A/N: Oooo that was a good chapter ending! i'm quite proud of myself!
Thanx to the ppl who are reviewing.mmm,

I will have a new story up soon so read it too! I'd also like some constructive critism, from anyone that reads either stories. I'd really apreciate it. Thanx to the 2 ppl who reviewed, u know who u are!

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot to this story. All ppls, places and events belong to J.K. Rowling.*sniff* please finish HP5 soon!!!

P.S Sorry this took so long to get up, I misplaced the notebook I was writing it in.

There was panic and confusion in the hall, until proffessor McGonagall shot red sparks up into the air. "Students" she cried "please file out to the entrance hall in a quiet and orderly fashion".

The crowd moved slowly back out the hall. Hermione, having already revived Ginny, went to the front to issue some more order, as the pushing grew.

Out in the hall, Proffessor Dumbledore addressed the students in a very serious manner.

"The message on the wall, I believe, is just a cruel hoax. I will be taking the matter seriously however, just as a precaution. Everyone, please go back to your commonrooms, your dinner will be there when you arrive".

Silently, they made there way to their commonrooms. But Harry pushed his way towards Professor Dumbledore."Ah Harry" said Dumbledore, as Harry got closer "Yes, please come with me".

Professor Dumbledore and Harry made their way through the many corridors, coming to a stop in front of a door."In you go Harry" said Dumbledore.

The girls bathroom was just as Harry remembered it, including moaning myrtle, who was sobbing in a cubicle. Walking past the sobbing ghost, they stopped in front of the last sink.

"After the recent incident with the chamber of secrets,I had many spells put on the entrance to ensure that it was never tampered with again. If something were to have happend to the entrance,I would have known,but just as a precaution I'm checking none the less" said Dumbledore.

The Prof pulled out his wand and muttered some words under his breath.The sink suddenly turned bright orange, and as quick as the light was there, it was gone. Dumbledore then ushered Harry towards the sink.
Crouching down, Harry drew eye level with the copper taps. Looking at the snake etched into the side of the tap, he stared at it, willing it to move. Harry then felt the same familiar sensation he felt when speaking in parsletongue.Whispering (or hissing), Harry asked the snake to "open up". The sink sunk into the floor, leaving a gaping hole where it once stood (AN: that sentance was soooo bad!).

Wand out, Prof. Dumbledore peered down the hole ans slid down into the pitch black. About 5 minuets later, he came back up. "There is nothing down there that has been disturbed, it was indeed a cruel hoax,I will be investigating this".

"The message was so like the other though" said Harry. "Yes, and that was Ginny Weasley, so I will be speaking to her "said Dumbledore in a concerned voice."I seriously doubt it was her though."


Back in the commonroom, Emma was sitting with Ginny next to her. A look of concer was on everybodies face."Ginny, nothing is going to happen to you, Harry, Ron or myself. Tom Riddle doesn't exist anymore" said Hermione.

"Who's Tom Riddle?"asked Emma. "That was you know who's name when he was human, something happened a while back that involved us with him".

They all suddenly looked up when someone came through the portal."Harry" exclaimed Hermione, as he came over to the group. Her walked over to Ginny and sat between her and Emma."Ginny" Harry said as he turned to her.

"I know you didn't write that message because you were with Ron and Hermione in the library, but Dumbledore still wants to talk to you now". He stood up and pulled Ginny into his arms, giving her a comforting hug (AN:That's what YOU think! ^_^).

Pulling away, Harry's hand still lingering in Ginny's before a cough from Ron made Harry sit back down again. Ginny left the commonroom and from the look on Ron's face, it was perfect timing.

Giving Emma a mischievious wink and smile, Hermione claimed she was tired and went up to bed.

Feeling a little tired herself, Emma started to get up, but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder."Emma, I know this is none of my business but do you think that what happened today in the kitchens has anything to do with the message?" asked Harry.

"Look" said Emma "I'm sorry that I yelled at you before but how was I to know what kind of effect my singing would have on the house elves. And I'm certain that the house elves had nothing to do with the message, I mean, why would a house elf do something like that?".

"I was thinking the same thing, oh well, goodnight Emma"."Goodnight Harry, Ron". With a giant yawn Emma left Harry in the commonroom getting questioned by Ron.
The next morning, when the owl post arrived, Emma was suprised to see a letter adressed to her, land in her bowl of porrige. Emma opened up the letter and read:
To my dearest Emma,
I'm sorry honey but something has come up at home. Your grandmother is seriosly ill and your mother has gone to stay with her in the hospital. I've got to go back to Australia for work so I can't look after you over christmas. Can you please see if you can stay over for these hols. I'll bring back lots of things from Australia and I'll even see if I can get some of those moving pictures you like so much.
Hugs and Kisses
Love Dad.
P.S. Can you see if there are other ways to send mail, those owls scare me to death sometimes.

Emma sat there, tears spilling onto the page. Her grandma ill? won't be able to go home? Emma felt very alone and had been felling homesick these past few weeks.

"Emma?" said Christine "what's wrong, why are you crying?" Emma explained the situation to her and fell into another tearful state.

"Oh Em, I'm sorry, but Seamus and I are going with mum and dad to France for the hols. If we were staying at home i would invite you sooo quickly, but my mum's sister is getting married, and it's pretty important".

"It's ok,I understand, you don't have to explain" said Emma. "I'll stay here for Christmas, I've got Ginny and Hermione to look after me".

In hearing her name, Hermione looked up from a copy of 'Advanced Arithmancy', that she had propped up on a milk jug."What?" "It's alright Hermione, I was just saying that I will be staying over this Christmas.

"Oh brilliant" said Hermione "we can study together, I can help you with those shrinking potions".

"Thanks" said Emma with a note of sarcasm in her voice.

AN: Well, that's it for that chapter, it's a bit boring i know, but more exciting stuff happens later (OOOOOO there's a funny bit with Draco for all you Malfoy lovers out there). Please review, i get stuck somtimes and i need a little help or constructiove critisism. THANX!!!!!!