-1Once Upon a Hogwarts – Chapter Twenty-Eight

By Lily in a Pond

Disclaimer: Me no ownie HP.


Mandy was floating in a wide expanse of nothing but white, her body slightly tilted to the left. The silence that surrounded her was eerie and supernatural. As Mandy opened her eyes, she couldn't help but feel frightened at this new environment.

"Where am I?" she wondered out loud.

"You're at the gateway to Heaven," a disembodied male voice suddenly said, sending shivers down Mandy's spine.


"Madison Elizabeth Brocklehurst. Age seventeen. Died protecting Harry James Potter from the Killing Curse," the voice said, sounding like it was reciting from a list. "Golden blonde hair, cerulean blue eyes, five feet eight inches. No living relations but Angela Joanne Hornett-Brocklehurst, age thirty-nine; Melody Rebecca Brocklehurst, age fourteen; and Matthew Witham Brocklehurst, age ten."

Mandy was shocked that this person knew so much things about her that she kept secret. No one at Hogwarts knew her full name…they didn't even know what her real first name was! And definitely no one knew that she only had three relatives, two by blood and the other by marriage, still living out of the twenty-something members of the main branch of the Brocklehurst family. Mandy also vaguely remembered telling Blaise she was sixteen, not seventeen.

"How do you know all this about me?"

"I am the Gatekeeper. I know everything."

Mandy bit her tongue and tried to keep herself from throwing a temper tantrum at the so-called Gatekeeper. "So, you're the Gatekeeper, eh? Are you supposed to give me this complicated test or something to see if I can go to Heaven?"

"Contrary to popular belief, the Gatekeepers of Heaven don't do that. Anymore," the voice added as an afterthought. "Only when Corona and the Gatekeepers disagree on people's fates do we make up a test. She and I have wholeheartedly agreed that you should go to Heaven, because anyone who willingly jumps in front of someone else to take a Killing Curse for them is a person Heaven needs. Oh, and by the way…"

A small white business card fluttered into Mandy's hand. She peered at it inquisitively. "Corona Time's Millennium Co.?" she asked skeptically. "Is that really a legitimate corporation?"

"Well, now that Corona's taken over, yeah," the voice answered. "She's made everything into a commercial world. Even me…I'm getting paid quite a sum for being a Gatekeeper to Heaven."

Mandy raised her eyebrows. "Alright."

"Anyway, welcome to Heaven, enjoy your stay, make sure to float around dementedly and experience the time of your life, blah blah blah," the Gatekeeper droned, sounding bored. "If you wish to contact me, just go into the Pacifier and Outlandish Ocean and yell 'William Henry Bradley, you stinkin' pirate!' and I'll be there faster than the speed of light."

"Wait……" Mandy said slowly, as golden gates appeared out of nowhere and shimmered invitingly.

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

"Yes!" Mandy yelled over the swelling violin and harp music. "I don't want to go to Heaven!"

The music died down. The doors stopped glittering.

"…………Well, that's a problem," the voice said slowly.



It was as if the entire world had paused, with everyone and everything at a standstill. The beam of green light flew in slow motion towards Voldemort, and a triumphant, slightly maniacal grin slowly appeared on Harry's face.

Hermione's eyes slowly filled with hope as she watched the jet of light travel across the sky. Ginny's face was a mixture of disbelief and happiness. Draco's mouth was slightly open; he was openly gaping at the light as it neared Voldemort. And Ron had a look of pure ecstasy as he watched the light penetrate Voldemort's body.

Harry broke out into a full smirk when the light hit Voldemort straight in the chest and he screamed with agony.

It was finally over, Harry thought, his mind reeling. It was finally over. Over!

Hermione and Ron rushed to Harry's side when he collapsed suddenly. Turning him over on his back, they saw a fragment of a smile rested on Harry's peaceful face.

"Over…it's over," he was mumbling.

"Move it!" Ginny shrieked, pushing through a horde of Aurors. She threw herself on Harry's seemingly lifeless body. "Harry!"

"He's alive, but very weak. He's fine," Hermione told her reassuringly. Ginny glared at her as she removed her hands from Harry's chest and muttered a spell.

