I went to school, like I always did for the pass few years of my life. Walking down the same road, talking nonsense with Riku and Rika. Or sometime even Takuto. Now that Yuki is back, everything should be alright. Just the way I wanted it. Yuki coming back love me as he did before he left and brave enough to say that he loved me and still does. Yuki was walking to school with me that morning. Rika and Riku knew that I needed to talk to Yuki, so they didn't turn up at my house that morning. Yuki and I were walking slowly down the road...Leafs blowing everywhere across the floor. It's the end of spring; clearly this silent weren't going to get us anywhere. So I started...
"Yuki! I-"
"You wanna know why I came back right?"
"Yah..." Why did I say that? I hardly cared! All I wanted to make sure was that he still loved me.
"Well, I missed you!" Yuki smiled
"Y-you missed me..."
"Yah, it was that simple! I, missed you!" Not sure with this funny tone from Yuki but it got me smiling.
"Right, you err...planning to-" I laughed...
"Stay? Yes, until I finish school, with you!"
"Really? Thank you Yuki, Lets get to school eh?" Then we hurried.
Back at school, I did the normal things. Walked into the classroom, found my sit, sat down and started day dreaming. Rika and Riku were walking around my table none-stopping. I knew they would do that, I just did.
"Would you two kindly stop this?" I felt the need of stopping their action, judging by the looks of others in my class. Though they didn't listen and carried on.
"PLEASE!" I got annoyed and gave Riku and Rika the stop this now look. They stopped, kneeled next to me, each with one hand on my shoulder. I look to both of them either side, they have something to say. I know for a fact because I recognized that look on their face.
"What do you two want?" I said, pretending not to notice anything.
"You know what we want!" said Rika.
"Tell us! And quick before I have to go to my class!" moaned Riku.
"I don't know what you mean, and I have nothing to share with you today." I said, still pretending to be innocent with my chin up, looking away from both of them.
"Oh yes you do, now tell us!" Rika pulled my chin down and commanded.
"Mitsuki, come on!! Tell us, please!" No! not Riku too!
"Oh, all right! I'll tell you." I cried, pushing Rika's hand out of the way.
"I-I think Yuki is staying. Until we finishes school. He says he still likes me and he..." I paused and looked up to Rika and Riku. They were both inches away from my face. Their expressions were like hungry dogs begging for food. They were begging for the answer.
"He asked me out and he said there was something he needed to tell me." Red, totally red. My face, I couldn't' bare to hear the answer from them two. So I legged it out the classroom. I rushed into Kayako and banged my nose.
"Ouch! That hurts!" I looked up to Kayako, his face was...emotionless.
"You should have had you head up when you are walking." He lifted my chin up so my nose where inches away from his. Somehow I didn't like that feeling.
"Kayako-kun." cried a girl from behind with tears flooding down her face. Kayako smiled, evilly? Almost evil...
"Meloko!" Kayako seemed to know this girl, pink haired girl.
"Kayako, she is crying aren't you going to do anything?" I said, regretting I ever did.
"No." He looked at me. I walked back, away from him.
"Kayako, you can't do this to me! You said I was the only one you liked. And what's this that I am seeing?" Meloko covered her face with tears. I needed to explain, really badly. This cruel joke of Kayako is actually hurting someone's feeling, I cant let it carry on.
"Meloko-san! I haven't got anything to do with Kayako. I just bumped into him by accident-" Before I could end my sentence, Kayako's lips were on top of mine. I tried to push him away but he held me so tightly that I couldn't move. Over his shoulders I can see Meloko in tears running away. I tried my hardest to push Kayako away, when I actually did. I slapped him. With no doubt I slapped him, for his cruelty towards Meloko and me. Then I walked away.
What I didn't know is that Yuki saw everything. Later that day, at lunch time. Yuki started to question me about what he saw. I tried to explain but I didn't help.
"Y-Yuki I swear I didn't!" I panicked.
"You didn't what Mitsuki! I saw you! With my own eyes I saw you. Kissing Kayako. "Yuki's eyes were watery, and so were mine.
"You don't understand do you? Kayako kissed me! I didn't want him to." I still said it, even thou I know it wouldn't be much help.
"But isn't it all the same Mitsuki? Kayako kissed you or you kissed him." I was speechless.
"And I thought you were different." Yuki, you didn't just say that. I felt my heart shattered into tears, which fell from my eyes onto my face. Yuki looked at me, disappointed then walked off. The same way as he did 7 years ago, it really hurt. Yuki didn't come to school after that day. Looking at his empty sit everyday hoping he will turn up became a habit. Finally all these came to an end. The day of graduating. Everybody looked so happy, and joyful. Wearing their best shirt and dresses for the prom after the graduation party. It felt so worm for all of us. Looking back at the school, where I have been for years and all these happy memories seems to have got me thinking. Mrs. Higo patted me on the shoulder genially.
"You know Mitsuki. Sometimes life can be like that, with unsolved problems and unanswered questions. Guess that's what makes our life meaningful. I'm sure what got into you and Yuki was not what Yuki thought. But even though it wasn't solve doesn't mean it has to get in the way of your life. Think about what I have said and move on Mitsuki!" I smiled lightly and she walked away.
I sighed deeply and looked up at the sky. Them a voice said. "Mitsuki, you might consider me, you know. I have been kind of nice to you for the past two years." Kayako looked up at the sky with me and said.
"You know Kayako, that's not a bad suggestion. Given the fact that you have changed and we are going to the same university." I smiled at Kayako with one hand on my forehead blocking the sun. He smiled back.
"Mitsuki, Kayako! Come on! Take a photo!" Rika shouted. Kayako took my hand and ran with it.
Yuki, Lets end it here, with all these memories, happy or sad. I will cherish for the rest of my life. So be happy wherever you are! And may the love from the music box be with you.
Writer's note:-
I'm sorry to get everyone waiting. My computer broke down.
This is the ending to this FF, I do hope you like it! Look forward on my next FF!