I don't own any of the characters of the Ranma ½ magna and anime they are the property of the respective companies, author Rumiko Takahashi, corporations and whatever else. This fanfic was written for entertainment only and is in no way intended for profit. As such I ain't making squat but unemployment while waiting for my knee to get repaired, long story but it's not the one for you to read. Ps I don't own gold digger either.

Ranma sighed to herself, it was currently raining outside and from her perch on top of the tendo residence there was no cover from the light mist that sprayed down upon her. The day had been trying for her; she had been malleted 4 times by her un-cute fiancée, attacked by Ryouga, Kuno, and Mouse twice today along with the usual grope from Happossi, and the entire fiancée brigade had managed to pull her into another brawl. All that had resulted to her current mood; she was tired, how much more she would have to endure. This is not the life that she had wanted, sure it was exciting, and there was a lot of adventure, but never was there any gratitude. It seemed like it was always the same with Ranma, he had to go save Akane, then do this and that, then there was always Ranma how dare you, and lets not forget Ranma prepare to die, Ranma for stealing my love. This was tiresome and way too old.

So now here she was in her female form, brooding on how pathetic her life was. The only way out of it was if she committed seppuku, but that was only a half option seeing that her mother deemed her manly after the return from china. So with that taken away, what did she have? She mused to herself, "There were no true friends, no real lovers, and a curse that I could deal with if only there was more control." Through out all this Ranma remained dead to the world, lost in her brooding. Taking notice for the first time she let out another sigh, she was a girl. Thinking to herself, "the curse wasn't so bad it was just that there was no control. There was no cure either, but their was allot of ways that could lock it."

In the past few weeks she had been reading up and studying various curses and came up with something. All curses had either a way of control or a way to get rid of said curse, but never both. Ranma knew that the curses of jusnkdro mixed, so the pool of drowned boy would only turn her into a hermaphrodite, so there must be a way of control. But why was she cursed, certainly not just because she fell into a pool, maybe it was karma that drew her to that particular pool. It would certainly fit with what she had read about curses, they are meant to punish, brought out by fate, and bringing ones own worst personal fears into play.

That line of thinking seemed to make sense. Her pops turned into a panda so what was his fear, perhaps it was about being seen as the lazy person he was. But that didn't make any real sense, everyone knew he was lazy. Then Ranma thought back before they were cursed and all the scamming her pops used to do. "That's it that must be his curse, not because people see him as a panda. But the curse causes most people see him for what he truly is, a lazy, money thieving, lay about."

So what about Ryouga, sure he turned into a pig, but what was he like before actually turning into one. Well he was always a sort of bully and never had realistic views about the world around him. He always looked at the world and every one around as the fault or solution to his own problems. Always passing blame and his own misfortune onto others, without trying to change them with realistic means. So was Ryouga afraid of his own reality, that made some sense, but there had to be something deeper. With a sigh Ranma went on to ponder her own problems.

Ranma thought to herself, "So what's my fear is it because I turn into a real girl. It can't be, I've been locked on a few occasions and never had feelings for guys. Then there was always being locked in the cursed form, but I have always found a way out, never giving up. What else is there then, well there is always being forced into sex." that was one of her nightmares. But so far she had not met anyone better. She was far more powerful than any of her rivals, with the exception of Saffron, but she was stronger than cologne and the old letch. Defeating saffron proved that she was more skilled, but she was also extremely powerful. Then there was her own will never to give up. It wasn't arrogance, sure she was, but not to the point she let on, it was the determination to win is what drove her. "Eureka" Ranma thought, that's it, "My greatest fear is that I will fail, fail my father in being the man he wanted me to be."

But Ranma didn't want to be the man that the fool wanted her to be, that man was arrogant, uneducated, lazy and selfish, and without the ability to think for himself. Ranma wasn't that type of man anymore, sure maybe a year ago but not now, she had put effort to change herself. It was difficult, especially once Nabiki found out but that had soon resolved itself by Ranma taking a more supportive role in financing the dojo. Only Nabiki knew, because she would set up various events for her to go to. She modeled twice a month and fought in underground tournaments, while betting on himself. That was difficult she would tune her skill and speed down to make the fights look good, usually stretching out the rounds to winning at the appointed round to increase profits. It might not be honest but the money came from uncouth characters and was most likely ill-gotten so there was no conflict of morals there. Also school work and grades, well the report cards Ranma brought home were fakes made by Nabiki, so his father would be kept unaware of his increasing growth. The hardest thing to do was continuing to speak like a under-educated buffoon. So it no longer mattered what type of man his father wanted him to be, because he would not get it. Hell the curse already fixed it so that he was only an man half the time. Although it was only in body never in mind, No matter what form she still liked women, she was smart, not completely ignorant, slightly arrogant, but not lazy.

Ranma thought to herself, "Those used to be my fears over a year ago but as reality set in i changed my views and discarded pops, but what of mom aren't I worried about disappointing her. Am I worried about being unmanly, or am I so attention starved that I just want to be accepted." That's why she put up with everyone she lived in a house after years of being alone without friends. But Ranma still felt alone, no one really accepted her, even her mother was always fingering that dam katana. Sure woman wanted him as a prize but not as a person. Maybe it was time to leave for awhile, school was done for 2 months it would be a perfect time to work on figuring out how to gain control of her life. There was one small problem, no matter where she went the idiots would find her.

Ranma needed a plan a way to get away without being caught being seen on the street, that's how Shampoo had tracked him from china. But his disguises were always lame just a articles of clothing. She needed a completely different look that would allow her to blend in better. With a shudder she realized that she would have to stay a female whenever she went out.

Ranma looked up and noticed that the rain was coming down a lot harder now, as well as it being quiet late. And resigned to go inside bath and go to bed and hopefully she would think of something in the morning.

-------------------------------- The next morning -----

Ranma woke with a start. Soaking wet and cold, cursing softly about un-cute tomboys while thinking, "Rude bitch." Looking over at her irate and overly moody UN-cute fiancée who just spun around and stormed out of the room muttering under her breath. With a sigh Ranma got up and dressed and walked down to the kitchen to once again restore her rightful gender.

Stepping into the kitchen she gave Kasumi a smile and asked for some hot water. Kasumi being the hostess she is promptly complied.

"Ranma Kun breakfast wont be ready for 30 minutes so if you want to practice the dojo is empty."

"Thanks Kasumi. Oh and Kasumi I won't be eating dinner here tonight I will be leaving on a training journey later this afternoon, just keep this between us for now. I will probly be back with in two months."

