
"Moshi, moshi, Taisho residence. This is Kagome speaking."

"Evening, angel."

Eyes widening, Kagome smiled brightly and chirped into the phone, "Sesshomaru, when are you coming home? I miss you!"

A light chuckle could be heard from the other end of the line before the caller answered steadily, humor lacing his tone, "Kagome, darling, you saw me this morning."

Pouting cutely, she whined, "I know, but I still miss you. Is it a crime to miss my husband?"

"No, I suppose not. I'll be home in a few minutes, I'm on my way right now. Is Rin there?"

Nodding, more out of habit than anything, since she knew he couldn't see her, she answered, "Yes, Kaede brought her home an hour or so ago. The poor thing was tuckered out. She's asleep right now."

"Alright then. I'll see you shortly, koishii."

"Bye, baby."

Kagome squealed enthusiastically. It had been just over two months since their wedding yet every time her husband came home from work she could not help the childish giddiness that overcame her. She twirled around in an elated circle while clapping her hands, stopping only when the bundle within her began to squirm about energetically.

Placing her hands on the swell of her belly, she giggled and quipped, "I see your happy too, huh little guy? Well don't you worry, daddy will be home soon."

She marveled at the baby's energy; feeling him kick anxiously inside of her.

She had been rather unnerved at the end of the first month when she looked in the mirror and found she looked as though she were six months pregnant rather than one. She had cried, at first, thinking that she had gained a massive amount of weight. Sesshomaru had been quick to quell her fears, however.

It turned out that, because he was inu youkai, the length of her pregnancy would last only two full months, much like the time a mother dog carried her litter. She was somewhat grateful, yet nervous all the same.

Either way, she was happy to be carrying his child. It was a boy, and a healthy one at that. Sesshomaru's superb sense of smell had collected such information.

She grumbled a bit. To her, it didn't seem fair that he could smell so well. He was such a conceited jerk, always using his advantages against her. He would always sneak up on her, and it irked her to no end that, no matter how hard she tried, she could never do the same to him.

Giving a small 'oomph' as her baby kicked again, she rubbed soothing circles over her tummy, hoping to calm the boisterous child.


Sesshomaru sighed in relief as he turned closed the door to his Jaguar, turning to close the garage door.

Strolling up the steps to his home, he paused just as he was about to reach the door, mischievous smirk spreading across his lips.

With the stealth and silence of a wolf stalking its prey, he opened the door, shedding his shoes and creeping into the house. He could smell her in the living room, and crept carefully along the wall until he was just around the corner. Quietly he peered around the corner, shocked when he found she wasn't there. Her scent was all over the place. 'Hm… perhaps another method then,' he contemplated.

Expanding his senses, he sought out her aura, grinning when he found it slinking toward the dining room, which he was currently in. 'So, my angel, you mean to catch me off guard? We shall see about that,' he mused good naturedly.

Strolling into the living room in a nonchalant fashion, making sure she had seen him as she approached from behind, he used his youkai speed to circle around her, planning on beating her at her own game.

Kagome tiptoed quietly through the dining hall, heading toward the living room where she had seen him enter. Sucking in a soundless breath, she popped her head around the corner, gasping when she found it was empty.

"Got you."

Squeaking in a surprised manner, she whirled around and glared playfully up at her husband. "Sesshomaru… you never let me win!"

Chuckling, he gently grasped his angel by the arm, pulling her into a warm hug. "It's nice to be home, koishii. How has your day been?"

Smiling, no longer able to hold up the angry front she was acting out, Kagome answered, "Good. Your son has been having a heyday too. He absolutely refuses to stop wiggling."

Grinning as his mate fumed, he shook his head and kissed her atop her crown, running his claws through her thick, raven locks. Fingers trailing down her neck and over her collarbone, he paused to trace the curve of her breasts, swollen with their life giving essence.

Sighing in content as his fingers mapped the expanse of her belly, Kagome closed her eyes and enjoyed his caress, basking in the tender moment they were sharing.

Sinking to his knees, Sesshomaru pushed the material of her shirt up and over her stomach, placing a light kiss atop her protruding tummy. "Have you been misbehaving, my son?" he asked, feigning sternness, "Be sure that you give your mother a break and allow her some rest, otherwise she'll be grouchy tomorrow."

Swatting at him playfully, she laughed whole heartedly.

Sesshomaru smiled at hearing her laugh, it was a most welcome sound after a long day at the office. Suddenly, her joyous laughter was replaced by a gasp of pain. Looking up, he found her face to be contorted in agony. Panic setting in, he stood and clutched her tightly, begging her to tell him what was wrong.

After a moment, the constricting pain in her stomach receded, and she smiled lopsidedly at him. "I'm alright," she assured him, "just cramps." No sooner had she finished saying that then an odd sensation pooled in the pit of her belly. Only a second later, she looked down to find her skirt was more than a little damp.

