This is actually part of a story that we started writing but never posted but I'm posting it now. I do have an outline for it and I know where it is going for the most part and Senshi will help with it as much as her time allows.
On another note, all of you Sailor Moon, Harry Potter and W.i.t.c.h. fans check out my profile for the link of a kickass story called Harry Potter and the Collided Worlds for Sokai. Click it, read it and review it or I will have to kick your asses.
Disclaimer: We own nothin', not a damn thing. Pity, huh?
Wake Me Up Inside
Co written and edited by Senshi of Valis
Usagi sighed, refusing to cry as she pulled her black arm band back into place on her left wrist to cover the scabbing of recent cuts, the scars of old ones and the growing red line of the three newest cuts. She was growing to hate her life more and more as every one around her constantly belittled her, treated her like crap and more or less made her life miserable.
Sure she acted like her old bubbly and cheerful self whenever anyone was around though she knew it never reached her eyes which were proof just how much everyone cared. After all if they truly did love her they would have noticed wouldn't they? They would have helped her, saved her from herself and the dark abyss that she was falling deeper and deeper into.
Her so called senshi, the people who she once thought were her best friends and almost like sisters, have been acting more and more cold to her as Usagi failed more tests, became later to school, meetings and battles against youmas. They constantly told her how worthless and undependable she was. They even said how they wished she wasn't their princess on more than one occasion. It hurt all the more when even Luna had said it.
Mamoru, her destined soul mate and the love of her life had even started treating her worse than ever. He didn't hit her or tell her how pathetic she was. He didn't have to; she could see the disgust in his eyes as he shut her out telling her that he no longer wanted anything to do with her.
It didn't even stop there though, her own family had always been somewhat mean to her but lately it had even become worse than she ever thought it would. Shingo would goad her into getting into an argument then their mother would scold Usagi and punish her while rewarding Shingo. Speaking of her mother, all it seemed the woman cared about was yelling and putting down Usagi while ignoring anything that Usagi accomplished. Just three days ago Usagi had studied for a big exam and managed to get a B on it. It had been so long since she had a grade like that and it made her so proud but when she tried to show it to her mother the older woman ignored it and yelled about Usagi skipping out on her chores when it had actually been Shingo's turn anyways to do them.
It was getting to the point where she no longer cared about anything or anyone as she began thinking about doing more than just 'scratching' herself like she was. She had seriously begun to contemplate completely slashing so deep into both of her wrists that nothing would be able to stop the blood as it slowly drained out of her taking with it her life. A life she no longer felt she cared about.
"Usagi, are you in here?" The annoyed voice belonging to Makoto asked from the other side of the stall door.
"I'll be out in a second." Usagi said as she stuffed the knife back in her purse and stood up and fixed her clothes. Opening the door she stepped out to face an angry brunette girl.
"Where the hell have you been, we were supposed to meet twenty minutes ago under the sakura tree." Makoto sighed rubbing her forehead, "Why can't you for once be on time for anything, lunch is almost over."
"I just wasn't feeling good, I'm sorry." Usagi said refusing to meet the taller girl's eyes.
"Why do you have to be so irresponsible Usagi? So many people depend on you for you know what and if you keep acting the way you do…Someone is going to be seriously hurt or worse." Makota said.
"I'm sorry." Usagi said.
"Will you please stop saying that?" Makoto asked in exasperation.
"I'm sorry." Usagi eeped.
"Forget it." Makoto said through clenched teeth, "Let's just go before the bell rings."
"Okay." Usagi whispered following the brunette out of the bathroom and back to class. She didn't care that she didn't eat anything, she didn't have much of an appetite lately anyways.
"Usagi, are you okay?" Naru asked as Usagi took her seat next to her friend.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me Naru." Usagi said.
"Damn it Usagi, I know something is bothering you." Naru said, "I only want to help, you are my friend."
"Naru, nobody cares about me so stop pretending." Usagi snapped drawing the attention of several other students nearby and a hurtful look from Naru.
"That isn't true, Usagi" Makoto said coming up to near crying Usagi.
"Stuff it, Makoto." Usagi sniffed. She didn't know what was going on, she didn't mean to say those things, she didn't want them to know what she was feeling so they could have more to use in hurting her even more. It was getting so hard to hold back her tears as she felt her shoulders tremble a little. Standing up she pushed away from the group of students and past Ms. Haruna who was just walking into the room.
"Ms. Tsukino, where do you think you are going?" Ms. Haruna demanded.
"What do you care, just give me my usual F, after all we all know that's all I will ever accomplish." Usagi said unable to hold back the tears anymore as she turned and fled from the shocked group of students and teacher.
It took Usagi a long time to calm down as she walked aimlessly for what seemed like forever. A distant boom startled her causing her look up in its direction at the incoming dark clouds of a large thunderstorm. She wasn't sure she wanted to go home yet but judging by how dark in was getting where the sky was still clear. She knew she was in trouble but when wasn't she anymore? Steeling her nerves she started walking home at a fast pace in hopes of beating the storm. She hated the thunder so much, it always scared her for some reason.
Finally reaching the front walk to her home Usagi started up it where the door was jerked open and an angry Ikuko stood glaring at Usagi.
"Where the hell have you been?" Demanded Ikuko, "And don't even bother lying, your school called and said you ran off. Your teacher is coming by to talk to me personally, Usagi. What the hell did you do?"
"I didn't do anything." Usagi whimpered, she was scared at how angry her mother seemed. A loud 'SMACK' echoed across the yard as Usagi cried out and held her cheek where Ikuko had just slapped her. Ikuko had never hit her before, throughout everything the older woman had never striked Usagi.
"Oh my god, Usagi." Ikuko whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"No you aren't!" Usagi screamed, tears flying as she spun around and ran from her home and mother as the first few raindrops started to fall. She could hear Ikuko calling her from behind which only caused Usagi to speed up even faster. The rain drops started falling faster and harder, soon an angry downpour was falling and thunder boomed as lightning arced across the sky causing Usagi to cry out in fright.
In her state of mind she didn't know where she was going, she just knew she had to get away from those who hurt her and the raging storm. She wanted to escape all of it, she wanted to get away from all of the pain that was her life. As the rain was starting to let up Usagi ran into an alley and tripped over something sending her crashing to the ground. She tried to get up but tripped again with a yelp of pain from her injured ankle. She wasn't sure if she broke it or twisted it but it was in a lot of pain.
Spotting a large box from a washer she crawled over to it and into it, away from the steady drizzle that the powerful storm had turned into. She curled up into a ball and cried until she fell asleep.
She didn't know how long she was out but when she opened her eyes pain washed over her, it seemed as if her whole body was on fire as everything around her was spinning. It felt almost like she was floating, the sensations making her stomach churn but luckily nothing more.
"Doc, I found a girl but I think she's really sick or hurt or something." A kind and worried female voice cried out. Usagi tried to look up and look at who was talking but all she could make out was a patch of red.
"Bring her in the examination room." Another voice said, sounding like it belonged to a kind and gentle man.
Usagi tried to stay awake but the pain was so much and she slowly drifted back out of consciousness.