FINALLY chapter five of Demyx Bakes a cake, I present to you! Please, read and review. Grateful, I will be if you do. So go ahead, read right on through!

You could call it intimidating. You could call it an instrument. You might even call it a monster.

It was the castle's oven.

This oven was the biggest and most frightening that any of the worlds have ever seen, it even had to have it's own room! And Demyx had every right to be scared of it too.

Axel had just finished mixing all the ingredients together and was trying to get Demyx to go into the room with the oven, but he was failing of course.

"Demyx, come," Axel asked as politely as he could.

"No." Demyx simply said.



"I'll let you sing the sunshine song..."

As soon as Axel said this, he began to regret it. But not for long.

"Nada," Demyx shook his head slowly as he said this.

"Just listen to-"


Demyx ran away and into the corner, curling up into a tiny ball and appearing to look like a helpless, cowardly child. Axel sighed in an exasperated fashion. "Demyx, why are you scared of the oven?"

Demyx looked up at Axel with the biggest and saddest puppy eyes that anyone could have. Axel quickly looked away and said, "That's not gonna work on me. You know that."

"Then why did you look away?" Demyx asked.

Axel slightly turned his gaze towards Demyx. He stood in the same position for quite a while, before crossing his arms and re-asking the question.

Demyx was put out of the chibi-mode and curled up tighter while answering. "'Cause it's big..."

Axel had a strangely blank look on his face. "That's no reason to be scared of it."

"But It's HUGE!"

"It's just an oven."

"A very big oven! and I don't like it!"

Demyx got up and attempted to run out of the kitchen, but slipped on an egg yolk from the previous incident and fell into a helpless heap on the floor. "Owie..."

Axel walked over and pulled him up, but kept a firm grip on his arm. "Now come before anyone sees this place."

"No! I... don't... wanna!!!" Demyx whined while trying to pull himself out of Axel's grasp.

As you could already tell, Demyx is terribly afraid of the oven. But exactly why is he so terrified? Let's find out.

Flashback - 9 months ago

Demyx was tied down to a sinister looking stretcher, and was slowly being wheeled head first into the over by Larxene. She was grinning madly and giggling uncontrollably while poor Demyx had a look of sheer terror upon his face.

"You see, this has a double use," Larxene started.

"Please don't do it! Stop! Nooo!!!" Demyx screeched.

Larxene ignored his pitiful begging and went on.

"This would probably have to be my favorite toy of all. Would you like to find out why? Then let me show you!"

"B-but I'll be burnt to a crisp!" Demyx stuttered.

"No you won't. You'll be all chopped up!"

Larxene pressed a button against the side of the oven and smiled at the sound of metal scraping together. The interior of the oven was now covered with knives, moving rapidly back and forth.

Demyx's jaw dropped. He screamed and struggled to get out of the stretcher but he was bound too tightly to it. The top of his hair was now inside the killer oven, and it began to shorten since the knives were moving in a scissor-like motion. He tilted his head up, and by that he proceeded to diagonoly chop off the front part of his hair, leaving what looked like half of the square root symbol. Demyx whined and struggled even more.

The room door suddenly opened and Roxas waltzed in.

"Hey Larx, have you seen - OH MY GOD!!!"

Roxas ran over to Larxene and shoved her from Demyx, pulling the stretcher back. He quickly untied Demyx and the sitar player sprung from the stretcher.

Larxene practically had steam emerging from her ears. "Why!?!! I Wanted to be rid of him FOREVER!!!"

"Well you can't be rid of him! He's one of us, you know! Besides, after you 'accidently' pushed someone off of Memory's Skyscraper, Xemnas still blamed that loss on you and told you not to do anything like that again!" Roxas argued.

"But this would have been an exception."

"No exceptions!"

"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do! I'm XII and you're XIII!"

Roxas summoned Oathkeeper and threw it, aiming for Larxene's head. It connected, and she was knocked out.

"Thank you!" Demyx said.

"No problem," Roxas said proudly.

Demyx ran a hand through his hair and then felt the uneven surface. He quickly drew his hand back. "GAH! The 'do! She ruined the 'do!"

Roxas shrugged. "So what? It could have been worse."

Demyx put on his goofy grin and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it really could have been worse. I could have ended up bald!"

"Uh... not exactly what I was going for, but I think you understand," Roxas said.

"Yep. Thanks again Roxas!"

Demyx summoned a portal and disappeared in it.

Present day

Demyx's lower eyelid twitched as he recalled the awful event.

Axel was now behind Demyx, pushing him with all his might.

"Demyx. Just. GO."

"No!" Demyx shouted, but he was pushed in anyway. Before he could make a mad run for the door, Axel closed and locked it. They were now in the oven room.

Cliffhanger, I leave you at. Hahaha.

(Ok was that chapter short? It seems so to me. O well. R&R!)