going to turn around and leave now. You want me to see the headshrinker, I will. You Mr. President want me to write my life story for you, fine." Michael told the group, then his eyes narrowed as he stared at Control "However, if I ever see you again Control, I will kill you slow. That's a promise, I will make you feel what I felt before you die. I will make you beg for death before I am through with you. You will die screaming." Michael swore then turned to Dr. Keyworth. "Give me a number where I can contact you."
Quickly he wrote out the number and handed it to Michael who read it once and then crushed it and threw it into the garbage.
"You are going to need that number." Keyworth warned his new patient
"It's here." Michael tapped his head "I will contact you day after tomorrow at noon. Good day to you all." Michael stood up and without another word turned and left.
Jack stared at the door and shook his head "Whew, that was the coldest human being that I have ever seen." Jack looked at the others and saw their nods of agreement "And he doesn't seem to like you very much." He told Control, who Jack noted was beginning to sweat.
Control swallowed hard, more than just a bit frightened "I am the one who handed out the missions. Puppet Master always made sure to give Michael all the very difficult missions. All the missions with little likelihood for success, and Michael always achieved his objective."
Felicia looked at the CIA doctor "What do you think doctor?" she asked nervously
Stanley Keyworth looked at the young woman and the rest of her family.
"Well after meeting him, I have to say that I'm optimistic." he told them "He does have a lot of anger, but we can deal with that. It's a good sign that he didn't refuse treatment. Now all we have to hope for is that he does not fall into a deep fit of depression."
Chapter 9: Interludes 1
The Samba music blared from speakers located at different locations in the club. Now dressed in white slacks and shirt, Michael danced with the beat. Several women danced around him, each trying to be the one that gets close to him. Michael continued to dance with each woman in turn and finally after an hour of non-stop dancing he had to take a break. Which instantly disappointed the women there.
"I'll be back ladies." He promised "I just need to take a breather." Michael smiled at the women.
Moving towards the bar he quickly grabbed a napkin and wiped the sweat from his brow.
The bartender made his way over to him "Si senor, what can I get you."
"Trigame una agua por favor." Michael told him in fluent Spanish
The water was placed before him and Michael took a deep drink from the cold bottle and looked around the club. The place was jumping for a Wednesday night which meant that he would definitely have to come back for the weekend and see how the club was then, especially when it wasn't under 21 night. Michael stared at all the beautiful women so scantily dressed in the club.
"Oh yeah, I'm definitely coming back here." Michael smiled as he drank some more water.
Michael felt the eyes on him before he turned to look. He spotted two teenage girls who were both trying to push another older woman towards him. They were whispering and trying to give encouragement to their friend. Michael stared at the woman, she wasn't beautiful like the other women, nor was she as scantily dressed as the other women in the club. This woman had a natural prettiness, she seemed to exude that girl next door quality. Blonde hair and blue eyes, he also noted that she seemed tiny to him, delicate. Like a fine piece of porcelain that would shatter if you held on too tight. Michael forgot about his water and felt himself being inexplicably pulled towards the woman.
Silently Monica and Andrew watched as Michael moved off and smiled at each other, the first part of their plan was coming off perfectly.
"OH Come on Jenny!" Josie and Cassie prodded their friend "You've been staring at him for the last two hours." Cassie accused.
"Yeah" Josie agreed then looked at her watch "Come on it's almost 11p.m. we gotta go soon. Go and try and talk to him. You gotta forget about Sam and find a new man."
Jenny bit her lip, she knew that her two young friends were right. Still…
"Come on guys, look at him." Jenny told the two young women "He's sophistication, you can tell by just looking at him. What would a man like that want with a woman like me? I'm not sophisticated, and you saw all those women fawning over him. They are gorgeous and he could have anyone of them that he chooses, why would he want me."
Cassie's eyes got bigger and her smile grew larger "I don't know, but Jenny he's heading right towards us. Now shut up and smile at the man."
"Oh my God!" Jenny panicked "Is he really coming this way?"
"He's five feet from us now relax and breathe." Josie warned
Jenny quickly checked over her dress and dried her sweaty palms with a napkin.
"Ladies." A deep masculine voice called out
Jenny turned and was face to face with the handsome man she'd been staring at all night. Suddenly she felt as if she had been struck by a bolt of lightening. Her breath caught in her chest, wondering if this is the feeling that her mother told her about during bed time stories when she was a little girl. The bolt of lightening that signified that you had just met your true soul mate.
"Hi." Josie smiled at the man "I'm Josie, this is Cassie and this is Jenny."
Michael shivered as he felt something shooting through his body. A feeling that he'd never felt before in his life, he quickly recovered, wondering if he needed to see a doctor, "Nice to meet you ladies, my name is Michael, Michael Angel." He told them his eyes never leaving Jenny's "Would you care to dance?" he asked, not understanding why now more than ever, he wanted to know this woman.
"I don't dance Samba, I'm terrible at it." Jenny said quickly and nervously
"She'd love to." Josie and Cassie said in unison and pushed Jenny towards Michael
Michael held out a hand, which Jenny nervously took.
"Dancing Samba is very easy, please let me show you."
Michael led Jenny to the dance floor and held her close.
"Just listen to the beat." Michael told her "Feel it in your heart and coursing through your veins." Michael began to twirl Jenny across the dance floor.
Jenny was a bit awkward at first but after a few minutes she relaxed and began to enjoy herself. Jenny began to move with the music.
"You see." Michael smiled yelling over the din of the music "You are a natural."
The couple danced through several more songs, Jenny was having fun. Michael was a very good dancer, his moves were assured and graceful. Wickedly Jenny thought, 'they say that the way a man dances is the way he makes love', Jenny trembled at the prospect.
Jenny was just about to suggest drinks when Josie and Cassie broke the spell.
"Sorry to interrupt." Cassie announced and meant it, it had been months since they had seen Jenny smiling like this.
"It's eleven-thirty Jenny, we've got to get home." Josie shrugged apologetically
Jenny sighed and looked at Michael "Sorry, I promised their parents I'd have them home by midnight." She explained sorry that this night had to end so early.
"I'll call the cab." Cassie pulled out her cell phone.
"No." Michael smiled, not wanting this meeting to come to an end, "Please allow me to escort you home. My car is right outside." He told them
"I'm not sure…" Jenny paused for a moment, after all the man was a stranger to them.
"That would be perfect." Josie smiled finding the plan to be just right "This way you two can go talk after you drop us off."
"You took the words right out of my mouth." Michael smiled at Josie "We could go for a coffee perhaps?" he asked Jenny
"Sounds like fun." Jenny admitted wondering what this man saw in her, as she saw much more beautiful women throwing her dirty looks for catching the best looking man in the club.
"This way ladies." Michael led them to the exit, pausing only long enough to get his white Jacket that completed his suit.
Leading the women outside they found themselves by a very expensive BMW. Opening the door for the women, Michael got in the drivers seat and they were off.
"So where to ladies?"
Gaining directions from Josie and Cassie, Michael had the two teens home in ten minutes. Michael waited patiently while Jenny escorted the two teens to the door.
The door opened and Janet stood in the doorway smiling.
"Hi Jenny." Janet hugged her friend "I hope these two didn't cause too much havoc."
"No they were perfect ladies." Jenny hugged both girls
"So how was the dancing?" Janet asked
"Great" Jenny told her "Sorry I'm in a rush Janet but I have to go."
"Yeah get out of here." Josie told her excitedly "But remember we want details."
"Details?" Janet asked, then spotted the car waiting for Jenny "Ah" Janet smiled "Go, and call me tomorrow."
"Bye" Jenny waved and walked back to the car and they left.
Janet closed the door and smiled at the two girls.
"Well give!" she said excitedly
"Well" Cassie began walking into the living room and spotting her father there as well "Hi dad." She kissed him on the cheek.
"Hey sugar, have fun?" Jack asked, staring at the two flushed teens
"Oh yeah, especially Jenny!" Josie laughed
"Come on girls tell me." Janet ordered needing to feed her gossip jones.
"Well we walked into the club, and right away Jenny zeroed in on this guy on the dance floor." Cassie continued "Oh is he gorgeous. Black hair, dark eyes, and he dances like a dream. Jenny stared at him all night long, but she was too afraid to talk to him."
Josie sat down on the couch "Didn't help that practically every woman in the club was trying to get close to him. Some of them practically taking their clothes off right on the dance floor." Josie giggled "It was some sight let me tell you."
"So how did Jenny get him?" Janet asked curiously
"Well he finally stopped dancing and got a drink at the bar. Then he looked over and saw us standing there and his eyes locked on Jenny and he came right over and asked her to dance. Next thing you know the two of them are tearing up the dance floor." Looking at Josie, Cassie added, "He dances like his name doesn't he?" Josie smiled in complete agreement. "Well it got late and he offered us a ride home. He's taking Jenny for coffee right now!" Cassie smiled
Janet smiled then asked "What do you mean he dances like his name?"
Cassie yawned tiredly "He moves like an angel, that's all."
Jack stared at his daughter suddenly "What was this man's name?"
"Angel" Josie told them "Michael Angel."
Suddenly Janet stared nervously at Jack "You don't think it's the same man do you?"
"Dark hair, dark eyes, name Michael Angel?" Jack shook his head "Too much of a coincidence."
"Oh you know him?" Cassie asked curiously
"Not really." Janet told the girls still staring at her husband "We just met him once." Janet couldn't help wondering what the hell a terrorist hunter like Michael Hammond wanted with Jenny Barnes?
"Really?" Michael stared at the woman in shock "You are really a pathologist?"
"Yes I am." Jenny smiled, wondering why men were always so surprised by her profession. Well at least this one didn't seem excited by her work, and begin to ask for all the gory details. Jenny hated that, that men could be so attracted to death.
"I figured you for a kindergarten teacher." Michael told her truthfully
"No way." Jenny laughed "How about you? What do you do?"
"I'm in between jobs at the moment." Michael admitted "I worked for the government for many years and now I'm looking for something new. Maybe open my own business, I've always wanted to own a bookstore." Michael told her
"What did you do for the government?"
Michael shrugged as he sipped his coffee "I was a trouble shooter." Michael waved it off "But that's over with, now I'm looking for the next challenge to come along."
