Disclaimor: I don't own Naruto.
Chapter 1: The third Mokuzai-musha
The village of Konahagakure was like any ordinary village. Villagers…Merchants…Farmers…Ninjas…Giant Frogs…Ok maybe it's not like any other ordinary village. Konahagakure is one of the five Great Ninja Villages, though there are other hidden villages…none of them are considered as great as these. In these villages'…ninjas, weapons, and chakra-based techniques are common. However…Konahagakure has one thing that isn't as common…a Jinchuriki.
In a dark alley, inside of Konahagakure, lay a boy. Silent tears ran from his dead blue eyes. His normally spiky blond hair was matted down with blood. Odd whisker marks adorned his face, three on each cheek. His clothes are ripped and torn, also stained with the red lifeblood. This was the third time this week that he was in this position…and it was only Tuesday.
He started to lift himself off the ground…a smile adorned his face, an odd chuckle came from his mouth…He rose himself up off the ground…and limped back to his small apartment…he would be late for class…but why would he care? No one else ever did.
---Naruto's Apartment---
Naruto reached his apartment and looked around with a sigh, the smile still on his face. It was a mess…broken pieces of wood were everywhere, the carpet was stained with blood, as were the walls. Blood wasn't the only thing that stained the walls though. Black paint covered the normally white walls. There were a number of things on these walls ranging from and to…
Paper was also glued to the wall, in an odd and on organized manner, as if the person who placed it their wanted to make the apartment look worse than what it already did look like. The papers read…
HOW TO KILL A DEMON FOXThen drawings; with a blonde blue-eyed boy as the focal point, having a fox tail, fox ears, and whisker marks; showing off gruesome ways of 'Just-fully Executing' the fox child. Some ranging to burning at the stake, beheading, and disembowelment.
The blonde shrugged and extended his senses…He sense no one inside of his apartment; though he didn't know why he bothered doing this…the ones who had the courage to attack his apartment would be beyond his abilities to sense. Naruto shrugged and went to the bathroom. He undressed and used the sink to wash his hair and face…after he finished he once again extended his senses. He shrugged and went to his bed…it was nothing but a torn up, burnt mattress. He pushed it aside and found the sheet that was under it. He pulled out the sheet and wrestled with a floorboard. He lifted it up and reached inside. He found something that seemed to create a small spark in his eyes, though it left just as quickly. He pulled it out.
What he pulled out was a Wakizashi. The blade had a light blue sheath, with a silver dragon on it. The hilt was black and silver. He slightly unsheathed the wakizashi to reveal a silver blade and very sharp edge. He mused the thought of taking it with him today, but quickly discarded the thought, "Maybe I should learn how to use this…" He said to himself.
He placed the blade back into its sheath and back into the hidden compartment. He reached back into the hidden compartment and pulled out a set of his normal outfit. Long orange pants. A black long sleeve shirt. An orange jacket, with the sleeves cut at the shoulder. Finally blue ninja sandals. He looked back into the compartment to see a pair of broken blue goggles. He sighed when he saw them, though the smile that he had since he got up from the alley had not left his face. His sleeveless jacket was left unzipped, showing his black shirt. He put back the floorboard and re-covered the area.
The blonde turned and ran out the door, not even bothering to lock the door on his way out.
---Ninja Academy---
Naruto walked into the ninja academy.
"YOUR LATE NARUTO!", screamed his teacher. Most of the students were looking at him with a snicker. Naruto shrugged and went to his seat near the back of the class.
Iruka frowned at the grinning blonde…he noticed the limp…he noticed the bruises on his face…he even noticed the faint scent of blood… 'Naruto…' Iruka sighed but broke out of his reverie. "Today is the genin exam. This year's exam will be the, Bunshin no Jutsu (Doppelganger Technique)."
Naruto mentally frowned, 'my worst jutsu…oh well…who cares whether I pass or not.'
"I will be calling you to the back room where we'll have the exam privately."
