Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! and all its characters, are the legal and intellectual property of Kazuki Takahashi and any entities he has granted legal rights to. I claim no rights at all with my poem. I greatly admire and feel gratitude to Mr. Takahashi for the amazing story and characters of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Chamber One - Ashenheart
Dream of angel, sky-borne; dream of demon, shadow-clad.
Riven through the core, center-split, yin of yang encompassing—nothing.
Yearning for light, protected by darkness, ruler of sun, father of day; whither your heart to hearken?
Knife-edged balance perilous to maintain, a soul split is not half a soul—for heart and love flutter away.
Stay, I beg you, stay; remain.
Is not my heart big enough to contain?
Without you here, I'll go insane.
Don't go!
Don't leave me behind all alone,
Don't clip my heart-wings after I have flown
So high with your soul to buoy my own.
Don't you...
Don't you—love me—even just a little?
How can you turn and face away from me?
How can your feet bear to take a single step?
All that I am, all that I gave,
Does that—do I—really matter so little?
Do I mean anything, to you, at all?
How can your turn and walk away
Leaving my soul in ashes behind you?
Tell me, how can I recover from this pain?
How do I walk to my own future?
What destiny can I have without you?
Is this my just punishment for daring to hold
The soul of a sun-god gently within my own?
Rent, broken, sundered, riven
A fractured fate I've been given
Or did I claim this as my own,
When, to you, I opened my soul?
Dream of angel, sky-borne; dream of demon, shadow-clad.
Riven through the core, center-split, yin of yang encompassing—nothing.
Yearning for light, protected by darkness, ruler of sun, father of day; whither your heart to hearken?
Knife-edged balance impossible to maintain, a soul split is not half a soul—for heart and love flutter away.
My love,
My heart,
Flutter away
With you.