"You seem really happy to be unemployed." Jenny observed, curious as to what Michael did for the government.
Michael nodded in complete agreement "I haven't been this happy in decades. I hated my job." Michael admitted "But I was under contract and couldn't get out of it. Still I knew my contract would be up soon, so I saved up every cent that I could. Just waiting for my chance to not renew my contract. Today was that day." He smiled
"Well good for you." Jenny was caught up in his enthusiasm
"Yeah, I start looking for a place to live tomorrow. Maybe a good place for my business. Somewhere downtown. I saw some really nice brownstones for sale. I figure I can set up the business on two floors and live on the third. Well if they're big enough that is."
"You have any family here?" Jenny asked curiously
"No" Michael admitted "I'm alone in the world. My parents died when I was a kid."
"I'm so sorry." Jenny felt sorry for him
Michael shrugged "It's okay, I don't even remember them, I was so young. Then my wife died eleven years ago. So now there is no one..."
The two kept talking for hours, telling and sharing things that neither of them had ever told a living soul. It was almost dawn, when Michael dropped Jenny off at her apartment complex, with a promise for dinner that very same night.
Glynis Barber disembarked from her plane and at a steady pace of walk made her way to the airport exit. The doors opened and the heat of the Nevada desert hit her almost like a fist. Sweat began to form at her back almost instantly as she looked over the cars that were waiting. Spotting a familiar face she immediately went to the car and got in.
"Puppet Master." The man smiled and pulled out from the curb.
"Praetorian, how have you been?" Puppet Master asked politely
"Very well." Praetorian admitted "Things here are on schedule and proceeding. So what happened in Washington?" Praetorian asked non-chalantly, yet knowing that the news would be grim.
"Archangel betrayed me." She told Praetorian "I can't believe he actually printed the story." Angrily Puppet Master shook her head wondering how Archangel could do that to her.
Praetorian shrugged "Well you did put him on a Round Robin." He pointed out reasonably, although he was surprised as well the route that Michael had taken. Praetorian would have laid good money that Archangel would have tried to kill Puppet Master. To take out the organization, or as much of it as he could before they killed him. This was unexpected, it was clever, and it achieved getting rid of Puppet Master from Sanctuary without ever firing a shot. Brilliant. Michael with one article destroyed what took over thirty years to build.
Puppet Master nodded her head staring at the desert, the same exact thoughts running through her head.
"So what do you want to do now?" Praetorian asked his boss "Do you want to continue and try to cancel Michael?"
Puppet Master shook her head "No, Michael has what he's always wanted. He has his freedom, Michael can now do whatever he wants to do. Most likely Michael is already gone, left the country and is in hiding somewhere. You and I both know that Michael would never come back to work for the government. There is no inducement that they could make to him now that he will take. He's free and that is exactly the way that he is going to remain. Archangel is now out of the picture. If by some miracle they do find him, then we will cancel him. Besides I don't want to risk losing any of our remaining forces to him. We are going to need everyone of our remaining men." Turning to look at Praetorian "Tell me about Norton." She ordered
"The Norsemen conducted a successful raid and we have the necessary materials to begin construction of the weapons. We are now formulating plans to obtain triggers. I was thinking Los Alamos air force base?"
"Sound thinking."
Praetorian looked over to his boss "So you are going to continue on project?"
"Yes" Puppet Master smiled "Our plans are to proceed as scheduled. I may be out of the loop for awhile, but the end result will still be the same. How long until the weapons are ready?"
"Six months." Praetorian smiled, the country had been going to hell in a hand basket since Bartlet took office. Now was the time to make it right.
"Have you decided where we are going to strike yet?"
"Yes I have." Puppet Master smiled "I have just the place."
Three weeks later.
Michael whistled as he moved the boxes around the newly purchased store, the future site of "Murder in Store". A clever name Michael thought for a bookstore which specialized in selling mystery novels. Opening yet another box Michael began to stock the shelves, still shaking his head at his luck. It was as if God himself had taken a particular interest in him and had things going Michael's way. Just three weeks previously, two days after his retirement. Michael had decided to begin the search for his new home/store. Michael had been so sure that it would take months to find the place that he envisioned. A townhouse or a brownstone which was at least five floors, the first three floors would be where he conducted his business and the top two floors his living quarters and the basement for storage. Michael hadn't been in a rush, he figured that it would take perhaps months before finding the place he was looking for, the place that he'd dreamed of while asleep and allowed to dream. The day that he could spend his time reading books and selling them to others. So Michael had enlisted a realty agency and gave them the specifics of what he was looking for and telling them that he would not settle for less. It came as quite a shock to him when the woman pulled out a picture of a property right in the downtown area that was the exact spitting image of the one in his dreams. Michael had gone with the woman to the large old house and he found that it was indeed just what he wanted. With the added bonus that the seller wanted to sell immediately, Michael hadn't thought twice when he made his offer and in cash. The elderly couple who owned the property jumped at the prospect of cash and in less than a week of hectic rushing around with the lawyers and the banks and the other one thousand and one things that were required to buy the property had gone without a snag. Even obtaining a business license for the property had been a snap (Although no one had to know that Michael had helped it along a bit with the aid of a computer and a quick hack into the city's business bureau computers).
Now just came the business of putting the store together, computer systems, book shelves, obtaining stock for the shelves, and all the other necessities of opening a store. Also hiring decorators and contractors to fix it up as he wanted it, especially his own living quarters upstairs. Michael figured in another three weeks he'd have the place shipshape. Now what remained was finding some employees and have something special for the grand opening. "A famous author would be nice". Michael thought to himself "A book signing to draw fans of that author into the store, and once inside they would stay to see the rest of the place. Michael intended to make his store the best mystery bookstore in the nation. It was all planned out in his mind, just how he wanted everything. The main floor would be full of the latest books in print, both hard and soft cover in every genre of mystery. There would be comfortable chairs spaced out throughout the main floor, so that people could sit back and relax a bit. The second floor would remain as is, with the exception of the bookcases. It would look as if you had actually stepped into someone's home, comfortable, even luxurious to make the customer feel at home. The only exception to that rule would be the two bedrooms in the back, with the furniture gone it would be two large rooms. In those rooms would be signed first editions of authors work, and on the third floor which would also house a special air system to keep out dust and would also house an elaborate security system, this was to be the collectibles room. Here customers would find the classic first edition mysteries and other items of famous mysteries and their authors. Already Michael had gotten his hands on some books that true collectors would kill for in an instant. Programs from famous plays, Michael even had the actual prop dagger used in the academy award winning movie of "Murder on the Orient Express", with Albert Finney. Then, Michael couldn't believe his luck when Jenny had told him that an estate sale was to be held with a lot of books to be sold. Michael had gone, even though the weather in November had reached a record low with snowstorms to match in Colorado Springs. Only three people besides Michael had been there, and none of the others had been interested in the books, they had opted for the artwork and jewelry. Michael had taken one look and began pulling out books with abandon piling them on the floor. Michael was sure that God was smiling down on him that day, to find not one but TWO first edition copies of Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express", one even hand signed by the grand dame herself! Obviously the owner of the estate had been a mystery lover of the first order to have so many first editions, and Michael bought them all at a fraction of the prices they were worth. Since he was the only one there to bid on the books he got them nearly dirt cheap.
Standing up Michael stretched his back as a knock sounded on the door. Answering it Michael saw that it was the sign painter.
"Hey Mr. Angel, got your sign ready." The man smiled
"That was fast." There goes his luck again!
"Yeah we had two cancellations at the last minute and we were able to push your order ahead."
"Well let's take a look." Michael walked outside to the bustling street, some stopping to look through the windows and the large sign which said opening soon.
The workmen removed the tarp from the sign.
"It's perfect!" Michael smiled at the sign "Murder in Store in capitals, the T in store shaped like a dagger with blood dripping from it.
"Mysteries for mystery lovers." Michael read
"You want us to hang it?" Another work man asked
"Please!" Michael smiled "Oh that reminds me." Michael went back inside and came out with a help wanted sign and began taping it to the window.
"Excuse me sir?" Michael heard a woman's voice with a charming Irish accent
Turning Michael stared at the woman, with attractive auburn hair and a large smile. Next to her stood a man with ashen blonde hair and had a smile of his own.
"Yes Miss?" Michael asked politely
"I see that you just put up a help wanted sign, how many positions do you have available?"
Michael smiled "Well seeing it's just me right now, I'd say at least seven. Maybe more later."
Monica smiled brightened "Wonderful, we'd like to apply. My name is Monica."
Michael shook her hand and turned to the man "Andrew." They too shook hands
"Well nice to meet you both. Why don't you come inside and we can talk it over." Michael offered.
Later that night Michael sat at dinner in a new Italian restaurant. Across from him sat Jenny Barnes sipping her red wine and laughing at what Michael was telling her.
"You must be kidding me." Jenny laughed wondering if Michael was pulling her leg.
"God's honest truth." Michael swore holding up his right hand
Shaking her head Jenny put down her wine glass "So how is the store coming?"
"Great!" Michael admitted "I got the sign put up this morning and I even hired two people already."
"Really?" Jenny smiled excitedly, ever since meeting Michael, Jenny had been spending all her spare time trying to help get the store ready for it's grand opening. Jenny almost felt as if the store were part hers, and since meeting Michael, Jenny desperately wanted the business to be a success. Jenny already had ideas of her own, she only hoped that Michael didn't think that she was butting in too much.
Fingering her wine glass Jenny took a deep breath and continued nervously.
"You know Michael, I was thinking. Opening day should really be a big event."
Michael nodded in complete agreement "Yeah, I was thinking of maybe trying to entice a popular author to come down and maybe doing a book signing." He admitted
Jenny smiled brightly and excitedly "I completely agree, now I hope you don't get mad, but I kinda, sorta already asked someone."
Surprised Michael sat up "Really? Who?"
"My cousin is Miranda Carter."
"Miranda Carter?" Michael smiled excitedly "Miranda Carter is your cousin? You are amazing!"
"Thanks." Jenny blushed crimson at the compliment
Michael held up a wine glass filled with water, "Thank you Jenny." He began sincerely "I could never have done all of this, this quickly without you."
