OK so here is my next chapter in Gaiden Days. I just noticed I was spelling "Tenpou" wrong. Oops...I can't spell very well, sorry! ((Apparently my editor has been lazy...good thing I don't pay you - ne, Juri? )) Well in this chapter you will meet Konzen's cousin. Also want to say sorry for not updating sooner. I had some relatives over and was busy... Well that's all I have to say for now. Hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own Saiyuki.
3 Meet the Cousin
"Ten-chan," Goku started to say.
"What is this?" Goku pointed to a crab in a book.
"That is called a crab, Goku," Tenpou answered his young friend. "A crab?" Goku said looking at the picture. "I have never seen a crab before. Where do they live?"
"They live in the ocean," Tenpou said looking at Goku who had an expression on his face that said 'ocean, what's that?' So Tenpou went on. "The ocean is a big body of water. The crab lives on places called beaches, which are big sandy places with water and lots of sunlight." Tenpou said this fast for he was busy filing.
"Oh, can people go to the beach?" Goku asked.
"Yes," was all Tenpou said.
"Can we go one day Ten-chan?" Goku asked the field marshal.
"Maybe, Goku, but right now I have to finish with cleaning my office."
"Oh, ok." Goku said looking at the crab in the book again. He was supposed to be there to help Tenpou clean his room. He decided to look for other books in the extensive library named "Crab," so he could put the first one with the others. He noticed that there were a whole bunch of books labeled "Crab" on a high shelf. "Ten-chan is this where I should put the book?" Goku asked Tenpou who was also putting books away.
"Yes, Goku, that is fine," He answered..
"OK," Goku said with a huge smile on his face. Goku tried to put the book on the top shelf but was too short to reach. "Oohhh!" Goku moaned as he stretched as far as his little body could. "Can't reach!" He squeaked.
"Kenren would you help Goku put the book on the shelf?" Tenpou asked te general who was sitting in a chair doing absolutely nothing.
"Sure," Kenren grunted while picking himself up out of his chair and making his way over to the little Monkey. "Give it here monkey," Kenren said grabbing the book from Goku and placing it on the top shelf.
"Thank you Ken-ni-chan," Goku said with a big smile.
Just then they all heard a loud knock coming from the door. "Hmm, I wonder who that could be?" Tenpou asked. He got up and when to the door and opened it. "Hello," he said.
"Hello," the person at the door said shyly. The person at the door had short blonde hair that went to their shoulders, beautiful blue eyes, a slim but firm body frame and a boyish face. "My name is Clurarpickt. I'm visiting here and have gotten myself lost, and was wondering if you would be so kind as to help me," Clurarpickt said politely.
Tenpou's jaw dropped. He could feel his cheeks starting to blush up "I-I-I," he stuttered. He was never very good at talking to the opposite gender.
"So who is there?" Kenren asked pushing Tenpou out of the way. When he saw Clurarpickt he felt his heart jump. "Why hello there little missy!" Kenren said now leaning on the door frame trying to look sexy.
"Hello, my name is Clurarpickt and I was wondering if you would be so kind as to help me find my way," Clurarpickt said again politely.
"Why, you have come to the right place. I was made for helping beauties like yourself," Kenren said leaning closer to Clurarpickt.
Clurarpickt sweat dropped.
"Hey who is it?" Goku asked pushing in front of Tenpou and Kenren to see who it was. When he saw Clurarpickt he just gave a weird look and said, "Who are you?"
"Goku that was not polite," Tenpou said before Clurarpickt could answer.
"Yeah, what were you thinking you stupid chimp?" Kenren added.
"It's really ok" Clurarpickt said trying to stop the two from yelling at poor Goku. Clurarpickt bent down in front of Goku so they were eye to eye. "My name is Clurarpickt, what is yours?"
"Goku!" Goku said with HUGE smile. "Yay now I have a new friend!" Goku said dancing around Clurarpickt.
"Well, if we are friends, you can just call me Clappy. That's what all my friends call me," Clappy said smiling at Goku.
"OK Clappy-chan," Goku said.
"So, you said you were looking for someone?" Kenren said .
"Oh, yes I am looking for someone. I came to visit my relative and have gotten myself lost." Clappy said with a silly grin.
Tenpou and Kenren blushed.
"Sure we can help you!" Goku piped up.
"S-so, who are you looking for?" Tenpou asked Clappy.
"Oh, well, my cousin's name is Konzen," Clappy answered smiling sweetly.
"Konzen?" Goku said, now very interested in what Clappy was saying. "Konzen is my owner!" He smiled widely up at Clappy at the thought of meeting one of Konzen's relitives.
"Owner?" Clappy said with widening large blue eyes.
"Yes," Tenpou said not over his stuttering. "The Merciful Goddess has put Konzen in charge of Goku."
"Oh is that so?" Clappy said with a smile. "And how do you like my cousin Konzen?" Clappy asked Goku blushing a bit at the thought.
"I love my Konzen," Goku said with a huge smile, now blushing a bit as well. "Even though he yells at me, kicks me out of his room and hits me." He said as if the abuse was nothing.
Clappy giggled.
"So why don't we go and look for old droopy eyes?" Kenren said.
"I assume you mean Konzen." Clappy said happily. "Sure let's go.
So they made their way down the hall down to Konzen's office. Every man they passed would stop to look at Clappy, gaping conspicuously. Some would whistle and say things like "Hey cutie!" or "I would love a piece of that!" and things of that nature. When they got to Konzen's office, the only person there was Eugene, who was filing papers. He looked like he needed some spaghetti.
"Ehlo," Eugene said in a strong accent.