"But Ranma what about the engagement, are you going to bring Akane with you?" Kasumi said with a slight frown.

"No Kasumi I need to do this by my self, I need the time to sort out my life." With that he left Kasumi by herself in the kitchen, and headed out to the dojo.

Ranma slowly warmed up with some stretches and worked up into his katas, soon losing himself into his art. As his momentum increased so did his thought. He was thinking about the night before and the conclusions he had come up with.

How was he going to gain control of his curse, the amazons are the only ones that have researched the springs to any extent. If there was a cure then surly Herb would of cured himself, but what about control? Herb had a lot better control of his ki than him. So it couldn't be ki control, it is magic after all. So is there a way to control the magic. Ranma stopped momentarily to contemplate on that thought. "Was there a difference that was there when I am in girl form that was slightly muted when I am male." Off hand he really could not think of anything, then again most of the time when he was female his mind was usually on other things. With a shrug he figured that he would work on it later, because now it was time to eat and then to talk to Nabiki.

Ranma sat at the table across from Nabiki in between his father and Akane. Looking over towards Akane, whose only response was a snort and a look of contempt, Ranma sighed it seemed that he was doing a lot of that recently. He wondered how she could be so embittered and jealous to him, it wasn't his fault he was better. After all what was the point of training. Growling, Ranma looked over to his pops and said, "Hey quit taking my food old man." With that said Ranma smacked his father in the back of the head dazing the fool.

Finishing the rest of his breakfast quickly he excused himself, nodded to Nabiki giving her a signal that they needed to speak once she was done. Ranma then hurried upstairs an went into Nabiki room and sat at her desk to wait for her, usually he would never wait long because Nabiki was a light eater.

Moment's later Nabiki entered the room, walked over to the bed and sat down. She looked over at Ranma with a smirk she purred out, "So Ranma-kun what can I do for you today."

Ranma replied, "Nabs I am leaving o a training trip later today but first I need a few things."

Raising her eyebrow Nabiki asked, "Well what do you need?"

Ranma looked down to the floor and muttered, "I need to change my appearance so the amazons and the rest of the loons won't find me easily."

Looking at him for a minute Nabiki smirked while stretching her body in a slightly sexual manner and asked, "Boy or girl."

Ranma for his part was starting to get a little uneasy, Nabiki was toying with him trying to get him flustered. Collecting his wits(something he had been working on for the past several months), said, "I need to go as a girl, but I need to change my hair color so I can blend in better."

Nabiki still smirking from before all the sudden looked a little hungry she purred out, "What type of girl were you looking to go out as."

Ranma, who for his part was still being distracted by Nabiki's suggestive movements managed to blurt out, "Just a normal teen, I am not looking to grab undo attention from any of my rivals or fiancés."

Nabiki was now looking like a shark as her face lit up replied, "I have just the thing for you but before I get it do you mind telling me how you intend to get a hold of me to set up the fights and modeling shoots that you have to go to?"

Ranma looked at her with a blank look on his face chuckled softly and scratched the back of his pigtail replied, "Well honestly I didn't think about this I kind of just decided to leave last night and got busy thinking about where I was going to go and what I was going to do once I got there."

Nabiki sighed looking frustrated she got up and walked over to her closet and said, "Ranma, Ranma what am I going to do with you?" She rifled through her closet for a minute and looked back over and asked, "When were you planning on leaving."

Ranma nervously replied, "Well I was hopping to leave as soon as I could, the sooner the better you know. I really need a break from this chaos."

"Well Ranma-kun meets me in the school by the locker rooms in a hour, and I will have everything ready for you by then, now if there is nothing else you can leave now."

Getting up quickly Ranma hurried out of the room after give a brief thanks, went into his room and prepared his pack for his trip. Sorting through his stuff he grabbed a few items that his mother had bought him when he was still posing as ranko. Doing a last minute check to make sure that he got everything that he needed, he went over to the window and hopped out. He then quickly cloaked himself in the umseniken and roof hopped his way to the school to wait for Nabiki.

--------------------- An hour later ------

Ranma was sitting down meditating in the hall waiting for Nabiki to arrive when all the sudden he felt wet and the familiar tingle that went along with his transformation went though her. With a start Ranma got up and scowled, "What was that for?"

Nabiki smirked and said, "Now Ranma-chan there is no need for a fuss, hurry up and come into the locker room."

Ranma looked at where she was going and stopped dead in her tracks and said, "I can't go in there that is the girl's locker room."

Nabiki replied, "No duh, of course it's the girl's room, the kendo club is here today and unless you want Kuno all over you I suggest you get your perky little ass in here."

With a grunt, Ranma complied. As she walked in Nabiki ordered her to strip and go get her hair wet. Ranma looked at her with a puzzled look until Nabiki told her that she was going to dye her hair and give her different clothes to make the disguise more effective.

------------- Outside an hour later -------------

An little over an hour later a lovely petite girl, with shoulder length black hair walked out of the high school. She was wearing dark sun glasses that hid her eyes completely, a pink halter top that went down to her belly leaving a few inches of skin showing between the shirt and a very snug looking pair of hip hugger jeans, if you glanced at her backside you could make out the top of a thong slightly rising out of her jeans. Ranma was not in the best of moods she felt that just because she was willing to actually dress to her current gender didn't mean that Nabiki had to have such a good time getting her into this outfit. With s scowl that made her look just a little more cute than what she was willing to admit she started to make her way to the train station.

All was going good for Ranma she was a few blocks away from the train station, when she suddenly heard a familiar ring of a bicycle. Almost freezing in terror she glanced behind her seeing the ever persistent Amazon speeding down the street carrying a take out box, Ranma let out a breath that she did not know that she was holding. It looked like Shampoo did not even notice her, not wanting to press her luck Ranma quickly picked up her pace and made her way to the train station.

Buying a ticket for Kyoto Ranma went and boarded the train and looked for a secluded seat to take a nap, after stowing her pack Ranma sat down to close her eyes and go to sleep. Musing to herself she was kind of frustrated at Nabiki, Nabiki had managed to go through her pack and took most of her male outfits out and replaced them with girls clothing while she was waiting for the hair dye to settle. That wasn't that bad though the worst part of it was Nabiki took almost all of her boxers and replaced them with really girly underwear. With a sigh Ranma thought to herself, "At least no one will know I am a guy so it won't be too bad as long as I avoid hot water."

