Hey guys

Hey guys! It's Leina here!! I FINALLY got a fic up!! YEEESS!! Okay, and this one is gooood!! Well, I like it a lot!! Its Sorato and Michi! Its very cute though ^^ Anyway, plz r/r, thanx!

Rainy Day Romance: Chapter 1

It was a regular day in Odaiba. The birds were singing, the sun was shining and there were kids in the park, including my friends and myself.

Oh I'm sorry! I haven't given myself a proper introduction. My name's Mimi Tachikawa, and I'm 15! I lived in Odaiba a while back when I was younger, but then I moved to America. I missed my friends SOO much (especially Tai)!! So, I convinced my parents to move back! YAAAA!!

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes…well, there were a lotta lil' kids at the park. I suppose you can say that I like acting like a kid sometimes too since I was there as well...NNYYAAA! And anyway, I wasn't the ONLY older kid there. I was hanging out with my 3 bestest and greatest friends in the world! Sora, Matt, and...and…*getting short of breath*…Tai. Even though we were best friends, our relationships were still kinda weird. You see, Sora and I were best friends. Matt and Tai were best friends. Sora had a crush on Matt and I had a crush on Tai (NO DUH!). Both of us never had the guts to tell them, and they never admitted on liking anyone. I suppose that those two boneheads could've been lying, but Sora and I just left it at that because we were afraid of finding out that they liked some other people. Our relationships were weird, eh? Oh well! We were all still bestest friends anyway. We didn't know it then, but there was something up ahead of us. IT all started when it began to rain…

Ah! Thunder! I thought.

"Tai! Tai!" yelled Matt. "Gimme that hat! My hair's gonna get screwed!"

"But wouldn't putting a hat on your head screw up your hair too?" questioned Sora.

"Well at least it'll still be dry," answered Matt.

"Hey guys!" I yelled, "come over to my place! It's not too far from this park. You guys can stay over till this storm lets up. VITE guys! It's raining harder!"

The four of us were running through the rain like crazed chickens that just got their heads chopped off. I think Matt was the fastest chicken, and I think he was the loudest too!

ALL the way to my house, all you heard was, "Ah! Ah! My hair!!"

I mean, he was wearing a hat! Why in the world was he complaining? Matt's crazy, but he is hot. I guess that's why Sora liked him. Sora had a thing for hotties. Not to mention that he was a rock star that had tons of girls ALL OVER him, literally (namely, Jun)! Me? I had a thing for cuties! I used to like Matt a while back, but Tai was just SOOO cute!

"Ahem," I said as we walked into my house, "Wipe your feet guys!"

"Sorry," Tai said shyly as he did a puppy dog face. My gosh! That boy was such a sweety!

"Excuse me," said Sora, "I have a problem, I'm drenched!"

"Me too," said Matt.

"And me!" added Tai.

"I'll be right back," I said. I ran up to my room and grabbed 3 louse t-shirts and three pairs of track pants.

Surprising, don't you think? Me, Mimi Tachikawa, actually had track clothing in her wardrobe. Well it's not MY fault that I had gym that year. It's even more surprising that it wasn't pink! Mainly because it wasn't exactly easy to find pink track clothes.

"Sora," I began as I handed her my clothes, "change in my room, kay?"

"Sure," she smiled. Sora quickly ran up the stairs to my room.

"Matt, change in the upstairs washroom," I said.

"Got any gel?" he asked.

"In my dresser, but knock first because Sora's changing in there," I cautioned.

"Don't worry," grinned Matt as he went up the stairs.

"Hey!" interrupted Tai, "Aren't you forgetting someone?"

"No," I replied plainly. "I think I covered everyone important."

"Funny," he said flatly.

"You know I'm just kidding Tai! Here, you can change in the…uh…" I began to think of a place where he could change.

"How about here?" he asked with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"I'll change right here, right now!" he smiled as his hand playfully began to tug at his shirt.

"Tai, Tai, Tai," I sighed, and as much as it hurt me, I then said, "just go change in the spare bedroom."