"His heartbeat is slower than usual, his energy supply is drained, his magic source had been tapped into so much there is barely any left, and he's suffering from external injuries. Other than that, he's perfectly fine!" she choked out, the tears threatening to spill out. Ron looked at her questioningly.

"Gin - ?"

Ginny sniffed. "I thought he had died! I thought I would never see him again or never talk to him again or - "

"I thought I'd lost him forever," she finished quietly.

Ron put an arm around Ginny's shoulders comfortingly. "Come on, let's take him back to the castle to Madam Pomfrey. He's going to need a lot of rest to recover from this one."

Ginny nodded, the tears finally spilling out. Blowing her nose on a handkerchief Hermione handed her, she then straightened up and muttered a spell, levitating Harry on a stretcher behind her.

"Are you two coming?"

Ron obediently followed her, but Hermione hesitated.

"I'm going to stay here. There's something I need to do."

Ginny and Ron nodded, understanding. Then they, and the stretcher, disappeared into the woods.

Hermione smiled sadly at the woods and then made her way to the group of Hogwarts students, panting on the ground, wearing looks of disbelief and shock. One in particular interested her.

"Draco," Hermione said quietly. Draco looked up and smiled when he saw Hermione.

"I thought you had been finished off by some Death Eater," he breathed, standing up and taking her hand.

"I thought you had been finished off by some Death Eater," she replied. They chuckled. Then Hermione swallowed and gripped Draco's hand tightly.

"I've been meaning to tell you this for many years. I was always so afraid, afraid that things wouldn't work out or you would reject me. And even when I had an opportunity to say so, I backed out, always saying there would be a better time. But there isn't a better time. It's now or never."

"It was always me," Hermione began, averting her eyes from Draco's piercing gray orbs. "It was me you danced with the Yule Ball. It was me you kissed at the Yule Ball. It was me who tasted the same flavor as you with Luna's carrot. It was me who left the book in the Great Hall. It was me who asked your Magic 8 Ball if you loved me. It was me who snuck looks at you every time you went into the library. It was me who first discovered our friends were plotting to get you and I together. It was me who sent Daphne Greengrass to the Hospital Wing because I made a bookshelf collapse on her out of. It was me who would look over to the Slytherin table every night and wish I could be there next to you. It was me who extremely enjoyed that kiss on the Astronomy Tower that night. And...it was me who looked at you every single day, and realized that fairy tales are possible. But……it was me who hid in the shadows and never poured my heart out to you. It was me who you exchanged verbal assaults every year. It was me who kept my feelings hidden all these years. And………it was me who you hated," she whispered. Then she straightened up again and looked in Draco's stormy grey eyes determinedly.

"But, all along, it was me who loved you for who you truly were. I really love you, Draco, I really do."

Hermione sighed quietly. "I understand if you never want to see me again." She tried to look into his eyes, but Draco had looked away. "I…I…hope things work out for you." Hermione began walking towards the castle, brushing away a solitary tear that had escaped from her eyes. So this is what heartbreak feels like, she thought bitterly. Walking away, but no one is there behind you.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm. "Wait."

Hermione turned around, her eyes filled with hope as she stared back at Draco.

"Er…" he said, suddenly feeling shy. "I don't have a great speech like yours, but…..I can do something that means...that might…express my…feelings."

And so, he leaned down and kissed Hermione, a kiss filled with longing, hope, passion, and most importantly, love.


"What do you mean, you don't want to go to Heaven?"

Mandy looked down and whispered, "I just don't want to. I have - I had - a life down there. I…….I can't just abandon it!"

"But everyone wants to go to Heaven," the Gatekeeper said, sounding perturbed.

"Not me. My friends are there. My family is there."

"If it's your family that you want, you can have it. All of them, all of the Brocklehursts that died in the fire are here." Mandy looked startled. "You can be reunited with them," the Gatekeeper continued. "You can have that big family that you've always dreamed of." Mandy's now stony face held no expression, and the Gatekeeper sighed. "Perhaps it's better if I show you."