Ranma felt something brush up against her thigh, slightly startled she looked up and saw a little girl around five years old bouncing up and down in the seat next to her grinning, with a smile Ranma looked at the girl and asked her to please stop. The girl noticing Ranma, gave her the most endearing smile, and with a bow proceed to introduce herself, as Yuna. Ranma seeing the girls smile was momentarily caught unable to speak the girl Yuna was just being way too adorable. Ranma had always liked children, they were fun and the few times she got roped into watching them found that little children always supplied constant training opportunities.

Realizing that she had not yet introduced herself Ranma said, "Hi my names Ranko it is a pleasure to meet you young lady." Smirking Ranma thought to herself those grammar lessons sure did come in handy from Mrs. Hinoko. Yuna just smiled at her and proceeded to ask fifty or so rapid questions, Ranma was in a daze unable to respond, luckily she was saved by a young woman who looked only slightly older than herself.

"Hi, is my daughter bothering you?" The woman asked seeing Ranma replying with a shake of her head, the woman went on and introduced herself as Yuni Jones.

Ranma sat there for a moment before introducing her self as Ranko Tendo. While she did this she was also apprising this young woman she had a gajin name but was defiantly Japanese, had long hair, but had real unhealthy looking skin that would suggest long term sickness of some sort. The dress she was wearing looked a little large for her frame. Overall though the woman looked attractive.

The woman scooped Yuna into her arms and sat down in the seat next to Ranko. She was softly scolding Yuna about disturbing others when Ranma spoke up .

"Its no problem Jones-san, she wasn't disturbing me at all," Ranma responded. From there on the two woman, or one woman and one hydro-sexual, chatted casually with one another making a quick friendship. For the remainder of the train trip Ranma enjoyed small talk with Yuni and played some with Yuna. The long trip seemed to go fairly quick, as Ranma found herself enjoying the company. As the train announced their upcoming stop, Ranma smiled wistfully it had been along time since she had been able to talk to another woman without the threat of being malleted or attacked. As the train stopped and opened its doors Ranma was strapping on her pack, and saying goodbye to her two new friends.

Once outside of the station Ranma started walking towards the place Nabiki had arranged for her to stay at. It was a small cabin encompassed by woods on two sides with a lake on the third side. It was located just outside of town. The place was almost perfect for Ranma's need, the only thing it was missing, according to Nabiki, was a hot spring. It was also good that Nabiki had called her friend and made sure the kitchen was stocked with enough food and other supplies that would last for awhile. Shrugging to herself, she figured she should be able to get there by dusk.

Arriving at the cabin, Ranma stood in front of the place and whistled, it was a nice place. It had two stories and a large field between the house and the woods with a descent sized beach along the shore of the late. Ranma reached into the mailbox for the key and walked up to the front door, and unlocked it. Stepping inside, Ranma was stunned, the foyer and living room was richly decorated and decked out with all the latest technology. Taking off her shoes Ranma went upstairs and picked out a room. After comparing the four bedrooms that were upstairs, she realized they were basically all the same, each one contained a large bed a empty wardrobe, a large closet, a desk with a computer, and a large mirror on the wall as well as one mounted on the ceiling. Ranma then set her pack down on the floor in front of the bed and proceeded to unpack.

Looking at the clothes she was putting away, she noticed that they weren't the clothes she packed. The clothes were all feminine, with the exception of one of her usual red shirts and black pants, the rest were all sized specifically for her female form. Resting at the bottom of the pack there was a note from Nabiki.


I figured that you would be spending most of your time in your female form. So I decided to help you out, by removing temptation for you to spend too much time in your male form. Don't get any ideas on shopping either I switched out your atm card with a different one that has a lot less money in it. Don't worry I will be making deposits and if you need more you can call me on my cell with the one I left in the side pocket of your pack. Oh in case you were wondering the cabin is owned by the company your modeling for right now, they assured me that you would not have any housemates for at least a month after that they weren't certain.

Have fun, Ranma-chan

With a grunt and a snort Ranma tossed the letter down on the bed. All of the sudden her stomach let out a righteous growl. Noticing what she was wearing for the first time since she got dressed she quickly grabbed what looked like a regular set of clothes and put them one, only to realize that they were way too small and form fitting for her male form. Sighing in frustration she went down to make her self some dinner.

After cleaning up her mess from dinner Ranma went outside to practice. It took only a few minutes to lose herself into her art. At the same time Ranma was also concentrating on how to control her curse. She was tracing all her ki lines to get a feel for where they were and gave each one a careful and through evaluation. Eventually an hour went by and Ranma was no closer to figuring out how to gain control of her curse. Ranma finished her cool down exercises and walked over to the beach, enjoying the moonlight reflecting off the lake, she sat down and decided to meditate for awhile.

She sat there and mused silently to herself. Knowing that she was looking for magic within herself, an that its source would be barley noticeable, Ranma furrowed her brow in determination. She sat there for another hour before realizing it was fairly late and she needed some sleep. Ranma went and got up to go wash up and go to bed.

Ranma laid in bed staring at her reflection in the mirror, complaining about Nabiki and cursing her for switching out her clothes. Ranma decided that it was extremely hard to sleep like this, the moon light was causing her body to sort of glow. She kept getting distracted by her own reflection, staring at herself, Ranma thought, and "Well at least I don't turn into a pig. This is at least easy on the eyes, compared to everyone else that has a curse." As she thought to herself her hands started to meander all along her busty petite frame. Letting off a soft moan, she realized what she started to do. Blushing deeply and cursing herself for being a pervert, Ranma crossed her arms in defiance and closed her eyes.

Ranma, slowly woke enjoying the soft warm comforts of the bed. She started to wonder where she was, and how she got there. Opening her eyes she saw a attractive girl wearing a blue see-through tank top without a bra and matching panties. Staring at the girl she wondered when she was going to get malleted, she seemed to just lay there. Slowly it dawned on Ranma that she was starring at her own reflection, and not a stranger, then the memories of the past few days came into the forefront of her mind. Not wanting to get up right away, Ranma was content to watch herself slowly stretch out, paying close attention the subtle movements that her stretches brought about. Regarding herself with a softly spoken cry of pervert, Ranma decided to get up and make breakfast so she could go train and then meditate until lunch.

Ranma sat there meditating on the beach wearing a blue sports bra and black spandex shorts. She felt that she was getting closer to finding the trigger for the curse, but she couldn't be certain about it. There was still a problem about what she was going to do when she would find the elusive magic. So far magic had brought on nothing but trouble, and often had a negative backlash that came with it. Her mood slightly darkening by these thoughts, she suddenly found herself sprawled out on her back, smothered by a small figure. Her first thoughts that it was Happossi, but the figure wasn't groping her. Puzzled Ranma brought herself back into reality, only to look into the smiling face of Yuna. Warmly smiling at the girl Ranma was about to ask her where her mother was when she heard Yuni calling for her energetic daughter.

