Summary: Sequel to 'The Enemy's War'. The Doctor's gone and Jack, Peri, Rose, Sarah Jane, The Brigadier, Jackie, Mickey and Ace go travelling in the TARDIS with some interesting results…
Doctor: None
Companions: Rose, Jack, Sarah Jane, The Brigadier, Jackie Tyler and Mickey Smith, Pergumillian Brown, Dorothy McShane
Chapter Name: Goodbye Doctor Who
After the WarChapter 1: Goodbye Doctor Who
"Goodbye Rose" The Tenth Doctor whispered with his last breath,
"DOCTOR!" Rose screamed as she broke down in tears in her mother's arms. Jack ran over to the wrecked console, which was burning as Time started to expand back into the Vortex and people began moving again, The Cybermen and Daleks began growing back into their Human Forms, A Cyberwoman began changing back into Pergumillian Brown (aka Peri) and she was a bit taken aback by the appearance of the TARDIS but she immediately recognised The Doctor,
"Why isn't he regenerating?" She asked, a bit uneasy on her feet,
"Time Rotor to the head" Jack said as he started flirting a bit with Pergumillian. A Dalek began morphing in Dorothy McShane (aka Ace) and she got up and stumbled into Jack's arms,
"Hi Handsome" Ace said,
"What's you name sweetie?" Jack asked,
"Dorothy McShane, but my friends call me Ace" Ace replied,
"So 'Ace' wanna date?" Jack asked,
"Only if you tell me your name first" Ace replied,
"Jack, Captain Jack"
"So 'Captain' Jack what's your last name and where are you from?"
"I'm Captain Jack Harkness and I'm from the 51st Century"
"I'm from 1988"
"Looks like you're a bit old for me"
"Ohhh, Don't worry I like you"
"JACK!" Rose screamed,
"Alright, Alright" Jack stepped away from the console as something happened, the time rotor lifted off the Doctor and repaired itself and merged with the Console, and the almost obliterated floor was flimsy but being replaced and repaired, the collapsed corridors where being uploaded and reinforced, then something happened, The Doctor's body disappeared and replaced by a note
Goodbye Rose, Pergumillian, Dorothy,
I have gone to Time Lord heaven with my beloved Romanadvenor I am dancing with her as we speak, so Rose, Pergumillian, Dorothy, Jack, Jackie, Rickey goodbye I loved each and everyone of you in a different way
The Doctor
Rose knew it was he, and then she saw something else,
P.S I passed on my knowledge to each of you so you all know how to fly the TARDIS,
Jack ran over to the console with Peri and Jackie and began keying coordinates for The Planet Barcelona 9:59pm 15th July 25,675 A.D,"Where we going Jack?" Rose asked,
"Check the Coordinates, We're going to Barcelona!"
Author's Note Well The Enemy's War has ended and on with After the War! Hope you review this story like with The Enemy's War, 18 Chapters of pure destruction from The Daleks and Cybermen, Which makes it my longest running story and I hope to make this even longer! Goodbye!