An Empire seeking to reclaim its power...
An Emperor who is not what he seems...
A girl who could change the fate of the nation... whether she wants to, or not.
My first book is published! Snowblind is on sale worldwide. I'm so excited but did not want to leave out.
You guys changed my life and I really mean it when I say this would not have been possible without you. I want to give back to the amazingly supportive community here who helped me start writing.
I'm offering a FREE ebook copy of Snowblind. (Yes, the whole novel for free.) Go to the hidden page on my website just for my original readers annavelfman dot com backslash free - book (remove the spaces, link is also on my profile) click the yellow button and I'll email you the book!
Again, thank you so much.
Never let the world tell you that you can't dream big folks.
Love and hugs…
Anna Velfman