Ranma stood up and grabbed Yuna's hand and started walking over towards Yuni. Waving, Ranma allowed herself to be dragged over to Yuni.

Yuna was busy talking a mile a minute saying how they were staying at a shrine a little down the was and how happy she was that her friend Ranko was staying nearby. Then Yuna started to proclaim how much fun she was going to have. This brought a small chuckle from Ranma thinking, "It feels good to have a friend, even if the friend is only five." For a brief moment though her mood darkened, she thought of how everyone looked at her after they found out about the curse. Pushing those thoughts away and determined to keep her two new friends she thought about the best way to handle the situation.

Yuni seeing that Yuna was with that nice young lady from the train, let out a sigh of relief. Walking towards Ranma she said, "It is good to see you again Ranko. I did not realize that you were staying here."

Ranma looking over Yuni briefly took her appearance in to stock once more. She was wearing a large t-shirt and what looks like a one piece swim suit underneath. She was carrying a picnic basket and two towels, however she still had a unhealthy look. Ranma responded to Yuni's greeting with, "It is good to see you too Yuni, what brings you out this way."

Yuni replied playfully with, "Well isn't it obvious, I am taking my daughter swimming." She then went on to explain that she was staying at the shrine that was just down the road, and how she had been coming here since she was a small child with her own parents.

Ranma couldn't help but notice the sadness that was radiating off of her new friend, and was determined to cheer her up. So with a smile she said, "Yuni I have some beach chairs and water rafts at the house I am staying at. So why don't we make a quick stop so that I can change and grab some drinks for us, and gather up the other stuff and we can hang out together."

Yuna smiled brightly and said, "Can we momma, Ranko-san is so cool, it will be lots of fun and we can play and swim and gave a picnic, please momma please."

Yuni smiled and let out a giggle and said, "Well I don't see why not, besides its way too difficult to say no to you sweetie."

As they walked to the house Ranma couldn't help but smile right in front of her were examples of a family, the best ones that she had seen yet. For a brief moment she felt a twinge of jealousy but that was quickly squashed. Upon entering the house Ranma quickly excused herself so she could change, after telling her quests to make themselves comfortable. A few moments later she came down stairs wearing a light blue bikini(once again cursing Nabiki) and a towel wrapped around her waist. Gathering up a few bottles of water and a really large bento that she had made earlier, she then went on to get her guests and the beach equipment.

Yuni looked at Ranko with amazement, this petite girl was walking with her bento and 3 large bottles of water balanced on her head, 3 large beach chairs were being held in one hand and the other hand was caring 3 rafts and a medium sized radio. Yuni asked, "Um Ranko are you alright carrying all that. If you need any help I can carry some of it."

Ranma responded with, "Its no problem Yuni. I can carry a lot more stuff without any real effort, it helps me with my martial arts."

Yuni asked, "How does caring that stuff on your head and weighing yourself down like a pack mule help with martial arts?"

"Simple really, it helps with my balance, and strength. Although this stuff isn't heavy at all, I can carry several hundred pounds with little effort." Arriving at the beach Ranma tossed everything in the air, using Amaguriken speed everything was set up within a few seconds. Ranma then pulled out a large umbrella from nowhere, using the amazons hidden weapons technique, and set it into the ground.

Yuni sweat dropped at seeing this casual looking display, while Yuna just applauded and cheered. Picking herself off the ground Yuna asked, "Hey Ranko how good are you at martial arts that was really impressive what you just did."

Ranma just shrugged and replied, "Well so far no one has been able to get the best of me when the chips are down. But I am not sure, I only had two all out fights both I barely won, but usually I have to hold back a lot." At this time Ranma's stomached chose to protest, it was quickly followed by Yuna's.

Yuni, giggled and said, "Well I guess we should probaly eat now. Then after awhile we can go swimming."

They quickly set out their respective lunches, and started to eat, Ranma was doing her best to tone down her eating so she would be able to talk during the lunch. The conversations varied from Yuni's question on how Ranko was able to eat so much and still be able to keep her figure. Ranma blushed at that one before she was able to stammer out, "Well I burn a lot of ki so I need massive quantities of food to keep my supplies of ki up." That in turn brought on the entire question on what ki was. Ranko then responded with a small demonstration of it, she simply put out her hand and formed a small bluish ball of energy. Yuna after seeing this started jumping up and down, and was begging to learn martial arts. Yuni just looked on with a small smile that was mixed with amazement. For Ranma everything was going extremely well, it was the second time in as many days where there were no worries about being malleted or harped for just talking. After a few hours of playing with Yuna and talking with Yuni, Ranma found herself slightly dozing off while sun bathing along with her friends, when all the sudden something rubbed across her foot. That was quickly followed by the demonic roar of "meow". Ranma responded to this by screeching out cat while jumping 50 feet away. With a load splash she landed in the lake where she was treading water while shaking in a almost convulsion-like manner.

Yuni at first was puzzled, one minute they were all just laying there then all the sudden she heard a scream of cat and looked up and aw Ranko in the lake. After a moment of looking at her friend she deduced that she must be scared of cats. So she shooed the little kitty away, and pleaded with Ranko to come back to shore. Yuni then noticed that her daughter was still sprawled out underneath the umbrella sound asleep.

Ranma slowly made her way out of the water, her bangs were covering her face. As she got close to Yuni it was evident that she was crying and still shaking. Yuni tried to talk to her but Ranma was in a daze, so she carefully scooped up her daughter and grabbed Ranma's hand and led her back to the house.

------------- In the House -------

Yuni gently laid Yuna down on the couch, and pulled Ranko into the kitchen. She escorted Ranko over to a seat and then started to make tea. After finishing with the tea she sat down next to Ranko, and filled their cups.

Ranko shakily picked up her cup sloshing it all over, before setting it back down. She sat for a moment, nervously fidgeting, and after a few minutes of silence she started talking. "Yuni, please let me finish before you judge me. I want to tell you what happened and why, plus a few more things that I think you need to know"

Yuni smiled at Ranko with understanding and said to Ranko. "I am your friend we may of met yesterday but you are a really nice person, maybe a little tomboyish in the way you act, not that your dress it though." To that Ranko let out a chuckle.

Ranma went and started out slowly and softly, talking barely above a whisper and started to talk about her life. She talked about how lonely she was , having few friends, then she started into the training trip with her father. Upon describing the Neko-Ken, Ranma found herself pulled into the other woman's lap enveloped into a hug. She went on to continue and explained everything else including Saffron and the she decided to tell her about the curse.

