Chapter 10: The Book of Legends.

Cordelia stood up as the doors to the hotel opened up and the large group walked in. Sighing with relief that everyone was okay, Cordelia turned on Champion.

"Don't ever just leave like that again." She told Champion angrily, then hugged him closely, "We were so worried about you. Thinking that you might have gotten lost or something worse."

Champion bowed his head as he hugged Cordelia, "Forgive me Princess, the last thing that I wished to do is worry thee."

"Worry you." Dawn corrected him, "I'm going to start updating your language skills Val." Dawn bit her lip, remembering that Angel didn't want Val's real name mentioned.

"Val?" Piper looked up surprised, "Is that your name?" she asked him

"Yes, Lady Piper it tis indeed my name." Champion admitted

"Is my name." Dawn told him

"Is my name." Champion smiled

Soon the others gathered back in the hotel and sat around and relaxed now that the crisis was over. They were all looking forward to a relaxing Sunday afternoon.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Phoebe asked him, "We can call you by name instead of just Champion."

"But I am Champion." he told them

"Well, VAL…" Piper stressed his name, "You seem to know everything there is to know about us. Tell us about you, about your life before you became Champion."

The others turned interestedly towards Champion and listened.

Champion looked uneasy, "Tis…" Champion looked to Dawn, "It is not something I wish to discuss or remember." he admitted, "I was a sad disappointment to many, especially to my parents."

Piper felt bad for Champion.

"That's not true." Angel told him, "You come from a proud and noble family, and you weren't a disappointment to them at all."

"Quite." Giles told him as well, "I am sure that you were not a disappointment to anyone."

"To my father I was." Champion told them "He mentioned it often enough."

Angel smiled, "Your father was a bit like my father, both wanted us to get married to the first wealthy woman that came around and have lots of babies. I wanted to fall in love first, besides have a good time for awhile. They wanted us to be happy."

"Yes." Champion smiled, "My father wanted heirs to secure the family line. He wanted me to have sons, just in case something happened to me. Many people were worried that I would never have children. It became quite an issue at the time."

"Really?" Joyce asked, curious to learn more about the man, her daughter loved.

"Oh yes." Champion told them, "In fact, had not the last battle of the white kingdom occurred, my father would have had me marry my cousin Charlotte. He was preparing to make the announcement"

"Your cousin?" Buffy stared at the man "That's sick."

"Different times." Champion shrugged, "I had only two problems with it, one, I was already in love." Champion smiled at Dawn, "The other was that Charlotte looked exactly like my horse." he laughed, "And was about the same size."

Dawn shook her head laughing, "Would your father have really forced you to marry her?"

"Oh yes, Charlotte had the proper breeding. All I had to do was produce an heir with her, a boy at that. Then I could have gotten myself a few mistresses and leave Charlotte to do what she wished with her time. All she was interested in was my titles."

"So having mistresses was common back then?" Dawn asked seriously

Champion laughed, "I would never do that." he admitted, "But in my day, with arranged marriages like that, it was common enough practice."

"So your father wanted to protect your titles?" Buffy asked, "Why is that so important."

Champion sat down and explained "With titles comes responsibilities to the serfs who work your lands. It was my responsibility to make sure that they produced enough crops, paid the tithes that were due and to protect them from bandits and thieves. If you died without an heir, there would be no one to protect your lands or your peasants. This could cause feuds to erupt by other lords who would wish to claim the lands as their own. Many innocents have been known to die in such cases. In my case…My father wanted to ensure our lineage."

"Well what happens now?" Piper asked, "Have you lost your titles because you have been gone so long?"

"His titles are safe." Angel told them, "Mind you, I don't know what's going to happen when he tries to reclaim them. Some worlds are going to be rocked."

Cordelia looked to Champion, "Are you going to try and reclaim them?" she asked

Champion shrugged, "I don't know." he admitted "Much time has passed, too many changes, there is still so much of the modern world that I don't understand. I'm afraid that my time is passed, that the age of Chivalry is dead and forgotten."

Angel stared at Champion shocked, "You must reclaim your titles!" he said in no uncertain terms, "It is part of your destiny!"

Everyone was staring at Angel, wondering why he even cared about this

"I thought so too." Champion admitted, then shook his head, "But I am so lost in this world!" Champion said angrily, "And I don't even know if I want them back."

"That doesn't matter!" Angel told him, "You can learn, we can help you learn the modern world. You can bring back the age of Chivalry, teach it to a new generation. But you must claim back your titles."

By now everyone was staring at Angel, wondering why he was so angry.