"Fine," he scoffed, "but you don't know what you're missing."

"Oh I know what I'm missing," I said right away, "not a lot."

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" he said sarcastically as he ran up the stairs. Tai was halfway up the stairs, when he suddenly stopped and turned around to face me. "Hold on a sec…" he began suspiciously, "How EXACTLY do you know what your missing, hm…?"

I felt my face begin to burn up. He cocked an eyebrow as he smiled at me. It took all my strength to keep from fainting right there.

"Tha-that's not important," I finally sputtered out. "Just go upstairs and change, Kamiya."

Tai grinned again.

"Okay, okay. I'll drop this."

Tai let out a soft laugh as he turned around and disappeared up the stairs. I plopped on the couch and gave a sigh of relief.

That was close, I thought to myself.

It was actually very true that I did see him…without a shirt on. It was about last month in April. Kari and I were waiting for Tai after his soccer game. All of the guys were already out of the locker room, except for Tai. Kari had a birthday party to go too, but she wanted to congratulate her brother about winning the game before she left. As usual, Tai was taking WAY too long. So, Kari asked me to go in the locker room and congratulate him for her because she had to leave. I asked her why I couldn't just wait outside for him, and she just smiled at me and told me that she thought she was doing me a favour by sending me in there. I blushed slightly realizing that Kari knew that I liked her brother.

I was still nervous about going into the guys' locker room, but Kari kinda pushed me inside just before she left. As I walked down the hallway leading to the change room, I heard a lock snap open and a locker door open as well. I followed the sound and soon enough, I had a clear view of Tai. Oh my fu-whoops! I won't swear, but he was SOOO DAMN FINE!!! Those abs…uh- oh, I' beginning to feel dizzy just remembering it! Anyway, how in the world could I have faced Tai in the state I was in? It would've been a dead give away if I just walked up to him, started talking to him and passed out! So, I just left.

I sighed and grinned as I stepped back into reality. I would NEVER forget about that day. I sat on the couch thinking about the past as I waited for the gang to come back downstairs.

Suddenly, I heard someone yell, "Yikes!" and then a door slammed and I heard the thumping of someone running through the hallway. Leaped up the stairs and saw Sora sitting on my bed, who was in TOTAL shock.

"What happened?" I asked gently.

"I-I-I s-saw M-M-Matt!" she stuttered.

"So?" I asked

"Ch-changing!" she chocked out.

First, I giggled a bit; then, I began to laugh. The next thing I knew, I was cracking up on the floor, while Sora was yelling at me to stop laughing at her.

When I finally regained control of myself, I asked, "See anything good?"

Sora's face turned as red as a tomato.

"He," she began with a grin, "was putting on a shirt."

"Nice abs, huh?" I smirked

"Well…yaaahhh," she blushed, "and he wasn't wearing any pants either."

"Hm…" I though, "I'd say Matt's the kind of guy who wears boxers, am I right?"

"Tommy Hilfiger boxers," she grinned.

"You are just TOTALLY insane over hi, aren't you?" I smiled.

Sora didn't say anything, but her face did turn into a tomato again.

"Don't worry," I giggled, "You know I'll keep this secret for you."

"Thanks," she smiled.

"Hey you two!" yelled Matt, "hurry up!"

"YA!" added Tai, "I'm hungry!!"

The two of them were banging on the door like crazy!! I couldn't tell what was louder, them or the storm!

"Hold on!" I yelled, "You two can watch TV downstairs. We'll be down in a second."

"Okay!" they both yelled in unison.

The two of them ran down the stairs and instead of watching TV, I think they started wrestling instead! There was a whole lotta noise and movement. The two fo them were yelling, ur should I say howling, like Garurumon!! I have to admit, I was beginning to get scard.

"Uh-oh," I said worriedly, "let's go downstairs…cuz I think they're wrecking my house!!"

Finished Chapter one!! MUAHAHA!! What will happen?? What are the guys doing?? I got a lotta stuff planned for this fic and trust me, it'll be good! ^^ So, r/r and thanks for reading! ^^