"It was nothing." Jenny's blush deepened
"It is a lot more than nothing. It's been a long time since anyone has offered me the help that you have." Michael admitted uncomfortably as he looked around the restaurant.
Jenny sobered instantly, Michael was doing it again. When Jenny first started going out with Michael, she began to notice certain idiosyncrasies in his behavior. The first time that they went to a restaurant together Michael refused the table offered to them. Instead he insisted that they wait for a table, where Jenny immediately noticed that he could keep his back to a wall and see everyone else. Also, every fifteen minutes like clockwork, Michael would lift his head and scan the room from one end to the other. Jenny swore that he looked like a camera when he did this, Michael missed nothing. Then there were his mood swings, sometimes Michael would go from happy to sad in an instant. For that there was no specific reason, the last time it had happened, they had been walking down the street and a young Arabic looking couple passed by carrying a small child. Michael stared at the couple and his face went blank as if remembering something, then his mood changed from exultant to a more somber one. The worst of it was that Michael didn't tell her what was going on, Jenny was left to wonder what was wrong. It was becoming more and more obvious to Jenny that there was something in Michael's past that still haunted him and would continue to haunt him until he got it out in the open and let her help him. Jenny had already decided to help him if she could, get him help if necessary. Michael is a good man, one that she could see being in her life for a long time to come, perhaps even for as long as they both lived, after that if possible.
"You're doing it again." Jenny mentioned off-handedly
Instantly Michael's eyes snapped back to Jenny "I'm sorry." He half smiled embarrassed
"Why do you do that?" she asked curiously
'Training' Michael thought but aloud he said "Don't really know, I never thought about it."
Jenny nodded knowing that he was not being completely truthful about that. Still she knew that it would take time to make Michael see that he could trust her. That was another thing that she had noticed about Michael. Michael seemed to trust no one but himself, as if he'd been let down too many times during his life by others, so that now he could trust only himself.
Michael smiled taking Jenny's hand "Want to go for a moonlit stroll through the park?"
"Are you mad!" Jenny laughed "It's about ten degrees out there tonight!"
"Well then how about we go back to my place." Michael suggested "I can light a fire, and make you some of that hot chocolate that you seem to love so much."
Jenny shivered in anticipation "Marshmallows go with that hot chocolate?"
Michael nodded "I bought some today just for you. I also got some of those cookies that you like so much." he added, wondering why he had done such a thing. Never before in his life had Michael ever worried particularly to the wants of women. The only other woman he had done so for had been Daniella, and even then he hadn't gone this far out of his way to please her. Yet, Michael was more than willing to put himself out and spend an entire afternoon searching for the exact kind of bakery that made the cookies that Jenny enjoyed.
"And what is tonight's feature presentation?" Jenny asked knowing that they both had the same taste in movies.
"Well since you don't have to work tomorrow. I was thinking a double feature, we got Young Frankenstein and for our second feature The Producers?"
Jenny clapped her hands gleefully, "Gene Wilder night, I love it!"
Happy that Jenny was pleased, Michael paid their bill, "Well let's go."
It was late but the three Hammond sisters were determined to see their father. It had been nearly a week since their father had locked himself into his house with an arm full of DVD's of their brother. George Hammond had not answered his phone, nor had he even walked to the front door to get his morning papers. The girls knew that enough was enough, they were going to talk to their father and now!
Felicia Hammond looked to her youngest sister "Daisy you have the key?"
"Right here." Daisy held up the key
Janice shivered on the front stoop in the cold night. "Oh God, I hope daddy is alright."
"Of course he is." Felicia said with more confidence than she felt, this was so unlike their father. Felicia had never seen him act this way before and knew that she never wanted to see it again.
"Hurry up Daisy, I'm freezing my ass off here." Janice complained
"Got it." Daisy opened the door and the three Hammond girls walked into the dark house
"Jesus it's freezing in here!" Felicia shivered hitting a light switch.
Janice sniffed the air "Does it smell like alcohol in here or is it my imagination?"
"It's not your imagination." Daisy walked over to the thermostat, a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach. A cold that had nothing to do with the low temperature of the night.
"The thermostat isn't even on!" Daisy announced as she turned it on and set it to a high temperature to try and warm up the house as quickly as possible.
"Where do we start?" Janice asked her sisters
Felicia shrugged "Well he had all of those DVD's let's check the TV room."
Switching on lights as they went the sisters were shocked at what they saw. Empty beer bottles and scotch bottles littered the floor. Empty take out containers also were all over the place, some of them had the beginning of mold on them. The smell was horrendous, and the amount of empty beer and liquor bottles frightening. This was not like their father, not like him at all.
The three women entered the dark TV room, the only light was coming from the TV. George Hammond sat slumped in his overstuffed chair in front of it seemingly asleep.
"Jesus, this isn't like dad." Janice mumbled as Felicia and Daisy nodded in complete agreement.
"Turn off the TV." Felicia told Daisy who was the closest
"Wait a second." Janice put a hand on Daisy's shoulder "Look, that's Michael."
The three women stared at the screen. A group of teens walked down a barren passageway, they each carried what seemed like school books. It looked like a group of teens in high school walking between classes. Except that none of them spoke and they seemed to be marching to their next class. There was none of the usual teenage banter back and forth about the latest styles or trends in music or clothes. Nothing about what they had done the night before or over the weekend. Nothing but a steady and silent march to class. Michael walked in front closely followed by two boys and a girl. Michael was a handsome boy except for the perpetual scowl on his face, which Daisy instantly saw as anger, but anger towards what or whom she didn't know. Suddenly a panel opened up by the four teens and four men jumped out carrying knives. Daisy, Felicia and Janice watched in horror as the four men attacked the four teens. The four teens instantly dropped their books and attacked their attackers. It was over quickly, the teens picked up their books and left the four unconscious men in the hallway and continued to class as if nothing had happened.
A voice behind them made the women jump.
Hoarsely George Hammond spoke "It was the same at least twice a week, never the same place twice. Sometimes the children were attacked as they slept. The concept behind it is, to be ready at all times to defend yourself. No matter what you are doing, sleeping, walking down a passageway or even in the bathroom. You always had to be ready to fight, to cripple, even kill if necessary."
Janice flipped the light switch and stared at her father in horror. Unshaven, wearing dirty clothes and looking exhausted. George Hammond's eyes were now sunken, his skin an unnatural pale with just a hint of gray in it.
Daisy was by his side in a instant, her hand on his forehead.
"DADDY! You're burning up!" Daisy looked to her sisters
Felicia grabbed the afghan off the couch and threw it over her father as they all stood and watch him shiver. Tears in all of their eyes to see their father in this condition, and yes, very scared.
George Hammond stared straight ahead and continued "They brutalized all of those children." George Hammond shook his head in shock "Broke their bones, beat them, tortured them to learn how to resist the enemy. Betrayed them over and over again, to teach them that they could trust no one but themselves. One boy, his name was Francisco…he couldn't keep up with the others, so they gathered up the children and made them watch as he was executed. An example to the others, as to what happens to those who don't meet expectations."
"Enough for now daddy." Janice pleaded with him "You need to rest, you're sick, you have a fever."
George shook his head "I have to see, I have to see what they did to my son."
"Tomorrow dad." Felicia begged wiping her tears away.
"Tomorrow is another day." Daisy told him "Help me Janice, let's get him upstairs. Felicia, see if you can find some soup, anything hot."
Dumbly George Hammond was led to his bed and was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Once the house was a pleasant temperature, Janice turned down the thermostat and returned to the kitchen. Sitting down Janice stared as Daisy ran back into the house and shut the door as she finished dumping the trash. Felicia poured out three cups of tea and set them on the table where the sisters gathered to have a very serious talk about their father. The three knew that they could not allow their father to continue in this fashion.
Janice looked to her youngest sister "So how's dad?" she asked
Daisy ran her fingers through her hair and sighed "His temperature is 102. He needs food, plenty of liquids and rest." She explained
Felicia nodded in agreement "We also have to get him to stop watching those damn tapes."
Janice snorted "That'll be the day. So girls what do we do now?"
Felicia shrugged not liking it one bit "I don't know, but we can't be around daddy all day and night. I have to get back to the travel agency and my kids. You Janice have to get back to your kids as well. Daisy you have to report for duty and you're pregnant as well, so you can't deal with all this stress."
"We can hire a nurse." Daisy told her sisters "Then I can drop by after work and spend some time with dad. You guys can come down on weekends and help as well."
Janice shook her head knowing how their father was going to take the news of a stranger in his home trying to take care of him.
"Yeah, I can just see dad taking orders from some nurse that we hire."
"Do you have a better plan?" Daisy asked her sister snappishly
"No I don't." Janice admitted and hating that fact very much "I just feel guilty that we can't do it all ourselves. That we need to hire someone to do it for us."
Felicia grabbed her sister's hand "Well we can't, and wishing about it, isn't going to do us any good. Of course we will do what we can." Felicia thought about it for a moment "Now I take Friday's and Saturday's off from the travel agency. I got enough people there to cover and if they have an emergency they can always call me. The kids are going to be out of school soon for winter recess and I can bring them down with me and keep dad company on those days."
Janice nodded in agreement "I can take Sunday's and Monday's."
"Gabe, Josie and I can take the rest of the week." Daisy volunteered knowing that she lived closest to her father. "I can also make the arrangements for a nurse. I'll call the hospital and arrange it first thing in the morning."
Felicia smiled for the first time since entering their father's home, gripping each sister's hand in her own "Everything is going to be just fine. I know it is."
Chapter 10: Meeting the Family
Jenny carried the last of the large dishes to the table and sat down with her family. Maria Barnes smiled at her daughter and began to load Jenny's plate down with a massive amount of food.
"Mama, that's too much!" Jenny protested her eyes bulging out
"You are too skinny!" Maria complained to her daughter, giving her daughter a critical eye.
