Chapter 2-Descendent from Godric Gryffindor

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the characters in the books nor the places mentioned, I don't even own the computer I'm writing on, I do however own Jenny (Yay, finally something I own!).

Now on with the show:


"Miss. White, glad you could join us." Dumbledore said.

"Sorry Professor, I was talking to my mum and dad, and we lost track of the time," Jenny replied.

"So now that the two of you are here, I will leave you and the prefects to talk about this years rules, goodbye." And with a poop Dumbledore was gone.

"Who are you?" Draco asked Jenny

"Weren't you listening to Dumbledore, Malfoy? I'm Head Girl." Jenny smirked, worthy of a Malfoy's.

Draco just stared at the girl. How dare she talk to him like that? He was the Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin sex god, for god's sake.

"Why isn't Granger head girl?" Draco asked staring at Jenny.

"Granger, is right here Malfoy." Hermione said.

"Why didn't you make head Granger? To scared to leave your bodyguards?" Draco sneered.

"For your information, Malfoy, I declined the offer, I found something I like much better." Hermione said and glanced at Ron who smiled back.

"So the mudblood and the Weasel got together, aw, how sweet. Pothead to good for you? Had to settle with Weasel?" Draco sneered.

"Don't, Malfoy." Hermione said pointing her want at him.

"Now, Granger, you might not want to mess with the Head Boy." Draco said pointing his wand at her.

"There you're wrong, Malfoy. You don't want to mess with the two smartest witches in the school." Jenny said standing beside Hermione.

"I can take both of you easily, and White, were is you wand?" Draco sneered.

"You'll have to take on all of us." Ron said and stood behind the girls. The two prefects from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw came and stood behind the trio, "All of us."

Draco just stood there standing and staring, at the group. "Everyone leave, White and I need to talk."

Everyone left except for Ron and Hermione. "We're not leaving you with him, Jenny." Ron said.

"Its ok guys, just go, I can handle him." Jenny said.

"Really? And without a want? What are you going to do, yell at me?" Draco sneered.

"Rictusempra!" Jenny said, a jet of silver light hit Malfoy in the stomach and he doubled up wheezing. "I don't need a wand. I can use one, but it's easier not to. Go guys.

"Ok Jenny, bye." Hermione said pushing Ron out of the compartment.

"How does a mudblood like yourself have a special gift?" Draco sneered.

"Expelliarmus!" Jenny said and Draco was thrown against the wall. "I am not a mudblood" She said and walked towards the door, she turned when she reached it. "And you should remember that. I'm sure you don't want a descended of Godric Gryffindor after you, would you?" She turned and left.


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