After much thought, I have decided to remove all my fanfiction. This is something I have toyed around with for years since having dealt with so many negative aspects and drama on this site.
The final awakening came in the form of a review:
"But your writing style is just not good. Sometimes it seams like you were just
telling us a plot you came up with instead of actually writing a real story
with such plot. I'm glad she copied your idea, her plot was worse and I wish
she copied your work fully cause she actually knows how to write a
novel-length fanfiction."
It was a wake-up call. I am tired of having my writing judged on something that I wrote in 2006. A lot has changed since 2006. I finished college and am now writing for a living and it is a good living.
I know people keep sending me emails about "Becoming Human" and here is the thing: I tried to finish it for you guys, I really did, but I just could not go back to writing Harry Potter fanfiction. There are just too many bad memories, which led to a major block, and it is just too confining. I just can't go back to writing something that is not my own – it just isn't going to happen. Another stumbling block has been by writing has matured and changed so much since I wrote it. I give all those who wanted to see the end of that particular story my sincerest apologies.
I would like to thank all my followers and those who have left such great reviews especially those who offered great constructive criticism aimed at sincerely helping me improve my craft.
I will be removing all three stories ("A Shattered Prophecy," "Becoming Human" and "The Best Laid Plans of Lord Voldemort") by either June 3 or June 4.
Project Dark Overlord signing off.