Summary: A New Time Lord is revealed to be Rassilon's Grandson.

Doctor: 10th

Companions: Rose & Jack

Chapter Name: A Time Lord Revealing

Regeneration: Chapter 2 A Time Lord Revealing

"Well what do we do all day?" The Ninth Doctor asked his Eighth Incarnation,

"Anything as long as it doesn't interfere with time!" The Eighth Doctor replied,

"Exactly we have our own TARDIS and you don't know about it" The Seventh Doctor butted in,

"You two are well rehearsed aren't you?" The Ninth Doctor said,

"Yes we are" Eight replied,

"Rather annoying isn't it?" Seven said (A/N: For purposes unknown The Ninth Doctor will be known as Nine, Eighth as Eight and Seventh as Seven and the Tenth The Doctor),

"And what do you mean I don't know about it?" Nine said,

"Well what I mean is" Seven replied,

"That ten doesn't know about it" Eight interrupted.

The Doctor was standing at the console of The TARDIS while Rose explained the Bad Wolf thing.

Jack stood up and the Doctor said, "How do you know about Time Lord Regeneration?"

"Um, Well, Um, I-I've S-s-s-s-s-seen it" Jack replied,

"No you haven't" The Doctor replied, as a broadcast of Looney Tunes Back in Action came on displaying Daleks.

"Yes I have!" Jack shouted back,

"I know you haven't" The Doctor replied calmly pulling out a Scanner,

"Right, Doctor there's no need to be hasty" Jack said as the Doctor scanned him,

"Only a Time Lord can be a Time Agent, I should know President Romana made me one!" Doctor replied as The Scanner beeped, "Very Interesting",

"What is it Doctor?" Rose asked butting in,

"Jack's not Human and he's not related to humanity at all, Captain Jack Harkness, Former Time Agent, Over 2000 Failed Executions, Ties with The Daleks, Direct Descendent of The First Time Lord President Rassilon, Captain Jack Harkness is a Time Lord. Rassilon's Grandson if I'm not right?"

"Yea, I am Captain Jack Rassilon Time Harkness and I am Rassilon's GRANDSON!"

"I always suspected you of being a Time Lord" The Doctor replied,

"What Regeneration are you?" Rose asked,

"2nd Regeneration" Jack replied.

"Well how about we visit Perivale?" The Doctor asked,

"Where's that?" Rose asked,

"Earth," Jack replied.

"Why on Earth would ten want to visit Perivale?" Seven asked nine

"Well you did have a crush on Ace" Nine replied,

"Good Point we did have a crush on her" Eight butted in.

"You two are very annoying" Nine said. The TARDIS engines roared and soothed, as The Doctor explained to Jack that he had figured it out when he seen his TARDIS aka Ship. Rose wandered around the TARDIS and came across the Doctor's Wardrobe, which Rose thought had a quite odd Scarf in. She came across a Door with the words Rose Keep Out on. She also found a Laboratory, 2 Planets (One happened to be The Cyber men's home planet, 9 Zero Room's and 1 Engine for a ship. Ace walked down a street in Perivale towards her house and she heard an Unearthly Noise and saw a familiar blue box appear…

Author's Note

Well I'm not giving any spoilers away, but Ace is delighted to see the Doctor and goes "travelling". For those who do not know The Scarf belonged to the Fourth Doctor and Ace is a companion of the Seventh Doctor. Rose may head to London, but nothing's certain. I hope you review and I am running a Fan Plot and here is the Question

Should Rose leave The TARDIS and Ace return?

Rose should stay and Ace return

Ace shouldn't come back to the TARDIS and Rose should stay

Ace should return and Rose leave

Ace and Rose leave the story

You be the Judge! Oh Yeah and Please Review!