Frank Barnes smiled at his wife, the typical Italian mother-hen, who would not be happy until all her children had given her grandchildren, and even then would baby them. Yet, Frank also knew that he would not change a hair on his wife's head for anything. In all his life Frank had never met a woman with more love to give than his Maria and he was thankful everyday of his life that Maria had said yes to him. Still, Jenny was his baby girl, the baby girl who from the day that she was born, had her father wrapped around her little finger, and Frank doubted very much if that would ever change. His baby girl was sunshine itself, and she shared her love with all those around her without exception. So Maria protected her daughter her way, and now it was Franks turn to protect his daughter his way.
"Honey, if Jenny doesn't want to eat that much you shouldn't force her." he reminded gently, just as he had for the 29 years of his daughter's life.
Carmela Turelli looked up and agreed with her sister-in-law, "Maria is right." She said simply "Jenny is much too skinny, how can she ever attract a good man if she is all skin and bones."
Rafael Barnes, her older brother, sat next to Jenny "You know Jen, I have a new partner, he's a really nice guy. Good looking too." he added
"I've met him Jenny." Roslyn Barnes agreed with her husband "He is really a good looking man."
Jenny smiled, her family was always trying to get her to meet new men and get her married off. Jenny knew that her family meant well, and that they only wanted her to be happy with a family of her own. Still sometimes it was too much to take, especially when her mother and her aunt Carmela came together to harangue her. Smiling widely now, Jenny knew that those days were now finally over! She had found her own man, all on her own with no assistance from the family and was now all ready now to break the news to her family, "Sorry guys, but I'm off the market!" She announced to the others.
Her uncle Antonio Turelli looked over to his niece, "You've met someone?" he asked her
"Yes I have." Jenny told them
Maria looked to her daughter "How long have you been seeing this man?" She demanded to know.
"Almost a month now." Jenny admitted
"And why didn't you tell me!" Maria demanded to know, wondering why her daughter would keep something like this from her.
Jenny stared at her mother sheepishly "I just wanted to make sure that this one is the one. I know how disappointed you were when I broke up with Sam.", she said apologetically, knowing that her mother had almost taken her break up worse than she herself had.
"Is he the one?" Roslyn asked excitedly
Jenny smiled "I think so, I hope so." Turning to her mother she admitted "I think I felt the lightening bolt."
"Really!" Maria looked excited. Could it finally be!
Frank looked to his little girl "Well tell us about him!"
"Just a second." Jenny jumped up and went to the living room reached for her purse and opened it. Pulling out the pictures that she and Michael had taken in a photo booth at the amusement arcade they had gone to the week before.
Rushing back to the table she handed it to her mother "This is him."
Maria looked at the pictures and smiled "He is very handsome. What is his name?"
"Michael, Michael Angel." Jenny told them "I met him at a dance club downtown."
"Wow, he's a stud!" Roslyn stared at the handsome man
"Really?" Rafael asked his wife, "I don't see it myself." he said a bit childishly
Roslyn kissed her husbands jealous cheek, "Not as sexy as you honey." she reassured him.
Bringing the subject back to Jenny's new man, "What does this Michael do for a living?" Maria asked wanting to know everything.
Jenny paused, this was going to be the hard part, "He is opening his own business." she told them quickly
"Doing what?" her father asked curiously
"He sells books." Jenny told her family
"Books!" Maria asked shocked "What kind of job is this for a man?" She questioned
Jenny was getting upset "He's a good man Mama." She defended
"I for one don't care what he does for a living." Frank told the family, then looked to Jenny "Does he treat you nice?"
Jenny nodded eagerly, "Yes Daddy, he is the nicest man that I have ever gone out with. He is sweet, kind and generous."
Frank looked to his wife, "What else could we want for our daughter?" he asked her reasonably
Maria finally agreed with her husband, "You are right Frank. I'm sorry Jenny, I guess that I am just so used to our family marrying police officers that I sometimes forget that there are other professions in the world." Hugging her daughter she added "All I have ever wanted for you, is for you to be happy. For you to have a daughter, who is just as sweet and loving as you are."
"Thank you Mama." Jenny sighed relieved
Smiling Carmela looked to her niece "So when do we meet this boy?"
Jenny smiled "Soon." She promised "I know that you all are going to like him. He is sweet and gentle."
"So tell me Michael, how have you been sleeping?" Dr. Stanley Keyworth asked in a friendly fashion.
"Good" Michael told him simply "Yourself?"
"Fine" Stanley nodded "Thank you for asking. No nightmares? No insomnia?"
"Nope" Michael lied smoothly
"I see" Stanley nodded knowing that his patient was lying to him "You know you are very good at lying." he complimented Michael, "I bet that one would have passed on a polygraph test."
Michael shrugged not disagreeing with him "Your tax dollars at work."
"What do you mean by that?" Stanley asked knowing that he was close to her patient's problems, well one of them at least. It hadn't been easy to get to this point. It actually wasn't difficult to get Michael to talk, that had actually been the easy part. The hard part was telling the difference between the truth, the lie and the half truth. Michael was an expert at how to mix the three just right, and now it was Stanley's turn to try and pick out the truth from the rest of the story.
"I mean just what I said." Michael told him pleasantly leaning back in his chair dressed once again in head to toe black. "It was your tax dollars that made me what I am today."
Stanley nodded and wrote in his pad "And that really pisses you off doesn't." he said knowingly
Michael smiled "Oh yeah."
"Why does it bother you so much?"
Michael stood up and began to pace in the room that had been supplied by Cheyenne mountain for the purpose of helping Michael.
"Why does it piss me off?" Michael repeated slowly, turning he stared at an air force recruitment poster. The smile faded from Michael's face as he ripped the poster off the wall violently.
"It pisses me off, like this fucking poster pisses me off, like seeing everyone on this fucking base pisses me off. Like you piss me off, like every government employee pisses me off." He told Stanley ripping the poster into shreds and throwing it into the garbage.
Stanley stared at Michael, the anger was real this time, there was nothing fake about it. This was pure rage on Michael's part, but why? Then it dawned on him.
"Because we all volunteered for what we do." He nodded positively "The soldiers on this base volunteered to be here. I volunteered for this, all government employees volunteered. You on the other hand were chosen. You had no say in what happened to you, you were told that you were going to be an agent and that was it." Stanley snapped his fingers "Done deal, your life's work is chosen for you."
Michael sat down again "I might have become a soldier, or a pilot, or a cop, a criminal, an artist, a politician. It should have been my choice, not Puppet Master's, but mine! Even if I turned out to be a crook, it would have been my choice! They took that away from me, the one thing that everyone takes for granted as their right, was chosen for me."
Stanley wrote some more in his book "What would you have like to have been."
Michael shook his head tiredly "I don't know, I didn't think about it back then."
"Surely you must have had dreams." Stanley looked at his patient "Things that you would have liked to have done. The man you would have liked to become."
Michael shook his head, he still didn't understand, "Dreams were a commodity that you couldn't afford back then. They hurt too much." He admitted painfully
"How could dreams hurt you?"
"Because you knew that they would never come true." Michael stared at the wall lost in his memories "We all knew what we were to become and that was that. It was no use dreaming about things that would never come true. It took all your concentration to keep your mind on the moment, there was no time to dream. There was only time to become what I am." Michael explained patiently
"So what are you?" Stanley asked him
"I am the shadow that stands between the darkness and the light, I am the one that ensures that the darkness will not eclipse the light. I know not pain, I know not hunger, I only know that my purpose is to protect the innocent, I will use what ever means are necessary to protect the innocent, I am the Guardian Angel known as Archangel." Michael quoted to him "That is what we were taught. And that Dr. Keyworth is what I am."
"And is that all you are ever going to be?" Stanley questioned
"Oh God, I certainly hope not." Michael prayed
"NO DADDY!" Daisy pushed her father back into bed and covered him up again "You are staying in bed, you have a fever!"
"Daisy" George Hammond stared at his defiant daughter "You will get out of my way." He warned
"No dad." Daisy shook her head vehemently "You are staying in bed until your fever goes down." Taking his hand Daisy pleaded with her father "Dad you are not going to do anyone any good if you get any sicker."
George was about to protest again
"No sir." Daisy cut him off "I know that you want to know everything that happened to Michael. I know that and I can respect that, and I want to know myself what happened. But dad you aren't going to do yourself any good or Michael any good if you get pneumonia. Please daddy…" Daisy began to choke up, tears falling
George relented, if there was one thing on this earth he hated, was watching any of his children in tears.
"Okay, okay I get the picture." George took his daughter into his arms "I'll stay in bed."
"Will you." Daisy smiled wiping her tears away.
"I promise."
"Good" Daisy smiled "Now the nurse should be here any minute."
"NURSE!" George Hammond sat up "I don't need a nurse!"
"Dad" Daisy sighed wondering why she ever volunteered to be the one that to break the news to their father.
"Dad, you are going to need some help for a few days. Someone to make sure that you are taking your medicine and that you are eating properly."
"Daisy" George began as calmly as he could "I am a grown man…"
Daisy nodded angrily "A grown man who let himself get into this condition. No sir, you need a nurse, at least until your fever breaks. After that we will see." Daisy finished as the door bell rang "That must be the nurse." Daisy smiled "I'll let her in."
Daisy trotted down the stairs and to the front door. Opening it Daisy found herself facing an older black woman with a sunny smile.
"Hello" The woman held out a hand.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Fuentes." Daisy smiled showing the woman in.
"I'm Tess."
"A pleasure to meet you Tess." Daisy closed the door.
It was late Saturday afternoon as Jenny, Janet, Miranda and Sam and Annie drove towards the newly christened "Murder In Store". The five women had spent the entire day just shopping and gossiping and eating everything in sight. Jenny had been the biggest topic of conversation, since she'd been dating Michael for a month now. The other women wanted to know what he was like, especially Janet. Janet hadn't told anyone, not even Sam that the Michael that Jenny talked about with such love and excitement, was the same Michael that they'd met just over a month ago. The same Michael that had killed so many people in Colorado Springs just a month ago. They had been on their way home to Miranda's where the men were waiting on them, except for Michael, to have dinner.