"Hello Eugene," Tenpou said, a bit bored with the man. "We are looking for Konzen. Is he here?"
"No. Konzen go eat while Eugene file," Eugene said. "Now you leave and let Eugene do work."
"Well ok then, bye," Tenpou said closing the door. He turned to Clappy and said, "I'm sorry, he is not there."
"It's ok." Clappy said.
"Why don't we show you around while we wait for him to get back?" Kenren suggested.
"That would nice, then maybe I would not got lost." Clappy said with a cute sinker.
"Oh!" Goku said while jumping like a monkey. "Can I show you my favorite place?" Goku asked.
"Sure!" Clappy said smiling at Goku.
So the four of them headed to where Goku liked to go during the day. As we all know Goku just loves flowers, so of course he took them to the flower feilds. The fields were filled with violet flowers, of which perfectly matched Konzen's eyes. Also, Homura was there, staring in to oblivion at the flowers like always.
"Wow this is so beautiful!" Clappy said in awe.
"Yeah, this place reminds me of Konzen for some reason..." Goku said.
"Hey," Clappy said nudging Goku. "Who is that guy over there?" Clappy said now pointing to Homura.
"I don't know. He never told me his name so I just call him Flower Man because he is always here looking at the flowers. I wonder if they remind him of Konzen too!" Goku said with a big grin innocently, thinking always only of his Konzen.
"Oh," Clappy said with a sweat drop. Clappy noticed that Homura was staring at them, so Clappy gave a light wave. Homura's cheeks turned bright red and he hid his face from veiw.
So they sat all lied in the flower field for a long time losing track of time. Tenpou finally looked at his watch noticing that they had been there for three hours. "Oh, we better get going!" He said nudging Kenren and Clappy.
"Oh, you're right!" Clappy said now gently nudging Goku who had fallen asleep.
"Huh, food time already?" Goku asked still half asleep.
"Come on Monkey time to leave," Kenren said nudging Goku with his foot.
"Ok..." Goku grumbled, rubbing his eyes, causing him to look adorably cute.
"Awwww!" Clappy cooed. "I wish I had a little Goku like Konzen!" Clappy hugged Goku like you would a pushie.
Kenren and Tenpou joined their far away guest Homura in a nose-bleed party.
Goku just sat there not knowing what to do.
"Well lets get going!" Tenpou said with a sweat drop.
So they all made their way back to Konzen's office. When they got there they were in luck for Konzen was at his desk stamping papers.
"KONZEN! I'M HOME!" Goku said jumping in to Konzen's lap and giving him a hello kiss.
"GET THE HELL OFF ME!" Konzen said pushing Goku off his lap.
"Now that's no way to treat your pet!" Clappy said now in front of Konzen.
"Clappy, what are you doing here?" Konzen said not amused with what his cousin just said.
"Why I'm here because I wanted to spend the day with my favorite and only cousin," Clappy said with a sweet smile.
"Oh," Konzen said unenthusiastically.
"But unfortunately the day is almost over, so maybe we could just have a nice dinner together because I have to leave soon," Clappy said to Konzen.
"Sure," Konzen said to Clappy. Clappy was one of the only people who did not piss him off that much, "Let's go," He turned to Tenpou. "Do you mind watching Goku for a few hours?"
"No of course not," Tenpou said.
"Oh and Konzen..." Clappy started timidly, "I was wondering... is everyone in this part of heaven gay?"
"No! Why?" Konzen said surprised.
"Well, because all the guys keep looking at me and acting like they like me or something. It might just me be but-" Clappy was cut off by a very stuned Kenren.
"Wait, your not a girl?" Kenren asked with wide eyes.
"N-No," Clappy said appalled that someone would think HE was a girl.
Kenren and Tenpou said nothing.
"I don't get it," Goku chirped up.
"Nether do I and I don't want to know," Konzen said sternly.
"But-But I can't like guys, I'm a ladies man. I should have been able to tell. The only guy I do like is Tenpou!" Kenren said the last part fast.
"Well Konzen can we get going I need to be out of here in two hours," Clappy said trying not to be rude by interrupting Kenren's whole spiel.
"Ok." Konzen said walking with Clappy out the door.
Later that night Konzen sat out on his porch looking out at the night sky. He listened to the cherping of the crickets. He looked at his was watch. '5,4,3,2,1' he thought, expectantly waiting for a noise. He heard the door behind him open and close, and little footsteps starting to come his way. 'Just on time,' Konzen thought again.
Goku just jumped into Konzen's lap and cuddled into the warmth of his master's body. "So Konzen how was your day today?" Goku asked.
" Fine," was all Konzen said.
"Clappy-chan was nice, huh?"
"Hey Konzen?" Goku started turning around to see if Konzen was listening.
"Yeah?" Konzen said.
"Konzen, what is a cousin?"
"Monkey, don't worry about knowing that I will tell you later"
"Hey, Konzen..." Goku paused.
"What, now?" Konzen asked annoyed.
"What is 'gay'?" Goku asked innocently.
Konzen said nothing. It took everything inside of him to stop himself from hitting poor Goku on the head.
"Konzen are you ok?" Goku asked.
"Goku, you don't need to know what gay is yet, and if you bring it up again I will kill you." Was all Konzen said.
"Ok, Konzen." Goku said snuggling in deeper to the man's embrace. "I can't wait 'till Clappy comes and visits again." Goku said with a satisfying sigh.
"Yeah," Konzen said looking down at Goku seeing that the Monkey had already fallen asleep in his lap. "...stupid monkey..." Konzen whispered.
Ok so this is the end of chapter 3. Well hope you enjoyed it! Read and reply please.