After hearing all this, Yuni thought for a moment. She figured if even a small amount of this was true than this Ranma had had a extremely difficult life. She considered for a moment Ranma or Ranko this person was her friend so she spoke. "Ranma could you show me how the curse works," the only reply she got was a nod, witch was followed by Ranma silently getting up, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her waist. This was followed by her taking off her bikini bottoms. She slowly walked over to the table and grabbed the kettle not looking up at all. After a brief pause, Ranma poured the water over her head once again returning to his birth form. Yuni stood up and walked over to Ranma , she noticed the flinches that seemed to be in sync with her coming closer. She stood in front of Ranma noticing the sad look in his eyes for a moment, all the sudden she lunged forward and engulfed Ranma into a hug.

Ranma for his part was struggling to keep his emotions in check, he kept muttering over and over how sorry he was and that he could understand if she didn't want to be friends any more. Inside Ranma's mind he was thinking, "I don't understand why she is hugging me. Is it pity, but if its pity why is she telling me to let it out. She keeps telling me it will be ok, but how could t ever be I will always be some kind of perverted freak." After a few more minutes of being engulfed in Yuni's arms Ranma started to compose himself. Drawing away from her, he looked into her eyes and quietly said, "Yuni thank you so much. I don't remember anyone being this nice to me. Especially after they find out about my curse and the multiple engagements, you have no idea how much this means to me. I want you to know that if there is anything you ever need help with or anything else, I will help you. I swear on my honor as a martial artist."

Yuni looked up at Ranma and said, "Ranma you are a good person you always do you best and try helping so many people. You are a good friend and I enjoy spending time with you. I also want you to know that you should not feel like a perverted freak. You are not, you didn't get a choose your curse, it happened. You said this trip here was meant for you to try to gain control of it. It's not healthy for you to think like its something wrong, sure it's a little odd but it makes you more unique." Yuni paused for a minute and appeared to be studying Ranma when she looked at his chest. She exploded into a giggle fit, seeing Ranma starting to look uneasy she walked over to the facet and filled a cup with cold water and splashed him with it. After a moment of silence, Yuni spoke again, "Sorry but your manly chest was distracting in that bikini top."

Ranma started to giggle, and was soon followed by Yuni. When a third party started in with them. Ranma looked at the doorway and saw Yuna hunched over in a massive giggle fit.

After a few minutes that were necessary for them to calm down, during which Ranma quickly slid on her bikini bottoms. Yuna said, "Ranko that was cool how you did that. You're really cool, is that a martial arts thingy?"

After a brief look over at Yuni to see if it was alright, Ranma walked over to Yuna and picked her up. And explained that it was a curse and her name was really Ranma but when she is in female form its ok to call her Ranko. She also went on to explain that she was born a man.

It was at that moment when Ranma and Yuna's stomachs growled in unison. Ranma looked up embarrassed and asked Yuni if she wanted to stay for dinner.

Yuni said, "I'd love to but first I need to go back to the shrine and change clothes."

Yuna looked up at her mother with that I'm so cute I dare you to say no look and asked, "Momma can I spend the night here tonight with Ranma?"

Smiling at her daughters pleading look she said, "Well it all depends on Ranma here if she wants you to, I don't see why not."

Ranma was ecstatic at this point, before she still had doubts as to whether or not Yuni really wanted to be friends. Now though her friend is willing to trust her with her daughter that just cleared away all the doubt. So she replied, "Sure it wouldn't be a problem at all. In fact why don't you both spend the night tonight after dinner we can watch a few movies or play some games."

So it was all set, while Yuni went and grabbed a overnight bag. Ranma made dinner, cleaned up the mess outside and quickly washed up and changed into a form fitting female version of her usual Chinese outfit. After dinner, the three of them were huddled comfortably on the couch. Ranma and Yuni were snuggled close to each other with Yuna resting comfortably on top of them. By the end of the second movie everyone was exhausted, so Yuni thought it would be wise to go to bed. Ranma picked up a sleeping Yuna and went up the stairs. She was prepared to drop her off in one of the other rooms, when she was interrupted by Yuni.

"Hey Ranma, why don't we all stay in your room tonight it will be like a slumber party."

Ranma immediately started to protest and stuttered out, "But but Yuni isn't that perverted or something ?"

"Now, Ranma its not perverted for three girls to sleep in the same bed. And even if they were being intimate there would be nothing wrong with it. In this case we are three friends enjoying each others company. There is nothing perverted about it. Besides from what you said earlier you only have one set of clothes for your male form, and I doubt your going to sleep in them. Honestly, these friends of yours have you pretty messed up, but I will do my best to reprogram you," said Yuni with a snicker.

So Ranma escorted Yuni, into her room an laid Yuna on the bed, when she turned around she started to blush furiously. Spinning back around so as not to see Yuni completely naked, she tripped on the corner of the bed and wound up sprawled on the floor almost right under a very red and giggling Yuni.

Yuni watched the display, and could help it Ranma had gotten so flustered. She said, "Now Ranma we are all going to be sleeping in the bed, there is no need for you to sleep down there."

Ranma stood there flinching looking quite distressed and fumbled out, "Gomen, I didn't want to be malleted so I turned around and tripped I didn't mean to see you naked, I'm sorry please, I really didn't mean it was an accident."

Yuni sighed and walked over to Ranma, putting her hands on the smaller girl's shoulders looking in her eyes she said, "There is nothing wrong with this we are friends besides right now you have all the same equipment that I do. I won't hit you. I was the one changing in front of you that means I trust you. Now Ranma, get out of those clothes and get ready for bed I am getting sleepy, oh and change in front of me."

Ranma still red from her earlier embarrassment walked over to the closet and shakily pulled off her clothes and put on what she wore the night before, looking over her shoulder she said, "Nabiki made me a schedule on when I'm supposed to wear certain things."

Yuni just giggled at Ranma's awkwardness, arching a eyebrow she said, "I see that cuff and caller don't match."

Ranma looked over her with a puzzled expression and said, "What do you mean this matches they both are the same color."

Yuni stared in frustration thinking to herself, "These so called friends and family of Ranma's sure have done a number on him. I just hope that I have enough time to help him out, and maybe he will help me also." With a smile she looked at Ranma and said, "Come on get in bed."

Ranma lay in bed with her hands straight at her sides staring up at the ceiling looking up at the reflections of her new friends. Lost in thought she couldn't help but reflect on the events of the past day. "These people actually accept me, they have been nice and supporting, although Yuni is a bit odd. Then there is this weird thing with her aura, she could of sworn that it was smaller than yesterday but it didn't look like it." She felt one of her hands being grasped and pulled . Opening her eyes and turning her head she saw Yuni smiling at her.