Mandy looked confused for a moment. Then, the nothingness changed. It slowly altered into the shape of what used to be Brocklehurst Manor, in all its previous glory. A blond man wearing deep green robes opened the door, and suddenly, Mandy was sucked through into the house and Mandy's memories of her childhood came rushing back at her in that instant.

Victoria. "Mandy, do you like the new toy I bought for you? It's your favorite, a falcon!"

Frank. "Go! Go! Go! You can do it! Just a few more steps!"

Alanna. "What will it be today, Mandy? Mashed up strawberries or bananas?"

Ben. "When you're older, I'll take you to Hogwarts with me. It'll be the best experience of your life."

Isabelle. "I'm so sorry I can't play with you today, Mandy, but you know my job at the Ministry; it's so demanding. I promise I'll be there tomorrow."

James. "Always and forever. That's how much I'll love you."

Beatrice. "The sun won't shine forever. But let's make the most out of our time together, Mandy!"

Geoffrey. "Good and bad have to be balanced in this world, Mandy. Remember that."

Catalina. "Limited time, Mandy. Everyone's time will eventually run out. But the love that burns between you and I will never end."

Helena. "No matter what you do, Mandy, know that your father and I will always be with you all the way, right here in your heart."

Edward. "Wherever you go, whatever you do, remember that the love and the magic will guide you."

Mandy stumbled backwards and tripped when her father's face flew right up to her face. "Come to Heaven, Mandy. Come to your family. Come...to your past."


"So how exactly did you guys move from hating each other to being in love?" Pansy asked, chewing on a Licorice Wand. She, Draco, Hermione, Ron, Anthony, Theo, Morag, and Blaise were in the Slytherin Common Room, devouring the supply of sweets hidden behind a portrait.

Hermione smiled. "Love takes time to grow, and see, the theory that Draco and I've worked out - "

" - You came up with a theory for love?" Anthony asked in disbelief.

Hermione shrugged. "Well, we are a species of semi-intelligent creatures. Anyway, we decided that technically, we've actually loved each other for three years, although Draco didn't exactly know it was me he loved. So in theoretical terms, we've loved each other for quite a while.

"But there's still one question left to be answered," Draco added. "…Why did it feel like the entire student body and staff was trying to get Hermione and I together?"

Theo coughed. "Well…that's what we were trying - "

"SHUT UP, THEO!" The others screamed, jumping up.

"Don't mind him, he's a little deranged after the battle - " Morag started, thumping a hand rather painfully down on Theo's shoulder.

" - Yes, he's quite disturbed in the head now - " Pansy nervously giggled.

" - Quite disturbed, quite disturbed. He doesn't even have an idea of what he's saying, poor chap - " Blaise slammed his hand down on Theo's other shoulder.

" - He should really go to the Hospital Wing - mental," Ron finished, twirling his finger around in a circle. "Pay no attention to his words, because they are so wrong! Yes, Theo. They. Are. So. Wrong."

"We already know about your little plan to matchmake Hermione and I, you thick-headed buffoons," Draco smirked. The others collapsed comically.

"H-h-how?" Pansy asked nervously. She had thought their secrecy was impenetrable!

"Ginny accidentally told me about a week ago," Hermione replied nonchalantly. "She also mentioned someone named……Theodore Edmund Nott, but I'm willing to forgive and forget. Oh, speaking of which, I think we should visit Ginny in the Hospital wing again; lend her some assistance."

"Hermione, the last time we went there, which I remind you was only ten minutes ago, she gave me, Anthony, and Morag black eyes, and threw us out a moment later," Ron stated, tapping his darkened eye.

Hermione huffed. "Well, you can't blame the girl for being a little frazzled. The love of her life is hanging on the verge of death!" she finished theatrically.

"Actually, he's recovered a bit," Morag spoke up. "He didn't have that many injuries, and the largest problem is that he drained nearly all his magic, so he just needs a lot of rest."

"I tell you, the one time I try to make it dramatic, you of all people have to step in and be the infuriating know-it-all!" Hermione said angrily, stamping her foot at Morag.

Morag shrugged. "Well, somebody has to play the part."

"Anyway," Ron cut in, changing the subject. "Does anyone really know who that Ravenclaw girl was? The one that made the potion? She was cute..."

