Link saw he was back home.He put down his orcana and went to bed.When he woke up, he got
his orcana and his song book. He saw another song that he would play.He played and Saria
appered."Wha?"She asked.Link looked at the songbook and about this song in the book
it said, make your friends come.Link saw a black eye outside.Link grabed his sword
and ran out,but he ran past Vatti and grabed the four sword.He ran in his house
and triped, makeing the four sword fly out of his hands. When it hit ground it
shatterd.Link heard something that was familer.He turned his head and saw
Ganon who was reading his book.Link grabed a peace of the four sword an
througth it at Ganon,who ran.Link looked at the book and read," you have
six days to live." Link read on."I'm giving you testes,if you can take
the pain of having me, yes pain. People would kill for me. So you need
to be able to take it.If you can,you might not die.If you can't take it,
six more days and you die."Link was spechless.He looked back at the book,
and saw the words fade out.Link said to the book,"Sure, give me tests!
If your going to give me some tests, be original!You sent Ganon,then Vatti,
the next day Ganon, then Vatti!Send someone else for a change!"Link
saw a flash of light.Then, the four sword came together on it's own.
Other things went on the sword after that.Link stared at the monster,
there was nothing he could do.
(A/N:If you think this is under rated,put it in a review please.