"You can just drop me at the store." Jenny told her cousin Miranda
Miranda turned to her little cousin "Are you sure that you don't want to invite Michael to dinner and join us? We have plenty of room." Miranda offered again, it would give her a chance to talk to him as well. See if he was the type of man that she wanted for her little cousin. Even though they were less than four years apart in age, Miranda could never get over the fact that Jenny was her baby cousin. That even though Jenny was almost 30 years old, that she still needed to be protected. Miranda knew that Jenny in many respects was still innocent and guileless, who believed what she was told and because of that. Jenny could be taken advantage of, and Miranda would not stand idly by and allow that to happen to Jenny.
Jenny shook her head "No thanks, actually we can't. My mother and father are coming over tonight to meet Michael and have dinner. Besides I'm greedy and I want him all to myself." she smiled mischievously
"I know that feeling." Annie agreed whole heartedly, there were days that she didn't want to leave Paulie's side. Just tune out the rest of the world and just be with the man that she loved more than life itself.
"So how's the store coming?" Miranda asked curiously "I need to know what day to set aside for the book signing." She reminded Jenny.
"OH!" Jenny smacked herself on the head "I almost forgot to tell you, December 1st, two weeks on Saturday for the grand opening. Just in time for Christmas. "
"Okay, how does eleven sound?"
"Perfect." Jenny admitted "I can't thank you enough Mira for doing this for me." Jenny clapped her hands excitedly
"Anytime." Mira smiled happy to be able to help Jenny "Any chance of getting a preview of what is to come?"
"Sure!" Jenny smiled, just itching to show people what Michael and she had been able to accomplish, "I'm telling you Mira this is going to be the best mystery bookstore in the country. Wait until you see what Michael has done to the place!"
Pulling up to the curb, Mira looked at the store front and admitted to herself that the outside at least was indeed beautiful. A small square patch of garden in front which would bloom beautifully in season, shiny brass railing leading up the five steps, a newly built ramp for handicap access. The large black sign, was just the perfect touch.
"Murder in Store, Mysteries for Mystery Lovers, I love the name of the store." Annie put in "It's catchy."
"Yeah no miss leading name there." Sam laughed
Jenny reached the door first and knocked and then waved at the attractive young auburn haired woman, who waved back excitedly.
"Who's that?" Mira asked curiously, wondering if there was going to be trouble already as she saw the beautiful woman wave back.
Jenny turned to her cousin, "Oh that's Monica, one of Michael's employees. She is a sweetheart."
"You trust Michael alone all day with her?" Mira questioned
"Sure, I trust Michael." Jenny shrugged, then added "Besides I think that she's going out with Andrew."
"Who's that?" Mira asked curiously
The door opened and revealed a handsome blonde haired man "I'm Andrew." He smiled pleasantly at the women "Please come in, it's cold out there."
"Hi Andrew, Monica." Jenny hugged Monica "Let me introduce everyone, Monica, Andrew. This is my cousin Miranda, cousin Sam, cousin Annie and my friend Janet."
As they shook hands and introduced each other, Miranda took a moment to look over the store.
"Wow" was all Mira could say "This is incredible, what a selection." as she stared at row after row of all the latest releases and old paperbacks.
"This is just the first floor Mira." Jenny laughed knowing that the best was still to come.
Monica nodded eagerly as well, the store had turned out nice. Just the way that Michael had drawn it out so many times over the years, as she had watched on silently. Praying with all her might that perhaps one day, Michael could really have such a place of his own. Spend the remaining time he had just simply enjoying life and all that it had to offer. Without the worry of Sanctuary ever calling him back for another mission. Monica hoped that day would come for Michael, perhaps after what was to come. "Yes, in the back to the left is the children's mystery section, you know the Hardy boys, Nancy Drew. Some R.L. Stine, all the Harry Potter books. Here in the main section we have all mysteries broken up into their categories, hard boiled, cozy comfort, romance, cooking, gardening, comedy. And if you look just over here…"
Mira smiled seeing her own books, all of them, from the first to her latest.
"On the second floor we have signed first editions of many of these books, art work and also a coffee clutch and on the third floor, we have the collectables rooms." Jenny finished.
"Three floors!" Sam looked around shocked "Who knew there were so many mysteries."
"I did." Annie admitted looking around "Oh that's it, I'm going to be in here all the time." She announced, already seeing that a lot of her paycheck was going to be spent here as well.
"Come on I'll give you the nickel tour." Jenny headed towards the back
"See you later." Monica waved as she and Andrew returned to work
Entering what used to be the dining room, the women were stunned to see a beautifully decorated room, with a dozen small tables arranged artfully though out the large room . The colors on the walls were rich and tasteful and a large chandelier reflected the light everywhere. Large French doors in the back led out to a garden.
Jenny held out her arms and explained, "This is the dining room, you can have coffee and cake, even lunch in here. Out back also, when the weather is nice, so that people can enjoy the day. Michael has already spoken to a landscaper architect and has come up with some plans to plant a beautiful English garden out there, with roses and all sorts of flowers and plants."
"This looks like someone's home." Janet pointed out
"This used to be someone's home." Jenny explained to the others "They wanted to move to Hawaii, to a house they have out there for their retirement. Michael's plan was to change as little as possible from the original design." Jenny explained as she pointed out some of the original Victorian elements in the room.
Leading them through another door, the women found themselves in another large room. This one filled with large comfortable leather chairs and couches. Each chair had a small reading table with a reading lamp on it. More large windows let the light stream in and made the room bright and cheery. Miranda was deeply impressed by the luxury of the rooms, the exquisite taste in decoration.
"This is the reading room, it used to be the library and office." Jenny told the others, "Also, Michael is going to be starting a mystery round table. Every week a book is chosen by the group to read, then the group will get together and discuss it. Michael has been in contact with some authors already, and they have agreed to come here and to discuss their books with the group."
"Really!" Annie asked anxiously "I would love to join a group like that."
"I'm sure that Michael would be happy to have you here Annie." Turning to her cousin, "Could we talk you into doing a discussion sometime Mira?" Jenny asked hopefully
"I would love to." Mira told Jenny without a moment's hesitation "I love meeting the people who read my books. I'm always curious as to what they are like, what made them choose my book to read." she admitted
Janet rubbed the leather seats "This is amazing." She had to admit "Such luxury for just anyone to enjoy."
"Michael told me that he wanted people to feel like they are entering someone's home and to feel comfortable here. To treat the customers as guests, and welcome them like old friends."
"That way people will stay longer and spend more. I could sit here for hours, just drinking coffee and reading." Sam nodded in understanding "It's a really good idea, and pulled off elegantly." she had to admit
Jenny led the way to the elevator "Ladies"
"An elevator, thank God." Sam sighed rubbing her protruding abdomen, "I wasn't looking forward to all those stairs."
Jenny smiled "Just wait until you see what is in the collectibles rooms Mira." Knowing that her cousin was going to die, when she saw what Michael had collected.
The women walked down the large spacious floor and stopped to admire the artwork. Janet and Sam shook their heads as they stared at the unusual artwork.
"It's about killing?" Janet asked worriedly looking at Sam as they stared at a line of people waiting to stab a man in his bed. It was painted in a 1930's deco flair, in one corner an old fashioned steam engine was racing down the tracks and in the other corner a man with a large mustache and a very intelligent expression on his face.
Annie and Mira stared intently at the canvas's "It's 'Murder on the Orient Express!'" Annie clapped her hands
"It sure is!" Mira smiled just as excited and turned to the next canvas "Death on the Nile!" Mira shook her head "They are beautiful."
"Recognize this one?" Jenny asked innocently
Mira turned and her breath caught in her chest "Summer Stock Murder. The first book I had published." Mira stared at the face of her main character. Elizabeth Sterling looked just as she had in Mira's mind when she created the fictional detective. It was as if someone had stepped into her brain and had taken a picture and then placed it on canvas.
"Who painted these?" Mira had to know, she had to get one for herself
"Michael painted them." Jenny told her "He was doing it for fun, but I told him he should sell them. Monica, Andrew and I finally convinced him to put them up."
"It's a really good thing you did." Annie stared at the painting before them "Michael has talent. Real mystery fans are going to snap these up."
"I know." Jenny smiled excitedly "That's why I had some of them made up in poster version. These originals though are going to be much more expensive."
"I want this one." Mira announced
"No you don't." Jenny shook her head "Wait until you see the one that Michael is painting for you."
Mira looked at Jenny, "He's painting one for me?" she asked surprised
Jenny smiled "A special thank you for helping us." Jenny gave her cousin a one armed hug. "Now this way to the collectibles rooms."
Annie and Mira walked out of the collectibles rooms with their heads spinning.
"I don't believe what I just saw in there." Annie turned back to make sure the rooms were still actually there and had not somehow disappeared. Or worse, just a figment of her imagination.
Mira walked out of the room opened mouthed, "Not one, but TWO first edition Murder on the orient express, one of them hand signed!" Mira agreed wholeheartedly.
"A hand signed program for 'Mousetrap'." Annie agreed "And an original first edition, hand signed 'Fer-de-lance' by Rex Stout!"
"How the hell did Michael get his hands on all this stuff!" Mira demanded to know, and also knowing that one of those two first edition Christie's was going to be hers, the signed one preferably. But come hell or high water, one of those books was coming home with her on opening day!
Jenny shrugged "Michael says he's been collecting this stuff for years. Every old bookstore he could find all over the world, auctions, estate sales, and even garage sales. Just waiting for the day that he could open his own shop." Smiling Jenny headed back to the elevator, slipping in a key she hit floor four and the doors closed "Come upstairs and meet Michael."
The doors opened up and the women found themselves in a cavernous room. High cathedral ceilings, highly polished pine floor, rugs scattered around the room, it looked like a giant studio. In one corner sat a state of the art kitchen, a large table for dining sat not too far away, in a separate corner sat a state of the art gym. On another wall sat a large wine rack holding at least a hundred bottles of wine. A circular staircase which led up.
"Bedrooms and office." Jenny pointed up "Last but not least the books." Jenny pointed
Mira and Annie stared in awe at the twenty foot long and twenty foot high book case filled with books, a polished wood and brass ladder leaned against the bookcase to reach the upper shelves. Mira could tell that many of them were very expensive first editions, she also noted that there were several stands which held glass covered boxes that contained some extremely rare and old and very valuable first editions. A collection which many people would kill to get their hands on. It was now obvious to Mira that Jenny had landed herself a man of financial means, to be able to afford all of this. Especially since she learned that Michael actually owned the building and was not renting it.