"Angel, honey, does it even matter anymore about titles?" Cordelia asked reasonably, "I mean if he doesn't want them, and after all they don't mean much anymore. Except for getting reservations at the best restaurants, and stuff."

Angel shook his head and stared at Champion

"You're right, your father should be ashamed of you." Angel said nastily, "You have forgotten your vows, you have forgotten the face of your father."

"ANGEL!" Cordelia was shocked as the others gasped

Champion shot out of his seat, staring angrily at Angel now, his jaw clenching.

Even Spike chimed in, "Angel, mate, you are getting really personal here."

Angel shook his head, "This affects you too Spike, and Wesley and Giles, and yes it even affects me."

"What?" Wesley stepped forward confused as to how this would affect him.

Champion turned to leave, "I need time to be alone and calm down." he told Cordelia, "Otherwise I shall make thee a widow."

Angel stalked forward, Cordelia and Piper tried to hold him back

"What would Bartholomew say!" Angel demanded angrily

Everyone stared at Angel confused, who the hell was Bartholomew? Except that most noticed that Champion ground to a halt at the mention of the very name.

Champion spun around in shock, "What?" he asked shocked, "How do you know…"

Angel pulled out the book of legends and turned the pages. Finding the right page, Angel began to read.

"My name is Bartholomew Windsor, and I once was squire to the youngest and the greatest knight of the round table, it is in his memory that I write this tale. I write this now on my ninetieth birthday. It is some 77 years since that horrible day, but the memories are in my mind still fresh as if it happened only yesterday. Twas the year of our lord 532 during the month of June when the battle for the white kingdom was fought, when I was but a lad of 13. My lord had been dispatched to the northern lands, where many of Mordred's soldiers were said to be gathering and preparing to march against us. My Lord was to see the size of this force and report it back to the King. When we arrived however, it became clear that it was a trap. A trap to separate my lord from the king and to capture my lord and hold him for ransom. We were attacked by a dozen of Mordred's vampire followers. My lord faced them bravely and fought them off, killing nearly all, all save for one. One did he capture alive and questioned him with the aid of a priest. My lord learned that there was to be a surprise attack against the King whilst he prepared his troops. Upon hearing this, my Lord then ordered me to ride to Camelot as fast as my horse could carry me and to summon aid to the king. That my lord would ride to the king and try to reach him in time to warn of the coming attack. I begged my lord to allow me to follow with him, for the quickest and most direct route would take my lord through Mordred's lands. A place where my lord's face is well known and hated. He would be in constant danger of being attacked and killed. My lord told me that I had my orders and to obey him. I know the trek that my lord took, and I know that he had to travel through much danger to reach the king. But so great was my lord's courage that he cared not for the danger, my Lord's only thought was to reach the king's side and to aid him in battle. Still I knew that the journey would take my lord a week of hard riding to reach the king in time. I turned and rode towards Camelot, it took me six days without rest to reach the castle, stopping only to change horses. I ran to the halls of the round table and found the knights were already gone to meet the king, but there I did find the wizard Merlin and the good queen Guenivere.

Told them did I of what my lord had discovered, and how the king was now in danger. Guenivere turned to Merlin and told him to go with haste to aid her husband, I asked to follow him to rejoin my lord. Merlin told me that battle was no place for a boy of 13, and I told him that I am not a boy, I am a squire to my lord and if need be I will die by my lords side in battle. I told him that my lord at my age had fought bravely in many battles. Merlin smiled at me and told me to hold on to his cloak. As I did this the world around me disappeared, and when it reappeared we were on the field of battle. Merlin and I stared at the scene below, we were already too late.

Mordred's armies had already attacked, I could see that King Arthur's defenses had already fallen, I could see lord Tristam's body as well as Dagonet, all of the great knights laid dead. I watched with tears in my eyes, when great King Arthur himself fell, I watched as he held Excalibur over his head and cried out for all to hear. Only the next great king may retrieve my sword. And he too died.

That is when I heard a great cry of anguish, a howl from a shattered soul, and I looked and I saw my lord on the outskirts of the field of battle, his armor scored, blood poured from his many wounds. With the fall of the king, his armies turned to run and to escape with their lives.

They ran, so could my lord have turned and run, could have escaped the battle and return to fight another day. Instead my lord summoned his courage and called out for all to hear,

"Warriors of Camelot, TO THE KING, my lord then ran into the heart of battle to aid the king, many turned and watched as he ran to the heart of the battle, all of them turned and ran to aid my lord and our king. But my lord was too far ahead of them, he was alone in the middle of the lost battle, and yet my lord fought on. Never have I seen such courage in the face of certain defeat before, and never have I seen such courage since. Never did my lord stop for a moment to reach the king's side, men and creatures of darkness fell at my lord's sword, a dozen, two dozen fell, my lord receiving more and more wounds as he made his way. Still he fought on and on. My lord would fall, only to stand once more and fight even harder, as more and more men and creatures fell to his blade."