---About an Hour later---
Naruto got up and made his way to the back room, ignoring the whispers he was receiving.
"Good luck…Dobe." Someone snickered.
"Just give up now dead-last."
"Why do you even bother…this is your third attempt."
Naruto ignored all the words.
He just made his way to the back of the room.
---Back Room---
Naruto stood in front of his Iruka-sensei and Mizuki-sensei. "Ok Naruto…when you're ready."
Naruto, still with his eerie smile, did the necessary hand seals. "Bunshin no Jutsu"
In a poof of smoke, Naruto materialized a dead looking clone.
Iruka sighed, "You fail Naruto…"
Naruto shrugged and left.
Iruka was upset…so upset he missed the smirk on Mizuki's face.
---About an Hour later---
Parents had come to congratulate their children. Naruto sat alone on a swing, still smiling. Suddenly he felt a hand on his back. He turned to see Mizuki standing behind him… "Hey…I'd like to talk to your for a second Naruto."
---Around 11:00pm---
Naruto was running through the village, jumping from building to building. He was lucky that no one noticed the large scroll on his back. He thought back to what Mizuki had said.
"Naruto…there is a way that you can still become a genin." This slightly caught Naruto's interest, so Mizuki continued. "If you sneak into the kage's tower and steal the scroll of seals…you'll have a shot…you only have to learn one Jutsu from that scroll and you can automatically pass…"
Naruto simply smiled…the only indication that he had heard Mizuki was the way he looked up towards the sky, as if he were in deep thought. Naruto shrugged, "No thanks…"
Mizuki was shocked, "What!"
Naruto shrugged again, "I honestly don't really care…"
Mizuki seethed inside…but didn't let it show. He had to think of another plan…he smiled, "Iruka will be disappointed…" This caught Naruto's attention. "He really wanted you to pass…you two are so alike…both being orphans and all…"
Naruto thought about it again…Iruka was always so friendly to him…He was one of the only people who cared about him…the second being the Kage…Naruto sighed, "Alright…I'll do it…"
Mizuki grinned at this turn of event. He looked at the boy, and like always resisted the urge to turn away in fear…that smile…that creepy eerie smile…always got to people…No matter what…Naruto never lost his wide foxy smile… 'I got to get the hell out of here.' "Ok…then…good luck Naruto…"
---End Flashback---
Naruto sighed…why was he doing this… He jumped off a building and dashed into the forest…he ran to a clearing in the forest…no one ever went that far into it so he'll be safe their.
---Outside the Kage Tower---
"HOKAGE-SAMA! This time Naruto just went to Far!", screamed an angry shinobi.
"THAT'S RIGHT! We should take this chance to kill the demon."
The Hokage for his part didn't waver in his decision. He sent a wave of killer intent out. "You will return Naruto here to me unharmed! I'll be the one to decide his punishment! Remember this!" Thought his words were barely above a whisper, everyone heard it; they felt a drop in temperature do to the ice in his voice. They nodded and disappeared to find the blonde kitsune. 'Naruto…I thought your pranking days were over…Curse you Arashi…how am I suppose to protect your son…' Thought the aged kage with a sad look on his face.
He turned to walk up the tower and find his crystal ball.
---Deep in the Forest---
Naruto open the scroll next to an old shed and began reading.
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)…hmmm…don't see the point of learning another clone technique…can't even get the simpler one right." He kept reading through the scrolls. "Mokuton Hijutsu: Jukai Kotan (Wood Release Secret Technique: Birth of Dense Woodland). Hmmm…well I can't spend all day reading…this one looks interesting… wonder what the hell a Hijutsu is? Oh well probably not important…" Naruto mused, not knowing that Hijutsu stood for Secret technique…a technique only doable by those of a certain blood. He also didn't know that this technique was only usable by two men, one being the founder of Konahagakure.
