The squirrel shifted uneasily, "Where are the rest of my men?" he said in a gruff voice.

The three other men shook their respective head with faces of unknowing

The captain looked at the ground and swore, "to hell with these fuckin tediz, we've been here for hours! We need to get up that bullet-ridden beach!" the other squirrels saluted it was their expression that gave them away, none of them wanted to get out of the cover they had managed to get before the tediz piercing rain of death descended upon the troops

"What was that!" one of the soldiers yelped in surprise, it was none other than mark, his "buddies, old troops" knew him differently, they called him Emuggy, he was often daydreaming or staring blankly, not many regarded this since he was a demolished, one of the less…cranially gifted of the troops.

Needless to say the other squirrels looked at each other and shrugged for all they know he could be talking about something that Emuggy had seen years ago there was a slight hissing noise followed with a clink of steel on steel.

"What was that!" said karaka the thermophile

"I don't know! Hey wait…where did jerry go?" they looked at the place a grunt had been in say, five seconds ago.

The captain let out a sigh that decided it wanted to be a gulp half way through routine,

"It couldn't have been the snipers they can get us in this shelter, or a turrent they are way out of range…" the captain deduced.

"Um…captain?" mumbled karaka

"Or maybe it was one of those damned mines…" Capt. Pondered.

"Captain." Said Karaka clearly.

"Or maybe a snooper cam…"Capt. Deduced

"FOR THE LOVE OF JEFF CAPT THERE IS A FUCKING TEDI MOONING US!" yelled karaka quite plainly. The captain snapped back into reality and looked bashfully towards the spot where karaka was pointing and saw surprisingly a Sneaker

Leaning forward in the opposite direction with his cloak up and wagging it back and forth tauntingly, it then snapped up middle fingered them and disappeared.

The captain stood there with his mouth wide open and one eye twitching, if you've ever been mooned by a tedi you would understand why it has such an effect on people, like the innocent Squirrel captain.

"B-B-But…that means…this beach could be crawling with them!" he turned quick enough to see the headless corpse of Emuggy still running around he was so slow that it would be for the next 8 minutes before it figured it was dead.

Karaka looked confused at the captains stricken expression then followed his gaze and jumped when he saw the body of Emuggy running in circles.

"How the hell did he do that!" Karaka yelped in surprise.

"I would permit it, by which I mean the tedi, to be very skilled with a saber…"The Captain grumbled as he felt his death riding towards him on a stubborn mule.