Angel looked up and saw that everyone was staring at Champion, they could all see that Champion was at the moment reliving that battle in his own mind. Many of the women in the room had tears in their eyes, imagining what the sight of that battle must have been like. The Halliwell sisters stared at their champion, their hearts heavy, yet also filled with pride that their champion had been so loved. Dawn took Val's hand into her own, giving him strength.

Angel continued

Finally my lord reached the king's side, his courage and valor never failed him, but alas even the strongest cannot stop the inevitable, and finally my lord fell for the last time. I tried to run to him, to aid my lord to die by his side, but Merlin held me fast, I looked up and I saw that Merlin himself had tears in his eyes, his voice was hollow as he spoke to me. Remember this day Bartholomew, never forget the courage that you have just witnessed. The time will soon come when Mordred will scourge the name of our master from the memories of men. I have seen this in my visions, Mordred fears our master, fears the courage in our master's heart. Mordred knows that our master will never stop until he reclaims what is lost. It is to you Bartholomew and your future generations to keep alive our lord's name. Never let him be forgotten. Grieve not little one, for the time of our master is not yet done. For I have seen the future, I have seen the day that our master will arise from the ashes like a phoenix and become even mightier than his father. He will usher in a new time of peace and prosperity to these lands."

Angel paused for a moment and looked up, Champion stood still, tears in his eyes. Remembering that battle, the boy who was once his squire. The death of his father on that field. The love and certainty that Merlin spoke with.

Cordelia wiped away her tears, as did many of the other women in the room. Dawn stared at his back, worried for him as well.

Angel finished the story.

"Never have I forgotten Merlin's words, I told the story to my sons, and to my grandsons, and even to my great grandsons. For Merlin was right, my Lord's name is now forgotten, his courage is forgotten, his goodness and his love for the people is forgotten. But not by me, not by my family. Still do I honor the memory of my lord and use his name often. Whenever I see someone do a courageous act, I tell them they have acted like my lord. Many now use his name, my Lord's name has come to signify courage and valor. I write this now to ensure that my future generations can learn the story, to keep my lord's name alive. So read this well children of my children. For my Lord's name is…"

Angel stopped and looked to Champion. Everyone turned silently to look at him as well.

Champions voice was strong as he said with pride.

"For his lord's name is Valiant Pendragon, son of Arthur, born out of Guenivere, Lord of Camelot, Duke of Avalon, Crowned Prince of the Britons."

The others stared in shock at the admission from Champion.

"Knight of THE most noble blood." Wesley whispered, "Of course, I should have realized sooner." He stared reverently at Champion, "Prince Valiant."

Spike stared at the man, his greatest hero from his childhood was standing before him. Suddenly Spike could actually feel his English blood stirring in him, calling out to remind him of who he is, and who it was he should serve. Suddenly he walked forward past a shocked Buffy and Cordelia, and shocking everyone by his next action.

Stopping a few feet in front from Valiant. Spike knelt on one knee and bent his head forward.

"Your highness." he said reverently

Giles and Wesley also stepped forward and bowed, "Your highness." They said in unison

Even Angel bowed before the prince. "Your highness. You cannot hide from who you are, soon it will be time your highness, it will be time to reclaim your title and become King."

"Please stand my friends." Valiant told them "Of everyone that I have ever known, thou does not have to bow to me."

Dawn stared at Val in shock, "You are a prince? You are going to be King Valiant?" she asked as she stood by her mother and sister, who both stared at Val as well, just as shocked

Val smiled and shrugged, "Well, if I have my way Dawn. You are going to be Queen Dawn as well."

"Queen?" Buffy and Joyce stared at Dawn, who stood with her jaw hanging open.

Champion turned to Angel, "And you are right my friend, I had forgotten the face of my father. I shall never forget it or my vows ever again."

Reaching to a the table where his sword laid, Champion lifted it up, and held it aloft

"I, Prince Valiant, Duke of Avalon, Lord of Camelot vow, to be gentle to the weak, courageous to the strong, terrible to the wicked, merciful toward all men, gentle of deed, true in friendship, and faithful in love. I take these vows to honor my father and mother, to honor God and to protect my people from whomever wishes them harm."