---About an Hour later---
Iruka jumped into the clearing where he found Naruto. He saw that the boy was completely exhausted, the scroll of seals on the floor, rolled up. "I FOUND YOU NOW!"
Naruto merely looked at the man, still smiling, "I did it…I learned a technique from the scroll…now I can pass right?"
Iruka stared at him with wide eyes, "What the hell gave you that idea?" That's when Iruka heard it, several shurikan flying at the boy. Iruka jumped at Naruto and pushed him aside, taking the shurikans in his back.
Iruka grunted in pain. He turned to see the smirking face of Mizuki…he was shocked.
"MIZUKI-SENSEI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Naruto screamed out, his smile finally fading from his face.
Mizuki glared at the boy, "SHUT UP BRAT!" Naruto didn't even cringe though…something which angered Mizuki, "Now Naruto…bring me the scroll."
Iruka's eyes widened, "It was you…you were the one who told Naruto that lie…"
Mizuki chuckled again. "That's right…"
"For my own power of course…" Mizuki turned to Naruto, "Now bring me the scroll."
Iruka turned to the boy, "Naruto! Run! I'll distract Mizuki…"
Mizuki laughed, "Oh stop messing around…you know you don't care about him…" Iruka glared at Mizuki. "Naruto…do you know why everyone treats you the way they do?"
Iruka's eyes widened, "STOP MIZUKI."
"Didn't you ever wonder why they hurt you…why they shunned you…why the hated you for JUST BEING ALIVE!"
Naruto, still smile-less asked, "Why…"
"The Nine-tailed fox! The KYUUBI! It's inside of YOU! YOU ARE THE NINE-TAILED FOX!" Mizuki said with a maniacal laugh.
Naruto's eyes widened… "It all makes sense now…" He whispered.
"Why do you continue to lie Iruka…we both know you hate him…Naruto…when you were the Kyuubi…you killed Iruka's parents…he always hated you…"
"So…this is the truth…" Naruto's face twisted into his same eerie smile. "Hn…it all makes sense."
Iruka and Mizuki both cringed at the sight of him.
Mizuki grabbed one of the large shurikan that was on his back. He threw it at the boy. "DIE DEMON FOX!"
Time seemed to slow down… Iruka just watched Naruto from his position on the ground. 'Naruto will move…he'll move… he'll move…' Iruka's eyes widened and his heart stopped. Naruto lifted his chin, exposing his neck.
Something flashed in Iruka's mind.
Iruka burst into the waiting room of the hospital. There, he found the hokage and a few ANBU. "Where's Naruto? What happened to him?"
Hokage sighed, "An ANBU found him trying to hang himself…"
Iruka's eyes widened…It almost killed him…he was just starting to get close to the prankster…the boy that he used to hate…the one who reminded him of himself.
That was the four years ago. The day that Naruto lost his spirit. The day that his heart died. The people kept pushing him closer to the edge…and he finally broke.
Iruka cursed himself in part. He could've done more for the boy. He laughed himself in front of Naruto, taking the giant shurikan with a sick stabbing noise.
Some type of liquid hit Naruto's face…he didn't even grimace when he saw that it was some blood that Iruka spat up. His eyes widened though…
"Naruto…I'm so sorry…I'm sorry for not being their…I'm sorry for not helping you more…I could've been their for you…you used to be just like me…the type that just wanted attention…but I LET that part of you die…and I'm SO sorry…" Iruka managed to get out before he fell on the floor.
Naruto snarled, when he heard Mizuki laugh. He continued to smile though, as he walked passed Iruka, towards Mizuki. "If you EVER touch MY sensei AGAIN…I'LL KILL YOU."
"TRY IT NINE-TAILED FOX!" Mizuki grabbed his other giant shurikan and threw it at the kitsune.
Naruto started doing hand seals, his chakra flared. "Mokuton Hijutsu: Jukai Kotan." Suddnely a large root, the size of an Anaconda, exploded form the ground, in front of Naruto.