"Ooh, don't let Lavender hear you saying that!" Hermione giggled.

Ron scowled. "I meant she was cute in a kiddie way. Lavender is...she's...my words aren't even close to worthy for her," Ron breathed. Seeing everyone in the room staring at him, bug-eyed, he abruptly changed the subject. "So, who was she?"

"Well, I know she's close with Mandy," Pansy began.

" - Speaking of Mandy," Blaise cut in calmly. "WHERE IS SHE?" he bellowed, showering Pansy with spittle.

"I think she had some injuries, but I can't remember because I saw her use the Imitation Charm so many times, it was as if Mandy was everywhere," Pansy said, wiping off her face with her robes. "Your best bet is in the Hospital Wing, though."

"But we didn't see her when we went there a few minutes ago," Anthony contradicted. "So, where is she?"

A worried look appeared on Blaise's face. "This is not good," he mumbled before getting up from his chair and walking swiftly towards the portrait.

"We should follow him," Theo said. "Blaise is almost never worried, but when he is, bad things happen."


"What the hell are you doing in here? Again!" Ginny screamed, attempting to push the group out. "Get out!"

Ron avoided a punch to the head, and ducked when Ginny tried to hit him in the shoulder. "Come on, Gin! Just let us stay for - WHOA! That was uncalled for! If you still want to be an aunt, you better stay away from that area!"

"I have enough brothers who are married to be an aunt easily! Get out! You're disturbing my patients!"

Pansy looked at Anthony and raised an eyebrow. "We're disturbing her patients?"

"Ginny! Calm down!" Hermione said, placing a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "Look, I know this is probably the most hectic place, what with all the patients and healing you and Madam Pomfrey have to do, but have you seen Blaise Zabini come in here?"

Ginny nodded, a little bit more in control now that she was surrounded by a person known for rationality. "He went in there, where Mandy is," she told them, pointing to a curtained-off area.

"Thanks," said Hermione. As she and the group turned to go, Ginny jumped in front of them.

"Hold it! Considering that area is strictly off-limits to students, not to mention the fact that I don't like you lot, only two people may enter at the same time," Ginny said matter-of-factly.

They looked at each other. "Well, I guess I'll go, since I'm her best friend," Pansy decided. She went to join Blaise in the enclosed area.

"The rest of you…" Ginny started, placing a hand on her chin and pretending to think. "Hmm, let me see……I don't really know……ahem, GET OUT!"

As the others turned to trudge, defeated, out of the Hospital Wing, Morag asked, "Just out of curiosity - "

"You are too curious for your good, MacDougal!" Ginny yelled, throwing a bedpan at him. "Out!"

Ron poked his head back in as Morag hurriedly exited. "Hey, d'you have any spare sweets that people have sent to the patients?"

Ginny twitched. Then her neck slowly swiveled around and she fixed Ron with a patented Weasley glare. "Ronald………I really think you should go."

Making a very wise decision, Ron proceeded to run for his life.


"What will it be, Mandy? Heaven? Or Earth?"

Heaven or earth? Heaven or earth? Heaven or earth? The words resonated in Mandy's, echoing deep into the hidden caverns. Heaven, where the family she had lost so early was. Or Earth, where her friends and her life were.

Heaven, where she had her sisters and brothers and cousins and other relatives…

Earth, where she had Pansy.

Heaven, where she had Alanna, possibly the best older sister a girl could have.

Earth, where she had Blaise.

Heaven, where her father was.

Earth, where her life was.

Heaven or earth?

Mandy took a deep breath. Heaven was the right choice, she reassured herself. You would be forever happy in Heaven, you can have anything you want, and most importantly, the big family you've always wanted would be always be there.

"Yes…that's the place I want to be," she whispered, voicing her thoughts out loud. "Heaven…that's the place I want to be."

"Is that your final answer?" The Gatekeeper asked. Mandy looked up, and the golden gates glittered invitingly to her. It was the right choice, she repeated to herself.

But why did it feel so wrong?


Draco, Ron, and Hermione were back in the Slytherin Common Room. Pansy and Blaise were still in the Hospital Wing, and Morag and Theo had excused themselves, pleading an overload of homework. Anthony had been accosted by a group of Ravenclaw sixth year boys demanding his presence at their card game and had left shortly after their trip to the Hospital Wing.

