Supporting Rumors - Part 5
Sam sat stunned. She felt such a mix of emotions she wasn't exactly sure what the hell she was thinking. The relief she felt that Jack wasn't paralyzed was almost overwhelming…the rest of the news however, wasn't that good.
The doctor had left them to digest what she told them and Sam was trying to compose herself enough to return to sit beside her husband. She thrust her trembling hands between her knees, trying to quell the shaking, taking deep breaths through her nose, and desperately trying to calm herself down.
"One step at a time, Sam."
Sam winced at the General's phrasing and seeing her response, he bit back the apology that hovered, instead settling for cupping her shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Yeah, he'll manage one step at a time…retired!"
"Sam," reproached George gently.
"You heard what the doctor said. He won't even be fit for a desk job…I can't see Jack sitting around doing nothing…"
"He needn't be doing nothing. He can…"
"Be wrapped up in cotton wool," interrupted Sam bitterly.
Sam sat with her husband. General Hammond had had to take his leave and, for the time being, Sam was grateful. She wanted a chance to take everything in and prepare herself before Jack wakened properly. She didn't want him to see a sniveling mess when he woke, so she had taken time and trouble to tidy herself up, and most importantly, steady herself - at least she thought she had.
The first sense of him rousing was the slight flexing of his fingers against hers. She spoke softly, urging him gently to waken, whilst fumbling for the call button with her other hand.
His eyes flickered open, giving her a peep of the luxurious brown she loved so much, his long lashes fluttering against his too pale skin as he struggled to do her bidding.
She gave him a huge loving smile and was rewarded by the light in his eyes and the tug of his own mouth as he formed a slow grin.
"Worth…wakin' …" he breathed huskily.
"About time, flyboy." She beamed down at him. "How long you expect a girl to wait, huh?"
"'Bout eight years?" he croaked. His face lit with the hopeful little boy grin she adored and she leaned over to plant a kiss on his forehead. His hand gripped hers more tightly.
"That it?" he pouted, his eyes already threatening to close again.
"For now."
"Cnt…wa…" he whispered, his speech slurring already as his eyes flickered shut.
The day passed slowly. Jack spent extremely short periods awake, although he wasn't yet fully cognizant.
Doctor Hill and her team spent more time with him and confirmed again that he hadn't completely lost his mobility. They began to lower the amount of painkillers so that they could make further assessments. As the medication was reduced Jack began to stay awake longer, but the strong drugs kept him drowsy and quiet. Sam spent a long night with him, talking to him softly, his hand firmly ensconced in hers.
General Hammond returned the next morning laden with flowers and cards. He passed on good wishes to a semi conscious Jack, who seemed to find the sight of a three star General laden with flowers funny.
George took the loopy drug filled comments in good part and kept the topic light.
Sam was slightly overwhelmed with the cards that had arrived and thumbed through several, reading out their names. Some she knew, some she didn't, though it appeared that most of the females in the Pentagon wanted him better quickly. There was even a handwritten note from the President himself and she felt quite touched by it.
Jack drifted off again and George beckoned Sam out of the room. Once in the corridor she waited expectantly, but George urged her further along, into the room she had been given for her private use.
As soon as he closed the door behind them, he pulled a wad of papers from his inside jacket pocket.
"I've just got a copy of the investigation into the shooting and the latest updates."
"Oh." Sam wasn't sure what else to say, she stood still, waiting for George to continue.
He skimmed down the papers he was holding. "General O'Neill had apparently just left a meeting and was on his way back to…the…"
George stopped, he flicked back a page and then forwards again. "That's strange … that's…" He stopped, puzzled.
"What?" asked Sam, her patience more than a little short at the moment.
"It's the where that's got me…" The General's face suddenly lit with recognition and he snapped his fingers. "It's where Selig…"
"Selig, Armin Selig the reporter who was…killed."
Sam had to think for a moment before it dawned on her who on Earth the General was talking about. At the time she'd had a lot on her mind with her father's illness, and the sketchy details of the accident had barely been retained by her. Jack had certainly never enlarged on them, clamming up when it was mentioned at all.
"Coincidence?" asked Sam.
"The investigating officers certainly don't seem to think so. They've reopened the files and are checking through everything."
Sam couldn't help the shiver that ran through her. She was so tired that she felt like she could literally drop. The thought of someone shooting Jack for revenge … for something that he wasn't to blame…
She took a deep breath, her eyes closing for a moment. The slight sway in her stance was steadied by the General.
"Did you get any sleep? Have you slept since you got here at all?"
"A little," confessed Sam. The little was the odd doze she fell into at Jack's bedside.
The General firmly guided her to the large couch and then gently pushed her down.
"I am going to sit a while with Jack and I want you to rest."
Sam opened her mouth to protest.
"That's an order Colonel," barked the General gruffly.
"Sir," murmured Sam as her head sank into the cushion. Her eyes were already closing, thoroughly against her will. "Just a little while," she conceded.
She never felt the blanket that the General sought out and laid over her before going to keep his promise.