"And of course Michael." Jenny laughed
Janet and Sam stared in amazement at the giant picture window which took up most of the entire wall. An easel stood before it, and Michael Angel turned and saw the women entering. Quickly covering his latest canvas, Michael picked up a rag and wiped his hands and walked forward. Three of the women he recognized instantly, they had been at the meeting with the president. Then later he saw them again at the mountain when he went for his therapy sessions, he knew that they were all military officers.
"Hi Michael." Jenny crossed over to him and kissed him quickly and led him back to the others "This of course is my cousin Miranda Carter."
Michael smiled and held out a hand "It is a great honor to meet you." He began "I've read all of your books and have enjoyed them immensely. I'm so glad that you agreed to do a signing here."
"It will be my pleasure." Mira smiled at the handsome man "What you have done here is incredible." Mira told him in no un-certain terms "I've been all over the country and most of Europe to do book signings and I have never seen a book store like this, you are going to have fans from all over the country coming here."
Michael blushed, Janet, Sam and Annie, who all recognized Michael instantly were shocked. A month ago this man had killed over a dozen men and threatened another one with a very painful death if they should ever meet again. Yet here and now he was smiling and laughing and blushing over the compliments he was receiving.
Janet shook her head and listened in on the conversation, Mira continued.
"Oh and that autographed Christie 'Murder on the Orient Express' you have in your collectibles room. Set it aside, because I'M buying it."
"It would be a pleasure."
"Oh let me introduce you to the others." Jenny motioned the women to come forward.
"Ah yes, I recognize these ladies." Michael admitted as he shook their hands, "We met once before, Majors O'Neill, Jackson and Yates isn't?"
"Yes" Sam smiled at him nervously "Or just Janet, Sam and Annie." She told him, surprised that he actually remembered their names, they had only met once in person. Other than seeing Michael on level four of the base, where Michael had his sessions with his doctor.
"Much better." Michael smiled "Would you ladies care to sit? Can I get you anything?"
Mira rubbed her stomach as she sat "Some juice would be nice."
"Yes thank you, juice sounds good to me too." Sam sighed as she sat on the comfortable leather couch which felt like butter to the touch.
"Wine for you ladies?" Michael asked politely
"Sounds good to me." Annie admitted as she sat
"Excuse me for a moment." Michael left for the kitchen "By the way Mira, if you like Christie, I know that you would appreciate this." Michael pointed to a long frame which held five pieces of paper. Mira and Annie went to look at it, their jaws dropped.
"Where did you get this!" Mira asked shocked staring intently at the framed pages.
"London." Michael told her "An action at Sotherby's"
"What is it?" Janet asked curiously moving to inspect the sheets herself. To Janet it looked like some written notes to a story.
"It's Dame Agatha Christie's hand written treatment notes for, 'Evil under the Sun'" Annie told them amazed.
Janet looked down at one of the stands surprised, "Why do you have this one under glass?" she asked curiously. "I mean this one isn't that old, you can get these anywhere."
Annie looked down, her jaw dropping "Is this what I think it is?" she asked a lump in her throat
Michael looked at the book, "Well if you are thinking that this is a first edition of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone', then you would be correct. It's hand signed by J.K. Rowling herself." Opening the case, Michael pulled out the book and handed it to Annie, who held it like it was the holy grail.
"I saw on the news that a first edition of this book went for what, 160,000 dollars." Annie told the others amazed.
Michael smiled and nodded in agreement "Yes, although I bought mine when it first came out. I did some book speculation. I picked it up in a bookstore in London when I was there. Hence the reason that it is the Philosopher's Stone and not Sorcerer's Stone. The story of a little boy who grew up differently from others appealed to me Treated so badly by people and yet, he finds the strength to go on and to grow and fulfill his destiny, I read the entire book in one sitting, right there in the bookstore. The moment that I was done, I knew that I had just read something very special, I bought a dozen copies."
"A dozen copies!" Annie looked up shocked
"All hand signed. J.K. was doing a signing in the bookstore that night, I just hung around and waited for her. It was just before the book really took off. You like it?" Michael asked curiously as he stared at the woman.
Annie nodded as she stroked the cover lovingly, "I love Harry Potter, I've must have read this book a hundred times." She said softly "It reminds me of some bad times that I had a few years ago. This book bought me so much happiness at the worst time in my life." Annie didn't say more. But Sam and Janet knew what Annie was talking about. Annie was remembering her time in prison, and how a simple book had lifted her out of darkness for just a little while.
"JK, is an amazing woman." Michael agreed wholeheartedly "This book saved my life also." He whispered to Annie. Michael didn't know what this woman had been through, but he knew what it was like to live in pain. Michael also knew what it felt like to read something that lifted you out of that darkness even it if was just for a short time.
Annie looked to Michael, understanding the man just a bit more, and smiled.
Michael smiled and turned towards the kitchen "I'll get those drinks."
"I'm going to help him." Jenny smiled and followed Michael
Jenny poured the two juices as Michael opened a bottle of wine.
"So where did you meet them?" She asked trying to act as if she didn't really care.
Michael smiled at Jenny's obvious jealousy "Remember I told you that my last official day on the job happened at Cheyenne Mountain."
"Yeah, oh, I see, you met them at the mountain." Jenny bit her lip flushing red in embarrassment.
"Correct my dear." Michael kissed the top of her head then headed back to the others.
The group sat around talking for awhile longer about the store. Then the subject turned to Michael's artwork.
"It's very good." Annie told him "Where did you study?" She asked curiously
"At the Sorbonne." He told them "When I was younger I lived in Paris for awhile. My wife was an artist and she got me into it as well."
"Oh so you're divorced?" Mira asked innocently
"No" Michael shifted in his chair a bit "She died eleven years ago, hit and run driver. It was quick and painless." or so he had hoped and prayed for those same eleven years.
"I'm so sorry Michael, I didn't mean…" embarrassed Mira tried to apologize
Michael held up a hand, "It's okay Mira, really. It happened a long time ago."
Sam wondered what Michael would say if he knew the truth about his wife's death. Shivering Sam changed her mind, she didn't want to know what Michael would say and do if he ever found out the truth about his wife's death.
Changing the subject to something more safe "So you open in less than two weeks?" Mira asked
"Yes, everything is almost ready. I just got the license to serve food here and beverages, I have the cook. Two really great floor people, I could never have been this ready without Monica and Andrew. I thought it would take me at least another month or two, but Monica and Andrew work like animals and they set this place up so fast. Now I just need a couple of more people to work here and I'll be set. I already have the flyers printed up, ads go into the papers starting tomorrow with coupons for opening day."
Jenny's head perked up "Wait a second, how about Cassie?" she looked over to Janet who blanched.
"Cassie?" Janet asked trying desperately not to choke on her wine.
"Sure" Jenny began innocently, "Cassie was telling me a few weeks ago she wanted a part time job. Especially before Christmas, and she wanted to set aside money for college."
"Cassie?" Michael thought for a moment "That is the girl that was with you when we first met."
"Yes" Jenny nodded
Michael shrugged "Well Jenny you vouch for her, then she has a job if she wants it."
Sam looked over to Janet who had a frozen smile on her lips "Great." Janet announced with out great enthusiasm. The thought of her daughter here all day long in the company of a killer was horrifying to her.
Mira looked at her watch "Oh no, look at the time, we are late!" Standing up
Michael stood up as well and said good bye to all the women.
"It was so nice to meet you Michael." Mira shook his hand, he seemed like a very nice man. Mira thought that Jenny had finally found a keeper.
"The pleasure was all mine, I assure you." Michael insisted.
Jenny and Michael said good bye to the others and they were finally alone.
"Nice people." Michael remarked as he picked up the empty glasses heading back towards the kitchen to rinse out the glasses.
"I'm so glad that you got along with them. Mira really liked you." Jenny told him
"That's good I hope." Michael wiped his hands dry with the dish towel.
"Very good." Jenny picked up the phone "If Mira liked you, so will the rest of the family, especially my parents."
"That's good to know." Michael announced lightly but inside his stomach was doing cartwheels at the prospect of meeting Jenny's family tonight. "Who are you calling?" Michael asked curiously
"Cassie, see if she's interested in the job." Jenny told him "Hello Cassie…"
"I'm going to get dinner started." Michael mouthed and Jenny nodded
"I'm just calling to ask if you are still looking for a job…"
Frank and Maria Barnes sipped their wine as they looked around Michael's home. Maria had to admit that Michael seemed to her to be a fine young man. Polite and friendly, and someone who obviously cared for her daughter. The love and care that Michael displayed to Jenny was more than Maria could have ever wanted. Michael didn't go in for dressy showoff ways to impress either Jenny or her parents. If he had done that Maria would have known that it was an act for 'Jenny's parents' and would know that it was not genuine. It was little things that showed Maria that her daughter had found a good man. First, Maria had noticed during dinner that Michael drank iced tea and not wine with dinner as did she and the others. Michael had told her that he does not drink, and yet Maria saw well over one hundred bottles of wine in the large wine racks. Then while Michael and Jenny cleared the table of dinner and got coffee and dessert ready. Maria had inspected those wine bottles and to her surprise she saw that those bottles were all Jenny's favorite wines. So that meant if Michael didn't drink, that he had purchased all that expensive wine for Jenny to enjoy. Then, when coffee and dessert were laid out, once again, it was one of Jenny's favorites, and again Michael did not eat any. Maria also knew from personal experience, that quality Italian tortes like the ones that they were enjoying, were not easy to find in place like Colorado Springs. In fact she knew of only three bakeries in the entire city that sold these particular desserts. That meant that Michael had taken the time to search out those bakeries, just to make Jenny happy. Maria had asked him why he wasn't having any, just to confirm her suspicions.