The shurikan that Mizuki threw was easily deflected. Mizuki was to stun to move. He large root hit the chunin in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. He was launched several feet back, being pushed with the root, and he was slammed into a tree.
Naruto turned back to Iruka. Suddenly a few ANBU landed around Naruto.
"Naruto…what are you doing? Why did you steal the scroll?"
Naruto sighed, but it was Iruka who answered. "It was because of Mizuki."
One of the ANBU nodded. He looked at the root that was holding Mizuki in place, it was slowly descending back into the soil, Mizuki was let go and fell helplessly to the earth. 'Mokuton…hmmm…did Naruto?' He turned back to Naruto. "The Hokage wants to see you." He turned back to his three companions. "You three, take Iruka to the hospital and take Mizuki to Ibiki." The other ANBU nodded. The captain went and picked up the scroll. "I'm sure the Hokage will want to see you Naruto…"
Naruto nodded, "…and I want to see him to Yamato-san."
Yamato nodded and grabbed the boy and preformed a Shunshin no jutsu (Body Flicker technique).
---Hokage tower---
Naruto and Yamato just arrived at the kage tower, in the Hokage's private offer. "Yamato-san...while I speak to Naruto-kun... please go call of the search."
Yamato nodded, "Yes Hokage-sama...but there is something that you should know-" Yamato started, but the Hokage just held up his hand.
"I know about Naruto-kuns Mokuton ability..."
Yamato nodded and poofed out of the room.
The Hokage looked at the smiling boy in front of him. "Have a seat please." Gesturing to the seat in front of his desk.
Naruto nodded and walked over to the seat.
"Mokuton skills...pretty rare-"
"Cut the bullshit...you know why I'm here..." Naruto interrupted the kage in a sing-song voice.
The kage slightly grimaced, 'Arashi...I'm so sorry...I couldn't protect him after all...', "Simply put...the Kyuubi couldn't be killed...The Yondaime...was forced to seal him...they couldn't seal him inside of an inanimate object or a grown adult...he was forced to do so inside of a child."
Naruto nodded in understanding... "Why me?"
Sarutobi grimaced...knowing he was going to hate this part. Sarutobi nodded and went to hit safe, at the corner of his office. He opened it and pulled out to envelopes. He threw one to Naruto and set the other on his desk.
Naruto opened it and read the letter inside of it.
Dear Naruto,
Hello my son. I first want to say that I'm sorry...I know that I'm placing a heavy burden on you...being the jailor for one of the most powerful beings in existance...I know for a fact that you will never live a normal life. Please understand that I had little choice. I Kyuubi is coming closer and closer to our beloved village...if I don't do something to stop him...we all would die...I know that in the end...that you would prefer me to seal him in your body...and you would like me to seal it in your sister's-
Naruto's eyes widened. He looked up at the Kage for a second.
-I hope your looking after her...she may just be seven minutes you junior...but it still means that she is your little sister. You better be being a good big brother.
If you haven't guessed yet...your old man is the Hokage...The fourth to be exact...Because of this I expect you to become much stronger than I was...and you BETTER BECOME STRONGER.
Anyway...I just want to say I'm sorry...for everything that I'm most likely missing out on...birthdays...graduations...the first time you held a kunai. The only thing that eases my mind is the fact that I'm leaving you in this village. I know that you'll be treated like the HERO that you ARE! I hope they aren't spoiling to much...You better NOT be a brat...
I'm sorry Naruto but I can't write anymore...I Kyuubi is coming closer and I have to leave or it will be to late.
Remember that I love you so much
Your Father, Arashi Kazama.
P.S. Please don't become a pervert.
Naruto felt something that he hadn't felt in a long time, or at least hadn't let it show through his face...anger...He quickly ripped the paper to shreds.
The Hokage just watched with sympathy...
Naruto slammed his hands on the desk, "A HERO! THE SON OF THE FOURTH! WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS BEFORE..."
