The Last Bandit
The Usual Disclaimers
I do not own Maplestory. In fact I'm rather noob and this is my first fanfic! I just like Maple and created this bandit-bound rogue in the past (I've quit it, but bandits are still fun to write about!). Sorry if the chapters are too long or short, as I have said I'm really a fanfic newbie and please advise me!
Sorry for the long break, I'm not a very rabid fanficker, hehe.
Chapter 3: Range
"WHAT?" But the Dark Lord's words were final. Jon had only 2 choices – obey his master or quit being a rogue. The second option hurt Jon – any jobless dweller of Victoria Island was considered an outcast. But – to return to the path of –
"Bandits are a great choice for those who have a keen sense of accuracy, and by that I do not refer to a great eyesight. I mean the instinct to really hurt the monster. The path of assassin has been over-used. Throwing stars are too tempting to use, when you compared it with that stub of a dagger. But what bandits lack in range – they have this." The Dark Lord picked up a glimmering dagger from the wall behind him, went to the punching bag just outside the boxing ring, and sunk his dagger with lightspeed – it was a smooth action, but Jon knew that exactly six blows hit the punching bag, which was now a puddle of sand filling the floor.
Savage Blow.
That was what he had first set off to do – before the distractions of friendship and a burning crush.
Those were not important anymore! What's important now, thought Jon in a surprisingly calm state of mind, is that I train.
When Gordon held his job advancement ceremony two weeks later, decked in his brand-new Stealer suit Kim had gotten him, Jon had just mastered Double Stab, and was thinking of how a Stealer would look on himself.
The new girl, who in her overlarge attire which seemed to have stars and moons imprinted all over it looked out of place in the Fusion Bar Jazz, said hi to Jon, the only person left in the bar, busy training his rapid stabbing. Jon, who had become increasingly antisocial over the past few weeks, especially after Gordon's ceremony, did not reply. Jon didn't suspect he had a new partner until when Phoebe joined him in the bandit class the next day, before the Dark Lord had even come.
"Say, aren't you supposed to be a magician or something? Those – robes – are not conventional for rogues to wear." Jon's voice was surly and nonchalant, as if he couldn't care for an answer.
"Well, I WAS a magician until I was lured by…" Phoebe reddened.
Jon did not pursue the matter – he had already walked to the punching bag and started his daily drill. His whole body was already saturated in perspiration by the time the Dark Lord drifted into the basement and gave Phoebe the usual "Bandits 101" drone.
Two conflicting echoes disturbed Phoebe's sleep, as they had for the past two months. The first was a shrill scream that belonged to a very low-pitched voice, juxtaposed against the growl of a monster that sounded hungry… the second, that happened before that, was a soft voice, the very same voice, which told her of a dream, a mission that had not been accomplished.
"Father! You were too slow… no matters. I shall complete the quest for you."
This is a very short instalment to allow for the cliffhanger effect and also because I am VERY busy, sorry! Comments, anyone? Please keep on sending those reviews!