So now, it was just Draco and Hermione.

And Ron.

Ron, Hermione fumed silently, smoke emitting from her ears. Why couldn't he take a hint and leave them alone?

Stupid weasel, thought Draco angrily. If there was ever a person as dense as him, the world would collapse with the mere thought that it had created two schmucks of that intelligence.

This was such an exciting day, Ron thought, oblivious to the death glares both were sending him.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" he commented cheerily, snagging a Chocolate Frog and biting into it enthusiastically. Hermione and Draco, sitting opposite Ron, sighed in unison.

"Sure," Hermione offered insouciantly, shifting impatiently in her seat. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," he muttered. "I'm going down to the Great Hall for some breakfast. Are you coming, Hermione?" he asked, hoping Ron would understand and leave him and Hermione alone.

Unfortunately, Ron was quite dense in this matter. "I'll come with you. I'm starving!" he said, rubbing his stomach. Hermione and Draco sighed again, and regretfully got up.

"Alright……let's go."

As the portrait hole closed behind them, Theo and Morag descended from the stairs.

"You seriously think she's going to accept?" Morag asked skeptically. Theo nodded.

"It's got a one hundred percent chance of succeeding."

"Really," Morag said, looking impressed. "Well, I suppose with those odds, I'll do it. After all, it's not that nerve-racking anyways. All I have to do is to ask her one simple little question. One simple little question," he repeated, half to himself.

Theo noticed the scrunching of his friend's eyebrows, a sign that he was under pressure and stressed, and patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Come on, Morag, you've conquered Death Eaters and your parents. Conquering romance is going to be a pickle."

"I would rather face a thousand Death Eaters, plus my parents to the nth power, than go through with this," Morag replied solemnly.

"I really don't see why it's so hard to do this," Theo commented as they headed towards the portrait hole. "I mean, asking Parvati was a snap! No nerves, no fear, no anything, Just calm, casual, and collected."

"What'd she say?"

"Yes, naturally," Theo replied smugly. "How could you say no to a dashingly handsome face like this, a grappling brain filled with devious intelligence, a bad boy slash sarcastic comedian attitude, and this smoking' body?"

Morag looked him over. "Well, I would. Your arrogance is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg…"

"Did you say something?" Theo asked, tearing his eyes away from his sparkling image reflected from one of the statues of armor. Morag sighed, and pulled Theo away from the armor and in the general direction of the library.

"Come on, Narcissus, let's go to the library. We've got tons of homework to catch up on."

Theo wrestled himself free from Morag's grip. "Oh, yes, I'm sure all our teachers won't be lenient on us even though we've fought Death Eaters, ridded the magical community of all general evil, and contributed directly to one of the greatest rise and falls of the twenty-first century," Theo replied sarcastically. "Yes, at a time like this, homework is the greatest priority."

Morag frowned. "Well, I'm going there anyway. I'm getting a book for Luna."

Theo smirked. "Well, take the opportunity fate has given you. Slip a note into the book, she's bound to find it."

"Cheesy idea, not to mention overused," Morag called. He was halfway down the winding hall by now. "I'm just going to ask her……………tomorrow."

"Good luck with that," Theo sniggered. He spotted a familiar looking girl, and waved a quick goodbye to Morag. "Oi, Padma! Where's your sister? I want to talk with her."


Mandy looked between the images of her family and to the blurry picture of Pansy and Blaise that had appeared in the whiteness a moment ago. They were sitting around a bed, but the rest was too obscure for Mandy to see, even with her sharp eyesight. The whiteness was blinding as she squinted and tried to decipher why they looked so worried.

"So is that your choice? Heaven?"

Mandy gasped as the whiteness cleared around the image and she saw herself in a hospital bed, with tubes and contraptions of all sorts being prodded into her. She saw Madam Pomfrey standing off to the side, mixing together a potion feverishly. Mandy peered closer and saw Pansy's face etched with lines as she clutched the lifeless Mandy's hand. A pale, peaky Blaise held the other one. Mandy watched, captivated, as Blaise bit his lip so hard blood spilled out.