"Your father had a lot of enemys...it was best that your true name be kept secret...Uzamaki is actually the name of an ancient clan that died out a long time ago. Not many know of it so I thought it the perfect surname."
Naruto seethed, "These bastards...why don't they see me as a hero...like the fourth wanted?"
Sarutobi frowned, "People have hard times dealing with their grief...sometimes it turns into anger...In this case it turned into anger against a child who in fact save the village...maybe the world."
Naruto was still seething, "Why wasn't I told that I had a sister..."
Sarutobi frowned. The third handed him the other envelope. When he opened it...he noted that the letter had multiple tear stains on it.
Dear Naruto,
I want to say...that I'm sorry...I'm so-so-so sorry...I can't begin to express my sorrow...your father is a silly idealist...I, on the other hand, am a realist...I know that the people won't see you as anything but the Kyuubi incarnate...
Arashi just condemned you to a life of hatred...but I didn't want to damn my other child to such a punishment...So I've decided to send her away...what you don't know about me is that I was the daughter of a Lord of Fire country...I'm hoping that under my father's and mother's care, she'll grow up to become a strong ninja...
hoping that you'll become strong to...Your probably wondering why I'm
not dare holding your hand through your whole ordeal...because of the
constant skirmishes with the Kyuubi...I wasn't receiving the best of
care at the hospital...I contracted a deadly disease during childbirth
that effects pregnant woman...unfortunately at the time the only woman
who could help me was months away from Konahagakure. I made this
decsion at my last moments...I honestly don't know what else to tell
you...I never thought that I'd be damning one of my own children to
save another...
I'm sorry...my dear Naruto...
Your loving mother...
Kizuna Ryuu
Naruto just ripped the letter apart as well. Anger welling up in his eyes.
"She was suppose to come back this year...to become a genin...but she was held back by her grandfather...he wanted her to finish learning the Ryuu clans style of fighting before she left...supposedly she'll come within a year..."
Naruto smiled and looked straight at the Kage... "I hate you...you know that right...I hate you...my father...my mother...my sister...my grandparents...and this whole DAMN village!...for all I care you can all BURN IN HELL!"
Sarutobi felt like he was hit in the heart by a rusty dagger...He thought for a long time... "Naruto...I have a deal for you..."
A/N: I had this idea in my head for a while. BTW Any of you who are fans of Chronicles of Tsukigakure...don't worry i haven't given up on that story...I just wanted too start something new...I may try another chapter or two before I update Chronicles...but i WILL update...just please bare with me...
If your wondering about that sword that was in this chapter...it's meaning will be decided by the pairing i choose.
Pairings...(probably won't have to much to do with the story(like my other story)...)
Pairings will MOST LIKELY BE
Sasuke-Sakura (Because my opinion about these two changes constantly...but are usually pretty synched)
Neji-Tenten (Because i think they look cute)
Shikamaru-Temari (Same as above)
Chouji-Ino (Because i know crap about her and fat guys need love to)
and Naruto...(I have three ideas for him) (not doing a harem)
Naruto-Hinata (Because its One of my favorite pairings...but i read so many of them...that it's kinda getting boring...so right now the least likely...if not with Naruto...she'll probably be placed with Kiba)
Naruto-Female Haku (Because Haku SHOULD have been a girl...he looks and talks like one...anyway i think this pairing is pretty cute as well...don't see many of them around)
Naruto-OC (I've read a few Naruto-OC stories and i kind of liked them...if i do an OC...i will NOT make her a Mary-Sue...i've read reviews about Naruto having an OC girlfriends that is a Mary Sue...not many of them are any good (the reviews i mean))
Anyway...i MAY do a poll to help me decide...but i will NOT start it now...IF i do start a poll...i won't include votes from chapters that come before i start the poll. Please keep that in mind...i hope i don't offend anyone.)
Anyway...if you liked it...hated it...hate me...or just want to flame me with Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu (Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu)...Please review.