Yuni seeing that she now had Ranma's attention pulled herself to where she was practically connected to her. She smiled at her and leaned over to her ear and whispered, "Don't worry so much, you are allowed to relax." With that she kissed Ranma on the cheek and continued, "Tomorrow will be better just relax and go to sleep." With that Yuni closed her eyes and remained slightly embracing Ranma, before falling asleep.

Ranma decided to take Yuni's advice and started to drift into the most restful sleep that she had ever had. The following morning Ranma awoke slowly, at first not noticing the mass of limbs intertwined with her own. With a yawn she started to take stock in her surroundings.

"Lets see, currently in female form, wearing comfortable yet revealing outfit. Other limbs intertwined with my own," at that realization Ranma started to panic. But slowly she remembered the events from the night before. With a sigh of relief, she thought to herself, "Oh its just Yuna and Yuni." Blushing at how close they all were to each other Ranma set herself to the task of escaping so that she could go downstairs and prepare breakfast and practice.

Ranma was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, when Yuni came down and leaned against the counter.

Ranma noticing her friend's arrival, stopped momentarily and said, "You know I had a lot of fun yesterday. It feels good being around people who are real friends and not just using me. For the first time in along while I felt that I wasn't alone."

"Ranma-chan that's how having friends is supposed to feel like. Its just a shame that you never really got much of a chance to enjoy yourself before now."

"Yuni I was wondering something, this house is so big. There is a lot of room here, and I enjoy the company. I don't want to be alone, I already have been for so long." Ranma continued rambling for a minute before she finally regained control of herself. With a heavy blush she said, "I guess what I am asking is that I would like it if you and Yuna stayed here for a while. I mean if you don't want to that's ok. I was just thinking how nice it is when you guys are here." Not hearing a instant reply Ranma turned around and resumed cooking breakfast. Quietly she said, "I understand it is ok, figured that you didn't want to."

Yuni was shocked and thought, "First off Ranma just invited them to come and stay here with her, but then she did a emotional 180 and seemed to crumble before her very eyes." So coming to her decision she walked up to Ranma and enveloped her in a hug from behind. Feeling Ranma tense up from contact she spoke softly into her ear and said, "We would love to stay here. Yuna has taken quite a liking to you and would be thrilled to stay. However I do need to go back every day for a few hours, because they are trying to help me with something. So after breakfast if you don't mind I will go back to the shrine after breakfast to work with the priestesses and gather our things, you could keep an eye on Yuna for me." Feeling Ranma relax and actually lean back into the hug, Yuni slowly released the embrace and gently turned Ranma to face her, where she gave her another gentle hug.

For the next 3 weeks Ranma got into a nice little routine. In the morning Yuni would make breakfast while Ranma meditated on her curse.

Then after Yuni would leave Ranma would practice and Yuna would watch, well for the first day then after that Yuna convinced her mother to allow her to learn with Ranma. Then Ranma would make a picnic lunch and that they would have at the lake, followed by swimming and sun bathing, Ranma had to do this topless though, because she didn't want the tan lines to make her look less manly. Then for dinner Yuni and Ranma would rotate every other day. Dinner was followed by another practice session for Ranma, Yuni and Yuna would just watch. After everyone got cleaned up they would sit down and either watch movies or play a game till it was time to got sleep. As far as sleeping arrangements went Yuna would insist in staying with Ranma. Ranma would ask Yuni to join them, because she just felt more comfortable that way.

Yuni during this time was doing her best to break Ranma of the negative reactions that were so deeply engraved into her. It was slow progress but it was coming along slowly.

It was the end of the third week when Ranma made a breakthrough with the curse. She managed to find the thread of magic that was the curse and also the trigger. After an hour of experimenting she was able to change effortlessly without water and keep her for with out water changing her or him.

The next day Ranma was with Yuna in town shopping, she was wearing tan Capri pants and a black tank top, her sunglasses were on top of her head. Her hair was once again red, because she ran out of dye. They were walking along when all the sudden the wall along side of them exploded. Moving quickly Ranma grabbed Yuna and leapt to the other side of the street. When she heard, "Where the hell am I now" followed by "Ranma this is all your fault", she froze in her tracks. Turning around slowly she saw her rival staring directly at her.

They stood glaring at each other for what seemed like a eternity, when Ranma quietly said, "Yuna see that officer up there go up to him and stay with him until I come get you ok. Now hurry, just run over to him." Looking briefly to make sure she was listened to, she felt a impact on her back and was sent right through the window of the shop she was standing in front of.

Ryouga was pissed, here was his great rival, with some little girl. He was steaming, "That pervert how he dare wear stuff like that walking around like a girl. Akane is all upset and Ranma is just here prancing around without a care in the world." Thinking about the closeness of the little girl and Ranma he felt himself growing even more upset, "Ranma was cheating on Akane with a man. How dare that pervert do that to the sweet and loving Akane." Seeing his rival turn around and say something to the little girl he realized that he had a opening. So pulling his fist back he lunged across the street and hit Ranma with all his might in the small of her back, sending her flying into a shops window. Smirking triumphantly, Ryouga yelled out "Finally I have gotten my revenge."

"Not yet p-chan, that was a little cowardly even for you." Ranma said, as she stood up. Seeing that she had Ryouga's attention she said, "What the hell did I do now!"

Ryouga turned and saw his rival standing up in the ruble looking undamaged, and was starting to get depressed, he had put all his might into that punch. How dare Ranma make a mockery of his skills. With a cry of fury he launched himself towards his rival intent on delivering several blows.

Ranma was ducking and dodging, it seemed effortless, either p-chan was getting slower and weaker, because the blow he had delivered was hardly felt, or she had gotten a lot stronger and tougher. She decided to test it out so, after a quick duck she spun around and delivered a kick. Ranma stood there gaping, the kick had sent Ryouga flying, and from the looks of it he was hurt .

After seeing his rival effortlessly evade his strikes and then deliver a kick that put him into a world of pain he was getting even more depressed. Standing slowly he started to think about all the times he was defeated then of all the things Ranma had that he didn't. He started glowing, a sickly green color, seeing everything that was wrong with his life he let out a whisper, "shi shi hokedan perfect."

