M'kay... I don't own any of the characters... but I own the plot.
Whatever. Here it is.
Demyx sighed. It was mid-afternoon, and the day was drawing to a close. He had the entire week off and this was the last day. And so he sat. Bored out of his mind.
Most of the other Organization members were doing thier own thing: Vexen conducting experiments, Luxord competing in the World Poker Tour, Zexion... being Zexion.
Demyx's sitar was taken by Xigbar due to his attempt to break the world record of sitar-playing for over 56 hours straight. He couldn't practice now.
And so he sat... bored.
He thought of many things to do. Or, at least he tried.
"Hey, didn't we get a few cake mixtures from Twilight Town not too long ago?" he asked himself. He stood up and smiled at this idea.
Demyx, the Overly-Melodious and Childish Nocturne, was going to bake a cake.
He ran down to the lower level, almost falling twice as he jumped every few stairs. Demyx then came to the kitchen and skipped girlishly over to the pantry. "Let's see... Chocolate Volcano, Vanilla Vortex, ah! Here we go... Super-duper triple decker sugar rush marble mix."
He took the box out and scanned the directions, often skipping whole paragraphs.
5. Heat the oven to 400 degrees and place the cake inside.
He stopped and stared at the word "Heat". Well now, he thought. Heat means fire, and I know just the person who can handle fire.
He set the box down on the counter and ran back upstairs. He knocked continuously on Axel's door, calling his name and weird made-up nicknames as he did so.
"Axel! Pyroboy! Dude-who-dyed-his-hair-with-tomato-sauce! Axey! Please answer the-"
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" An enraged Axel stood in the doorway, giving Demyx a furious look.
"You know about heat, right?"
"And heat means fire, right?"
"And fire means you, right?"
"Demyx! Tell me what you want!" Axel's rage was starting to build up now, but the waterboy could clearly not comprehend this.
"I want you to help me bake a cake!" Demyx said, hoping for a positive answer. "Are you kidding? No. Absolutely not." Axel turned around and was about to shut the door.
"Aw... well then..." Demyx got a crazy looking grin. "I guess I'll have to sing"
Axel turned around and started to twitch.
Oh no, he thought. He's going to sing that song. That awful song. That horrible song of persuasion!
Demyx took a deep breath, and burst out singing.
"You are my sunshine! My only sunshine! You make me happiee-"
Axel covered Demyx's mouth. "Ok, I'll help you! Just don't sing that song EVERagain!"
Demyx jumped up and down in joy. "Alrighty!"
The pair went downstairs, with Axel having the knowledge that chaos would most definately ensue.
Reviews, please?