"Heaven it is, then," the voice said, taking her silence as a confirmation.

The picture suddenly became blurrier and Mandy saw Madam Pomfrey shaking her head while leaning over Mandy's body. The word 'she's gone' were read from the woman's lips, and Mandy choked back a sob. Was she really dead?

Then, to her horror, she felt a strong force pulling her back towards the golden gates. Mandy kicked and flung her body in all direction in desperation, but nothing worked. The image of Blaise and Pansy grew fainter and fainter, and suddenly, Mandy knew where she wanted to be. But was it too late?

No! she shrieked in her head. I will never let go of them!

Fighting back tears, she screamed with all her might, "NO!"

The force abruptly stopped.

"No," Mandy repeated. "I'm sorry for changing my mind again, but……the people below……they're the ones I want to be with. I'm sorry, Father and Mother and Alanna and Ben, but the Brocklehursts are my past. Blaise and Pansy…….they're my future."

There was silence for a moment. And then, the whiteness seemed to explode as the world around Mandy spun wildly.

"You have chosen well, Mandy Brocklehurst," came another disembodied voice, this one female. "The future is always essential for time to continue."

As she raced through colors and sounds and tastes and feelings, the voice continued. "The game of Heaven is one with few good decisions and extremely high stakes. You, who have never made wise decisions in your life before, have just started the first part of maturity. Only when a person can do what their heart tells them………is when a person is truly a being. I congratulate you."

Looking around her at the whizzing sights, Mandy whispered, hoarsely, "Who are you? Another Gatekeeper?"

The voice laughed, a soft, tinkling sound. "My title is not of importance. You may simply remember me as……Corona Time."

"Corona Time," Mandy repeated, and the voice whispered one more thing before it disappeared.

"Mandy………choose wisely……your adventures are only beginning."

Mandy didn't know what meant, but she didn't care. The image of Blaise and Pansy were becoming clearer and clearer as she sped faster and faster through the feelings of the senses. And then, with a massive jolt, she returned to her body.


Mandy groggily opened her eyes. It was nighttime at Hogwarts, and the room was dimly lit. Pansy was gone, a bouquet of flowers left in her chair. Blaise was still there, clutching onto Mandy's limp hand. He seemed to be asleep, but he was awake in a flash once he felt the life rush back into Mandy's hand.

"Mandy?" he whispered, hardly daring to believe it. If she was alive, it was a medical miracle. Madam Pomfrey and the doctor from St. Mungo's had pronounced her dead with sober certainty.

Mandy opened her eyes a notch more. The fuzzy image of Blaise cleared more, and she could see his handsome features strikingly defined with the lines of worry on his face. It could've been a trick of the light, but it looked like there were tear streaks down his cheeks.

"…Mandy?" Blaise whispered again. Mandy blinked slowly, a grin forming on her face.

"Blaise……..you……you're my future."

Blaise looked bewildered, but he quickly recovered and swept Mandy into a bone-crushing hug. "Mandy," he breathed in her hair. "I thought...I thought you were gone."

As Mandy felt the hospital room spin around her and felt the familiar feeling of drifting into unconsciousness, she looked up and whispered,

"Thank you."


A/N - Geez, this whole chapter was all Mandy-Mandy-Mandy, I think I'm not going to write the sequel after all, because that's mainly centered around an older Mandy.

Some slight DMHG in this chapter, along with a side serving of Harry/Ginny. Also, some cute tidbits like Morag/Luna, Theo/Parvati, Ron/Jenna Marie/Lavender, and more snuck in!

And just as a reminder, my Horcrux Chart (according to this story):

-Tom Riddle's diary: destroyed by Harry Potter

-Marvolo-dude's ring: destroyed by Albus Dumbledore

-Ravenclaw's Hourglass: destroyed by Mandy Brocklehurst (there she is again! Spotlight-stealer...seriously, I think I made her too important for this story...)

-Hufflepuff's Cup: accidentally destroyed by Justin Finch-Fletchey and Ernie Macmillan


-Slytherin's locket: destroyed by Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger

Thanks to my reviewers!

- Lily in a Pond