Ranma seeing her rival preparing for a mother of a ki blast, started gathering her own ki. But the amount of power Ryouga was radiating, was unmatchable. In a last ditch effort she pulled everything she could including the magic that was within her. Feeling the string of magic acting more like a straw she focused and drew more of it, her body felt like it was on fire, she was in pain. Unable to take anymore she pushed it out with a cry of fury. It was unlike any thing she had done before, instead of going in a blast the energy left in a blue and red beam no wider than a foot, with black lightning shooting though it.

Ryouga watched the energy beam come closer, and started to smirk he won, there was no way that that could cancel out his blast. What happened next, put the fear of god into him. Not only did the beam smash through his blast but it was still coming. With a cry of pain the blast impacted and everything went black.

Ranma stood there panting watching the blast break though the shi shi hokedan and impact Ryouga. At the moment of impact she felt a harmless backlash of male ki and Jusenkyo magic that seemed to dissipate. Walking slowly towards Ryougas fallen body she received a shock, instead of seeing Ryouga, she saw a black haired girl with a average body. Kneeling down to get a closer look. This was Ryouga, the ki signature didn't lie, and the only difference was a lack of male ki. Ranma thought to herself, even in this form I still have male ki. Using her ki to look deeper into Ryouga she saw no traces of his curse. Standing up and barley able to successfully stifle her laughter she thought to herself, "Well at least he won't be able to use his curse anymore. I should feel upset that he can no-longer be a man but he deserved this, putting all these innocents at risk just because he couldn't keep control of his temper." With a sigh, Ranma said, "Well here is something you can blame me for p-chan." With that she turned to see Yuna and the officer walk over to her.

Yuna seeing Ranma turn and look at her rushed forward and delivered a surprisingly bone crushing hug to Ranma. Taking a deep breath she said, "I was so worried that mean man was trying to hurt you, but your so cool. You took the bad man out. Can you teach me to do that, please, pretty please, I promise I will make you proud."

Sighing at her fate, Ranma set her down and said, "I am already teaching you remember. What I just did takes years of hard training."

Hearing a slight cough Ranma turner to face the officer.

"Young lady" the officer started out. Pointing over at the downed body of Ryouga he asked, "Is this the person that attacked you?"

Ranma replied, "Yes it is officer, this is Ryouga Habiki, he used to be a man but some how the blast I used changed him."

The officer sighed, "Well at least I know I wasn't hallucinating, so this is the un-captureable Habiki, I'll get a medal for this."

Ranma looked at the cop questionably, "What do you mean by that. I wasn't aware he did anything illegal."

The cop responded, "Well lets see, destruction of property, assault, battery, all of which he rather she has committed multiple times. Hell there is even a 10 million yen reward for his capture."

"Officer, though I don't doubt that there is one problem, and that is that Ryouga was a man when he did those things."

"Well Mr. Saotome, we at JSDF inelegance know all about Jusenkyo and curses and since we are a government organization we really don't need to bring her to trial. She will be going away for a long time." With that the officer whipped out a form and said, "If you will just sign here we will be making a deposit in your account, then you are free to go."

At that point Ryouga woke up with a soft moan. Struggling to get up he said, "I feel really weird," noticing that instead of his usual masculine voice, a scratchy soprano came out he opened his eyes in a panic. Looking at his chest he saw two mounds of flesh hiding under his shirt with a shriek she felt in-between her legs looking for Mr. winky. With her hand clamping down under her pants and in-between her legs, she realized that there was something missing. With a look of utter horror, she clamped down and at that moment she felt her flesh give away and found two fingers inside herself.

Ranma stood there with Yuna and the officer looking at Ryougas actions and felt a brief wave of pity wash across her before getting into a defensive stance. The action turned out to be unnecessary though because the moment Ryouga got up and charged, the cop struck out with his baton and sent Ryouga flying. At that point something that had been nagging Ranma in the back of his mind clicked. Looking at the heap of flesh that was her rival she called out, "Ryouga when I used that attach on you it sort of caused you to be reborn in a way. You are no longer cursed to turn into your old form, and it kind of obliterated your male form. As a result all your massive ki reserves and strength are gone. The difference between my curse and your new body is that, where I turn into a girl which I would look like if this was the way I was born so my muscles are still there because they would of went though the same training. In your case, your two other forms were obliterated and you were turned into a woman. So since now you are a woman you no longer have the strength or ki that you used to. I can help you a little though I think, but I can't restore your strength, I can however give you a male body." After seeing Ryouga no as the cop cuffed her, Ranma concentrated and sent forth a small beam. With a sigh, Ranma said, "There you will be able to be a man again. However I changed the trigger so that you have to work on yourself mentally to regain a male form. I suggest a lot of meditation and reflection."

Ryouga hearing this became outraged this was all Ranma's fault, he had confessed. She started thrashing trying to break out of the officers grasp, but it was in vain she no longer had the strength. Her eyes started to tear up and she said, "Ranma I will get you, I will have my revenge, you will die for doing this to me." With that said she started to break down into tears.

-------------- Later that evening ------------

Later that night after seeing Yuna off to bed Ranma sat outside next to Yuni, with a sigh she said, "Yuni I think I did something wrong to day."

Hearing the sad softness in her friend's voice she took the smaller girl on her lap an hugged her, running her hand across Ranma's back in a soothing motion she said, "You have nothing to feel sorry for. What he did was wrong, he has hurt a lot of people really bad. He got what he dissevered. Besides you said earlier that if she ever manages to gain mental happiness she will be able to become a man again."

Ranma replied softly, "I know but all of the sudden I feel really bad for doing that to him, I know I shouldn't feel that bad but I do."

"That's what makes you such a good person, you care. I hope you always stay that way, but you have to realize that the only way you can get out of the mess you are in is if you remain objective. Besides the people in your life in Nerima deserve what you do to them. Before you go home I would pay visits to Mr. Tendo, that kuno boy, and Mousse. I would do the same thing to them that you did to Ryouga. But don't let them see you."

"What good would that possibly do," Ranma asked.

"Well first off when you go back home in a month, if you pretend to be stuck in your girl form you won't risk having to marry any one. With the Amazon boy you never know if there is some law forcing him to marry you since you constantly defeat him. With the Kuno boy he would be all over you like a hobo on a ham sandwich, so by locking him in a girl's body he will probably leave and search for your male form instead of trying to arrange a marriage with you through your mother, who just seems set on grandchildren no matter the cost to you. The Mr. Tendo because, your parents might try to force you to marry him instead of Akane. Now you have that panda, well if you can change the trigger on his curse to make sure that when ever he gets aroused he shifts into a panda, or if you can a female panda, that way he will never be able to sire a child again. See that takes care of everything. And if the amazons want to pursue that kiss of death, tell them that you can be a friend not an ally, because you really don't like any of them right." Seeing Ranma nod she continued, "Or they can have you as an enemy. I know that you might think it would be wrong for you to do this, but it is the only honorable way out, even if you are slightly dishonest about it."