Michael had shrugged "I am not much into sweets." he admitted as he sipped his coffee
These actions had not gone un-noticed by Frank Barnes either. Although he would not learn until later that night about the wines and desserts. Frank as a detective, had made his own observations of the man. Michael was very attentive to Jenny and went out of his way to anticipate any of Jenny's needs, however Michael wasn't obvious about his actions. He wasn't trying to impress anyone, Michael, so it seemed, just wanted Jenny to be happy and enjoy herself. In fact, if Frank had not been a detective and trained to notice how people behaved, he might have missed it all together. Michael knowing that Jenny liked extra sauce on everything, had silently filled a gravy boat with extra sauce and placed it conveniently near to Jenny. Michael even knew the exact portions to give Jenny for dinner to make her happy. It was all done so subtly that Jenny herself probably did not realize what Michael was doing. Others might think that these actions made Michael seem weak, or to put it bluntly, pussy-whipped. Frank didn't think this was the case here with Michael and Jenny. First of all Jenny would never make a man feel inferior or do anything of the sort. It seemed to Frank that it made Michael happy, to make Jenny happy. As a father, who could ask for more than that. A good man, of financial means, who would always take excellent care of his only daughter, and in return Jenny would make her man happy as well and take care of him.
The group sat down on the couch after dinner and talked.
"So" Maria began "Jenny tells us that you worked for many years abroad."
Michael agreed "Yes, I have worked all over Europe, England, Italy, Russia, Germany. For many years I lived in Paris. I have also traveled extensively throughout the orient."
"What did you do?" Frank asked curiously
"I was a government employee." Michael explained "I worked for the Department of Defense as a trouble shooter. I also helped install and repair computers in embassies all over the world." Michael told them, sticking to one of the cover stories that he had often used in the field."
"So you were a computer analyst?" Maria asked curiously
"Yes, my uncle was employed by the state department. He was an attache to the embassy in Paris and later through other countries. So I kind of grew up like a gypsy following him and the family around after my own parents died. I had actually settled down in Paris and got married. After she died, I couldn't stay there and so I continued the gypsy life."
"So what made you finally decide to settle here in Colorado Springs?" Frank asked curiously
"I was tired of the moving around." Michael admitted "I wasn't enjoying my job, I wasn't enjoying my life." Michael told them simply "I wanted to start fresh, a new place, a new job, a new town. So I promised myself that where my last assignment for the DOD left me, that would be the place that I settled down. It just so happens that my last assignment was here at Cheyenne mountain. I have to admit it, I love it here."
Maria nodded soberly, "Yes, Jenny told us about your wife. I am so sorry, she was very young, and so were you."
"Thank you." Michael appreciated their concern "Daniella is in a better place now."
"C.J." The chorus of reports called out again as each reporter tried to make sure that they were the one that was recognized by the White House press secretary. C.J. Cregg stared at the sea of faces as they seemed to be closing in on her, as if they were about to rush the stage.
"I have a statement to make." C.J. announced in a loud and clear voice getting everyone's attention.
"There will be questions after I've read the statement. Please be seated so that we can begin this mornings press briefing." C.J. waited as the reporters all sat down in their seats, most of them at the very edge of their seats, C.J. noticed.
'Goddamn Michael Angel…or Hammond, or whatever the hell his name is that he is using now.' C.J. thought evilly 'Why did the man have to start this free for all, and now that it was out. Who the hell was going to put it to bed?'
Clearing her throat C.J. placed her hands on the edges of the lectern and began.
"The F.B.I. and the U.S. Marshals service and the department of justice have on the President's orders issued a total of 348 warrants for the arrest of any person that was involved in what has been referred to in the press as 'AngelGate'." C.J. shook her head at the absurd name the press had given the situation. "I do not have a complete list of all the charges as of yet. However, I can tell you that among the charges is 100 counts of kidnapping, 100 counts of child abuse, 99 counts of murder for the children who died. Also, the charges of illegal use of government money to fund this program. Conspiracy, and also treason for not informing the white house of it's blatantly illegal and despicable activities. Those are just a few of the charges that the attorney general has come up with so far. The Justice Department is reviewing evidence to find out how deep this all actually goes, who knew what was going on and how long they have known it's been going on."
One reporter jumped up "C.J. is the Justice department investigating the White House, and if so, just how far back are they going. I mean this goes all the way back to the Nixon administration."
C.J. nodded "Yes Stan it does indeed go that far back. As I understand it the organization known as Sanctuary labeled this a 'Zulu operation'. This meant that no one outside of the agency knew about all the facts. This way no White House employee nor even the President or the Vice President were to know about the actual facts. Sanctuary submitted falsified reports to Congress and the Senate to obtain their funding. The F.B.I. have recovered documents from Sanctuary that state that under no circumstances was anyone to communicate with any person in the government."
A woman jumped up next C.J. "You said a hundred counts of child abuse, but only 99 counts of murder. Does this mean that Archangel is still alive, if so why doesn't he come forward with the rest of his story?"
"For his own protection his identity must remain a secret. The agent known as Archangel however will be appearing before a closed court and he will give his testimony as to what has occurred."
"Will it be released to the press?" The woman asked
"Katie I have no idea at this time. Also the White House has no say in the criminal proceedings, nor in the judges ruling…"
Back in his office Leo McGarry sat staring at the screen watching as C.J. fielded question after question. Sighing, he was glad that C.J. was a part of his team, she was handling the situation like the professional that she was.
"C.J. is doing good." Josh Lyman nodded towards the screen
"Yeah, she is." Hitting the mute button Leo turned to Josh "So what's new?"
Josh sat back and rubbed his eyes tiredly, since the return from Cheyenne mountain a month ago it had been bedlam and chaos. Bartlet had put Josh in charge of dismantling Sanctuary. Josh had taken the job with relish, he wanted nothing more than to be the one that jammed the steak into the heart of this unholy beast. But now a month into it, he knew that there was more trouble ahead, because the sad fact of the matter is…"
"We can't shut them down Leo." Josh laid his cards on the table
Leo looked up his face stone hard "What do you mean we can't shut them down!"
"We need them, we need Sanctuary." Josh saw his boss about to explode and quickly held up his hands "Not in it's current form." He admitted "We have to regain control of the agency and take it over. However we just can't shut them down."
"Why not?" Leo asked seriously, this was going against the president's wishes
Josh looked up a pained expression on his face "You know why Leo, look at what has happened in the last month alone. Terrorist attacks are up nearly 15 percent, the terrorists know that we have taken out Sanctuary. Now it's like a goddamn free for all out there, and people are dying!" Josh stood up and began to pace running his fingers through his hair "Sanctuary also still has deep cover agents out there all over the world. If we pull those agents out, we lose a massive intelligence resource. It will be like sticking hot pokers in our eyes, we will be blind out there. Besides that we can't even reach some of our agents out there, they are in so goddamn deep. Like it or not, Sanctuary was keeping a lid on terrorism, now that lid has been blown off."
"So you think that it's okay what happened to those kids!" Leo demanded angrily
Josh looked up hurt and angry "Hell no! I want the bastards who turned a bunch of babies into killing machines to get the death penalty! That's being kind to them, if I had my way I'd make each of those mother fuckers endure every single thing that those kids endured. Every ounce of pain those children suffered I would gladly inflict on those bastards." Josh stopped pacing and faced Leo "What I am saying is we put a leash on the agency, a tight one, so that nothing like this ever happens again. Leo, we need that intel that Sanctuary supplies, we need their agents to do what they do best."
Leo stared at Josh surprised, Leo knew that Josh was a very strong opponent to the death penalty. For Josh to want to be the one that inflicted the pain shows how much this decision was costing the young man.
"So what do you propose?" Leo asked calmly
Josh sat down and began "First, Sanctuary started out as a subsection of the CIA. I say we put them back under the control of the agency. Sanctuary field agents will be placed directly under the control of the CIA as a special unit to combat terrorism. Then we can use Sanctuary as more of an intel source than as an actual combat source."
Leo nodded "Write it up and I'll think about it. Next Norton Nuclear."
Josh shook his head "FBI are still investigating, but from their preliminary reports, something else is missing besides some files."
"Press them harder Josh, I want answers as soon as possible. Now any news about Puppet Master?"
"None" Josh admitted "It's like she fell off the face of the planet. Everyone is looking though, CIA, FBI, NSA, Justice, every one that we can spare is on the case."
"Tell them we want daily reports of any news on them, even rumors, we want to know.'
Josh nodded making a note of it, then asked "How's the President?"
Leo sighed tiredly "You know him, Josh, this is now all somehow his fault because he didn't put a stop to it before hand. That somehow he should have known what was going on and stopped it earlier."
"Well Leo we do have one more problem." Josh announced sitting back "We seem to be missing an integral part of Sanctuary."
Leo stared at his junior suspiciously "What integral part are we missing?" he asked calmly as he sat up.
Josh took a deep breath and plunged in, "Sanctuary's combat arm was in three combat sections. First was their regular agents, usually level one to level three agents. The second arm was a group of twenty agents known as the Norsemen, they varied from level four to level six. The third and most vital group was the Guardian Angels level six to level nine operatives…" Josh stalled
"So what's the problem?" Leo asked knowing that he was not going to like the answer.
Josh shrugged helplessly "We can't find the Norsemen."
Laughing Paulie continued his story to Jake and the other Turelli cops "So I go back to the house and I say to the wife 'I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this Mrs. Saltzman, but your husband died from his wounds and you're busted for second degree murder.' She looks at me and says 'that bastard I stabbed him twice before and he didn't die!'"
The cops all burst out laughing and Mira slaps her brother's giant bicep
"That's disgusting Paulie!"
"Really gross." Annie agreed
"Aw come on, it was a bit funny." Paulie shrugged looking at Jake "Back me up partner."
"It was, besides I've met Mrs. Saltzman." Jake laughed
"MEN!" Mira shook her head and stood up and started gathering the dishes.
"Sit!" Tony Jr. told his baby sister "We can get this." He told his sister as he started to gather the dishes.
Sam and Janet excused themselves from the table and headed to the powder room to freshen up. This had been the first chance they'd had since arriving at Jake and Mira's house to talk privately. As the door closed, Sam turned on her friend.
"You knew?" she asked incredulously
"Yeah." Janet agreed, then seeing the 'why didn't you tell me' look on Sam's face she continued "I'd hoped it wouldn't last." Janet shrugged
"How long have you known?"
