Meet Captain Jack!

The TARDIS engines powered onto Floor 500 of the Gamestation were Captain Jack Harkness was gutted that the Doctor had left him. When they stepped out Captain Jack said "Hello, I'm Captain Jack Harkness". "Hello I'm Lucas & he's Butthead" Lucas replied. Butthead decided to go down to floor 0 and was horrified to see what he saw! He came back up to floor 500 and all of a sudden there was a bang, and the Gamestation hurdled to the ground. Lucas ran to the controls trying to take it back up. "What's surrounding the Station?" Lucas asked urgently. "A Delta Wave wait, OH NO! A DELTA WAVE, if this baby touched ground the whole Earth could blow up!" Lucas tried to disable it but couldn't, "Who built it?" Lucas asked, "The Doctor" Jack replied.

The closer the Gamestation got to Earth the less time they had to get back up, All of a sudden something exploded on Floor 000 and sent them hurdling back up to Space. Lucas eventually disabled the Delta Wave, he & Butthead climbed into the TARDIS and with Captain Jack staying on the Gamestation, they set off.

Lucas & Butthead land in 2150 where the Daleks invade. With so many people dying Lucas & Butthead decide to give up but help comes from a Unlikely Source!