"Oh," she mumbled nervously, "looks like my water broke." And then the pain came again, this time more intense than before. Grasping her mate's sleeve tightly, she groaned, "Sesshomaru, I think I'm going into labor!"

Eyes widening, he called out to Jaken, instructing him to watch over Rin, should she awaken, and scooped Kagome up in his arms. Deciding to forgo a vehicle, he simply leapt to the nearest hospital, the trip taking no longer than thirty seconds.

Rushing through the doors, and almost forgetting to put up a concealing spell in his hurry, he addressed the woman at the front counter, "I need a doctor, now!"

Eyes widening at the sight before her, Beatrice pressed one of the many buttons on her phone and clipped urgently, "Doctor Shimo, we need you in the maternity ward!"


Eyes, heavily lidded with exhaustion, slowly crept open. The first thing they caught sight of was a penetrating golden gaze, one that, when she locked onto it, became awash with relief. Lifting a shaky hand, she pressed her fingers against her husband's cheek. "Hey," she murmured.

Smiling down at her, he whispered back, "Hey."

"How did I do?" she joked quietly.

Grin never faltering once, he replied, "You did wonderfully, koishii."

"Mrs. Taisho," a soft voice called.

Turning to the source of the sound, Kagome looked up at the nurse standing next to the table. She was a pretty young thing; blonde hair tied up in a loose bun, hazel eyes shining with joy. The young girl handed her a bundle wrapped in a blue, cotton blanket.

"Congratulations," the nurse whispered, "it's a boy."

Extending her arms, Kagome took hold of the tiny, wriggling bundle, bringing it close to her chest to inspect it more closely. Bright golden eyes stared back at her, wide with wonder and curiosity. A small tuft of black hair rested atop a delicate crown; tiny, pudgy hands reaching out to touch her face.

Suddenly, from the sprig of hair, two symmetrical, black ears popped up. Smile broadening, Kagome whispered a quick concealing spell she had learnt from Sesshomaru, hiding the inhuman features from those of human birthing. She didn't know they would react if they saw those canine traits.

Cradling her child to her chest, she sniffled as a tear of joy cascaded down her cheek.

"My son."

She turned her head to gaze at Sesshomaru, who was regarding the boy in her arms with loving and tender regard. His molten amber gaze then met hers, and he inquired as to what they should call him.

"How about Seidai?" Kagome suggested.

Nodding his approval, Sesshomaru agreed, "It is a good name." Reaching over, he took the squirming child into his arms, cradling his tiny body with a single arm. With his free hand, Sesshomaru offered a finger to the boy, who readily accepted. Quirking a brow as his son chewed relentlessly on his index finger, he mused aloud, "I believe he's hungry."

Giggling, Kagome took hold of her child once again, marveling at how much he resembled his father.

"So…" Sesshomaru began, pausing to allow his mate time to undo a few buttons on her hospital gown so that she could feed their son, "when are you going to give me another child?"

Lifting a finely arched black brow in disbelief, Kagome stated, "Perhaps I'll consider it after a three month break. Giving birth isn't exactly a walk in the park, you know."

"Come now," Sesshomaru teased, "it can't be all that bad. I've had limbs severed during battle and that never deterred me from heading back onto the field."

Smiling evilly, Kagome clipped, "Oh, well try squeezing a walnut up your shaft. If you can go through that and then get back up and want to do it all over again… then I'll give you another baby." She was satisfied to hear no response come from the man beside her, content with the look of discomfort on his aristocratic features. She hadn't missed his wince while she had been speaking.

"Otherwise," she suggested, "you can wait a few months. It's your call, dear."

Grinning, Sesshomaru leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "I suppose we can wait, angel. However, I still plan on having my way with you once we return home."

Gasping as her husband squeezed her unoccupied breast, Kagome batted his hand away and scolded him, "Well, Mister, you'll just have to wait until your son is done."

Grumbling childishly, Sesshomaru sat back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Lucky brat," he groused while eyeing his boy, who was nursing happily.

Chuckling light heartedly, Kagome turned her head to look down at her son, who was eagerly drinking up his fill. Her life, as she knew it, would never be the same again. Not that she was complaining. Her mate kept her on her toes at all times. She never knew when he would pop up and surprise her with something, whether it be flowers, dinner, or a night of love making. She chuckled again. Or an afternoon of love making… or an evening… whatever the case may have been.

Even during her last week of pregnancy her lover had not let her be. 'My husband,' she concluded, 'is a nymphomaniac.'

Yes, she was currently living a dream, in a house most only dreamt of owning, with a husband who looked as though he had descended from the heavens. Life was good.

Giggling to herself yet again, she murmured silently, 'I guess I won't be needing my harlequin novels anymore.'


There it is, people, the end of this fic. I hope you liked reading it, and I hope the ending was to your liking. Please review and tell me what your thoughts on the story are.

I'll be posting another ficcy soon, though it won't be until next month. Sorry, but I'm moving at the moment and it will be a while before I get the internet up in my new place.

Anyways, that's all for now.

Yours Truly, ChaoticReverie