Janet sighed "Since the first night they met, it was the same day that we met him in fact." Janet pointed out, then sniffed in disgust, "Dr. Keyworth was so worried that Michael was going to go somewhere and fall into a deep pit of depression and become suicidal. When in fact Michael went out dancing that night! Depression my ass!"
Biting her lip "Jenny doesn't know does she?" Sam asked
"I don't think so, but I'm not sure." Janet admitted and leaned back against the sink "And I'm not going to be the one that tries to find out! I can just see that one, 'Oh, by the way Jenny did you know that your new boyfriend is a lunatic killer?" Janet snorted rubbing her eyes "That one would go over really well, if she doesn't know."
Sam shook her head "Janet we can't just let her stay in that relationship with him not knowing the truth. You know he won't tell her, and I'm afraid about what he will do if she finds out the truth on her own!" Sam shivered wondering what the former agent might do, especially seeing as how unbalanced the man actually was from what they had seen.
"Yeah" Janet agreed seeing the look on Sam's face "The man is definitely still fixated with death judging from that store of his. Then again, there is no telling what he'd do to us if he found out it was us who had interfered in his relationship with Jenny."
Distractedly Sam nodded in agreement, suddenly she asked "What do you suppose he sees in Jenny? I mean, I know that Jenny is attractive and everything. But somehow I don't think a man like Michael would want a woman like Jenny. She is more country to his rock n roll, if you know what I mean."
Janet understood what Sam meant, "You know I've been wondering that myself." Janet admitted "The only thing that I can come up with, is that he found out that Jenny was the forensics doctor that was working all those crime scenes where he left bodies. I think he wants to know if they are any closer in finding out it was him that supplied all those bodies."
Suddenly Sam found herself getting angry "That bastard, I bet you're right. I mean Jake never told him that he was going to go through the motions of an investigation and then put the whole thing to bed as an unsolved case, because they never found out who the Archangel really was!" Sam unconsciously rubbed her protruding abdomen "Michael just wants to know about the case, then as soon as he finds out that it's been closed he will dump Jenny!" She said angrily
Janet suddenly stood up "Then again, Sam? What would he do to Jenny if he ever suspected that Jenny was on to him!" She asked excitedly "I think we need to talk to Jake about this."
"I think you're right." Sam paled at the thought of something happening to Jenny
Exiting the bathroom Sam and Janet made a beeline back to the others. Spotting Jake sitting on the arm of a chair casually listening to something that Daniel was telling him.
"Jake?" Sam called out to him
Turning Jake saw his sister motioning to him. Making his excuses to the others Jake walked over to his sister.
Smiling Jake sauntered over "What's up Sam?"
Janet looked to make sure that no one was paying undue interest to them.
"We need to talk to you privately." She told Jake
Unsure of what was going on, except from the expression on the women's faces it was something serious. Jake held out an arm pointing to Miranda's home office and writing studio.
"Let's go in here."
Sam closed the door and turned to her brother.
"Jake it's about Jenny." Sam began
Frowning Jake looked up "Tell me what's wrong Sam."
"The new man Jenny's been seeing…"
Jake smiled fondly "Yeah, I haven't seen Jenny this happy for a long time. Not even when she was dating Sam Pierson was Jenny this happy."
Sam shook her head "Jake, she's dating Michael Hammond."
"What!" Jake's head snapped up he said loudly. Then catching himself, he lowered his voice.
"What do you mean she's dating Michael Hammond. I thought he was some guy named Angel…"
Janet nodded in agreement "Michael Angel, he still doesn't know that he is a Hammond, remember?"
"Jesus." Winded Jake sat back down "You guys were just there weren't you?"
"Yeah" Sam agreed "That is how we found out!" Sam left out the part about Janet knowing, that little detail was unimportant "We were thinking that Michael might be dating Jenny to find out about your investigation on the Archangel murders."
Jake shook his head "That case is closed. As a matter of fact, the NSA confiscated every scrap of paper that we had on that case. They also carted away every body that Michael supplied us with." Jake shook his head amazed "It's almost like it never happened in the first place!"
"But Michael doesn't know that." Sam reminded him "He left the meeting right after they retired him and he threatened that Control guy. Michael wasn't there to hear the president order the police investigation closed and the whole thing swept under the carpet. He might be trying to get close to Jenny to find out the facts about the case, and Jake…"
"What?" Jake asked looking up, biting his lip, an action that Janet noted was duplicated identically by his twin sister.
"What will Michael do if Jenny figures it out on her own?"
Jake knew that he couldn't risk his favorite cousin's life "Where is this shop of his?"
Sam gave him the address "What are you going to do Jake?" she asked worriedly
"Tomorrow morning I'm going to see Michael myself. Tell him personally that the investigation is over, the cover up is complete and that he can stop seeing Jenny now." Jake told them simply
It was ten o'clock the next morning when Jake pulled up in front of Murder in Store. Getting out of his car, Jake walked up the five steps and knocked on the door.
"We're not open for business yet." A young female voice called out "OH! It's you uncle Jake!"
Jake stared at the window in shock, then the door as it opened.
"Cassie?" Jake stared at the seventeen year old "What are you doing here?" he asked surprised to see her here and now.
"Oh I work here." Cassie announced proudly, her first real job, well second if you count being Josie's personal assistant when she went on tour. "What are you doing here?" Cassie asked curiously
Snapping out of it Jake pressed on "Oh, I'm here to see Mr. Angel."
"Come in, it's freezing out there." Cassie smiled and waved him in
Turning Cassie saw that her two co-workers were staring at Jake interestedly
"Monica, Andrew, this is Captain Jacob Carter, he's with the police."
Smiling Andrew held out a hand "A pleasure to meet you captain."
Taking it Jake shook hands with the man.
"Pleasure." Monica smiled, knowing that their true mission was about to begin.
"Nice to meet you both." Looking around Jake asked "Mr. Angel around?"
"Right here." Michael walked forward "Why Captain Carter, so nice to see you again." Michael held out a hand
Shaking his hand Jake smiled tightly "I need to speak to you." He said a bit formally
Michael blinked but immediately agreed "Of course, this way please." He said leading the police officer to the dining room "Would you care for some coffee, I was just having a second cup myself."
"No thanks." Jake sat down and waited until Michael was seated before him "Let's get down to it. I just wanted to tell you that it's over."
Michael took a sip of his coffee then put it down confused "What's over?"
"The investigations into those killings last month. The NSA did a complete cover-up, took all our files and evidence. We have nothing and there is no case."
Michael nodded agreeably "I know."
Now it was Jake's turn to be confused "What do you mean you know?"
"It's standard procedure." Michael told him wondering what was going on.
"If you know then why are you dating my forensics doctor?" Jake asked confused
With dawning recognition Michael understood "You mean Jenny Barnes, well I'm dating her because I like her." Michael told him simply "I didn't know that she worked for you, nor that she was assigned to the case. I just like her company."
Jake shook his head, he didn't want this man near Jenny, "Well stop liking her, and stop seeing her."
Michael's eyes narrowed, he didn't like being told what to do. "And if I don't stop seeing her?"
Jake shrugged back unconcerned "I'll tell Jenny that it was you that supplied us with all those bodies. That you Michael were the one that killed them."
Michael sat back, "Why would you do a thing like that?" he asked, although he already knew the answer. Still he wanted to hear it said aloud.
"I know what kind of man you are Michael." Jake told him coldly "I don't want you near my family."
"Ah, I take it your wife is Miranda, which makes Jenny your cousin." Michael nodded in understanding
"Yes she is, and I don't want to see her getting hurt."
"Well I don't want to hurt Jenny either." Michael told him leaning back into his seat, "I also don't want to stop seeing her either."
"Well get over it." Jake warned him "I will not have Jenny hurt by you or anyone else."
After Jake was gone, Michael sat back nursing his coffee. Thoughts floated through Michael's head, dark thoughts of what he would have once done to Jake Carter. The pain that he would have inflicted on the man for threatening him. Shaking his head, Michael drove those dark thoughts out of his mind. That wasn't him anymore, Michael had sworn that he would never hurt another living soul ever again. It was a promise that Michael was determined to keep. Instead Michael's thoughts turned to Jenny, especially to the way that Jenny made him feel deep inside. Now the thought of giving up that feeling was unbearable, giving up Jenny was unbearable. Still what choice did he really have, Michael did not delude himself, he knew that Jake Carter was not kidding. Michael knew that Jake Carter would tell Jenny, and then what? Michael snorted, he would lose Jenny anyway, lose her because of what he once was.
"I should have known better." Michael thought to himself "I should have left this town the second I was retired. No one here will ever let me forget what I am…or was." Sighing Michael looked up towards the heavens "Why can't I just be left alone, why can't they forget about me and let me live my life in peace. Perhaps find a little happiness with Jenny, don't I deserve even that much?" he asked God
Looking towards the doorway, Michael saw that Monica was staring at him, a sad smile on her face. Walking forward Monica sat down across from Michael.
"I'm sorry Michael I couldn't help overhearing your conversation with that police officer." Monica began
"It was nothing." Michael shrugged "Nothing at all."
Monica shook her head "No, I heard him Michael, I heard what he wants you to do. Don't do it Michael, you love Jenny and she loves you, I can see it in both of you."
Michael shrugged morosely "Well like the song goes, 'what's love got to do with it'."
Monica took the large hand into her own, "Love has everything to do with it Michael, I don't care what you have done in the past Michael." Monica stared into the dark eyes that were now staring into her own "What I do know is that you are a good man. The past is the past, the only power that the past has over us, is the power that we give to it now."
"What are you saying?" Michael asked confused
"Tell Jenny the truth yourself." Monica began "Don't let Jenny find out from anyone else. Captain Carter doesn't know the whole story, no one does except for you, tell Jenny the truth."
"If I tell her, I'll lose her." Michael admitted
Monica smiled gently patting Michael's hand "Perhaps" She agreed "However, I think that you might just be underestimating Jenny. I think that Jenny is stronger than you are giving her credit for, much stronger. Maybe if she knows the truth, Michael, she might be able to help you in ways that you never imagined." Standing up, Monica poured herself a cup of coffee and made her way out leaving Michael with a lot to think about.