When Yuni finished speaking Ranma was lost in the taller girls eyes. Thinking to herself, "She is so beautiful, caring, and sneaky too." Lost in the moment, leaning forward Ranma kissed Yuni, who started putting more and more passion into the kiss. Ranma felt the closeness and the passion that was being put forth and immediately jumped back and prostrated herself on the ground. "I'm sorry Yuni-san, please don't hit me I didn't mean to its just you looked so beautiful, the moonlight was coming down outlining your form and I just couldn't think about anything other than how special you are and how much I have grown to love you." The last words that Ranma spoke hit her like a ton of bricks, it was true though, and she did love her. For the past few weeks they had been getting closer to each other, it felt good to have some one to share her problems and her thoughts with. Feeling always accepted, Ranma had been truly happy during the past few weeks and one moment of weakness shattered it all.

Yuni was not really stunned by this revelation, having been in love once before had helped her with the warning signs. Looking at the prostrated girl before he she walked forward and pulled the girl up. It was then that she proceeded to kiss the girl in the most earthshatering kiss she had ever given, instantly stifling the smaller girl's cries of protest. A few minutes later Yuni pulled out of the kiss. She said softly, "Ranma there are a few things that you need to know about me and Yuna."

Ranma broke out of he stupor and replied, "What do I need to know, I love you, and Yuna with all of my heart."

With a smile Yuni said, "Well its kind of complicated, I guess it all started when I met Yuna's father. See he was special, he was a were creature, from a land he called Jade. He had believed that he was the last of his kind. He was raised at a sister temple of the one I currently go to everyday on jade. A priestess performed a disguise spell on him changing his human features so the enemies of his people would not be able to find him easily. After his first transformation though the spell that had altered his appearance broke, so they sent him to this world which is a sister world of Jade. After arriving here he changed his name to Henry Jones(Indy was the dogs name.) after a movie he saw on TV. And started searching for another survivor that was rumored to have escaped. I met him in New York while I was going to school on an exchange program, we went out for four months before I had to return to Japan. He had followed me and I introduced him to my family, lets just say that they were less than pleased. They had arranged a marriage for me, so I could join their families. Unlike you I left with Henry and brought him to this shrine, as luck would have it the shrine was the sister of the one Henry had grown up on. We were married, a few months later then a little after that Yuna was born. After Yuna's birth we all set out to find the other missing werecreture. Then last year when we were getting close we ran into a wererat that killed Henry with silver and managed to cast a spell on me. At first I didn't know about the spell so I spent ten months grieving for Henry and continuing his search. Last month I went to a doctors because I had been feeling really weak and tired, they told me that I was dieing."

Ranma after hearing the last remark felt her heart stop. Holding back tears Ranma softly stammered out, "How long."

Yuni looking at the utter despair radiating off of Ranma said, "Maybe a month if I am lucky. Let me finish though, its very important that I finish telling you this. When I asked them how long they told me a week at most. It was all I could do just trying not to break down then and there. I hurried home and made preparations for my daughter to be finically secure and decided to contact this shrine. They told me that they could possibly help so I packed up and took Yuna here. The night I got here after Yuna went to sleep I was brought before the head priestess, where she cast a spell on me to slow my deteriorating health. That's why I have to go there every morning because the spell is constantly being overwhelmed. That's why I am so tired all the time, other than that I don't feel any pain but sometimes I get a little nauseous. When I first met you I saw something special about you, I was so happy to see you on that first day by the lake. Since then I have watched my feelings for you grow, and seen you and Yuna become practically unseperatable. I have a favor to ask of you, see originally I was going to leave her here to grow up at the shrine because they would be able to help her when she went through her first Transformation. Now though would like you to raise her as your own. I know that you can keep her safe, I wouldn't be able to find a better guardian. You are strong and honorable, with the biggest heart I have ever seen. But before you answer you need to know what type of werecreature she is."

Ranma felt like her heart was being ripped to shreds, here was a woman that she loved, and she was dieing. She started talking the sadness evident in her voice, "Yuni it would be a great honor for me to take Yuna and care for her. I love her like a sister, I will do my best to raise her properly. She will come to no physical harm as long as I still draw breath. I will do my best and always try to bring honor to your memory. To me it doesn't matter what she turns into she will always be Yuna to me."

Yuni smiled, she said, "I know that." Walking up to Ranma and taking her into a deep kiss, with her hands slowly sinking lower down the girls backside till they reached the girls smooth firm butt. Pulling away so that she could speak she said, "Tomorrow I want you to come with me to the shrine. They have a way for you to control the nekoken, because if you are going to raise her you cannot be burdened with the fear anymore."

"You mean there is a way to control the nekoken, wait if I need to learn control of it. That means Yuna turns into a giant ccccaaat." After saying this Ranma started shaking.

Yuni seeing this sighed and said, "Yes, more specifically she is a werecheetah. I would of told you sooner of this but what you were doing with your curse was far too important for you to put it on the side. Now though you have control, and are strong enough to finish learning the technique."

"What do you mean finish I already know the technique. I learned it when I was six."

"Well about sixty years ago on jade someone who was taught the technique was found after two years they came up with a result to repair the trauma that's gets inflicted upon learning the technique. It takes about a hour, it involves being put in a magic trance where you are forced to confront it. You would be temporarily paralyzed, so that you can't run away. Unfortunately you would have to relive the training, the only change is that since, its mental you will be able to draw strength from your memories. But only positive memories will help. If you decide to do this I will be at your side along with Yuna. You won't have to do this alone."

Ranma was scared for the first time in a long while, but if he wanted to take care of Yuna this was necessary. With a sudden burst of confidence he said, "For you and Yuna I would move mountains, hell I already have twice."

After hearing Ranma say that she lunged forward, and practically tore off her clothes. Ranma was about to shift forms when Yuni spoke in an Yoda-like vioce, "No. change later take you now must I."

Ranma was terrified for a moment, when she was told not to change into a male she almost protested. That is until the sensations started to send shivers of ecstasy up her spine. So taking one hand and gently cradling Yuni's head, while Yuni was performing magic between her legs Ranma was forced to bite down on her other hand in order to stifle her cries of passion.

Some people might be out of character, there might be plot holes, there might be incorrect grammar, let me know, first time I wrote something in a long time. Oh I also have changed his story a little.